Jake, you do realize that I haven't had to do any work this week, right? Nothing. At all. No flipping through the archives at IHJ tracking down previously uncovered stalking travesties, no comprehensive surveys of any one aspect of your wardrobe, no sitting around bored out of my mind, wondering when you're ever going to show up again...because you're EVERYWHERE (in New York)! I realize the pap pics royally suck from your perspective, but I wanted to say thank you for the
easiest week in Jake Watch history.
Alright, everyone can now commence with the "Is Jake shaving his legs?" debate.
Photos from
IHJ and
Splash News.
Nice botty!I would like to feel his hair free smooth body,although i miss his hair and scruff.The smooth arms and legs and even chest(if he shaved/shaves it/)Can't tell if he has from these photographs would be a real turn on.
The facial scruff is ever so slightly visible today.Very sexy.
Did he shave or did he wax? Ouch.
I do hope the chest hair hasn't gone the same way - I don't think an aerodynamic chest is a cycling aid.
Good to see the spandex again - but what has Jake done to Chris? He's turned him into a LiveStrong mascot!
Cyclists shave their legs.The professional ones do anyway.So i guess Jake is a pro.lol
I'm not sure about the shaving, but I think we have an issue with Mr. Creepy in the bottom photo. Keep your eyes on the road and off of Jake, yes I'm talking to you with that crazed smirk on your face.
Not only does it look like he shaved his legs but it looks like Chris did too! I almost didn't recognize him since he is clean shaven as well. They are both looking good. I think there is a charity bike ride next week in NY, Armstrong and Pres. Clinton are involved. I wonder if Jake and Chris will be participating??
We all know that he will be in NY until after Maggie gives birth and since I assume that the Armstrong picture is on the back burner, it can't be for that so i'm going with the he shavd his legs for the upcoming bike ride!
Oh if that is Chris then I take that comment back thanks katie.
How does one find the bingo board on this site?
PG How did I know this was your post?
Was it the "hot, tight little body?"
It's a good Jake week :D
I'm not worried about the leg fur. Or the facial scruff. Or even the recent haircut. Because one thing that Jake does extremely well is grow hair. All over. Wherever it's required. He's like a Chia pet, for God's sake. Any depilation that occurs on that good-looking body is only temporary. If he shaves or waxes in the morning, betcha half of it's back by the following morning. He's a follicular champion.
I miss the hairy legs, but the hotness transcends the amount of hair on the body, so it's all good. ;)
He has the most totally perfect body! (sigh!) I've grown fond of spandex. Nobody wears it like Jake.
I know the poor sweetheart hates these intrusive paps, but when you figure there's 24 hours in a day and 7 days in a week, and when you figure how terrible and horrible and downright wretched I feel when I go through Jake withdrawal, he should consider these few, stolen, intermittent moments a real public service, a kindness, a gesture of compassion.
Thanks joycedavenport for pointing me in direction of bingo board.
Are you sure that's Chris in the orange? I thought it was just a random cyclist. I can't imagine Chris would smile at the camera in a "Ooh, look, there's a camera!" way the way that man is doing!
Yes,anon 3.57.It's definately Chris in the black+yellow.
I for one sure hope he grows back his leg-hair really soon. I don't like men who shave/wax off all their bodyhair. Unless they're extremely hairy of course, but we all know Jake is not. I LOVE YOUR SEXY LEGS WITH HAIR ON THEM JAKE!! Please grow it back!
But I'd take you without it too. Wouldn't have to ask me twice. LOL
Btw, Chris isn't smiling at the camera in that pic. He's smiling because he's checking out Jake's bum.
I would too.
Whoever mentioned aerodynamics -- cyclists don't shave their legs for that reason; it's for injuries. Most cyclists rip their legs up pretty badly (I have the scars to prove it) and when you get leg hair mixed in with large cuts, it can get infected. It's a pain to cut out hair from the cuts, so most people shave for that reason. /geeky ramble
I'm going to that charity bike thing, so I'll keep an eye out for Jake. If I have to, *dramatic sigh*, I'll take one for the team and feel his leg to see if it's shaven. Oh, you want me to feel his chest too, to see if he shaves it? *sigh* Alriiiight...
It has alway been a well known fact that it's aerodynamics.But here are some other reasons too.
Why Cyclists Shave Their Legs
Male cyclists—road racers in particular—have shaved the hair from their legs for decades. The following are the reasons I’ve heard of, and justified to myself and others, why.
