Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Sorry for the lack of updates today, I've been having an application form-related nervous breakdown.

I have this for you though:

Can all agents with a MySpace stick it on their pages, please? Can everyone else stick it on their foreheads? Thanks. You can link it back to Jake Watch via or

Also, please use your own image hosting account because mine is heaving enough under the bandwidth strain. Ta!

Any problems, let me know.


cina said...

Will do captain! :-)
That is if I can find out how to link it here... *clueless*

Weirdland said...

I've put the Agent link in Myspace page but not in the place I wanted it, after my usual messing with the code.

cina said...

Can someone please tell me either how to get the picture to link back here, or how to make the JakeWatch link "clickable" on MySpace please? Because I have NO idea.

Becky Heineke said...

Cina, I'm writing you a message on MySpace right now...

cina said...

Thank you!

only1annabel said...

Hey Brits I'd love the Jake Watch link on my myspace but I'm completely lame when it ocmes to all that so some tips would be useful!!

britpopbaby said...

No probs, annabel!

Everwhere I've used [ or ] put a < or >.

[a href="JakeWatch URL"][img src="Image URL"][/a]

And if you want to centre it:

[div align="center"]
[a href="JakeWatch URL"][img src="Image URL"][/a][/div]

Nothing Really Matters said...

Thanks Brits!

Anonymous said...

I will do too!!!! But I'm not officially an agent. Is that okay?

Dumbo said...

I would love to if I ever get around to making a myspace page. Are you going to put this info, especially the how to link it stuff in a folder, or somewhere we can get at it later?

mrs_dalloway said...

I've put it up on Myspace!!It's official!We should have a toast!!

Bobbie said...

The Daily Show interview with Maggie is up on youtube. for anyone who hasn't seen it. She is the cutest person in the world! Jon also mentioned her brother, who ever that is. =)

Becky Heineke said...

^^^ Oh, it was such a cute interview wasn't it?? He said something at the end about Jake telling him he would call him to play basketball and then he never did. I think I would give both my arms to see Jon Stewart and Jake Gyllenhaal playing one on one.

Anonymous said...

Me too, PG. I wonder who'd win. I really can't picture Jon minus the suit and tie.

Maggie rocks hard. She seemed a little out of it during the interview and I thought her "pregnant brain" reasoning was cute.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more, ProphecyGirl. and then that would be an ambarassment of riches and my poor little self wouldn't know where to look. I just adore them both:)
and maggie is real cute

britpopbaby said...

You're making me jealous with the The Daily Show talk! It should be on in the UK tomorrow, fingers crossed.

Agnes said...

Now its up on myspace

Sam said...

Pickle said...
I will do too!!!! But I'm not officially an agent. Is that okay?

Me too Bpb, and how do we "officially" become an agent? or is that just for the really really really speical people?!

Jess said...

Done! :D

*off to YouTube to watch Maggie on "The Daily Show"*

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah! Cool. I love freebies! Thanks B.

Weirdland said...

I feel so cool about MySpace branded officially that I'm listening a cool song that I've attached in my last post of Jake Weird

sass said...

Putting this on my LJ

Anonymous said...

Waiting for toothy has a cute comic book thing on Jake and Austin. You guys should check it out. It's funny.

Anna said...

Have you guys read Gyllendaddy's latest blog? (Don't know if it has already been posted here...?)

britpopbaby said...

You take the button and you're an official agent I guess! It was for peeps who post here all the time. I'm sorting out the MySpace and I'm thinking of listing all agents on there instead of on here like we use to do.

Mys T's said...

Ok Im gonna embrace this whole theme business. New picture.

Mys T's said...

Extended name.

only1annabel said...

Hey thanks for the help on the myspace thing...I'll give it a go now!

britpopbaby said...

Great new look, vanzmotorbike!

JadziaDragonRider said...

Shit, now I've gotta get a MySpace.

Mys T's said...

Thanks Britz!

Ever at your (and Jake's) service.

From Oz with love.

Moon said...

Ooh, purty! I'm definitely putting this in MySpace. ;)