...when the post situation is particularly bleak (i.e.
days and no spandex). I call it "Today in Jake History" in which I comb through the extensive Jake Watch archives (aka the
IHJ media section) and search for pictures from the day in question. Except all one other time I've resorted to this feature, it happened to be a day when Jake didn't do anything. So that's why you've never seen it.
Today was different, although I kinda wish I hadn't run across what I found. Look at what happened on this day in 2004:

Son of a bitch! That ain't multitasking! Where's the Jake I know and love? The one who wouldn't have wimped out and put the damned coffee cup on top of the car? He's got at least 3 fingers free from what I can see. I'm disgusted. The only thing that makes this series of pictures tolerable is the fact that the necklace makes him look like a freaking pimp and that's awesome.

Plus, tongue action. That never gets old.
Maybe tomorrow one of us will have something a little more timely to post. But probably not.
PG, I love how you refer to paparazzi-less days as times when Jake "didn't do anything", as if all celebrities just sit in corners without blinking until someone comes along and photographs them, in which case they walk around and drink coffee.
I love it because sometimes I think that is how they operate. ;-)
Okay I want to climb onto my computer desk and hump this pic.
Jake should wear black tees more often!
Damn. Damn! Damnity! Damnit!
Also, this has nothing to do with anything but Tower Records has gone out of business. What a world What a muthafuckin world! Shit!
Yeah that tongue never gets old - but it could get us some new scenery - like in my mouth! booooya baby.
FUCK TOWER RECORDS - pussy asswipes need to learn some dam muth fuckin bookkeeping - hell there's some ole lady name Agnes probably could of set their asses straight.
I'm sticking to Newbury Comics biatches.
Jake can go PIMP on my ass - anyday, any time! BOOYAH Y'ALL!
In other NEWS:
Jake is laughing off rumors about him and fellow stud actor, Heath Ledger, teaming up in the Batman Sequel. Only one guy from Brokeback is the movie - haven't you all heard? And I don't mean cash whore Randy Quaid!
Britpopbaby...anytime you give us some extra maybe-never-before-seen pictures of Jake, we're happy/thrilled/ecstatic and ever so grateful.
Or maybe that's just me...I appreciate any Jake fix I can get any day of the week, and I know I can find it here!
Aw, you're kidding us PG!
This isn't from 2004 ...
Check out that damn yellow bracelet ....
Or was he already affiliated to Gyllenstrong back then???
Yeah, Jake has been wearing that yellow bracelet back in 2004 indeed. Why is a damn yellow bracelet now? It is in support of cancer research for God sake, have no idea why people have to keep bitching against Livestrong.
The black t-shirt looks gooood on him. So does a white one
Yeah, Jake has been wearing that yellow bracelet back in 2004 indeed. Why is a damn yellow bracelet now? It is in support of cancer research for God sake, have no idea why people have to keep bitching against Livestrong.
Apologies, Amerita. You're right, it was there back in 2004 - my bad.
I was under the mistaken impression he'd only been wearing it since he hooked up with Lance earlier this year, and I'd mentally linked it to all that Lance/Jake stuff (squick!) - that's why it became a 'damn' bracelet to me. I have NO problem with anyone supporting cancer research. I just don't care too much for LA and his brand of humor when it is at our Jake's expense ...
Do you think he realizes how hot he is and how he affects us???? I think he KNOWS. Gawd! I love that about him. He is such a tease.
When is the NYC MArathon? Is there any indication of whether he might participate? Lance is supposed to be in training for it. He's in Texas as we speak. Lance, I mean.
Jake is such a chav
amerita said...
The black t-shirt looks gooood on him. So does a white one
Babe, ANYTHING looks good on jake. Dont think ive ever seen him in black jeans before but he looks fine!
claire said...
Jake is such a chav
Haha thats so true goin by this pic! hes def a hot chav tho.
Aww, darn it! Mr Multitasker, come BACK!!
However, I'm willing to overlook this whole not-multitasking-incident because HOLY MOTHER OF GOD! He's SO hot in this black outfit!! Those jeans.. man, can he wear those jeans.. And one look at his arms is all it takes for me to forget my own name.. *THUD*
I really l o v e your blog (and Jake ..) you´r so funny . for you i will try to improve my english...it´s getting better and better.
It's a stormy old day today but nothing cheers it likt the eray of sunshine that is a photo of Jake - old or new. Loving Jake in black and glad as ever to see our friend Jake's Tongue.
I don't know what to say. He's just.... AHHH!!
Pimped out Jake is hott!!! God bless slow news days...love the pic!
His right arm looks mighty weird.Like it's bionic or something.
