Where is that? It looks absolutely delightful! Like the kind of place where someone might get murdered. Darling, let's meet there for coffee and a chat next Saturday.
Pic from
IHJ which not only stands for iheartjake but also International house of Japan.
Maybe he's practicing for his CIA agent role. Jake's in desguise for a clandestine meeting with his snitch.
Jake sure brightens up that dreary spot.
Nah, that's not a dangerous place at all. Not in the Manhattan real estate market these days. (Maybe 15-20 years ago, but not now.) Likely it's a building site for more high-rise luxury condos. Maybe he's wandered as far south as Columbus Circle?
In'tl House of Japan - Oh I LOVE that place - the sushi is quite good.
Alas - the Departed screening in the Northeast had NO - I repeat - NO Zodiac Trailer - not even a damn teaser. Oh a higher note - The Departed was AMAZING and I can't recommend it enough - Leo had my heart last night - sorry Jake - RIVETING! Riveting performance - I see an Oscar nod for Leo - dam he has GROWN UP!
Maybe Jake's getting nervous - teh hype is growing for Zodiac - will our sexiness crumble under the pressure? I THINK NOT! He is Sturdy - he's an UNCLE HOTTIE for gods sake.
I think our prey - I mean - Gentleman is feeling Uncle jitters - he's so dam excited.
Jake may I suggest one wee bitty thing - give the the grandpa sweater to the REAL grandpa - PAPA STEPHEN!
Papa would look muy caliente - meow!
I think the greater concern is that this geriatric wear might make us turn on our own elderly community and seek out any 'grandfather' figure who may in advertantly tantalize us with their sweater.
Jake this cause problems - worse since the STD breakout in several Florida senior communities since 2002 when Johnny Depp rocket a mustard yellow cardigan!
So that's what a new uncle looks like! Me like. Me like a lot. A LOT! Cardigan and all!
He is strolling through what is known as the Meat Packing District in the Soho area. It looks and sounds seedy but it really isn't! It's become very trendy, lots of clubs and resturaunts and new condos.
I guess he is back in the W. Village. We have only been getting Gawker sightings of him for about a week after his niece was born most in the Central Park West Area.
According to IHJ, that is the Meatpacking District. If that is true. It is where he was with Sam Mendes at the restaurant Pastis.
I am cool with the grampa cardy. He still looks sexy.
Btw, they added "Rendition" to his IMDb page http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0350453/(and Reese's)!!! Woohoo!!!
I suppose this means the grandpa sweater is here for good. Sigh.
I'd also like to say that I have those earphones. He must listen to music on his phone.
I have seen "Paris, je t'aime" today and Maggie was absolutely charming there
Mm,what are those things on the shoulder of the cardi?Spare buttons?I don't remember them in the pics when he wore it before.I'm gonna check though.
That place looks lonely and desolate.Keep safe Jakey.
It's wrong that I got so excited to see Jake has exactly the same headphone chewing habit that I've got.
Jake must be wandering about in my old neighborhood, and I didn't even recognize it! (Years ago, I lived on Horatio Street, just around the corner from Florent, an early harbinger of all the restaurants & shops that arrived later. This isn't in Soho, BTW, it's well above Houston, actually, just a few blocks south of 14th Street.) The refrigerated trucks that held the sides of meat used to idle on the streets very, very early in the morning, when it was still dark. And though the butchers hosed down the streets, there'd be bits of gristle and ... er ... stuff ... lying around afterward, which you'd want to yank your dog away from. Also, there'd be trannie hookers hanging around the loading docks. After weekend nights, lots of used, multicolored condoms lying in the stairwell of my building, underneath the stoop. (They liked to go under the stoop for a little privacy, unfortunately.) I haven't been back there in a couple years, but I'm told I wouldn't recognize it because of all the building that's gone on since then. The rent increases were what finally chased me out.
Where is that? It looks absolutely delightful!
But hey, I for one would be willing to set up camp out there, no matter the murder rate, just to be able to get a glimpse of The Sex!!
As Nice Anon. said, the Meatpacking District used to be a a rough place, but now it is full of trendy shops and restaurants and has been the height of popularity for about 10 years now. Some folks don't like it anyomre because it has become so popular, like Soho. And they are doing a lot of construction and building, which is probably whatn is happening on the street Jake is walking down in the pic.
^^ That should read *anymore*
For a moment I thought he was smoking a pipe. Hmmm, pipe, cardigan, all he needs to do is to put on some slippers and sit on a sofa and he'll look comfortably middle-age.
Thank you for that rundown of the district's colourful past.
What an interesting place...right now in the UK it is being touted as a giveaway prize to the lucky winners of Stella Macartney's ad for her new perfume.
