Aah, young grasshopper, you have much to learn. I see you've successfully co-ordinated your clothes to blend in with that indecisively beige Ford Freestar and, lo and behold, it was all going so well until you decided to carry on walking and came across that vibrant yellow Noo Yawk taxi cab. Shit! With no lucid lemon togs to don your camouflage immeadiately failed and your true identity was revealed to us! You are not yet ready to snatch the pebble from the palm of Master Po.
Also, I see you've decided to contradict our very own ProphecyGirl with a complete turnaround on the sweater waist hug versa in hand versa slung over shoulder debate. You know, when ProphecyGirl makes fashion statements, she does not make them lightly. Think on next time Gyllenhaal, think on.
I found this picture in a mulberry bush outside my house...only joking! IHJ.
More books?
This is something I don't get very often..as I understand from the picture,the cab stopped,the driver opened the door and invited Jake in.Yes,I'm sure this is how it happened.What comes next?A free ride?
This is something I don't get very often..as I understand from the picture,the cab stopped,the driver opened the door and invited Jake in.Yes,I'm sure this is how it happened.What comes next?A free ride?
...odd, I agree, and why was Jake opening/shutting the boot/trunk of said cab. Methinks we have a mystery....
Anyone else think hes looking different these days- thats neither good or bad. Just the short hair, no beard diff sunnies, and hes looking really skinny latley. Still hot as in my books but hes def looking different... I think he might b 'transforming' for a movie role!
Perhaps he had the cab waiting while he went to get his mail, hence the open door. The trunk on the other hand... now that's a mystery to be solved indeed, katie! ;-)
I hate ,hate,hate his hair.Seems to cut it every other day and so clean shaven.Too much.
He is way to thin in the face.Maybe it is because of the lack of hair on his head and facial scruff which was so,so sexy.He looks like a college boy now.I like the sexy,hairy manly Jake.
What,so you think he didn't bathe before?Just because he's clean shaven now,doesn't mean he didn't bathe Diana rigg!
I reckon the eyebrows have taken waxing too.Less and less hair every day.Bring back the hairy,sexy Jake.This look is too school boy.
Man, I feel for Jake. When he grows hair/facial hair, some folks hate it, when he shaves folks hate/freak out about it. He should allowed to change his looks. It isn't the end of the world and I am sure his looks will change again soon.
I can see through his scalp.I really dislike that look.It's ok if it's for a film?Wonder what the character requirements are for Rendition.It's not got long to grow if it starts filming November.
He does have fast hair growth i think though?
He can change his looks anon 2.17,he can do whatever he likes.Doesn't mean everyone has to like it though does it.
I will be glad when Zodiac is out so we can have something else to talk about.
He's looking very CIA-ish to me. I think he's getting into his role. They start shooting next month.(November)
IMHO even when he's all sweaty he looks clean. Personally, I prefer his hair a little long and I prefer him with some scruff, but I'll take him anyway I can get him cause it's Jake and he's beautiful.
i can't keep myself from repeating ONCE AGAIN how much i adore a clean shaven, well groomed Jake with no spandex nowhere in sigh.
if it is his NYC look then I want him to stay there forever
Maybe it's just me but I think he looks edible no matter what he does to himself. He could wrap himself in a trash bag and grow a handlebar moustache for all I care. I'll take him any day of the week. I got quite a shock though...the way the light hits his hair in one pic on IHJ, he looks blonde. Still scrumptious, but blonde.
Maybe the change is for that new CIA agent role in Rendition with Reese Witherspoon. Man I'm so excited - I love polictical thrillers!
Eeek! He lookes like Elijah Wood with those sunglasses.
Not that I'm complaining, hot enough for me.
Dude, he totally did that just to spite me. But when he looks that good, I just can't stay mad at him...
Whoever said he looks very CIA, yes, I agree, it's like he's getting into his role. (And I don't mean Culinary Institute of America.) Maybe he's doing the method thing. From the neck up, with the short hair, the clean-shaven, strong jaw & chin, and the reflective aviators, he looks like someone doing security for the president. From the neck down, though, he's still Jake.
Thats a USPS Prioty Mail Box he's carrying! Jakey's got mail - could it be a his script revision for Rendition? or his tickets to Morocco and South Africa for the location shoots? hmmm
Don't mind sweater around his waist. Just wish my arms were in it. (sigh.)
