Ha ha! "Force-feeding." Man, I'm clever. Today we celebrate Thanksgiving, a wonderful holiday known for its slaughter of turkeys and abundance of cranberry sauce. We Americans like to take one Thursday each November to celebrate that time in our nation's history when our country wasn't actually yet a country and we hadn't quite exterminated all the people who were here before us. I can't think of a better reason to have a holiday!
OK, I shouldn't be so cynical. We originally celebrated this holiday as a way to promote togetherness, and that sentiment hasn't changed to this day. Except instead of giving Pilgrims and Indians a chance to sit down and not kill each other, today Thanksgiving gives families a chance to sit down and enjoy each other's company. Or not.
A typical dysfunctional family eating Thanksgiving dinner.
Americans like to eat, and tend to be willing to do it regardless of who they are doing it with. And that is the magic of Thanksgiving.
Recently, however, Thanksgiving has taken on a new meaning for some of us. I think Jack Nasty knows what I'm talking about, but right now he's completely disgusted because he just found out L.D. Newsome doesn't read Jake Watch. Son of a bitch.

But, friends, I digress. This year, Thanksgiving falls on a very special day for all of us, and I'd be lying if I said there was any other reason I'll be eating a cooked bird today. For yes, our fearless leader, our very own stud duck, the original agent herself, has a birthday today! We all got together last night and celebrated. Sorry I didn't invite more of you. It was sort of a last-minute thing although, as usual, Jake dropped everything to make sure he was there for the big night. That's why we love him! That and his ability to even make garrishly oversized buttons look classy.

Aw, how cute! But Jake, you might want to watch where your hand is, pal.
Aw Happy Birthday Brits! Hope you have a splendid day. Also Happy Thanksgiving to all agents across the pond! Its just your average November Thursday for me, I'm just happy its not raining! Woo!
Ooh off the point but I saw Stranger Than Fiction last night and the lovely Maggie Gyllenhaal was damn good in it! Awesome film!
Happy Birthday Britpop Baby. You and Jake look fabulous for your night out. Happpy Turkey Day to all American's. It is an awesome day here in the Ozark's. Saw the photo of Jake at the Lakers game over on Kendra's page. Thank you Kendra, the photo was so nice. He looks so good everywhere he goes.
Happy Birthday, Britpopbaby! How nice of Jake to come and help you celebrate!
Happy Birthday Brits!!!!!
happy b-day!
OH I am so jealous BPB, where was Jake when it was my birthday last month?
Oh well, I hope you have a very happy one, and also Happy Thanksgiving to all. Look I wouldn't have minded sitting down at that table, Jack nasty was carving and well he said alot of things that needed to be said. That is what family is all about :D
Fearless leader. That's funny 'cos it's not true.
How come Jake wasn't at my birthday?
Awww, man, this is gonna be all over Perez in an hour! And I'd like to thank Jake for wearing his special tie.
And what do mean, 'cos it's not true'? I'm the epitome of fearless!
Happy Birthday!!!<3 ^^
I'm glad you liked the Lakers pic, Pgcatz, which I consider my particular "Thanksgiving" day gift, and well, Brits, after all recent Jake's snubs, at least he wears so happy that love sticker on!
"And what do mean, 'cos it's not true'? I'm the epitome of fearless!"
I could mention the thing that you fear most but you would either be sick on your keyboard or never speak to me again.
So I'm just gonna say "hair in the shower plug" and leave it at that. Oh, and lugworms.
Prophecy Girl, your European friends humbly thank you for another instalment of what Americans call 'culture'! That picture of Jake and BPB is very Fab I think!
(P.S. Hope the turkey tasted good!).
Happy Birthday,Britpopbaby! :o9~
Happy Birthday, Brits! Borrowing the parental computer just before Thanksgiving dinner to send my greetings.
Happy Birthday Brits! How old are you now 12? You little youngin!
Oh and PG I had this whole cynical paragraph on my Thanksgiving post that I removed b/c it just made me sound pissed. Good to see you expressed a bit of that sentiment here though, lol. It made me feel better about my ommission.
damn, britpop, never thought I have 10% of your sense of humour. but I picked the same thanksgiving dinner screencap and called it "dysfunctional family example #1" in my LJ blog.