1.Road Rash: less painful when sliding on pavement during a crash (similar to carpet burn)
2.Aerodynamics: less wind resistance
3.Sanitation: hairs hold dirt and debris that can get into wounds; hairs also make changing bandages more difficult
4.Massage: easier for a masseuse to work muscles
5.Aesthetics: more muscle definition, smoother and faster look
Wow I am speechless.
This is like the greatest week ever!!!
Good grief, I don't think I can possibly take anymore of this hotness!!
I wouldn't mind massaging his smooth legs after a work out.lol
Where is Wtbgirl for all these FANTASTIC Jake/Gyllenhaal family/Jamie Lee Curtis, now Chris sightings in NYC?!?! We have to have agents in the city, lol. ;)
Love the pics. I really don't think Jake is shaving his legs. I know his leg hair has looked this light, but I know at Dave Cullen they enlarged the pics and saw he does definitely have leg hair. :)
Ah, good to see you agent Wtbgirl! Yeah all the pics are a feast for the Gyllenhaalic eyes! FABULOUS!! Yes, the Sarsgaards are moving to Park Slope. But at least they didn't leave the city entirely. And I am sure Maggie/Peter and especially Jake will still be around the city.
It's like Christmas in September. All these presents to open and they're all the same gift - the beautiful Jake
Oh, like Christmas and birthday and Hanukkah all in one! Can't take all the goodness, it's just too much! ...Actually it's not, I want MORE so just keep'em coming!!
And the is Jake playing paparazzi bingo debate- look at that big red cross behind him
That was the EXACT thought that went throught my mind, joyce! I'm majorly suprised he didn't order a JW t-shirt under an alias.
... at Dave Cullen they enlarged the pics and saw he does definitely have leg hair.
Okay, can we all agree that this defines obsessed? But I can't talk, because I'm just as bad. My first thought upon reading this was, good for them, and that I'd better go over there & search out the enlargements, to see this with my own eyes.
God help us all.
LOL Nice Anon! As the person who mentioned it here, 5:29 PM, I was not the person who enlarged them at D.C. But I am obsessed enough that I remember it, lol. Don't know where the close up bike/leg pics are but they were from a few months ago on one of Jake's many bike rides.
... at Dave Cullen they enlarged the pics and saw he does definitely have leg hair.
I'm kind of relieved that the Culleners have done this, because I did too without knowing they did. And btw, the results of my investigation are hairless on the legs! None at all.
There's a pic in profile with the same light on his arms and legs. The hair on his arms is clearly visible, but there's none on his legs.
This skirts the more important issue of chest hair. If that's gone, I'll have to stay in the rest of the day and mourn. It was THAT beautiful. *sob*
I, too have seen a clos-ish picture of this set and his legs are glowy and shining like not only have they been waxed but oiled and smoothed with lotion, smoothed as a baby's butt. Wish I'd been there for that...(sigh.)
His hair grows so fast and he has SO much, I think he must have really high testosterone levels. When my auntie went through menopause, and her hormones went out of balance, she acquired more testosterone and she started growing chin hairs, lots of them. Maybe The Bearded Lady can offer insght?
Jake won't abandon Manhattan. Maybe he'll move in to Maggie and Peter's place or at least continue to stay where he is currently staying when in NYC.
and his legs are glowy and shining like not only have they been waxed but oiled and smoothed with lotion, smoothed as a baby's butt. Wish I'd been there for that...
I wonder whether he and Chris made an evening of it? A "Boys' Night In Of Depilation".
wow.....all that biking has done great things to our jake. specially his thighs! slurp........
but the shaving??? im not to keen on that.....i think its a bit blasfemic.
No no no, i think i can see a little bit of hair on his shins in piccie 1. He can't be hairless! I dont like guys that shave or wax. No no, he's hairy alrite, just squint.
holy shit! his body looks good!!!!mmmmmm!!!!i agree his thighs are looking nice. i like jake with hair on him too. he better not shave any of that chest hair.
really nice arse!!!!!!!
just met someone who knows jake and said he is a huge slut, and very selfish.
^^ Ha your so funny.
Jake's working hard to keep the lean physique. Looks like he was out with the foodies this past Tuesday night.