What on god's earth is wrong with wearing your sweater around your waist???
ok, lets not call jake a slut, but we can def call him a playboy. i heard he slept w/ lindsay lohan,...a while ago..but everyone sleeps with her ...
have no idea who lindsay lohan is, but really, can you blame anybody for sleeping with HIM?
...odd, I agree, and why was Jake opening/shutting the boot/trunk of said cab. Methinks we have a mystery....
Not really. Sometimes cabbies do that as a automatic reaction to seeing someone carrying something - anything. They open the door and then pop the trunk in case someone has luggage or something they don't want to bring into a car.
As for Lohan, IIRC that was one of the times his publicist spoke out, said they weren't dating and have mutal friends hence the hanging out.
ok, lets not call jake a slut, but we can def call him a playboy. i heard he slept w/ lindsay lohan,...a while ago..but everyone sleeps with her ...
This is a class A example of a 'troll' or 'flamer'. Can we please just either humour them or ignore them. Don't take it seriously or it'll never go away.
Much thanks,
your reckless leader,
as you wish, our reckless leader :) it's a follow up from yesterday, when you seemed to be absent - it was a serious bout of trolling
I wouldn't mind the trolls, it's just that they're not as funny as they used to be.
Gin, I am with you too. Any way, whatever he likes, beard no beard, aviator or blinde, spandex or cargo or tux, before or after the shower. Always fraking hot.
I agree with Sam, he looks different in this picture. I had to enlarge it, to see what was different. I still can't point my finger as to what it is. Not that I'm complaining or anything.
Friday Oct 6 "The Departed" arrives in US theaters - the Zodiac Trailer is supposedly appearing before the movie. I am all over this assignment and shall report swiftly on the trailer and every nugget of Jake in it!
I'm confused about this movie. Is he starting it THIS November or next November? It seems to soon to start only a month after signing the stars, but a year's a long time.
I think Jake's face looks narrower (probably due to being clean shaven) and a lot more pale. That might be the odd difference that everyone is noticing.
Interesting question about which November! Though it's a good point. I know Jake and Heath signed to do BBM in the January and they started filming in the May, but even that was 4 months ahead and not a matter of weeks!
But I believe Heath has a film he's doing next summer, (Dirt Music, with Rachel Weitz) so that's nearly a year away as well!
I think everyone assumes Jake starts filming next month, though.
I think thats Jake's Jake Watch T- shirt forwarded from the West Coast!! He wanted to wear it in NYC (for protection, of course)
DCforum has an enlarged close up of one of this series of pics ad I cannot get over how absofuckinglutely perfect his skin is. He is so damned hot it makes me ache.
I totally agree with those that say Jake has that CIA look! Perfect for the "Rendition" role. I can just see him in a suit now, with the shades and all. Looks totally like an agent with this haircut and clean shaven look. I think he looks just right for it. Although I love his bearded look too. Anyway, I am really excited for the movie!
Btw, based on the Variety article this movie was fast-tracked, http://www.variety.com/article/VR1117950781?categoryid=13&cs=1&nid=2563
Aim is for a mid-November production start; project's been fast-tracked since the mini-major closed the deal for tyro scribe Kelley Sane's spec in May.
So, I do think they are starting filming this November.
And I have seen lots of other movies sign casts and then film as quickly as this one. Including the new one with Natalie Portman and Scarlett Johansson "The Other Boleyn Girl" which was just fully cast a month or two ago and is filming now.
Lol, TBL.
I was also going to query what had happened to the daily newswatch.
Be glad you got yours frozen, as to make it inedible... mine's rotted my teeth.
So if I'm understanding this, they didn't even lock down the writer/script until this May and they've cast and want to start shooting this November? That IS fast track.Another thought: If Jakey is getting ready to shoot a film, it makes sense that he'd be lean. The camera loves him, but it will add a pound or two.
I wonder how long the shoot will be. Isn't it spring in South Africa right now?
How would the paps know to get a photo of Jake at the post office? I think the pics of him look more like he's leaving a place he was staying. Does anyone think maybe he was headed for the airport in that cab to go back to LA? Maybe he'd already thrown his bag in the trunk and went back to get the stuff he hand carried, like his mail. I know. I'm obsessing. I think I'll go watch Jarhead.
OT - but I just realized why I don't watch Flavor of Love....BIG EWWWWWW!
Has this already been posted? It was in the comments on the splashnews blog under Jakes biking pics
my friend who\\\'s a PA for one of the organizers of the NYFF is ga-ga over him and wetting herself that he\\\'s on the VIP list the night of the 13th.
