This feature almost disappeared from your JW screens as britpopbaby just wasn't really getting jealous anymore but then...
I heard mention in the comments of Jake at some Livestrong event, cycling and whatnot and I thought, awww, that warms the cockles of my cryogenically frozen blood pumping muscle, but then...
I saw these pictures.
Little and Large, I see touching - you have been warned, back away from my man.
Cameraman, a little too close? Before you knock him off his bike and he grazes his beautiful, beautiful knees, back away from my man.
WOAH WOAH WOAH! NO. Woman of the 80's who appears to have entered a time warp to be here with us now in 2006 -
And finally...
MY EYES! MY EYES! The only person who gets a free pass on this one is the cute little girl bottom left and maybe the kid recovering from cancer...maybe. The rest of you -
So what have we learnt here today? That's right, Jake must not be allowed to go to strange places like Texas and mingle with the fundraising, good-hearted public.
Pics from IHJ. Charity and goodwill from LiveStrong. Inappropiate ravings of jealously from Jake Watch.
Jake's a great guy! Love the pics!
This was very cute Britpop - but that woman kissing Jake, she really couldn't help herself I'll bet. Can you blame her? :-)
^Yes, keep your lips to yourself.
OMG he's so cute in the pic where he's getting a kiss from that 80's woman! What a smile! *sigh*
Jake, just so you know - your smile would be even wider if it was me kissing your cheek. I promise.
Those Texas women sure are affectionate! And Jake is just basking!!! I like him basking!
I especially like him basking with 80's Woman! It gives me hope.
Yes, I love to see everyone admiring him, because he's the best! I like that 80's woman is kissing him, too! ;-)
And 24 hours later, Jake ran in the opposite direction when PG showed up to show him the same level of affection. Not that I'm bitter... :D
Jake looks quite happy with that woman of 80's ;)...far away from Hollyweird
It's his loss, PG. It's his loss...
Hmmm, I think I actually meant 48 hours. Whatever. Thanks Cina and Simon. :) Next time!
I am taking a much-needed break from Jake for a week or two, I think.
But it was nice to stop by briefly on Sunday morning & see that famous Gyllenhaal smile.
PG don't be sad! I would never run in the opposite direction!
Surely they could have found a new cheek to attend to?....
that is the funniest bit i've heard today, along with the pic of all those people surrounding jake. even before i read BPB's comment, i was rolling on the floor LOLing.
that's why i visit this site. thanks BPB and TBL.
don't be sad PG. we all love you. what do you need that guy for?
dani said...
Even with the presence of unauthorized females, Jake's happiness and sheer exuberance is just jumping out of these photos. It makes me feel good and I can't help but smile!
6:12 PM
I agree with you Dani. Great to see, definitely made me smile.
If I have to wait a bit longer to see Jake looking like this, I don't mind too much!
Wow, does Jake shave his legs? Looks like it in the last picture... Hmmm... yeah, his smile is adorable in the other picture, so I guess I'll just pretend it's me giving him a kiss on the cheek and not the lady who looks like a wrinkly version of my mother....
Saw this posted at DC. Really nice interview with Maggie in Chicago Sun Times with really sweet comments on Jake as a really good Uncle....awww!
Full interview here:,SHO-Sunday-fiveq12.article
and the Jake part:
5. Speaking of which, tell us about being a new mom.
It's pretty private stuff. I want to keep my baby out of the press as much as possible. But I can tell you that it's pretty great, and my brother Jake is a really good uncle. I'm also taking the time now to be a mom because it's very consuming and amazing. I don't want to shortchange it at all by running to a movie set.
Awww, that is so sweet about Jake being a really good uncle. I knew he would be. :-)
8:28PM Jake shaved his legs just like Lance did, all cyclists do. What a pleasure to see non-pap pics of Jake, he looked so happy and what a wonderful cause to raise money for.
you can tell in these pics that hes really happy to have the limelight, its just those evil paps that were pissing him off...
Agh! Agh! Agh! I'm so torn and confused. I want to body block that 80s lady and kick her into the nearest creek, and yet Jake does look so happy and relaxed in a way we haven't seen him in a while that I guess I'll let it go.
This time. From now on though, you strange (and tall) Texas ladies...back away from our man! ;-)
P.S. I love how, in the last picture, everyone else has their feet firmly planted on the ground...except our dear dorky Jake, who appears to be way too excited sit still, even for a quick crowd picture!