"Producer Brian Grazer is supposed to have patched things up with wife Gigi, but he was enjoying yummies with a pretty friend at the dinner Gourmet editor Ruth Reichl threw at the Spotted Pig Tuesday with April Bloomfield and Ken Friedman. Also tasting were Jake Gyllenhaal, Mario Batali, Sirio Maccioni, Anthony Bourdain, Eric Ripert, Drew Nieporent and restaurateurs who came over from the SHARE benefit."
When my auntie went through menopause, and her hormones went out of balance, she acquired more testosterone and she started growing chin hairs, lots of them. Maybe The Bearded Lady can offer insght?
Not BL, but I can offer am-there post-menopausal insight on things that happen to virtually all women after menopause: chin hairs, thinning head hair, more weight in the middle. Going gray is the least of it.
Now that I've ruined your day, the only antidote is to stare at more pictures of Jake. . . .
Anonymous said...
just met someone who knows jake and said he is a huge slut, and very selfish.
Did he/she offer any examples?
Anon, 7:58 Define what is meant by "a huge slut". Jakey doesn't strike me as selfish. Even if it were true he was guilty of sluttish behavior, that in itself refutes the notion he's selfish. I mean, wouldn't it? I mean, it would mean he is generous with himself.
I like to think of Jake being bad once in a while.
oooh i hope hes a man slut.
Slut AND selfish ??? That sounds like contradiction in terms to me ;)
*melting into puddle on the floor*
So yah I'm here in Indiana at the first annual slash bash for all the people more obsessed with bbm, jake, and heath than is strictly healthy and here I am my second act is to jump on the computer and check all my old haunts. Pathetic I know. It's either do this or miraud in the streets. I choose the thing least labor intensive.
^^Have they heard about Chris and Jake's shaved legs at the Slash Bash? Maybe they helped each other, and then...well that's one hell of a big bunny right there.
Who's Chris?
@ dottieb: Chris is Jake's childhood friend Chris Fischer.
Thanks, Cina!
You're welcome dottieb! :-)
When my auntie went through menopause, and her hormones went out of balance, she acquired more testosterone and she started growing chin hairs, lots of them.
I said it before, eat lots of tofu and soy bean products (it's got plenty of phytoestrogens). Not that good for pregnant women though, I've heard of boys born with genital deformities to women who ate excessive amount of tofu during pregnancy.
in the morning i said i disliked shaved legs.
after 8 hours of staring fizedly at the pictures i have to say that i changed my mind. he can shave them all he wants - they're cute, shapely, tanned and nicely muscled. and without hair - they got me thinking that it would be nice to lick them...
that is not to say that i don't like him slightly more furry...
wonder if he shaves all over?
^^^ i meant to say "i disliked HIS shaved legs" not shaved legs in general.
furry women is a huge no no
Apparently anon 7:58 is a tease. I still want to know wht this someone who knows Jake meant by calling him a slut.
just met someone who knows jake and said he is a huge slut, and very selfish.
7:58 PM
Just met someone who knows jake and said he is a gentleman, and very thoughtful.
That would be Boo?
just met someone who knows jake and said he is a huge slut, and very selfish.
7:58 PM
My god....this is weird...I too just met someone who knows Jake and said he also likes throw stray puppies and kittens against the wall. What a selfish slut!
Wonder if we met the same person?
I just met someone who knows Jake and they said he goes to ...(gasp) clubs and he dances ...a LOT...and he likes the Pussycat Dolls song "loosen up my buttons, babe, uh huh..."
he can NEVER shave all over!!!
then we are rally talking blasfemi.
Jehova jehova!
However, I would cry if we lost the chest hair.
I can burst out crying in any moment, being the 51 anniversary of James Dean's death. Dedicated to him
Pics of Jake, Chris and some girl carrying a box from 9/28. And why haven't our boys offerred the young lady to carry the box???
haha,I just met someone who knows jake and said he is really a bad person, he has ever killed a dog!
Do you guys believe me?haha....
Don't believe the deceit people casually say, everyone can slander someone with no proof. I also can say I have met someone who knows jake and said Jake is a bad guy, he is a playboy, but the truth is I live very very far from USA. I even don't know any of American.
There's a defamer sighting yesterday of Jake with an "equally gorgeous male actor" at some West Village cafe. Who the heck was the actor? Unless the person who reported this thinks Chris is an "equally gorgeous actor." Chris is sweet and I like that's he's a great friend of Jake's but could he be mistaken for a gorgeous actor? I dunno.