PG, I love how you refer to paparazzi-less days as times when Jake "didn't do anything", as if all celebrities just sit in corners without blinking until someone comes along and photographs them, in which case they walk around and drink coffee.
A day that Jake isn't unintentionally entertaining us is not a day he spent well! :) Ha ha! Just kidding obviously. I don't know what it is about that outfit, but it's seriously doing something for me.
I don't know what it is about that outfit, but it's seriously doing something for me.
I'm SO with you, PG!!
He is also wearing a ring on his right ring finger that reminds me of an article I read over on IHJ a while ago. It talked about him wearing an engangement ring from himself to himself. Way to work the pimp photo today :)
All I can say is that I really hope that Jake remains deeply committed to his caffeine habit. If he ever detoxed completely & stopped leaving his apartment to get the occasional overpriced cup of coffee, then my world would effectively end, for there'd be no more pictures of his stubbly, sunglassed face to brighten up my mornings at the office. I do enjoy having my first morning cup while toasting my computer screen image of Jake doing the same. (It's the only way he & I will ever have coffee together [sob, sob].)
It talked about him wearing an engangement ring from himself to himself.
Is that Jake being philosophical again?
^^ bookwatch, i love it! and david foster wallace is genius. i haven't quite made it thru infinite jest yet either, joyce, but you should check out his essays too.
OT: i have a feeling that with the marie antoinette press junkets in full swing, we’re gonna get a lot of new distorted kirsten comments in the news these days-- there’s a new kirsten interview with a lot of interesting info that’s new to me, but i’m not sure how much i can trust it. it also has a lot of stuff that seems pieced together from old/existing interviews. it says she drives a x5—what happened to her prius? also, did she really try out for satine from moulin rouge? I was under the impression baz lurman wanted nicole kidman from the start. that’s funny if true, since jake almost got the christian part. And george clooney, really?
You're not alone. I did the same damned thing. I bought Infinite Jest....after deciding my mind and attitude that day was not ready to tackle Buddhism...LOL!!!!
I LOVE him in black like that. Remember the scene in Jarhead at the end when he's sitting, in profile, on a chair smoking? Then he gets up and walks to the window?
Oh, good, another Wallace groupie is born. Next, JoyceD, I'd recommend "A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again" and "Brief Interviews With Hideous Men." After you finish the Infinite Book, they'll be like skimming articles in an airline's onboard magazine.
BTW, Is anyone planning on attending Mr. Gyllenhaal Sr.'s poetry reading this Sunday night, down on Houston? I'm debating with myself over going. (It's being held at the Zinc Bar, which I haven't entered for a few years. Maybe it's time, again?)
Um, what is a "chav".
Nice Anonymous, yours truly will be in attendance, thus, you have to come. :)
you're right, those publications don't seem very reliable.
hey, found something doing a jake blogsearch-- apparently jake is one of many who had something to say about nat'l coming out day in the following video for the HRC:
i can't check it from work-- can anyone view??
mmmmmmmmm tongue action...God he looks hot...
My lover wears one of those yellow bracelets and everytime I look at it I think of Jake...
simon, does this work?
or try seethingmom.blogspot.com. that's where i found the link
love the blach outfit, adore the tongue action, hate the bloody chain - an italian macho look brrr. disgusting. come one, jake don't do it to me, please
our Jakey's is no lightweight in the brain department.
our jake is no lightweight in the looks department neither. god, i drooled all over my keyboard. and of course, i 'a staring fixedly at his pictures instead of doing some serious work which i should have done during the weekend, but didn't as i was busy staring at his pics...
is there any cure for the addiction?
simon, apologies for the bad directions again! try this:
there's a link to this recording there.
Thanks for the video link, Smurfette! It shows a very short clip of scenes from BBM and then Jake, from his videotaped HRC acceptance speech (he couldn't attend the NYC HRC event because of "Zodiac" filming and the Oscar luncheon. He said a very sweet thing about the movie being a love story equal to any love story. And he looked yummy!! It is a compilation of a lot of celebs at different HRC events, including Ang Lee and Anne Hathaway talking about her brother getting married to his partner. Nice tape.
Btw, thanks for the explanation of "chav". But Jake a chav...aww he has good taste most of the time and usually looks great. ;)
Simon, that is it!
7:29 PM
thank you simon. it's really a very touching film. i esp. liked ang lee's opinion. i too hope one day we won't have to fight for it but will be able to celebrate it. sigh
thanks for finding a working link, simon, and describing the video as well!
That link was beautiful. The comments are terrible. But this is the world we live in. Thanks guys! Does my bi heart good!
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