Warner Brothers, clearly feeling
immense pressure from the buzz created by
this Jake Watch post, has finally released the
trailer for Zodiac (proving this movie really does exist). I haven't been able to watch it with sound because I'm at work, but it looks pretty good. OK, visually it has nothing on our "Coming Soon" poster, but I'm going to cut them some slack because they only had a day to throw this together. You think it's a coincidence that this came out the day after we started promotion for our Jake Watch movie? Um,
no. It's on, bitches. It. Is. On.
EDIT: It actually is better with sound. Dammit. These guys are good.

Official Site:
http://www.zodiacmovie.com/For more screencaps, you know where to go.
PG has her own style ;) Love your post sweetie!
Coming soon? Not soon enough!
Jake's character seems such an innocent go-getter, and that end is freaky - I don't like him to be in danger.
Oh, it's sooooo good to see him!
The official site is up as well!
^^^ Aw, yeah. I'll put it up. Thanks!
This trailer is hip; murder, secret codes, the late 60s, motorbikes, funky soundtrack, heavy breathing on the phone, Jake's character doing it because no-one else will.. I'm liking it.
And a special hello to Newport Girl. Please don't take a lack of responding/reacting to you, as a sign that you're being ignored. It's just the nature of the beast.
"It's a fan's world pop stars just live in it" - Robert Divola.
Cheers, V.
BPB we owe you big time. You are a Mogul-In-The-Making!!!! Really know how to deal with those big time studio czars!
That was the most expert example of leveraging I have ever witnessed. After you announced the JakeWatch movie and even SAID right there in print for the world to see that you were throwin' down against Zodiac, they had no choice! None. I loved the trailer. Jake had lots of face time. He has such a soft voice, sounds so intense and innocent...even idealistic.And the film is very atmospheric. I think it will be an excellent movie. Mark and Robert, too! But I'll bet the JW movie has more shower scenes and more sex scenes ya know?
Like, Agent 0 0 S.E.X.!
The link does not work for me. I would love to see the trailer. Can you check it? Maybe it is not working from the US.
Sorry the POM did not get in there but that is me above asking about the likk to the Zodiac trailer.
mpom, check this link you should be able to see it with one of these formats.
mpom, check this link you should be able to see it with one of these formats.
Anon 3:49 AM This link tells me I am forbidden to access this place on this server?????
mpom, easier to just click here instead of the long link I just posted.
3:49 AM
I particularly like the "Who is this?!" with the toothbrush in his mouth. For some weird reason I like the idea of seeing Jakey brush his teeth.
I know I keep saying this, but PG, you're so funny!!
And the trailer - OH MY! Can't wait, just can't freaking wait... although I guess I have no choice... Damn, maybe if we step up our promotion they'll feel forced to do the same? So, just bring it on! ;)
Yes newport girl, it's when he's on the phone at home with Chloe Sevigny in the background. He has the toothbrush in his mouth right at first, but in the next clip he's taken it out, stares at the phone and then at Chole.
Thanks for the direct link anon 3:45 it worked perfectly.
Love the trailer but FOUR MONTHS is too long to wait. I like seeing Jake walk around, drink coffee beverages, shop, and go to sporting events but my favorite is seeing him in a movie. Two hours or more of reviewable heaven. Guess we were spoiled with three releases in 2005 and none in 2006.
This film has been rated R. Some strong killings, language, drug material, and brief sexual images.
We can only hope the BSI involve Jake, and not murder... ;o)
The trailer, finally! doesn't look as intense as I though but it looks good. I still can't believe we have to wait until March!!!
I'm very interested in how Jake's playing Graysmith. He seems to have dialed down his usual level of energy & hilarity -- but still, there seem to be several characteristics in common with other Gyllenhaal characters: the intensity & idealism. But this time he's really working his inner geek aspect. This guy clearly lives mostly inside his own head. Outwardly, he looks subdued, (dare I make a pun -- grayed out a little?) though the wheels are turning in there; in interactions, eyes generally down, over the page, concentrated on his own vision. He also seems somewhat naive; perhaps passive-aggressive; inclined to be obsessive. Seems rather like a more stable & slightly more asexual Holden. It's nice to see Jake playing a creative. It will be interesting to watch him get hypnotized by the cobra. Sort of a Clarice Starling/Hannibal Lector thing, maybe? This is not usually my kind of movie, since serial killers freak me out. The last movies like this I've bothered to see were "Summer of Sam" and "Monster." Excellent reviews & my interest in a director's vision or a particular actor's performance can get me to the multiplex, when I might otherwise give it a pass. If I think the movie is really thoughtful & moody & full of character studies, then that can outweigh the gore factor that often repels me from what I perceive as a teenage boy's movie. So, even without my thing for Jake, I would likely see this. And I'm pulling for Downey, as well. Would like to see him get another acting award & achieve some kind of redemptive arc in his career.