Happy Jake equals Happy Katie - I'm loving those legs by the way - wonder what shaving technique he used....
Still cannot believe how fond I have grown of Spandex..... (well, ok, it's probably just Spandex on Jake's killer thighs and butt and pecs and other assorted body parts.)
Since this IS a charity event, I'm inclined to cut 80's woman a little slack. If I had Jake in my sights, I'd be all over him, too!
He really does look like a happy little kid with his feet up like that in the last picture. :)
What a spunk! (he is)
^^Ok 70's
So, I´m away for the weekend and miss all the fun. I love the new/old pics. I love smiling, happy looking Jake. He´s just adorable. We didn´t have much of happy looking Jake pics lately. I even have my jealousy for these women in check. Most of the time anyway.
OMG I think I just died looking at these pics.. He's GORGEOUS!!! *thud*
Is saying "80's woman" a way to say "older woman?" Clearly, she is old enuf to be Susan Sarandon's sister!
Is saying "80's woman" a way to say "older woman?" Clearly, she is old enuf to be Susan Sarandon's sister!
Me want some Jake :D :)
Because she blatantly has what I would class as 80's hair and make-up. Maybe things are different in Texas but where I'm from that whole look is circa 1987. Think Tiffany.
So many people to keep track on. Thank God we are so talent ;D
Um, could you maybe start a new page? This one has so many photos, only about half of them download on my computer. And I've got a lot of memory! Can see only one of the new ones!
I felt warm ((())) seeing these pictures, specially the Woman of the 80's woman kiss, because Jake comes across a natural not fake distant divo, he's close to people and in this event isn't afraid of not looking like a perfect dressed sex symbol he has the credit of.
On another topic, now you've changed again the design -which I like much- I've noticed that Jake Weird is now Austin Nichols Fan, not that I'm complaining, Brits, it's funny, I suppose you'll fix it ;) I think another links interwined are interwined too.
Dude you've been plaing with things again, have you not??
Okay people, that woman's hair is not nearly BIG ENOUGH to be "80's woman hair.
She's got the straight look of the "70's" but the bangs (or fringe) do sort of throw it off just a bit. I guess the woman is quite confused either way. ;-)
Yeah, I noticed the links are a bit funky, I wondered where Jake Weird went, LOL! You click on James Franco and you get Jaime Foxx! Brit is probably updating the links and affiliates, i'm sure they will be fixed soon.
^^Heddaparsons, there is too much of Jaime Foxx, but no Joaquin Phoenix net, not fair!
is the page uploading so slowly and with errors because you're changing smth at the moment or the page has too many pics to work properly?
or because there's smth wrong with my computer?
not looking like a perfect dressed sex symbol he has the credit of
Looks like a perfectly spandex-clad sex symbol to me!!
Seriously, I understand what you mean and I find that extremely charming about Jake.
Awwww but also BACK OFF! ... Such a complex set of pics.
"American woman, stay away from me
American woman, mama let me be
Don’t come hangin’ around my door
I don’t wanna see your face no more
I got more important things to do
Than spend my time growin’ old with you
Now woman, I said stay away,
American woman, listen what I say.
American woman, get away from me
American woman, mama let me be
Don’t come knockin’ around my door
Don’t wanna see your shadow no more
Coloured lights can hypnotize
Sparkle someone else’s eyes
Now woman, I said get away
American woman, listen what I say.
American woman, said get away
American woman, listen what I say
Don’t come hangin’ around my door
Don’t wanna see your face no more
I don’t need your war machines
I don’t need your ghetto scenes
Coloured lights can hypnotize
Sparkle someone else’s eyes
Now woman, get away from me
American woman, mama let me be." ~ The Who
^^ The Guess Who/ An old Canadian rock group
WHAT?!?! I ran the 10K Livestrong event in Portland, OR months ago for the SOLE reason, and the slight chance, that Jake might be there!!! But...NOOOO...only Lance showed up and talked and biked away with his groupies. GOD!!! I picked the wrong location. It could have been me kissing him...wrapping my arms around him...stalking him...oh, I'm so sad!!!
I am, quite frankly, appalled by the behaviour of those stalkers, I would never do anything like that*
*because I never get the chance
It was about time you gave the cameraman (or camerawoman!)a back away from my man!We should have done this ages ago!
Why don't they do these charity cyclings in every state in the US and the other continents,too?
I must say that I don't like Desperate Housewives, I'm waiting impatiently for new Bond, James Bond :)....old, good school, gentlemanly and all that shit
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