While we've all had our attention focused elsewhere, Jake has hopped right back on the auction circuit, apparently desperate for attention even if it has to be bought. Now don't get too excited agents; this time you're not getting the full package when you lay down your $6601 and then later retract your bid because you live in Asia and couldn't possibly pay for airfare. No, this time you're bidding on something even better than the memory of a free studio-sponsored lunch and an inevitably awkward conversation with The Sex. Read all about it in this cleverly titled article, "Get Inside Jake Gyllenhaal's Pants," because apparently they're totally selling off all this stuff from Brokeback Mountain and for the second time in a month, I feel the full weight of my entry-level salary. I wonder if they're selling Jack Twist's belt buckle. I think I could probably forego eating for a month if I could get my hands on that.

P.S. Thanks, Joyce, for the heads up!
Prophecy Girl Said…Read all about it in this cleverly titled article, "Get Inside Jake Gyllenhaal's Pants," because apparently they're totally selling off all this stuff from Brokeback Mountain…
Good God that’s great marketing, who could resist!
As for the belt buckle, I’m a bit skint myself after the last couple of Gyllenhaal related purchases, but I don’t mind throwing a couple of quid in the hat if we start a Jake Watch bid.
You and Brits can fight it out between yourselves as to who would actually get anything we bought!
^^^Good idea Simon, they could have one each!
Do you have to go to Washington for this or is there any online bidding?
LOL ...girls, you must get this belt!
^^^ I can't figure this out, although I'll admit I haven't looked into it all that much. I'm hoping it's online. Does anyone know?
And SOCKS?! How could I have forgotten about the most important wardrobe item in Jake Gyllenhaal's closet?! Dammit...maybe I'll go without food for two months...
Oops, my arrows were for the anon. Sorry!
OK, apparently I've lost my mind because it says clearly in the article it's an online thing. This is good. I can work with this. And I'm going to stop posting now.
I'd settle for a sock, or just one of those buttons on that big warm sheepskin jacket of Jack's... What about the moustache?
The JEANS, people, the JEANS! Just look at them (le sigh)
Perhaps if I sell my car...
His belt hipnotized me since the first BBM sequences. I want it, you can bid for his socks!
I want the shirt. *sigh* The holy shirt!
Or the hat. Or the belt.
But I´d rather have the former owner of this things. Life is so unfair! :)
I see that we have to start gambling if we want some of Jake.One of us should get lucky!
I would go for that shirt anytime!That shirt made me cry nervously in BBM!!
The forever-together shirts were sold at auction for 100K a while back.
My car goes on sale this weekend.
I want one of Heath's hats.
I want the white t shirt, cheekily peeking out from under the blue shirt - I could sniff it at night *did I type that outloud*
^^^ Thanks for the link Joyce.
Now as to going half on a sock? Depends if you would want the left or the right foot, and definitely not if they had been washed!
Oh joycedavenport, I´m with you on the professional help front. Maybe we can join a group session.
I want the underwear...unwashed.
I want Jake's FUNK!
Did they sell his 'special' hat? (The one they made custom for that big sexy ass noggin of his)
Jake is just pimpin his ass wildly for causes isn't he? I think he's gonna have to take up painting or printmaking at this rate - he's just not gonna have enough shit to auction off!
Cowboy hats, boots, jeans, and more!
for your sake, PG, i hope "more" refers to socks haha. i bet the hat's gonna go for a sweet buck.
That damn parka, of course. The only item of clothing mentioned in the film apart from the missing shirt?
I've signed up for the newsletter. That Tamarin has taken a chunk out of the Jake Watch Piggy Bank but god, we have to try for the socks surely?
In one of the century's biggest mistakes, the shirts *were* washed before they were auctioned. Perhaps wardrobe didn't clean everything. One can hope.
Surely "entire wardrobe" means socks, too? And who would be crazy enough (aside from us) to actually want them? I think we can do this, guys.
BP, have you posted a pic of the tamarin yet? i'm curious.
TBL - that is the most beautiful imagery. A tear came to my eye. A rotating, back-lit sock display. In the reception area of JW HQ, to the right of the Fountain of Gyllenhaal bodily fluids...
We can totally play the crazy card on this. We just have to hope our Jake-craziness out weighs the BBM-craziness.
I'm not sure which actual Tamarin we have yet smurfette, but I guess they all look the same - it's a brown and white one if that helps.
it's a brown and white one if that helps. LOL.
Go for the socks!
Speaking of gifts, like the Tamarin, what happened to Jake and Poppa G's Boo/JW T-shirts, Brit??? Are they on their way to Jake and Pops? Would love to see pics of them wearing them!
I want Jack Twists' black hat. On the date with Jake E bay auction, the Man in my life said he would bid up to $2,000.00 for me to win. I told him we would need a second mortgage on the house. I thought it would be well over $10,000.00. We ARE talking about Jake here. I was very surprised the bidding wasn't more. Look how much they got for the bloody shirts from Brokeback Mountain. Jake is worth more than those shirts.
^^^ Is it a freakin GREMLIN that some idiot fed after midnight?
That’s one ugly looking thing!
atd said...
I’m a bit skint myself after the last couple of Gyllenhaal related purchases
It hasn't clicked until now, are you the aftertd who bought Jake's signed poster? I'm officially so jealous now.
OT - Zodiac poster
Zodiac poster
It's the pulp inside tamirind pod that is used. It's really rather sour and is used all over Asia for use in cooking. Also found in HP sauce and chutney.
Thanks for the link to the poster, I live in San Francisco! Makes me shiver... Love the 'O' in Zodiac and I am so glad they stuck with the original title (and not Chronicle) This movie will rock!
whoa, TBL, that pic will give me nightmares. haha, i also mix up tamarin with tamarind a lot.
green, thanks! the movie poster rocks! i agree with the comment, should've been "from the director of se7en and fight club", cuz FC was loads more popular than panic room. also, how come no mention of the all-star cast on the poster? JG, RD jr, mark ruffalo, c'mon! marketed right, this movie has all the potential to get the dudes AND the fangirls to the cinemas-- and since my movie tastes usually straddle those two demographics, i really can't wait!! hope it gets a december release...
OT: Theres a Gawker sighting of Jake and what sounds like Chris (Unidentified male decked out in Livestrong gear) Cycling on Central Park West. This is the 2nd sighting of Jake in that area this week which means that he is staying there with family and his new niece rather than Soho/Tribeca. That would explain the lack of pics which I am very happy about.
I loved when Jack went to undo the belt buckle. That was one of the sexiest parts of the FNIT scene... that and "Ennis" riding "Jack" like a horse. MMmmmmmmm.
ok, i would give anything to get his black stetson. i would even sell my 2 cats.
squallcloud, there is no end to the amount of times I watched as Jake took off that belt one handed. The belt buckle flick after he put his pants back on was cute as hell too. That belt is priceless.
Sorry to be so blunt. But ... if that arrow pointing to Jake's handsome, leggy figure could be moved just a smidgen lower, so that its point was nearly resting upon a particularly prominent fold in the denim ... that would constitute an entirely accurate representation of what Nice Anonymous wants.
I'm not sure we can spring for the belt buckle. That's a piece of actual cinema history.
Um...wearing the belt buckle right now. No joke. What about it?
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