It's interesting you should mention Holden nice anon, because that's what immediately came to my mind as well! Especially what seems to be in the later parts of the movie where he looks more worne out and ragged. :-)
Graysmith looks much more functional than Holden. Maybe that changes during the course of the movie, though, as he gets more & more obsessed. Holden had that adolescent thing going where he was in love with the drama of being alienated from everyone -- that slightly removed, observer stance, taken up by many artists -- but I'm not sure he could concentrate enough to get the work done. (You have to actually write or make art, too.) Holden was quite appealing, but the boy wasn't well enough to be productive. Graysmith most definitely can concentrate -- he can get the work done. He's gonna be less overtly sexy than Holden, though, I think. He'll be more like a guy who doesn't know his own appeal.
Casting must be like this: "We need a young, idealistic, intense type -- we need Gyllenhaal."
^^nice anon, that's my casting need, too - "I need Gyllenhaal!)
Hey ppl,
Looking for a fansite that won't incessantly agonise over Jake's sexuality? Me too. In the meantime, here's my satirical take on it all:
Think of it as an entertaining waste of time.
Well, I only meant look-wise. I have yet to find out what Greysmith's character is like.
my motto for the day: I need Gyllenhaal!
cheer up ppl in the uk or in the US. you at least will see it one day. in my little remote corner of europe there is no chance at all that it will be in cinemas:-(
i like his voice and his obsessed mood. but i don't like the last scene of the trailer. creepy
OT: can somebody please tell me smth: in BBM at thanksgiving, what is the white goo that Bobby's eating? i know that's a strange thing to be obsessing about but i do, so help a fellow gyllenhaalic in need
Can't freaking wait or well I can because I have no choice?
May I ask in what remote corner of Europe you are in kaydee?
And to anyone who hasn't read it already, I strongly recommend Graysmith's "Zodiac". It's very detailed and I recognized a lot of scenes from it just from watching the trailer, one of them being that last creepy scene you mentioned, kaydee. :-)
just a little bit to the south from you, Cina, across the Baltic sea:): Poland
i just hope that last creepy scene isn't what it seems to be. dammit, i won't survive another film where jake dies!!!
Well, kaydee... I hope people won't consider this a spoiler, but Jake's character is Robert Graysmith, who has written the books about the Zodiac killer. So, he's not dead. ;-)
And Poland you say? My niece and nephew are half Polish! :-D
I hope people won't consider this a spoiler, but Jake's character is Robert Graysmith, who has written the books about the Zodiac killer. So, he's not dead. ;-)
would it be over the top if i read thr book? i mean - read it only because jake was in the film based on it? am i crazy???!!!
That's exactly the reason I read it.
"Well, kaydee... I hope people won't consider this a spoiler, but Jake's character is Robert Graysmith, who has written the books about the Zodiac killer. So, he's not dead. ;-)"
I saw the real Robert Graysmith on tv a few months ago - he also wrote a book about the murder of Bob Crane and the show was about that. He is a very handsome man -
OT: can somebody please tell me smth: in BBM at thanksgiving, what is the white goo that Bobby's eating?
I'm guessing they're mashed potatoes. I'll have to rewatch the scene, but if they're white, gooey, and on a Thanksgiving table, I'd go the potato route.
Also, I can confirm that the Zodiac trailer does accompany Casino Royale and that it's significantly impressive on the large screen. And that was one damn fine Bond flick.
I meant "significantly MORE impressive" but you probably guessed that. I'm sold (but then again, they weren't going to have to try very hard to get my vote).
I saw the real Robert Graysmith on tv a few months ago - he also wrote a book about the murder of Bob Crane and the show was about that. He is a very handsome man
Really? I've always wondered what he looks like. I can't seem to find any pictures of him. But if they have Jake play him, he's bound to be a good-looking guy! ;-)
... And that was one damn fine Bond flick.
That's good to hear! I was probably going to see it anyway, since I'm curious of how Mads Mikkelsen pulls off his part as Le Chiffre. He's one mighty fine Danish actor. :-)
Then looks like I 'll have to go see Casino Royale, even though that Daniel Craig looks so much like the Russian window replacement guy who came to do a job at my house a couple of months ago that I'm having a really hard time picturing him as James ... James Bond...
Well, he can quit his day job now after the opening weekend of "Casino Royale." Looks like the acting thing is going to work out, after all. ;-)
Can't watch "Casino Royale" because I'd probably be thinking all through it: "If only this were Jake ... It really shoulda been Jake ... I'd rather be looking at Jake ... Imagine how Jake would look in that scene, slowly emerging from the ocean, dripping wet, with rivulets of silvery water highlighting every individual hair in his treasure trail."
