Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Crack out the Baby Sweepstakes board, agents; who had letter "R?" Maggie gave birth to a baby girl at around 8:00 pm this evening (New York time), with the lovely name of Ramona! Details to follow, as they become available...

Thanks to Cantara for the news.

NOTE: I've read in various places that Ramona was born two weeks premature. She wasn't. She was born perfectly on time, despite reports that she was due in the middle of October.


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Anonymous said...

Jake's one SMOKIN UNCLE if you ask me!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if she was inspired by the Ramon Quimby books..I loved that series as a kid and I love the name!! Congrats to PAPA!

Sam said...

congrats to the whole gyllenhaal family!! for the past few weeks everytime i turn on my comp it comes into my head 'wonder if shes had the baby' Thats great, lovely name, different but really pretty :)

Anonymous said...

hey, that's what we have been waiting for! best wishes for the Gyllenhaals. Ramona is so fantastic name!

Anonymous said...

I'm doing my happy dance!!! This is SO sweet. Ramona and her Grandpa will be able to celebrate their birthdays together since his is tomorrow! One day Sweet Ramona will realize what a Hot Uncle she has!!!

Anonymous said...

IHJ has a couple of pics in the gallery of Jake and Maggie out in the West Village on Oct.2nd. She has an "I want this to be over!" look. Totally exhausted. Jake looks like maybe he's getting ready to hail a cab, or he's pissed at paps. Maybe both.As the Bard is fond of saying, "All's well that ends well!" Happy Birthday Ramona!

Anonymous said...

"The moment a child is born,
the mother is also born.
She never existed before."
- Rajneesh

Welcome to the universe Ramona!

Anonymous said...

5:17 that is just beautiful. And very true. I'm a mother of two girls. So happy for Maggie & Peter and all the Gyllenhaals and Sarsgaards!!!

ATD said...

Congratulations to Maggie and Peter. One of life’s most phenomenal journeys has just begun, enjoy Parenthood and all that it brings you.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to our beloved Gyllenhaals and Saarsgards. BLessing on this healthy new baby girl. And much love and congrats to new Uncle Jake. Ramona doesnt know yet how blessed she is to have you for an Uncle!

cina said...

AWWWW!! How wonderful for them, and the whole Gyllenhaal and Sarsgaard families! My warmest congratulations to you all!!

Ramona - very sweet name! :-D

The Chemistry Guru said...

Its still early morning over here in London but once again...welcome to the big wide world Ramona.

Weirdland said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Maggie and Peter and the whole family and welcome to Ramona!

What great news to wake up to!

And happy birthday Gyllenpops!

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! To Maggie and Peter, how lovely! Bet Uncle Jake is over the moon!

Mys T's said...

What a wonderful day to be born! Congratulations. I remember being a first-time mum and feeling so proud of my little bundle, the feeling is like nothing else. Good work Maggie and Pete :-)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Stephen!

Thank you for Jake :)

Anonymous said...

The happiest of happy birthday wishes coming all the way from South Africa to Ramona for today, and Stephen for tomorrow!!

Congratulations to Maggie and Peter - may this new journey into parenthood bring you much joy ... and congratulations as well to 'uncle' Jake - little Ramona is gonna love getting to know you!

*dances for joy*

Anonymous said...

Congratulations for Peter and Maggie. And what a nice name Ramona is.

Jess said...

AWWW! I'm sooo happy for them all! Congratulations Maggie and Peter!!

Maybe Ramona and Matilda will have play dates and we will get uber cute pictures of Heath and Jake and babies. Oh, the possibilities!


Anonymous said...

Congrats to Peter and Maggie, and Ramona is a beautiful name for, what I'm sure, is a beautiful little girl.

*Sits back and awaits ubercute photographs of Jake and his niece*

cina said...

Oh yes! It's Stephen's birthday today!

Happy Birthday grandfather Stephen!

I can't imagine a better birthday present than a first grandchild.
And thanks for your gift to us! (If you should ever read this...)

Anonymous said...

What a lovely name, Congratualtions !!

Nothing Really Matters said...

Congratualtions Maggie and Peter!

Nothing Really Matters said...

smurfette i think your the winner!

The Real Me said...

Awwwww bless. New life to change the world, we need more revolutionary babies!
Welcome to the world little Ramona, your life will be full of wonderous beauty and not so cool paps.
Congrats to Maggie and Peter, and the rest of the famz.