What is NYFF? Anyone know?
NYFF - New York Film Festival and "Marie Antoinette" is screening that night. The plot thickens! ;)
"The plot thickens" LMAO! oh please!
I think it's the sides of his hair, that looks cut far shorter then usual, much more a short back and sides then he normally goes for.
Tell your friend not to wet themselves. When a film opens, the film's people submit a VIP list to the festval of people who've been invited. This could include everyone from the Pope to the Dalai Lama. I'm not surprised Jake's name is on the list. They're friends. This film's a big deal for her. And Jake knows Sophia Coppola, too. There's probably a lot of names on that list. And truthfully, many of them won't show. Ususally, people directly connected to the film and their family and close friends are the ones who show. And Festival VIPS. But hey. One can hope.
Oh. Sorry for the double post. Another function of a VIP list is to generate buzz. If "rumors" spread that certain celebrities will show up, then it creates a lot of excitement. That's good for the film.
oh no! so this means that jakey and kirsten are going to be at the same event?! do you think they will get back together??
splash-news a short video of Jake taking garbage out and then going into the cab. He seems like coming out of an apartment complex and Chris is there too. So I think the earlier pics are from the same time? In which case Jake is not coming from the post office, but from an apartment (perhaps Chris?)
Spash News has video of Jake taking out the trash. He seems REALLY pissed, deliberately turning his back to the cameras. Chris is with him and it looks like Chris is calling someone...maybe the cops. Jake has his parcels in hand and this looks like where the cab picked him up. It seems like part of the same sequence. So it is true the paps are still staking out the place where Chris lives.The video creeps meb out.
anon 6:57 looks like we posted in parallel!
Splash also has a couple of videos of McBongo -- one where he is brushing his teeth in the car! I guess nothing makes him too conscious eh? I have to say I find him fun and like his dont-give-a-s**t attitude, but NO WAY he is sexiest man alive!!
6;57: Yeah, that was really disgusting. I heard that the paps were staking Chris' place everytime Jake is in town. I hope Chris was calling the cops.
WAIT! who is CHRIS??
and can someone please provide a link for this video!!!
Chris is Jake's childhood friend, Chris Fischer.
And here's a link. Click on "click here for more" and then scroll down til you find the video with Jake.
It's pretty clear what Jake feels....
I feel bad for both of them.
It's a damn shame really. Chris is not in the business. He and Jake should be able to hang out togehter w/o the slimy stalkarazzi following them around 24/7, and they are. The problem is that they know where Chris' lives (Yes it's Chris' place, Jake stays there mostly when he is in NY). It wouldn't help if Jake got his own place or stayed at hotel because eventually they will find that out too. It's different here in NY where Jake likes to walk around, mostly in the Village/Soho/Tribeca area where Chris' and Maggie and Peter live, he's a creature of habit and tends to go to the same places and they know that.
It's the same in LA but the difference there is he drives around, even though that hasn't stopped them, I think he does a little better to avoid them , but not much probably.
Well, Jake's friend, Chris isn't a public figure and I hope he gets some people arrested and fined or he sues the crap out of them. I think the stalker laws in LA are a bit tougher, too. The other rotten part of this is I'm sure the paps usually don't stand in silence while they shoot. They are probably saying things to provoke so they can get a better reaction shot. I hate them. I don't mind looking at photos of someone walking down the street if they're out in public, and I think most celebs expect that. But this is really horrible. What's even sicker is I've read accounts where some fans actually join in with the paps and have been at that stakeout at Chris' house on other occasions.
It is sad that he can't even take out garbage without it being a scene. Btw, I thought the apartment in NYC was one that Jake and Chris shared?
Anyway, there are cute new pics at IHJ of him and a female friend having coffee.
Really really cute pics!
But - agents! Unauthorized female alert!!! ;-)
Jake should move to Brooklyn! Heath lives there and never seems to be photographed by the paps. When he is it's usually when he's in LA!
That's where Maggie and Peter have a place now, apparently, in Brooklyn. If Jake gets a place there the paps will probably leave him alone .......... and then people complaining he's always being papped will complain they never see new pics of him!
What happened to Saturday September 30th and Monday October 2nd Jake posts? I have had some computer problems could be me. I sure am enjoying all the new pictures of Jake and Family. They all look wonderful, especially Jake. His hair looks lighter in some of those latest photos. But always sexy as hell.