I love that Jake is like "I can wear the same fucking clothes three days in a row if I like. I can bump the Heathcliff Huxtable cardigan sweaters if I like! I'm The Sex, and being The Sex means I can wear just about anything and still make your knees quiver!"
I know you were in top form yesterday but don't think that this exonerates you from creating a Sunday project! We have standards to uphold!
That's right...where is the sunday project? Now that your nails have finally dried....Its already past my bedtime ya know?.
i just noticed that his usual choice of places to take a stroll etc. is at least questionable.
car parks, construction sites, strange, not-too-scrupulously-clean restaurants, back stairs at some concert in TX.
strange? i'd say a work of art of such beauty should have a nice background...
I think he's scared that's why he's chewin' and not listenin' - Jake be careful! (BTW, please do something with that cardi, ideally leave it behind in a cab or use it as a carwashing rag)
But hey, I for one would be willing to set up camp out there, no matter the murder rate, just to be able to get a glimpse of The Sex!!
Phoebs, I'm in too! Two agents are better than one right? Safer that way, plus - four eyes see more than two! ;-D
Now where did I put that sleeping bag again....?
Someone lend this man a nice, lined jacket before he turns into Mr. Rogers or something before our very eyes. (Anyone got a squall from Lands' End handy, now that they've put away their summer stuff?)
Jake, now I ask you, would a CIA operative walk down the street in a woolly gray cardigan? You're failing to channel your character for "Rendition" whole-heartedly. I'm disappointed in you. True, you have kept up your beautifully clean-shaven jaw line -- which I congratulate you on maintaining, day after day, despite the intensive labor involved, since you seem to grow hair within seconds or shaving -- but I fear you still haven't done all the deep metnal work required for an adequate portrayal.
Phoebs, I'm in too! Two agents are better than one right? Safer that way, plus - four eyes see more than two! ;-D
Awesome, cina! And yes, two agents are definitely better than one!
Did you find your sleeping bag yet? I'm having trouble locating my Secret Special Agent Camping Kit, including night vision goggles and the "How To Manage Being Close To The Sex Without Passing Out"-manual.
I once read somewhere that the reason some actors wear the same drab clothes or the same drab colors day after day is to mess with the paps.They end up taking pictures that all look alike and it sends the value of the shots plummeting.
If I were an actor and not as vain as I am, I would totally do that.
Did you find your sleeping bag yet? I'm having trouble locating my Secret Special Agent Camping Kit, including night vision goggles and the "How To Manage Being Close To The Sex Without Passing Out"-manual.
Yes, I finally found it in the attic, along with two Secret Special Agent Camping Kits and two VERY important manuals, so I guess I have yours as well Phoebs! Remember our last mission in Austin? I took your kit with me since you were going to the JW headquarters and I went home, remember? So we're all set to go! ;-)
Agents Cina & Phoebe
If you are to embark on such a dangerous mission, then can I suggest you also take along the latest in JW camouflage.
It might just help you in the big city.
Thanks ATD! It's up to Brits to decide wether or not it's necessary though... I hear they're quite expensive.
It's an awfully sassy outfit though! ;-D
Yes, I finally found it in the attic, along with two Secret Special Agent Camping Kits and two VERY important manuals, so I guess I have yours as well Phoebs! Remember our last mission in Austin? I took your kit with me since you were going to the JW headquarters and I went home, remember? So we're all set to go! ;-)
Oh, that's right! I can't believe I forgot about that! *smacks herself on the head* Well, okay then, let's go! Remember to pack lightly, dear!
And thanks, atd! Anything that'll help us stay undercover, and safe in the process, is a good thing!
some actors wear the same drab clothes or the same drab colors day after day is to mess with the paps.They end up taking pictures that all look alike and it sends the value of the shots plummeting.
anon, i remember reading that too--i think it was jen aniston who said that a few years back. she would wear a tank top and green cargo pants every time she went out. wonder if jake got her advice? cuz jen herself doesn’t do it anymore. maybe it didn’t work?
so, i guess we’re done with the jakesecret project.. but i have a confession to make, somewhat related to jake’s outfit in this pic. i buy clothes, books, other items that i see on jake and mimic his style to feel close to him. at least with the nikes, the rainbow flip flops, aviators, james perse shirts, intriguing books, and hip hop cds, i was still mostly governed by the basic tenets of good taste. but i think it’s time to admit my problem—i just got myself a grampa sweater and am starting to wear it days in a row. it is a get-up that is not easily explainable on a 23 year old girl…
I believe this has not been detected. Feast your eyes!
so funny, thanks, vanz!
i really hope that two men do not wander if beautiful women that pass them in a cafe vote. it would be totally strange. but the suggestivness in jake's face is priceless
i am all for noble political actions, though...
oh, and i loved the tongue action - it makes the political action all the more noble and interesting ;)
did you all here about this? maggie almost got evicted by her stupid landlords? ridiculous. manhattan will miss them, but i hope they'll make a nice home for ramona in brooklyn.
also in the news circuits, apparently kirsten has denied "rumors of a reconciliation" with jake in her marie antoinette promotion interviews. she blamed it on their work, but said jake's great guy, etc. nothing earth-shattering, just wanted to share.