I saw those pics of Jake, the brunette carrying the box and Chris. That box looked bigger than the brunette and they couldn't carry it for her! Where's gallantry when you need it. Unless she insisted.
Those girl-with-box pictures feature some wicked sock abuse! Granted, it's not Jake who's doing it but I think it still merits a reprimand from BPB.
I just met someone who knows Jake and says he has strange sock wearing habits. ;-P
Is that girl anyone famous?
5:38 PM, I saw that sighting listed too, but they were in Gawker, the NYC stalker guide, lol, not Defamer http://www.gawker.com/stalker/. There was also this sighting at a different time on the same day:
Jake Gyllenhaal
Sep 29th, 2006 @ 1pm
I saw Jake Gyllenhaal on Lafayette St. around 1:30 today chatting with a brunette chick, very animated. Looked like they were trying to hail a cab.
Oy, that should have said the sighting was in Gawker
6:23 PM
It's probably the brunette with the box.The one carrying his fan mail.lol
I guess one would say that he was with 'an equally gorgeous guy', not 'male actor' unless they did recognize the other actor, but for some reason would not want to post the name (damn!)
jake was at a launch party on wednesday night...my friend said he appeared very single....!
SO, I am the one who said he was a huge slut! true, this is just what "i heard" but it is from a former male assistant. apparently he is not as down-to-earth as i thought, and he sleeps around with many girls, but will only date celebrities-and was totally obsessed w/ kirsten dunst, and so were his parents, only bc of her status...
I'm sure he's no saint, but I take any rumour saying "Jake is this" or "Jake is that" with a huge grain of salt. We really don't know shit about him - good things or bad. *shrugs*
Anon 8:09, I think the operative word here is "former" assistant. We know Jakey was sort of, really INTO his relationship with Kirsten.Knowing how important the relationship was to him, I don't doubt his 'rents were supportive. As a young, totally hot guy in his early 20's I'm not surprised to hear he's uh, sexually active? Maybe the only 'dates' the 'razzis cover are the ones with well known acotrs? Just sayin' part of how something is presented is about their perspective and about context. And in looking at the pictures of "box lady crossing street" I wonder. Depending on the camera angle, it could be she looks like she's a lot closer to them then she actually is. And maybe he offered and she said, "No. I'm fine."On the other hand, maybe she's his new assistant and she has to carry all his stuff around, and he enjoys making her suffer. I met someone who knows Jake and said he can be sadistic that way LOL!!! (kidding!)
What status?Like the Gyllenhaal's NEED kd in their lives for status.You idiot!
Box carrying female might not even be with Jake and Chris but just decided to catch up with them and strategically place her self in between Fischer and the Gyllenhaal and then make small talk while carrying whatever in the box.Who fucking cares who she is anyway.
hey, no IDIOT, please.
as for rumours, i know someone who knows for sure that Jake turns into a vampire during a full moon.
hey, this could be turned into a JW game - who makes the most outrageous gossip
What status?Like the Gyllenhaal's NEED kd in their lives for status.You idiot!
Although I agree that that particular detail is a huge load of crap, I really don't see the need to be calling someone and idiot. Plus - the anon poster didn't say that. The alleged ex-assistant did.
Ok,fucking idiot!
hey, this could be turned into a JW game - who makes the most outrageous gossip
9:29 PM
...was totally obsessed w/ kirsten dunst, and so were his parents, only bc of her status...
8:09 PM
Trust me....this isn't gossip....I just met Jake's music teacher from school. She told me Jake wanted to play the oboe in the school orchestra, but his parents wouldn't let him. Told him that cute girl from "Interview with A Vampire" likes young men that play the cello.
Cello=status Mom and Dad Gyllenhaal told young Jake. One day that girl is gonna give us status in this town!! The rest is history....
So people can't call other comment posters idiots,but the protagonist can call Jake a SLUT!
That is acceptable is it?It seems one rule for one and one rule for another on this blog.
Cello=status Mom and Dad Gyllenhaal told young Jake. One day that girl is gonna give us status in this town!! The rest is history....
Oh purleeze.Give me a break and take this BS somewhere else!
He didn't even fucking know her in school.
kaydee/cina,i will say what i like.If you don't like it,then get the comments closed!
You are cunts!
