Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Kind of...remember how I was begging everyone who spoke Dutch to help me out with something - well it was this:

Top 3 Entertainment Sites
*Jake Gyllenhaal Watch, well somebody has to keep a damn eye on him.... Our favorite actor has a very funny 'stalker' in England.
*I don't like you in that way, good name, very funny site where no star is spared.
*Lainey's Entertainment Update: Lainey often knows about celeb break-ups and buns in the oven days before other blogs.

I think you'll notice that JW is at the top of the list so ergo, we are the most entertaining.

My thanks to Ellen for the intial spottage and lisa for the scan!


Anonymous said...

still haven't found it sorry...

will go and ask around if someone has it...

xxx Anne

DKBB said...

How cool is that?! Congrats, britpop! :)

Anonymous said...

Very cool Britpop.

I'm sick of all this Jake drama that's going on at several Jake sites (in regards to him not going to the charity benefit). He's been very involved in charities and he's always been reported to be very sweet to his fans that he meets in person. He's 25 yrs old and when you add up all the things that certain fans expect him to do for them, it would pretty much guarantee that he wouldn't be able to have any fun whatsoever during an age where he should have more freedom to be young and have fun.

Weirdland said...

Congratulations, Brits, behind a top entertaintment site there is always hard work and your claim to fame is just begun!

Anonymous said...

Britpop, that's great, heading for fame aren't you?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on what I'm sure is the first of many mentions in the press.

Anonymous said...

Very nice! Congratulations! =)

Anonymous said...

Wow, congratulations! Getting into Elle is huge!

As far as him skipping the benefit thing: No one REALLY knows what happened, so there's no fair reason to condemn him. Since they did have a decent replacement ready, I'd guess he DID give them warning and it's not Jake's fault that it wasn't announced until the last minute.

And hey, no one's perfect. Although if Jake finally got his pretty ass into a seat next to Jon Stewart, he'd come pretty close to it.

Dumbo said...

That's great, congrats. I'm sure it's just the begining of numerous accolades. How did you celebrate?

Anonymous said...

Did anyone see this article from Maggie? It sounds like Jake is very involved in this pregnancy, very cute:

Washington, Aug 29: Actress Maggie Gyllenhaal was so ill during the first stages of her pregnancy, that she litreally made her fiance Peter Sarsgaard and brother Jake run around the city to find something she could fill her stomach with.

The Secretary star admits she had a strange craving for watermelons during those days, and because they don't grow in February, both Sarsgaard and Jake had a tough time finding a substitute that she could keep down while she remained sick in bed.

"In the beginning there were just things that I had to have and eat nothing else except that thing - like watermelon, which is hard in February. There were things that made no sense, too. I had my brother staying with me at one point - he and Peter, they were running around the city trying to find something that I could eat," Contactmusic quoted her, as saying.

"I was really sick. They came back with pasta and steak, Saltines (crackers) and all types of things and I couldn't eat any of it," she added.

The mom-to-be later reveals that after several unsuccessful attempts, the Brokeback Mountain star finally made her taste the decadent dessert tiramisu, which she ate.

"Then my brother handed me a spoonful of tiramisu - just sugar and cream - he said I sat up like a mommy and ate it!" said the actress.

cina said...

HOW VERY COOL!!! Congrats Brits!!! So that's what the dutch thin was all about... lol! ;-)

Jess said...

Awesome, brits!! It is indeed very cool. :-D

cina said...

The dutch thing of course...

britpopbaby said...

We're big in Belgium...er, Holland!

Come on then - who has a scan of it. It's the Sept issue.

Nothing Really Matters said...

Brits your plan to take over the woeld is slowly coming together!

Anneka's Alias said...

Well done my trans-continental Queen of 'What's Hot'.

britpopbaby said...

Thanks, lisa!

Joyce - I don't think Anneka and I are high-brow enough for Radio 4 plus Anneka has this weird thing where she never wants to do anything, like, write books or travel the world with me.

Becky Heineke said...

How cool is that?! This is the big time, baby! Can't wait to see the scans! :D

britpopbaby said...

Updated with scans!! Don't know why I felt the need to write that in here as it's plain to see from the post.

cina said...

Once again, that is so f*cking cool and great! :-D

Jess said...

^^ Totally agree!! *squeeeee*

Anonymous said...

This so friggin cool Brit, Congratulations!

Becky Heineke said...

That's pretty much the coolest thing I've ever seen in my entire life.

britpopbaby said...

I like how they put stalker in apostrophes.

Anonymous said...

go Holland! this makes me very proud of my country *beams* ;)

Leve ....!, mondeling examen, mondeling, mondeling examineren

LOL ..oral exams?

The Chemistry Guru said...

Wow! Way to go brits and co!

Anonymous said...

"Why start now?"

can't think of a good reason.

Moon said...

Very cool! Congrats! Now i can say i know someone who's famous. ;)