Preliminary reports suggest that she has Boo stuffed in that sucker for safe-keeping, but until we hear back from our Photo Analysis Team, we won't know for sure. In other news, Jake is putting the "sexy" back in grandpa sweaters. Geriatrics never looked so hot. Ow-ow!
yay, how gorgeous! haha. he's bringing the sexy back to grandpa cardigans. my sentiments EXACTLY! it's that hot librarian over 50 look we talked about a while back when we debated the cream cardigan ensemble. jake got the message =)! haha
God almighty.Yesterday it was bra alert.Today it's cardigans r'us.Jake,what you doing man?
I still love ya,despite your crap taste in cardis and all things old man related.Pipe and slippers for xmas would probably suffice.
Has he shaved his sideburns?Bring em back.They were very sexy.
I think his hair looks fantastic! And from the waist up he looks good. Could be in one of those movies about the 50's or early 60's, when the cardigan was the rage. He has the broad chest and elegance. Perfect for a role like that, imo.
Btw, where is Wtbgirl. She should be on the look out for Jake in NYC.
Mmm,nope that look is not pushing any of my err,buttons.
Have to say on the other hand,Maggie is looking so well.
anon 3.29,i miss the sideburns too.(and bed head)It's all too neat for my liking.
I totally like that sweater on him!! Does that make me weird?
And beautiful Maggie looks awesome!
phoebe, you are not alone, I like the sweater too. And I think his hair looks great. And yes Maggie looks wonderful. Love them both!
Not at all phoebe, not at all! I like my Jake that way. In any way, as a matter of fact... *pathetic* LOL!
Oh my, Jake looks sweeter than ever here! I love the sweater. Makes me want to cozy right up to the man, and think he'd be ok with that, too! ;)
BTW, Maggie is due to deliver next month, right?
I'm sure he'd look hot wearing a garbage bag... He's hot no matter what! ;)
^^ LOL!
it may be slightly geriatric, but i so lurrrve jake without spandex, flip-flop shoes or cargo shorts. i just find long trousers and normal shoes incredibly sexy.
also, still no beard and short hair - just so hawt!!!
i adore jake's city-look
Maggie looks great!
Mags looks well rounded, she looks like she's borrowed her brothers jeans.
Cardigans are cozy, this buttoned sweater is similar to he wore in the horse/reading book series. Autumn is coming, I love his wooly look and his hoodie look!
Hmmm, "Grandpa sweater", "geriatrics", the insults never cease. Listen girls, the next time you tumble off on your six inch heels and fall head first into the nearest gutter, you'd appreciate the value wearing something sensible and comfortable.
(Off again in a huff, glare suspiciously at passing giggling girls)
Are these recent? I hope so. I was not taking Frat Boy Jake all that well.
Not everyone wears six heels and totters around like a super model anon 8.06.So just think about the insults you just hurled at complete strangers here!
six INCH heels.My typing error.
God his look,hair and total grumpiness look is getting worse day by day.New pictures up on iheart.Had another haircut.Won't be any left soon.Why Jake why?Looks frigging awful.Had beautiful hair once.Now it's a nothing.Ordinary and you are too thin.Yes it must be lets hurl insults day.Sorry Jake,but unless it's for a movie.Why would you wreck yourself?
How recent is this photo. I haven't seen any updates on IHJ site for paps or anything else in a while. And the perezhilton site doesn't have this either. When was this shot of Jake and a very pregnant Maggie taken?
I think Jake looks good in just about anything whether it be grandpa sweaters or nothing at all ;)
The photo is from yesterday, Sept 21.
I like him with that sweater!I think he's very cute in it,even if the sweater itself is old-style.Hell,I like that fashion,I have some clothes like that!
I seem to remember these sorts of sweaters being fashionable in the 70s. (There's a well-known photo of Paul Michael Glaser wearing one.) And also, I recall seeing Ben Stiller wearing one more recently. Still, I know a lot of guys who could NOT be persuaded to wear a sweater like this. Jake is a brave man.
Cardigans! Hell yeah! I've been rockin a cardigan all week, glad to see Jake catching up with me.
