Which brings me onto Jake Watch's gift for The Gyllengaard (it was all miffed's idea so she is getting the blame regardless of the fact she is still internet-less). There is a topic in the forum about it but seens as this baby will probably be in high school be the time we get our asses in gear, I'm giving those asses a shove. By this time tomorrow (7.30pm my time) I'm making a definite decision on what we're going to buy.
The options are:
a) Something charitable - plant a tree, save an acre of rainforest, yadda, yadda, yadda
b) Comedy animal - donkey, Anneka the brain damaged seal, marmoset, orangutang.
So get in the forums and make your opinion known or forever hold your tounge with a pair of brass plated Alice In Wonderland Nutcrackers.
I vote 100% comedy animal because this is Jake Watch, people, Jake Watch.
Man, I can't even keep to self-imposed deadlines. Right, decision is final - I'm buying an orangutang from the local zoo, stuffing it in a box and posting it to New York. Or, the legal and humane option: adoption.
We have a variety of comedy animals to choose from including:
...and the list continues in this vein for some pages more.
They're funny names but are they funny looking? I'm going to have to cross reference and get back to you.
i too vote comedy animal whatever it might be.
comedy animal gets my vote
Yup, me too. Because we're wacko! :-)
Well I like the idea of something charitable but who am I kidding comedy animal it is!! I vote for a monkey that blows rasberries all the time! Or a parrot that can only say swear words! Or how about a goldfish...they make very good pets I have myself a little one called Gylle (Jilly) named after our favorite family!!
I vote comedy animal, too. Something rare, wonderful and unique. Something mischievous and joyful. Something wonderously beautiful that gives free rein to the imagination, something soft and furry to the touch... but with great pecs and abs and...oh, wait, baby already has one.
I do love the comedy animals, I mean, my Orang-utan that claps it’s hands and shakes it’s ass to Mambo Number Five keeps me amused for hours – but would you give something like that to your newborn if it was from people you really didn’t know?
Sorry to be different, but I think we’d do better with something charitable.
Forget gold, frankinsense and myrrh. I think a brain-damaged seal is the perfect gift for a newly born infant. And I'm not biased.
is there anyway we can combine the choices? comedy animal whose proceeds go to charity perhaps? i know we've all got wacky senses of humor here, but i somehow think maggie and peter would appreciate something charitable more...
I am with you Smurfette, the charitable gift would be something I would think Maggie Peter would appreciate more.
I vote for an OTTER - they're really useful.
YAAAY Jakey has a new role and it's way better than any stupid cycling movie! I'm so happy. They need to get filming pronto so it can be out soon. It sounds really amazing too!
YAY!! Thanks for the news squall! *does a little happy dance*
but would you give something like that to your newborn if it was from people you really didn’t know?
We'd be adopting an animal through the WWF or a simliar organisation not giving them a toy animal - by comedy I meant some lesser appreciated animal, like donkeys.
All they'd get would be adoption papers.
YAAAY Jakey has a new role and it's way better than any stupid cycling movie! I'm so happy.
Just caught that one too, Squall and even though it says he is still in 'final negotiations' I am TOTALLY doing the happy dance here, cos it's listed as filming in MY COUNTRY.
Jake coming to South Africa? Whoo hoo hoo, that SO rocks!
A new movie? Wow, that´s some great news in the morning! I didn´t expect that at all. Sounds like a interesting story, too. And Reese Witherspoon is not so bad either.
And by far better than this lame Lance biopic.
@joyce: LOL! I was thinking the same thing!
i have crazy idea of collection of art..( our art?;) ) ...or just collection of something: Gyllengaard Collection ;)
it would be charitable and fun
how about the collection of weird things?
so i vote for charity
Thanks for the news, Squallcloud!!Jake Gyllenhaal and Reese Witherspoon will topline New Line's Middle East political thriller "Rendition."
I had a presentment about Reese and Jake. Middle East conflicts are a must-see these days. And I also vote for a charity gift.
As long as Jakey doesn't hurt himself on Reese's sharp little pointy chin when he's got to kiss her for one of the love scenes.
Political thriller? Too much politics is not good for one's health methink, and there's enough of that in the news daily. Haven't seen Munich and probably never will, and will probably also give this film a miss if it ever got made.
We'd be adopting an animal through the WWF or a simliar organisation not giving them a toy animal - by comedy I meant some lesser appreciated animal, like donkeys.
i love this idea, bp! i heard they let you buy like a mule or something in some poor country, and the mule will help provide for an entire family somehow. anyone know what i'm talking about?
and i love this new movie, hope it happens (commented in the other section about it)
"Haven't seen Munich and probably never will".