Oh man, that mouth, that mouth, drives me crazy ...
who is that female? looks like she has a kid...stroller? i live in nyc, and go to bonsignour (the place where he eats on the bench) and i never see him!
i agree, all these famous people moved to the west village, hope it doesn't become too popular...its so nice and quiet.
-jakes hair does look lighter. i happen to like it darker!
-and how do you guys know all this info on this guy chris fischer? i "heard" that jake has an apt..my friend works on bleeker st...and her friend went on a date with him...
Your friend has a friend who went out on a date with JAKE??????? Or Chris? TELL!
Can I say that Jake looks gorgeous in the first picture?
Gorgeous Jake
But the not-so-gorgeous look he gave when he noticed the pap is real funny (to me anyway).
Pissed Jake
-jake does look pissed in the video!
-i have heard of this fischer guy...
-my friend works at a store on bleeker said a girl came in..months ago...looking for a dress for a date, and my friend asked her with who..and she said jake!
hard to believe. she said the girl was pretty w/brown hair, but not that pretty ! and she went on a couple of dates with him!!! but then when he was seen with natalie it stopped! she is dating one of his friends now!
This thing about the friend of a friend dating JG and then stopping when he was seen with Natalie Portman as if that was the reason sounds a BS to me! Sorry but I can't help! Are we starting again with that silly thing "I heard that Jake..." that was going on earlier? PLZE!
First you said ...
.my friend works on bleeker st...and her friend went on a date with him...
Then you said ....
my friend works at a store on bleeker said a girl came in..months ago
You said this was your friend's friend ... now your friend's friend is just a girl that came in?
...looking for a dress for a date, and my friend asked her with who..and she said jake!
hard to believe. she said the girl was pretty w/brown hair, but not that pretty ! and she went on a couple of dates with him!!! but then when he was seen with natalie it stopped! she is dating one of his friends now!
So this girl who is not a friend of your friend but instead just a girl came in and bought a dress from your friend. Then, she told your friend this story as she was preparing for a date, then happened to come back again and tell her that she wasn't dating Jake and is dating one of his friends?
... must not feed trolls.
Oh, I dunno, Anon 3:12. Sounds plausible. Guess I like it bcz it feeds my fantasy. Some apparently normal girl goes shopping for a dress for a date. Sounded like a very casual thing, not a BIG romance.
I mean, the guy's gotta do something in his spare time, so he hung out with friends and someone must have fixed him up. Bet this was that time when we saw pics of him, Chris with blonde girl and he with brunette walking out of a restaurant in NYC, in the Village after dark. The girl kept her head downish bcz she seemed uncomfortable with the paps and he was in cargo shorts and a t-shirt(!)...again. As I recall she was a pleasant enuf looking young lady. I just want Jacob to know that I, as well as others, might make ourselves available if he should wish.
Back away from our man!
ok, dont know what trolls are,..but do u think i make up these crazy stories in my head?
my friend does work at a store
a girl came in, her friend or not..i didn't ask specifics
you are right, this is gossip, but i wouldn't be posting false information for fun! i take this as seriously as you do!
and i dont think this brunette chick is the chick he was dating. AND this chick who he went on a date with works at a restaurant in the west village, she was his waitress, and he asked her out at the end of his dinner..not lying!!
i dont get it! why would maggie and peter move to brooklyn??? now well have to find jake there???
Maggie and Peter are having a baby and they are tired of all the intrusions by paps and they reportedly found a nice house with a garden. It isn't too far from where Heath & Michele live but I think it's in Park Slope and H&M live in Boerum Hill.It doesn't mean Jake will live in Brooklyn. And it doesn't mean Maggie and Peter will never be in Manhattan. Plz remain calm. S'alright.
The Lohan rumor is BS. Back when Jakey was younger and wilder he did his share of nightly clubbing, just like Heath did.They outgrew it. My Gawd! There was even a rumor that when Heath first arrived in H'wood, he dated Tara Reid for a minute. I'm almost certain Jake never "dated" LL. Thankfully, both Heath and Jake outgrew the high schoolish self-indulgent life of the club crowd like LL, Paris and the like. And when you think about it, most people have an "OOPS!" Colin Farrell dated Britany and LL. I bet many of us can look back on a time when we were younger and went out with someone who we are now mortified to admit we even know. Look at Liz Taylor. She can't even stand to mention Eddie Fisher's name and she married him. LOL!