How recent is this photo. I haven't seen any updates on IHJ site for paps or anything else in a while. And the perezhilton site doesn't have this either. When was this shot of Jake and a very pregnant Maggie taken?
Ooo! Did we bag a scoop. I'm so proud of you PG! 'Scuse me, I have something in my eye...
Cute pics, but this grandpa sweater is ugly. He's too young to wear something like that!
Ooo! Did we bag a scoop. I'm so proud of you PG! 'Scuse me, I have something in my eye...
LOL, don't know about that BPB. Stephanie put these pics up in IHJ just after midnight last night. I think they were *there* before they were *here*. ;-)
MoreCardigan Man Walking
Damn it! One of these days...
^^^ I know, dammit anyway! I'm just not that good. Yet. One of these days, baby. I'll make it happen. ;)
Got to say that Maggie looks INCREDIBLE for an 8 months pregnant woman. She's striding along there like she's ready to run a marathon and Jake looks like he's trying to keep up. She's dressing very well to hide the tummy too. A quick look and I wouldn't have known she's pregnant.
This picture proves that Jake is heterosexual; no gay man under 50 would be seen dead in that cardy.
"This picture proves that Jake is heterosexual; no gay man under 50 would be seen dead in that cardy."
yes, because gay men under 50 all wear pink tutus. and all britons are stiff upper lip tea-drinking bores, and the french eat frogs...
what a load of stereotypical bullshit
Good job the weather has turned cold enough for a cardigan, we wouldn’t want a “boil in the bag Boo”
I think Jake looks great in anything he wears. Maybe he will be the trend setter and we will all be wearing cardis by
mid-winter. I think he's getting ready to be an Uncle. Doesn't he look "Uncleish" in this ensemble? My Uncle John wears this same type of sweater all the time.
He seems to be so loving and protective with his sister. I think he will be a great Uncle, and he is probably very excited just about now waiting for the birth of his first Niece or nephew.
Fresh pics of Jake out and about in NY this morning posted at IHJ! Do I have to mention that he looks amazing...?
Jake's def. bringing sexy back [YEAH]. Sorry, we're kind of into Justin Timberlake lately. We think the sweater's badass.
Ooo! Ooo! OOO!! I've gotta get one of those for my friends boyfriend....
I am liking the legnth of the hair these days...Good job, jake, keep it up...and dont let Heath influence you!
OK, heres a thing my friend sent me that she found on the internet
Little stick figure of JT: I'm bringing sexy back!
L.S.F. of Jakey: Excuse me.
JT: Yes?
JG: I overheard you saying that you were bringing sexy back.
JT: Um, OK, Your point?
JG: You see, I have already brought sexy back.
JT:...Dude. WTF?
How funny is that? And TRUE.
BTW, i love the double dip pix -- Jake AND Maggie. Meow!
Actually, Anon 3.29 and Just Jake, I do kinda agree with you. I like it just a BIT longer and messy or...mmm, yummy.....WET as well. I suppose anythings better than skinhead. Or that Where The Wild Things Are look.
He looks amazing in the new pics. I love the hair, I love the clean shaven face, I love the jeans, I even love the cardigan. And look at this beautiful arm holding that cardigan. *sigh*
Okay, will stop now. It´s too much for me this early in the morning. :)
mmmmmm Jakey.
Funny as always ladies.
Bid for a Date with Jake Gyllenhaal!!!
This auction is frustrating!I don't have that amount of money!If I did,I would have tried to date him by now..*sigh*
There's also the autographed scripts by Jake's mom. More affordable at current bid of $25.
And Maggie's signed poster!
Ya know what? Maggie is tall as hell for a girl. I don't think I ever put that together until now. How many times have I seen them together and not realized their almost the same height.
"yes, because gay men under 50 all wear pink tutus. and all britons are stiff upper lip tea-drinking bores, and the french eat frogs...
what a load of stereotypical bullshit."
Yes and KAYDEE HAS NO SENSE OF HUMOUR! That much is very clear. Der.
Well, I do not really suppose this may work.
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