Anonymous said...

thats wonderful news and what a happy family they'll all make, bet shes gorgeous (lol and welcome to the world)
plus your your darn tooten right, he will make a SMOKIN UNCLE!!

lovely name

and well done to maggie too!


Anonymous said...

I don't mean to dampen the festive mood. I'm very happy for Maggie and Peter, but I don't like the girl's name. Anyway, I wonder Britpopbaby, you have more contact with Jake's family than you are willing to admit, don't you? Nothing wrong with that, just wondering because you were about the first one in the "blog-sphere" to know the news.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11.29,she wasn't the only one.The iheartjake girls knew too,because Cantara emailed them and posted a message here to announce it.It's on the previous thread.

Anonymous said...

congratulations to the whole family!!! :))))) may Ramona be strong beautiful and happy


Anonymous said...

Oh yes,'Congrats' to new Grandpa,Stephen.What a lovely birthday present.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Kendra, Stephen Gyllenhaal and congratulations to Maggie and Peter and all the Gyllenhaals! Hope little Ramona will bring much love and happiness into their life.
I think Ramona is a beautiful name and ever since I heard the news the song 'Ramona', by The Blue Diamonds (happy, upbeat little song from the 60's) has been playing in my head!

Mys T's said...

Anonymous said...

OH!!!!! Congrats for PARENTS, GRNADPARENTS and THE UNCLE!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

penny lane said...ever since I heard the news the song 'Ramona', by The Blue Diamonds (happy, upbeat little song from the 60's) has been playing in my head!

I had that too,but my head version was 'The Bachelors'

Anneka's Alias said...

Wow. All these birthdays and I have no cake. Might have to remedy that...

Congratulations Gyllenhaals and Saarsgaards. And Kendra.

Cantara said...

Kids, hold your heads up high. JakeWatch got this scoop before ANYONE ELSE. Even hasn't got it yet!

Anonymous said...

I have a son and a daughter. As a mother I have a very special bond with my son, but that's another story. My daughter, however, is my heart, my soul, my life, my love, my best friend. She will be 30 next week. The journey so far has been awesome.
Maggie, May your journey with Ramona be long and close and traveled in the light of love.

Weirdland said...

Thanks, Anneka's alias, yes, I read it here first, Cantara! First here and in Just Jared then.

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised Maggie site doesn't have it yet and others as it's all over the net in news bulletins now.I saw it on iheartjake first,then here,so dunno who got it first,but it's great news.Well done to the new parents and best wishes to all

Agnes said...

Congratulations Maggie and Peter!!

Ramona is a sweet name :)

Becky Heineke said...

That's what I thought, Cantara!! I've been looking all over and it hasn't hit the major entertainment news sites, yet. A couple of places are citing JustJared as their source, but I knew we had it first!!! Thank you so much!! :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the scoop, Cantara!!! WONDERFUL news and congratulations to the whole family!!!

salailama said...

squuueeee! congrats to the family and yay for cantara's scoop! ramona is an awesome name. very cute and quirky. i think it's cute that as lovers of literature, they picked such an iconic name in children's literature (anyone remember beverly clearly?) haha, maybe they got the idea from heath and michelle's matilda, and also wanted to name their daughter after a sweet, smart, mischievious child from literature. maybe they'll be friends haha =).

anyway, britpop, when are we breaking out the champagne?

Anonymous said...

There are news bulletins prophecy girl.This one was posted on iheartjake by one of the members and apparantly there are a few more.
Will have to watch the entertainment news channels tonight.See,if they report it.

Anonymous said...

Thanks anon 2.07.

It says the baby was 2 weeks premature.

Anonymous said...

Sorry,i meant anon 2.13 .Thanks for news item.

Becky Heineke said...

Oh, thanks anon 2.13! I heard it on the radio this morning so I figured it had to be reporting somewhere, but I wasn't having any luck. Off to check things out...

Anonymous said...

prophecy girl said...Oh, thanks anon 2.13!

You're welcome.

Anonymous said...

Kids, hold your heads up high. JakeWatch got this scoop before ANYONE ELSE. Even hasn't got it yet!

See, I was right!

Anon 11.29 AM

cina said...

Kids, hold your heads up high. JakeWatch got this scoop before ANYONE ELSE. Even hasn't got it yet!

Wow. Not bad. Not bad at all! :-D
Thank you so much Cantara!
Please give them our warmest congratulations will you? From all of us here at JakeWatch!

