What do we do in times of need here at Jake Watch? Yes, we turn to our art. I was saving this because we were going to use it in a Jake Watch High theme for the blog but seens as interchangable skins aren't happening on Blogger in this lifetime I thought it was too magnificent to be hidden away any longer.

(click to enlarge)
I present 'My Notebook' by Prophecy Girl.Well, just tell me to shut my mouth, there is some Jake news after all. It's alarming similar to yesterday's Jake news (concert, Texas, Lance, bad dancing, VIP stairs) but I guess when you're an addict, you'll smack up on whatever measly hit you can.

Thanks Cina!
Jake and Lance were at another concert last night. A picture is up on Perez' site. Jake looks sweaty and hot (in more than one way...) as hell, apparently checking out some girls....
I wanna be eyed by you like that too, Jake.
Oh,I liked it ever since I've seen it on the forum as a skin!Very "fit" for our often behaviour,I'd say! ;)
Love the skin btw! Brings back sweet teenage memories... haha! :-)
PG that is so cool! You are a one with computers!
I love it! That picture of him is perfect!
My Highschool times were one of the best periods, the first love (not as handsome as Jake, but much more geeky in Maths and Computer Science), the parties, te graduation ball, the "stolen" kisses, I'm a step from bursting into cry, fool of me!
^^haha, Simon, I guess I'm a proper source of info, since I was an European teenage student, I didn't shoot spit balls but some pranksters did it regularly when the teachers were very boring, but I don't remember have used a paper bag to cover the text books, I used transparent plastic to do it.
These pics of Jake + Lance give some teenage party vibes to me.
We always cut up old grocery bags too. But I remember as I got older you could by the plastic stuff.
Jake's eyes are freaking me out a bit in that picture...
LOL Simon!
I had nicely coloured paper (or plastic) as book covers, and I'd preferably put some cute stickers on them too.
Now about shooting spit balls... Simon you naugty boy. Go stand in the corner! ;-)
OMG! Look at his armpits! He's all sweaty!!!You can tell absolutely that this is taken on a different nite bcz he has on his grey t-shirt!!!! If only it were a Boo (JW t-shirt! Think of the publicity!!!
"..but I guess when you're an addict, you'll smack up on whatever measly hit you can."
Oh you bet Brits! I'm such a Jake-junkie these days it's ridiculous. I need my every day Jake fix bad. In any shape, size or form. :-D
@ anon 9:19 - A sweaty Jake is a sexy Jake. So friggin hot!
And did you shoot spit balls in class like we did?
Yes we did.Boys or girls.I was caught off guard once,as I was speaking and my mouth became a suitable target.Yes,my school years weren't my happiest.
They said Jake can't dance. He doesn't have to all he needs to do is stand there and look gorgeous, as always.
Cina you top Agent! In more wys than one!
^^ Anything for my fellow agents, dear! ;-)
god his eyes look frightening!
is this a crowd made on purpose to have an excuse to grope jake? i wouldn't mind to be one of those who had to snuggle close to him in there
weren't spitballs in primary school? and i certainly didn't put any paper bags on my textbooks in high school. i usually left them without covers and they got torn and worn within a month. i just had better things to do than taking care of books.
Er, Jake can't dance? Have these people never seen Jarhead?
how well can you dance on a crowded stairway?
" Er, Jake can't dance? Have these people never seen Jarhead? "
dancing?! i wasn't paying any attention to danding. i was way too preoccupied with a certain santa hat.
seriously, did he dance?
Good dancer or not, I don't care. Boy sure can grind those hips and that's all that matters....
Does anyone else think Jake's eyes are crossed because someone's grabbing his junk from behind (where we can't see?)? I believe he's thinking: "Yee-ha! These Texas girls are shameless -- God love 'em!"
I'm also liking the high schoolish artwork -- particularly relishing the detail of that really thick neck on the jock photo. I'm more used to seeing Jake playing an intense artsy outsider or a stoner type, so it's a refreshing change.
BPB. Jake didn't dance in Jarhead.
Swoff was dancing in Jarhead. Maybe Jake is dort of stiff when he dances...as Jake. You know. Kind of inhibited. I would like to suggest JW agents create a special category, or program designed to help Jakey "get loose." Do you think any agents would be interested or avaialbe to volunteer for such an assignment if it was deemed an appropriate activity ...to help Jakey get loose???
BPB. Jake didn't dance in Jarhead. Swoff was dancing in Jarhead.
Then by that logic that wasn't Jake's ass, it was Swofford's!
Volunteer nÂș 1 to help Jake to get loose, it's just my agent duty.
I'm going to completely ignore the picture of Jake looking like he's groping after a girl who isn't me and say thanks, brits, for putting up my masterpiece! It's a work in progress, and TBL, I must admit that is not my handwriting but a particularly well-done font. In fact, I didn't manually create or scan in anything...it's all Photoshop, baby. Cutting, pasting, fading, shadows here and there. Yeah, sometimes even I have to be impressed by myself.
Anon 1:40 here. No. no. It was Jake's body but he was "channeling" Swoff's moves.
When he's not in character, he might tend towards being rather reserved or self conscious and get kinda stiff...as it were. I just really think he needs help to loosen up. This is at least the second or third time it's been reported that he can't dance. And I recall on a Leno show after he joked he was a good dancer, he finally admitted he wasn't. Since Jakey is obviously perfect in every other way, I think this is one small imperfection that needs addressment. Supposed they invite him to Dancing With The Stars. I don't want to see him out there in the arms of some stunning Hootchie Mama and he gets all clumsey and tries to dance with his hands or something.
You know the one thing from the picture of Jake out clubbing that really struck me? I can't get over how delicious his coloring is. I mean he's been in the sun and his complexion is glowing and ruddy and he looks so damned hot I can't stand it. Shit, Jake!
normally nothing makes me happier than new jake pics... but even i have to say the jake-and-lance-on-stairs/VIPsection-@concert rehash is getting a tad boring, and in contrast PG, your artwork is like 10 times more fun to look at! high-school jake makes me go squeee!(maybe cuz it reminds me of the first scene when donnie looks at new girl gretchen in donnie darko)
Jake dancing at Ray LaMontagne Show in Austin
^This deserves a seperate discussion!
Yummmy Jake just fell in love with that pic today. Never saw it before. Was it when he just grew his hair out from Jarhead? He looks pumped like he did then. Want to lick him and lead him to my boudiar by his tie.
Also, I'm more unnerved my drunk and leering Jake than clappy hoppy concert Jake. :)
OMG, his eyes are so scary. Theyre going to give me nightmares, like Jack the bunny rabbit. Gosh, Jake, sometimes you scar me for life.
squall, prophecygirl made it. She cut Jake's head off and then stuck him on a quarterback.
My goodness that boy sure does sweat.Kind of off putting.Jake why don't you use an anti-perspersnt babe?Lance is beside you with completely dry arm pits.
What the hell is wrong with his eyes?
^^did you ever see nightime photos with bad lighting causing red eye before?
Open most photoshop programs and they will offer a red eye removal feature...
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