Oh God, you're all actually really funny. Thanks for the laugh!
dear anonymous 10:11, you're welcome to vent your anger in whatever way you choose. i wish you a very good time. don't think the comments will ever be closed, we delt with much more tiresome anonymous comments here before and survived.
Jake is young, good looking, talented and successful. I'm sure he can "have" anyone he chooses. More power to him. He's the only young Hollywoodite I've seen that hangs out with his family, though. Other than Maggie, of course. More power to them both.
Did I say good looking? Err ... I meant gorgeous.
"Cello=status Mom and Dad Gyllenhaal told young Jake. One day that girl is gonna give us status in this town!! The rest is history...."
THAT is hilarious!
I heard Jake is a virgin and is saving himself for me. So I don't know what this "slut" business is all about.
Honestly, though. How easy is it to go onto a blog and start this? I could go onto Perez Hilton right now and say I'm Orlando Bloom's assistant and he eats babies. That doesn't make it fact.
And I highly doubt that he or his parents really care about "celebrity status." Didn't he say that he could just as easily be a carpenter or plumber? And Papa G. kind of disses the celebrity obsession. The Gyllenhaals are way too cool to care about that shit. No one is perfect, but come on. This is just ridiculous.
Yay! Anon-a-thon for gossip-a-thon.
Totally true. I met the midwife who delivered Jake and that's what she said - "Jake was such a princess and drama queen even a baby. The first thing he said when he popped out was "Where's my agent? I've just been assaulted by this fat woman"."
Why do people enjoy this malicious gossip?
Does anyone actually believe them to be true?
Puts on Puritan outfit
I ... I ... I saw Goody Gyllenhaal cavorting with the devil! Which wasn't nearly as cool as when I saw Goody Gyllenhaal dancing naked in the woods!
Removes Puritan outfit
Where's my Oscar damn it?
1. I love it when anons invade, only in the way that I don't love it.
2. You know how many people have flat out told me that I was a straight up bitch to my face and behind my back? I've also heard just the opposite. That's why I always try to meet people before I pass judgement on them and hope people do the same for me. A guy I interviewed with once told me that I was extremely attractive and that would take me further than most people in this world. Of course he was later the one talking major shit on me a few weeks later cause I wouldn't go out with him.
Plus, I was thinking back to my college years and my best friend from that time. [We later moved in together and now hate each other's guts ... but that's neither here nor there.] Everyone and their grandmother thought we were lipstick lesbians. Hell, I had someone come up to me, not realize who the hell I was and start gossiping about me to me.
All these years later when I run into people from back then those same people ask me how my "girlfriend" is doing. Damned if I know. If she's anything like she was back then she's probably doing lines in a bathroom right now. Then when I say I'm straight they ask me out. Whatever ....
Long story short (too late) - I know how that game is played so I just continue to believe half of everything I hear and nothing that I see. At least then I always get half the truth.
Kudos to girl friday.
It doesnt take much to spark the ire/jealousy of someone bogged down in their own insecurities/ignorance.
I am a HUGE Entourage fan and if half the stuff that happens to Adrien Guenier(sp) happens to Jakey then OMG! He'd have to be made of wood (no pun intended) to
ignore all that attention.
oh my god, i am not trying to start fights, i am just replaying what i heard....we can argue all we want, we will never know the truth, and mayeb his assistant isn't true!! I am just telling you what I said, I'm sure he's nice...but he is a slut.. i was just trying to inform...not to start a arguement...
Fucking hell! What happened up in here?
Can I not leave you to play nicely unsupervised? Do I have to hire a nanny?
And FYI, Jake is a MAJOR slut. We totally went over this last month. He was seeing me, prophecygirl and half the cheerleading squad at the same time!
I also know one of Jake's private assistant, the whole Jake's a slut thing is bullshit! He sleeping with many girls is totally slander! we can accuse someone of slander! Jake's a very down-to-earth person, humble and thoughtful! He is not a typical Hollywood guy! He is brought up very well by his parents.
Hush, now, don't be upset my sweetums! To call Jake a slut, even to call him a major slut is not a BAD thing.In today's popular usage, it is a sign of affection. A compliment. An accolade. I certainly don't think it's bad as in evil.On a scale of one to ten with ten being the worst, Jake being a slut wouldn't even merit a one as far as bad things that people do.
om....omg!! Is he shaving his-shaving his legs!! Wow. Wow. Maybe its so we can more clearly see his very toned leg muscles!!
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