Nothing Really Matters said...

Thanks Cantara!

Jess said...

Thank you SO much, cantara!!

Weirdland said...

So I've fixed the exclusivity of Cantara above the other sources in my Ramona post.

Anonymous said...

no you weren't

Anonymous said...

Anon 2.27.Cantara told Jakewatch!

Bobbie said...

Ramona is such a sweet name. I'm so happy for Maggie and the family!

salailama said...

sorry about the double-post above.

so hey, i checked back to our name game to see who "won" and to my shock/surprise/delight, i guess i did?! well, "roman" on the boys side is technically closer, but "rhona" is pretty close and got the gender right, no?

yay! i never win anything, thanks for making my day, BP. haha, maybe i'll take a picture of a tamarind as my "prize"?

cina said...

Congrats smurfette!

Btw, I see that you stick with the picture I found for you! :-) It's so cute!

Anonymous said...

and what about the comedy animal. has it been decided what to choose?

Anonymous said...

I've always like this song by Bob Dylan (preferably sung by Joan Baez), so here's a song for you, Ramona, Forever Young -

May God bless and keep you always,
May your wishes all come true,
May you always do for others
And let others do for you.
May you build a ladder to the stars
And climb on every rung,
May you stay forever young,
Forever young, forever young,
May you stay forever young.

May you grow up to be righteous,
May you grow up to be true,
May you always know the truth
And see the lights surrounding you.
May you always be courageous,
Stand upright and be strong,
May you stay forever young,
Forever young, forever young,
May you stay forever young.

May your hands always be busy,
May your feet always be swift,
May you have a strong foundation
When the winds of changes shift.
May your heart always be joyful,
May your song always be sung,
May you stay forever young,
Forever young, forever young,
May you stay forever young.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations and best wishes to Maggie and Peter and the extended families. With love.

salailama said...

simon, what horse track?

salailama said...

nevermind, agent simon. i'm slow today. you're referring to the fact that i should take advantage of my good luck, right? haha, normally not a betting woman, but perhaps i should!

where's gin? s/he guessed roman. that's pretty good too =).

cina, thanks, i did end up sticking to this pic. simple, sexy (haha) gets my identity across =)...

britpopbaby said...

Yay!! A new Gyllenhaal - god, I bet she's gorgeous already.

And smurfette - yes, you do win. Rhona - that was pretty damn close. Email me and I'll see what gifts I can bestow upon you because after all, I'm a gin drinker of my word. Except when I forget stuff.

And thanks Cantara! I have to add that to my amazing timeline now. Although the safe arrival of baby Ramona was way more important than any exclusive *coughspluttercough*werock*cough*

Anonymous said...

Wow am I late for this post! Congrats to all!!

I wonder if she was inspired by the Ramon Quimby books..

I wondered that, too. That thought warms my librarian heart. :)

Yay! Congrats!!

Anonymous said...

A big congratulation to Maggie and Peter, and uncle Jake too! Ramona is an adorable name. And, happy birthday to Stephen Gyllenhaal!

Anonymous said...

I adore this site! As a fellow Jake fan, I was wondering if you'd be interested in a link swap.

Anonymous said...

Super News for the Gyllenhaals and Sarsgaards! I hope the new mommy and baby are resting peacefully and their health is perfect.


Agnes said...

Thanks for the scoop, Cantara ;)

salailama said...

Rhona - that was pretty damn close.

britpop, i've emailed you. honestly, you should get a prize for coming up with those great names on the board for us to choose from. between rhona and roman, you practically predicted the baby's name!

Anonymous said...

Wow Splendid news !

A warm welcome to the baby Ramona :O)

Congratulations to all the Family !

How Splendid Gift for Uncle Jake!:O)

JadziaDragonRider said...

That's one lucky little girl.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Maggie and Peter, and also to the rest of their families.

Young Ramona, you'll enjoy having a birthday on Oct. 3. (That is Nice Anonymous' birthdate as well, so I know of what I speak.) In the Northeast, it coincides with early pressings of apple cider, a certain clean crispness in the air, country roadside stands laden with pumpkins, the maple trees all ablaze with color & the promise of Halloween around the corner. It's a most delightful birthdate to have, I assure you, and I hope you'll see many, many of them pass in the best of health, with loved ones around you.

Anonymous said...

I'm happy for this little girl and for her.......amazing uncle Jake!!!...I like Jake and all his family!

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