But dude, I wouldn't be bragging about Panic Room. As someone pointed out, surely a Fight Club shout out would get people more excited? And I think it's missing one thing - Jake face. Mind you, people said that about the Jake Watch banner and I told them to fuck off. Okay, no Jake, good call.
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Thanks to green for spotting it and The Hot Blog for snapping it.
Cool! Hope this means that the movie will actually be released in the next 12 months. ;)
Seriously good poster, made me go all shivery.
Great poster but coming soon? And it would help if they actually listed the cast!!
I'm going to see the Departed today and I am hoping a Zodiac trailer with Jake is part of it. Can't understand why this poster doesn't even have his NAME for goddess' sake! And to not mention Fight Club???!!! I knew I should have taken that marketing job!!!
If it is a real poster the reason it doesn't have his face or his name on it is that it's a teaser poster - a poster they bring out just to raise awareness for the film and generate interest. There should be another poster coming out sometime after this one with his face, the actors names and all that jazz on there.
I still don't understand why they didn't mention Fight Club though.
It is a nice poster, but kind of has a cheesy horror film feel to me. But I don't think Jake would let us down by following BBM with something that isn't excellent.
I agree what is up with Panic Room? It should be "Fight Club and Se7en"
maybe they think that Zodiac movie is about serial killer and Seven was about it, Fight Club wasn't about serial killer ...hahaha
And the anticipation begins...I'm going to see The Departed later too. I think I might squeal if they play the Zodiac trailer so I will have to remember to take my muzzle.
Dude that is pretty cool! Not that long to wait!
Like br33n said, this is the teaser poster and and I hope the "real" one will come soon.
But I would be surprised if they had the face of one (or more) of the actors on that poster. I hope they will do something "special" - one fan made an interesting poster with only letters...This one is also good - the picture with the GG bridge could stay and only putting the cast and "usual suspects" at the lower edge.
I like the poster - but I really want to see the flippin' trailer. Was it in front of the Departed today? I saw The Devil Wears Prada tonight - not at all the same thing I know - and not a zodiac trailer in sight (although Mrs Jack Twist was in abundance)
^No Zodiac trailer at my screening of the Departed today. ;_; BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
I really like the poster - I usually find ones where they use people's faces too much a little cheesy. I much prefer a simple, identifying image - like the shoe for The Devil Wears Prada posters or the skeleton in POTC.
Get me. I'm all about the art.
TBL, the poster is on the WB's lot in L.A. Not very glamorous.
If the actors faces are blatantly splashed on the poster with no consideration for design then it BLOWS ASS - I like the approach taken in the Departed poster.
Jake is the exception - he should be on posters of movies he's not even in he's so MO FO FINE!
I'm checking out Departed here on US East Coast - I shall report any Zodiac trailer sightings!!
from what iknow themovie seems will be out here in Italy on January!
I amgoing to seeing "Departed" too, so i hope to seeing a nice movie and the Zodiac trailer :O)
Anyone know if the movie will have a Promotional tour ????
from what iknow themovie seems will be out here in Italy on January!
I amgoing to seeing "Departed" too, so i hope to seeing a nice movie and the Zodiac trailer :O)
Anyone know if the movie will have a Promotional tour ????
They will not show the Zodiac trailer before "Departed". Go to: http://zodiacfilm.blogspot.com/
The only thing I really hate about this post is that it reminds me that I have what maybe four months until I can see the movie. I can't wait that long :( Maybe we could do a JW thing where everyone goes and watches it on the opening night and then writes a little blurb about their Zodiac experience in their particular part of the world?
That is one BRILLIANT poster!! It looks awesome!
Damn I can't wait to see the friggin film.
Maybe we could do a JW thing where everyone goes and watches it on the opening night and then writes a little blurb about their Zodiac experience in their particular part of the world?
Great idea, Dumbo. I have absoluetly no idea when it'll be out in the UK for me though. Things that come out for Oscar consideration in the US come out a month after the freakin' Oscars in the UK.
Good grief, I can't freaking WAIT to see this film!! And yeah, great poster!
I think I might squeal if they play the Zodiac trailer so I will have to remember to take my muzzle.
wontingwitch, you're hilarious!
According to IMDB, the release dates are currently;
USA 19 January 2007
Germany 8 February 2007
France 21 February 2007
Czech Republic 22 February 2007
Netherlands 22 February 2007
Belgium 28 February 2007
Argentina 1 March 2007
Israel 1 March 2007
Russia 1 March 2007
Brazil 9 March 2007
Norway 9 March 2007
UK 16 March 2007
Japan 5 May 2007
So basically, the entire bloody world except for Japan get to see it before us Brits.
Thank you Gargoyle for the dates.
Nothing yet of official about Italy so .
I've nothing against Belgium (I'm a bit of a Hercule Poirot connoiseur on the quiet) but WHY in the name of JG do they get to see the most anticipated movie of 2007 before us poor Brits? And what have we done to deserve getting the film after Russia? I feel strangely disgruntled....
I do like the poster very much. Very noir-ish, with the city lights, the bluish atmosphere, the fog, and the vertigo-inducing altitude of coming off that beautiful bridge. Reminds me of what big cities were like in the 1970s, before gentrification took over. A little bit menacing, back then, rather than serving as the home of various sophisticated urban delights. So there's a period flavor of the time in which "Zodiac" takes places. Well-done & I hope the movie is as good as the poster. (But more populated, since this bit of graphic art is definitely going for mood, rather than selling any stars.)
Wonder if "Zodiac" will be buried at release time? Maybe it will end up a cult film & gain fans slowly, over time, when it's a DVD. So many projects that Jake gets involved with seem to turn into cult films with devoted followings.
WTF? Sweden is not even ON that list! But according to another reliable source it's not released here until March 16 either, so I guess us Swedes and Brits can mourn together...
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