Haha PG that was great, being Australian and never understanding what the heck thanksgiving was (i thought it was like some 'cant wait to xmas so lets do it now!' type thing! haha!) i now know and have a thorough understanding thats to you! Brit ill say it again. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! xxxx
Ah, Wet, I just read your recap and enjoyed it heartily. As I said over there, I was totally going to do an "I'm thankful for" segment but opted against it when I realized brits birthday and Thanksgiving were the same day. And guess what? I had a whole paragraph on Black Friday, which I took out! It's like if you put the two posts together, you'd have both of our visions in their full glory!! :)
Happy Birthday Britpop - Hope you had a great day!
Happy Birthday, Britz :-o
Happy birthday Brit. You and Jake must have had a real good time opening your presents, he's grinning from ear to ear there in that picture. We are all so jealous.
I'm Australian and I don't have any idea what Boxing Day is about either, lol!
Thanks PG! We were both thinking the exact same thing...eerie! *hearing Twilight Zone music*
Well I guess no-one remembers exactly how Boxing Day originated. It would sure be good to get into the Vatican archives though; imagine all they goodies they've got in there!
I just wonder, if Boxing Day/Wren Day originated from Britain, why didn't it translate into American culture too? *shrugs*
Yes it was formerly known as Wren Day from the ancient British Isles, but that knowledge doesn't shed any light on why... the boxing part of it.. other than to have the bird in a cage, it is boxed; it's meaning just seems to get blurred between Paganism and Xtianity, like so much today, until its difficult to tell the two apart, even though they are two very different beasts. The Wren bird is connected to Druidry and they were revered as foretellers of the future; See the info I found says the Xtians see the Wren as a bad symbol, betraying St Stephen leading to his death 3 days after Jesus, and the Pagans see the Wren as a good symbol... helping them defeat the enemy in battle. So figure it out.
Britopbaby, happy Birthday.
and you look so cute together. i think he might actually enjoy your whip.
another great post for all of us out of america...
Happy birthday for yesterday you old bird! Now Jake didn't get round to sending a birthday text when Jake Watch was celebrating so lets hope he pulled his finger out this time. If it wasnt for you, he wouldn't have so many ange....agents watching over him. Hope you had a great day!
Happy Birthday BPB!!! I love your blogs, they make me laugh all the time... Hope you had an awesome birthday and a Happy Thanksgiving!!
Happy Birthday, brits!
PG - EXCELLENT post as always!
Newport Girl,
We do celebrate Boxing Day over here, I was just pointing out my own ignorance. ;o)
Happy Birthday,Brits!!!! With all your talent, I hope that one day I'll see your books in shops and I'll say..hey,I know her!It's Gyllenhaal's wife! ;))
Boxing Day = English, the day tradesmen were given their Christmas boxes;
Wren Day = Irish, the wren is hunted on St Stephen's day for the unlucky history given above.
Its been a while, i came out of self imposed hibernation to wish you a very happy buuuurthday ....and you and Jake make such bossom buddies indeed!
Newport Girl, how come you are here at the same time as me?
usually when i come here you are ready to go to bed after hours of talking to yourself and bitching about it. :)
Crap, now I know why my family drinks at our get-togethers, it's probably so they can put up with me.
perhaps they drink so as not to remember that you are so much more intelligent and beautiful than them? at least that's what i tell myself after my family's get togethers...
here is one very confused person re: the following quote:
I'll tell you what he said! He asked me to forcibly insert the Lifeline exercise card into my anus! -Beth Grant recalls Jake Gyllenhaal's unorthodox, yet understandable request in Donnie Darko source
possible explanations:
1. my english isn't good enough to understand all of the gyllenhaal subtility and sense of humour,
2. it's a lie
3. it is an unpublished part of the JW exlusive
any other explanation?
in my bout of net surfing in search for all the jakeness i also found this:
Awww...poor Jake Gyllenhaal's wee wee has been making rounds on the net. When it isn't Lindsay's naked pups its the celeb wee wees' that hog attention. But I feel bad for Jake since his wee wee seems to be way smaller than Cheney's big boy.
Maybe its an angle issue or maybe, just maybe, Jake needs it let all hang out once and for all to put an end to the 2 inch rumor;)
from Things that Bang
snort. sorry, i'm stopping this now
is it immature of me that i laughed?
happy belated bday to bpb and thanksgiving to everyone! great post, pg! think i need a nap now after an excess of coma-inducing holiday food and exhausting black friday shopping..
oh to be that ass - so close to his hand!! even if it's just a digi-tush. ...sigh...
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