More pictures. Good God. After a prolonged drought, we appear to have entered a rainy season (I love a good weather metaphor). All the Gyllenhaal's you could ever want, plus Jamie Lee Curtis...in the same picture! But where is Peter?!? (And yes, the baby is due...soon. Oooooh, cryptic enough for you? Not that I have inside information...or do I?)
Photos from
But where is Peter?!?
Apparently filming 'The Mysteries of Pittsburgh' in...Pittsburgh.
Even those little peeks of him behind Jamie Lee are too sexy for words! I was always a fuzzy Gyllenhaalic, but the clean-shaven Jake is growing on me (don't I wish!)
P.S. Why, why, WHY on all my trips to NYC have I never seen such a sight as this? I suppose because God knows I'd faint away on sight and get hit by a bus or something. Life is indeed cruel...
jake is looking miiigghtttyyy fiiiinnne. oh...wait...there's other people in the pictures, too! i'd hardly noticed! ;)
the pictures on ihj where jake and pops are walking arm in arm with maggie are too cute.
Aww that's so sweet to see all of them together, AND Jamie-Lee! :-) Dear God, Maggie still looks absolutely stunning, even though she's about to pop any day now (?). And Jake, well... needless to say he is drop dead gorgeous as always!
Maggie looks so relaxed, almost like a little girl. Adorable. And Jake.. he always seems a bit tense with his families, esp his mom and dad. still very very beautiful.
But the most important question here is: does Jamie Lee Curtis count as random celeb? No - not random enough!
I bet the pap came in his pants when he saw all that walking towards him.
^^^ OMG BRITS HILARIOUS! But really, who wouldn't?
LOL!! Probably so!
Lucky strike indeed!
What about those new photos over at IHJ of Jake, Maggie and Pops walking arm in arm?? Made my week/month....
OH... MY... GODDESS! Jamie Lee ROCKS. And not without a bit of NIPPLE ACTION!
I cant stop dancing around my kitchen! aND i CANT WIPE THIS SMILE OFF MY FACE.
Whoa,these are million dollar pictures!
What about those new photos over at IHJ of Jake, Maggie and Pops walking arm in arm??
If you refer to the family trio, katie, I've post a few here
Jamie Lee is supercool, look at an entry I've posted here
OMG, even more pics just up of Jake and Jamie Lee all hugs and smiles. So freaking sweet!!!!
The new pics up at IHJ!!!
1:32 PM
The pictures of Jake and Jamie draped around each other are just fabulous.He looks incredibly sexy with his arms around a much older woman.
I love Jake and Jamie Lee together just like the two pretty tough old birds...
it's so funny
This sighting of the Gyllenherd has made my morning. (That, and a cancelled staff meeting. Life doesn't get much better.) They are like the gold setting that flatters Jake's gemlike attractiveness. (That's the best I can do with a metaphor before getting my coffee.)
GRRRR. I've been trying to put up some of these pics for the past half and hour and Blogger just seems to hate me. Sorry. But the unequivocable adorableness of those shots SO deserves its own post!!!!!!
Son of a bitch! As soon as I said that, it showed up. That's what I get for complaining...
Delicate question - Is it my imagination or are Maggie's legs getting rather thicker? Is this what happens to pregnant women and do they go back to normal after birth?
Yes, your legs do get thicker during pregnancy. I looked like I'd contracted elephantitis when I was having my daughter. Six years later and they're just about back to their normal size!
The pictures of Jake and Jamie draped around each other are just fabulous.He looks incredibly sexy with his arms around a much older woman.
Oh, in my dreams ... these pix are the best yet!
"unequivocable adorableness"
PG, lol, today most strange things crack me up, this wonderfully euphonic expression had me rolling on the floor
It's a God damn jackpot that's what it is :p
There's an even sexier picture of Jake at http://www.hellomagazine.com/film/2006/09/28/jake-gyllenhaal/
Jamie has his shirt pulled TIGHT!
These are beautiful family shots. Jake, Maggie, Dad, Mom and godmother Jamie.
Does anyone know the sex of Maggie's baby? And when she is due? Beginning of Oct?
It would be funny if she was born on Oct 28th, Matilda Ledger's 1st birthday.
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