Well blast it. It was posted 6 days ago. I thought I had a hot scoop. Thanks for squaring me up about that TBL.
Thanks for that article smurfette! Poor Maggie. I'm glad it worked out, even if they're moving now anymay.
This site has been on fire the past few days. Brit's line, "Pic from IHJ which not only stands for iheartjake but also International house of Japan." nearly made me fall out of my chair - which is hard, because I'm not sitting in a chair.
And thanks, atd! Anything that'll help us stay undercover, and safe in the process, is a good thing!
This from the woman who told me that piloting a helicopter in heels would be easy.
What's this??!! From the Gawker:
Jake Gyllenhaal
Oct 8th, 2006 @ 12pm
Jake Gyllenhall walked into August for brunch. He seemed to know the staff working there and walked straight to the back of the restaurant. He was eating with a beautiful young brunette woman. He was smiling and was very casual in a grey sweater.
I wonder if it's the same brunette from 10/2??
This from the woman who told me that piloting a helicopter in heels would be easy.
After the disaster that was the speadboat/trailer/high heels
incident ,I think the rules regarding footwear were changed!
Am i missing something???
International house of Japan???
Check out the new Zodiac photo in the jake's Movies section of the International House of Japan - Corking shot of Jake looking a sizzler! So in this movie he's clean shaven and slightly furry - best of both worlds!
I think it's time for an open letter to the producers of "Rendition."
Ladies & Gentlemen:
We are in favor of your exercising complete artistic freedom in the creation of your film. We know you already have a vision in mind that you seek to see realized. But, as loyal ticket buyers & fans of Jake Gyllenhaal, we would like to make some of our needs very clear to you, so that you can consider them during the course of your script rewrites & filming on location:
1) We really would like to see Jake having sex. This scene should not be brief, it should not take place underneath a comforter, and it should be fairly well-lit. Ideally, he should have a sort of antique ivory sheen or a sweaty gleam on his skin.
2) We'd like at least one lingering shot of Jake shirtless, which ideally should occur after we see him with his shirt hanging open. His shirt should be open enough so that we can see his chest hair. (See one of his recent cycling photos for the acceptable amount of Gyllenhaal chest exposure.) We beg of you, do not ask him to wax away his chest hair.
3) In keeping with Jake's most recent, artistically & commercially successful films, "Jarhead" and "Brokeback Mountain," we think it would be nice to once again view Jake's bare ass.
4) We want a close-up of Jake's eyes, looking right into the camera. He has one of the most striking pair of long-lashed, steel-blue eyes in the business. Don't waste them, bub.
5) We want a close-up of Jake's lips. Preferably with his tongue protruding, in one of his trademarked facial expressions. His lips are perfect, and they, too, should not be wasted.
6) We want a really good profile shot of Jake. Preferanly on the side where you can count the little constellation of moles under his earlobe.
7) Don't do anything too weird to Jake's hair. Please.
8) If Jake kisses Reese Witherspoon during the course of the film, please attach some padding along Reese's sharp, pointy chin to ensure that Jake's not injured.
Thank you for taking these suggestions into consideration. We wish you a happy film-making experience.
Seriously girl, I think you nailed every single detail I could wish for. The padding of Reese's chin was just a HUGE bonus laugh!
No wish for a full frontal? Jake in all his glory? You girls are just too timid and reserved.
I'd rather save that for a private moment... ;-)
I thought Jake turned down the Bertolucci film because he didn't want everyone looking at what he called "his junk"?
Might we also add that since Jake's character is CIA, if he does not have love scenes with Reese, and even if he does, and since she is pregnant for at least part of the movie, could they also show some scenes of a decadent, promiscuous CIA agent (Jake) having hot sex and running his hands all over some poor,amply endowed female, before his world is shaken by the torture of this guy, whoever he is. Or maybe after, as Jake seeks to forget what he's seen. Or maybe it could be sexual healing, a time of forgetfulness where his character loses himself in pleasures of the flesh albeit momentarily. I think they need to devote a full fifteen minutes to each such scene with a minimum of five such scenes. If his regular agent didn't see to it that these and all you have outlined weren't put in his contract, then there is a strong case for JW agents to assume control over visual content of Jake's future film projects.