So, I think Jakey is entitled to an OOPS! I just don't think it was LL. Unless he was really depressed andreallly drunk...in which case, it probably wasn't a success.
That's ridiculous! Lindsay Lohan is
only 20 this year. Jake will be 26 in a minute. When was this supposed to have happened? I think not.
Sweet Jesus....
This had to be a very sweet coffee for Jake
7:16AM: It was a one night stand. He laso had a one night stand with that girl who was nominated for Maria Full of Grace. It happened when he hosted the Independent Spirit Awards, in '03? I believe he was dating Kristen at the time. Also briefly dated model/actress Jaime Bell after he broke up with singer Jenny Lewis and before he started dating Dunst, bur it was sweeped un der the rug due to her drug problem at the time.
BTW, the 411 on Jake and Natalie:No they are not dating but they are definately "friends with benefits". They occasionally lapse into the "sex phase" when they meet up, has been going on for years off and on. Neither admits that it's nothing more than that and are casually dating a number of people.
PS: To the people on IHJ and DC forum: That brunette in the recent pap pics isn't related to Jake.
Also briefly dated model/actress Jaime Bell after he broke up with singer Jenny Lewis and before he started dating Dunst, bur it was sweeped un der the rug due to her drug problem at the time.
I think it's Jaime King, she had heroin problems in those times.
11:15 am, so who is the brunette? (And why doesn't he help her carry her boxes??)
Dear Anon 11:15--
That is very interesting information. Can you tell us please how you are privy to all that personal stuff (who he had sex with, etc)??
11:15AM: Oops, sorry, I meant to say Jaime King, she was in Sin City. The relationship was brief, as you can imagine his friends and family and his "people" were not thrilled with it. May have been one of the reasons Maggie introduced him to Kristen.
The one night stand with actress Catalina Moreno from Maria Full of Grace happened at an after party for the Independent Spirit Awards which he co-hosted. It was reported at the time he was all over her like white on rice and they later went to her hotel room. He was dating Dunst at the time still but she wasn't there.
The Natalie stuff is from friends of Natalie from LI where her parents still live. The freinds with benefits thing has been going on and off going back to the Kristen/Gael days. Don't know if anything more serious will come of it, both are very independent, especially Natalie who likes to go off on her own and travel alone. They never seem to be on the same page. He also still has a thing for Dunst so that doesn't help anything either.
That brunette chick is a waitress, not a PA or a relative. She works at a resturaunt here in Soho. Mutual friend of Chris and Jakes and Chris' NY pals.
The rumor is so interesting.
But want us to believe that?
haha, no way!
I can also speard rumors as possible as I can.
It's too stupid that somebody think people can believe whatever others said.
1:37: Yes you can believe what you want, i'm just repeating what others have told me. I just didn't get the Natalie/Jake thing since I did see them together way before the pap pics of them surfaced in May. When I inquired they said that they must be in between relationships again and have turned to each other for sex, yet again. It's not uncommon for people their age, there is a certain comfort level.
Bottom line: Jake is not interested at this time in getting serious with any one, not even Natalie. Well unless it's Kiki, unfinished business and all.
Oh God ... Lana Turner's Sweater from Fanchitchat. They ran you off of there and now you're here. Jesus girl, give it up.
It's so disrespectful that reveal or distort someone's personal life everywhere. I will never do this to anyone. Don't you think that is a little bit improper and unpolite? And as far as I know, most of the time, all the gossip is just bullshit!
And I have no obligation to believe everything people say, especially in the net.
It seem to me that it's Ok to speculate about Jakes love life as long as it doesn't involve girls. I hate to break it to you but he ain't no boy scout and there is a reason why he make monthly visits to NY an it ain't because of Mr. Fischer.
2:15PM: VAGINA!!!! You are on the wrong blog, now run along.
what?! u think he makes these visits for sex reasons?! I am going to say i live in nyc, and and you just meet people...hear things...yes its gossip but i doubt some people make it up, a lot of people dont gawk over jake so they dont really care
I find all this irresponsible gossip fascinating. Even if I don't believe half of it.
Right. This is fucking pissing me off now. I spot anymore LAME rumours by anonymous posters and they're getting deleted because it's getting on wick.
This is an ironic humourous blog and I seriously couldn't give a shit who Jake has/hasn't sleep with.
Giving it a fucking rest. Nutjobs.
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