You totally should. Because The Wonderful Eric Bana(TM) gets totally naked. Thus suggesting good things for a political thriller starring Monsieur Jake.
"You totally should. Because The Wonderful Eric Bana(TM) gets totally naked."
yeah, that's usually the reason i watch films - to see gorgeous men getting naked. it is soo profound of me
We'd be adopting an animal through the WWF or a simliar organisation not giving them a toy animal - by comedy I meant some lesser appreciated animal, like donkeys
Oh I see, my bad, read it all wrong.
Armadillo, nobody appreciates the Armadillo.
I vote for the lion-tailed macaque, the spectacled bear or the red panda.
are those real animals or you made it up, Brits?
if they are real, i like :
PRZEWALSKI'S WILD HORSES - they look like some half arsed horses, not completely grown up even when adult (kinda like me)
PRAIRIE MARMOTS - b/c they look silly with the teeth
or the Spectacled bear - i have no idea what it is, but sounds silly enough
I vote for anything with "Buffy" in the name.
Ah what the heck! I'm up for any of them really.
PG, I knew you were gonna vote for the buffy-headed capuchins! LOL ;)
Yeah, I checked out the buffy things - they ain't so cute.
Tamarins might have to be looked into and also Coatis.
How about good ol' penguins!! (I'm a little obssesed with penguins :P)
Ok well, the Coatis look cute!
I vote for a Pussy!
^^^ Ha ha! Actually, I'm changing my vote to the macaques because I enjoy monkeys and know these are a particularly entertaining breed. I don't have the slightest clue what a capuchin is anyway. :D
they are cute
i sooo wouldn't like my baby to have a hog- it's disgusting (there was that disney series with it - pumba or smth, really disgusting). bongo is nice, but somehow not a comedy animal.
my personal fav is a spectacled bear or a capuchin
If you want cute monkeys, then marmosets are the ones to go for. Personally I like gibbons.
Kaydee, I agree you just can’t have a hog, but hey, Pumba can’t help being “aesthetically challenged” and he did give us Hakuna Matata
How disappointing was that Red/Pink Panda? I was expecting big bear that looked like a liquorice allsort, not some little racoon in drag makeup!
I have to agree with PG, the macaques are the way to go – they’re my role models!
the red panda i googled was also apparently mentally challenged - or do they just have a generally stupid facial (?) expression? sorta like a cow...
OT: Doesn't Stephen have a poetry reading coming up in October at the Zinc Bar in SoHo???
Ok, I also change my vote for a comedy creature like an Amazon Tità monkey, something hysterical in consonance with the whole hysteria.
OT: Doesn't Stephen have a poetry reading coming up in October at the Zinc Bar in SoHo???
Yes he does - go to his webpage for more info or email PG cos she is going!
Has anyone checked out pangolins? My personal favourite.
I also vote for the spectacled bear. Animals with specs need the most help 'cos opticians ain't cheap.
Also, the Capuchin sounds like something out of Harry Potter.
Someone please tell me what BONGO is - am I being dim?
look for bongo here:
also, Brits, i bet you didn't expect us to treat the comedy animal action quite so serious - i even made some research. ain't smth my teachers were ever able to force me to do.
Spandex strikes back!!!
^^^ Shaved legs?!?
yeah, omg shaved legs. i'm not going to think about it. have no idea why i even looked when i knew there will be spandex and other "attractions".
and here i was floating happily in a bliss of those wonderful NYC gyllenfamily pics
^It's hard to tell if they're shaved without the sunlight hitting his legs. The sun seems to be directly above him (notice the hairs on his arm in the sunlight, then how they're not visible in the shadow?). So, going by how long he's been biking til now (and not shaving) I don't think he suddenly started shaving. I think it's just that his lower body's in shadow.
anon 11:55 AM
totally agree....
yo, first it was justjared, now another blog has mentioned/linked jakewatch! such fame =).
oh yeah, i'd be happy with any of the animal choices cuz they all have funny names-- provided they look just as goofy/cute as they sound. oooh, wouldn't it be cute/appropriate to attach some silly limerick or something to the card/gift about the gyllen-sarsgaard family/baby, with the animal in the poem? just an idea.
ain't smth my teachers were ever able to force me to do.
Very impressive kaydee! If only there was a 'life teachings of britpopbaby' class you could take? I mean it's available as a GCSE in the UK but I'm not sure the American education system would like it.
Bongo's sound funny but they just look like stripey goats.
Oh my god, there's so much useful material in this post!
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