(I really like the open shirt idea. I would also like to see him all sweaty and with open shirt clinging strategically to his body.
Wouldn't mind some shower scenes. But with much more clarity than the one in Jarhead. Longer, too. I mean a longer walk TO the shower.
I think they need to devote a full fifteen minutes to each such scene with a minimum of five such scenes.
Is my math correct here? 15 mins x 5 scenes = 1 hour 15 minutes of The Best Jake Movie Ever
If his regular agent didn't see to it that these and all you have outlined weren't put in his contract, then there is a strong case for JakeWatch agents to assume control over visual content of Jake's future film projects.
This is truly a worthy goal, way up there, right along with protecting our man from unauthorized females.
haha, nice anon, you are hilarious.
speaking of open letters re: jake films, etc., i was just wondering about the current internet debate over the casting of harvey dent/two face. jake's name is popping up again in the online rumor mill, but his people have apparently (cheekily) denied the possibility by saying, no, it’s the other guy from bbm that’s in batman. sounds pretty definitive, but what do you think it going on here? it’s so mysterious to me that the role is STILL uncast. i also wonder how much do u think studio execs listen to fan buzz/reactions? i personally would be thrilled to see a jake/heath reunion in batman, and totally trust christopher nolan’s good taste and artistic choices, but it seems the couple of comic fan sites online that have claimed insider info and generated buzz around rumors have been against the idea, citing bbm-related weirdness, etc. but how much of their commentary is reflective of the opinion of the masses? if fans spoke up, do you really think so many people would opposed to the idea? i mean, we’re talking really great talents here, and i’d seriously hate for something like this not to happen solely due to perceived fan pressure. ok, that was my rant.
^^ Though I'd love to see Jake as Harvey Dent, I don't think a Jake and Heath reunion is going to happen in Batman, Smurfette. I would love to be wrong but the timing is all off.
According to this site The Dark Knight is set to start filming in March of next year--
With all the location shoots set for Rendition---I bet Jake will still be filming next March. I'd place your money on Ryan Phillipe being Harvey Dent.
I pray I'm wrong, a Jake/Heath reunion would be brilliant. But if it doesn't happen with Batman, it will happen with another great movie.
9:47, you have a point, tho i hope ur wrong as well =P. if rendition really fast-tracked to filming by november, and finished in 4 months, jake could theoretically still do batman by march. to be honest, if not jake, i think i’d rather liev schreiber than ryan philippe. ryan’s cute but liev would be perfect. have u seen manchurian candidate? ok movie overall but great acting.
After seeing The Departed, I could totally see Jake and Heath in a similar movie, with one being the good guy and the other a total baddie, one pursuing the other and really messing him up. That would be cool. OR I could see them totally doing The Sting type Newman/Redford type thing, a sly humourous smart film. I think both could do an outstanding job in a comedy. I think the clueeless Batman Fanatics out there are foolish, silly misguided people. No matter who you cast, it will never be right for some jerks. They are just negative people.
Smurfette, Jake has rainbow flip-flops??!?!
I HAVE to see that.
Regarding Jake and Heath in a film together again, earlier this year I read they had agreed to do a thriller film together called "Nauticus". Anyone else hear about that and/or what happened to it? (I keep hearing about Jake being in all these damn movies that never seem to happen! Read about another one he was supposed to star in, a comedy about the music business called "The Space Between") Plus, I saw an interview with him where he insisted he has no problem with getting naked in front of the camera, so don't you wonder what's with turning down the Bertolucci film? I read he said it had "excessive nudity" and it's difficult for me to understand how seeing him naked could ever be considered "excessive" . . .even if he was naked through the entire movie! Sorry, got carried away. . .
*x<3x*, both he and maggie wear their rainbow flip flops pretty frequently. here’s one example from a JW picture post.
as for maggie, the last time i recall seeing her in her rainbows was when jake was teaching her to skateboard (i remember some folks complaining it was dangerous even tho jake had his foot on the board and was holding her, because she was pregnant, wearing flip flops, etc.).
oh sorry--i just realized i wasn't clear in conveying that "rainbow" is a brand name, not in reference to the color/style of the sandals.
I keep hearing about Jake being in all these damn movies that never seem to happen!
A lot of those are just rumours. Or wishful thinking. Nothing more than that.
jake has been seen with a brunette lately...can someone please find out who this is??
re: Jake and nudity
I believe he turned down the Bertolucci film because he wasn't going to have enough control over the nudity. Apparently the director was going to do whatever he wanted and Jake wouldn't have any say over the final cut, what was show, ect.
I think that's perfectly reasonable-- even if you're totally comfortable with your body, it's natural to want to know and have some influence over what millions of people are going to see of you.
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