^^^Bet I won't see him around in the pick up truck anymore! ;-)
Sigh, with your imagery now more reasons not to enjoy Casino Royale ...
Good morning beautiful girls and boys,
Can I just say this: I have no doubt, despite the hip-ness of this trailer, it WILL scare the pants off me.
"...I saw the real Robert Graysmith on tv a few months ago - he also wrote a book about the murder of Bob Crane and the show was about that. He is a very handsome man..."
Graysmith's picture is on the back of his books...and there is a strong resemblance to Jake...at least when Graysmith was younger. OMG - THE EYEBROWS. I think they totally picked Jake for the part because they have the same eyebrows!!! :D hehehe
Not sure if someone already answered this, but Bobby is eating "potato soup." I think I read that in the copy of the screenplay that I bought. :)
... And that was one damn fine Bond flick.
That's good to hear! I was probably going to see it anyway, since I'm curious of how Mads Mikkelsen pulls off his part as Le Chiffre. He's one mighty fine Danish actor. :-)
9:58 PM
I have seen Casino Royale yesterday and I think it's great. I love Mads Mikkelsen, (Le Chiffre)he is one of the most interesting actors he has amazing expression on his face
And the flick is awesome for someone who likes old school charm, actors are fantastic and Montenegro landscapes. To me this is very interesting because I have met professional bridge players a few years ago and it's amazing how many actors play poker adn bridge
Graysmith's picture is on the back of his books...and there is a strong resemblance to Jake...at least when Graysmith was younger. OMG - THE EYEBROWS. I think they totally picked Jake for the part because they have the same eyebrows!!! :D hehehe
Not on my books! :-( But I have the paperback versions, so that might explain it.
Imagine how Jake would look in that scene, slowly emerging from the ocean, dripping wet, with rivulets of silvery water highlighting every individual hair in his treasure trail."
now that's a mental image to wake up to.
thank you damaris. now i know - potato soup not only looks awful, but sounds disgusting as well
Well, he can quit his day job now after the opening weekend of "Casino Royale." Looks like the acting thing is going to work out, after all. ;-)
hahah, it's true, but i want both movie jake and day-jake! i don't want to stop seeing jake doing his "day job" (getting coffee, walking his dogs, juggling keys/reading material/etc., hanging out with family).
Can't watch "Casino Royale" because I'd probably be thinking all through it: "If only this were Jake ... It really shoulda been Jake ... I'd rather be looking at Jake ...
i already do that-- that's totally me in half the movies/tv shows i watch! i even did it for the departed, with leo's part, regularly think it with hot tv actors, none of which really even remind me that much of jake! (mcdreamy, matthew fox, etc.) haha, i have issues
smufette, have you ever been in the supermarket, having this "mental conversation" with Jake about cooking and food?
Do you sometimes 'talk' to Jake while in the car? Sort of preparing what you'll say when you finally meet him?
When you look at a magazine and see a picture of men's fashions, do you wonder whether Jake would like it or consider it trendy and cool?
Do you wonder what kind of music he listens to on his iPod?
Have you memorized mole placement?
On slow days, do you go to your photo file last thing at night and look thru your collection?
Bcz imagining Jake on TV or in the movies sounds semi-rational...I cannot say that much for those afflicted with the symptoms I've just outlined. Not that I am afflicted in such a way...not at all...
Have you memorized mole placement?
it sounds like smth out of a toilet detergent commercial.
have you used it yet?
seriously, anon 3:47, the symptoms sound kinda worrying... especially cooking conversations in the supermarket
I agree. These symptoms are worrying. By mole placement do you mean the three below his ear on the right side?
^^^ Cina, yeah, I have a first edition Hard Cover, and his picture is on the back of the dust jacket. I just assumed it would be on paperbacks as well. There is a resemblance. ;)
Anonymous 3:47 surely means the constellation underneath his ear. But may also be referring to the famous finger mole.
Jake is like a leopard. He's handsome & he's got dark spots everywhere.
I will admit to wondering in idle moments whether Jake also has a mole in an extremely private place.
^ It appears that he has a nice one on his back too, (2nd tent scene in BBM), but that's probably not what you had in mind by 'private.' ;-)
No, Damaris, you're right, it's not what I had in mind when I used the term "private." Jake's back -- and his whole backside -- is pretty public at this point, isn't it? But I know exactly the mole you mean. In fact, that posture he's so gracefully assuming as the mole makes its starring appearance is just ... words fail me.
What I was thinking of was more in the lines of a prominent mole ... placed advantageously, in a private place, for extra pleasure.
is it strange that im just as excited about zodiac as i am the jake watch movie?!
yes i think its strange!
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