Hello, my friends! We're giving britpop the day off (that being the royal "we") so hooray, I'm back! I must admit that while I was helming the ship, so to speak, some of my non-Jake Watch friends expressed some concern about my devotion to this blog and to the individual around whom it is centered. In fact, I believe I was accused of "acting like a 12-year-old," possibly on more than one occasion, possibly by people within my own family. So to all of you losers out there who think I'm just acting like a middle-schooler with a crush, uh, pu-leeze.
Jake Watch is so much more than that. Jake Watch is like this awesome place where we can hang out online and even though Jake is way hot and everything, it's totally not all about that. Sometimes it's about other stuff, like his socks or his dogs. I mean, I really wanted to let everyone know that I'm like totally not this silly girl who doesn't know what's important in life. I mean, Jake inspires me to do like art and stuff. Like last night, OK, I spent, like my entire night coming up with this really cool page in my sketchbook...and it's all about Jake's Jeans! I called it...
Jake and Blue Jeans: A History

So, oh my Gaw, this is what I was thinking. We could each go around and say which jeans we like on Jake the best, you know, like by year or something? And then we could say why. I mean, I guess it's obvious I like 2005 but I don't know if it's just because the jeans are so hot or if it's because those shoes are really hot, too. Whatever. Oh, I almost forgot! My mom said we could totally all come over to my house and she'd let us drink Coke! Wouldn't that just be
awesome?! So, yeah, I have no idea why people think I like act half my age or something. Because, uh, hello? I am clearly
way mature.
Yay! Nice to have you back!
I like the Jack twist b4 the Jack twist. Both versions wre extremly sexy!
Uhm...okay...but my mum said I have to be home by 9!
Yeah, we're like way more mature than that... ;-)
The ones from 2005 are delicious, but I favour a pair of pretty dark jeans that he was wearing in Oct/Nov 2004. Dark, but still "washed". (Plus - he is SO HOT in those pics... ;-))
Funniest. Thing. Ever.
Okay, I'm going back to concentrate on the pics before I make my decision.
I have Doritios but like they are way cheesy and they make me all hyper and I like know the whole dance routine to Candy and I thought we could watch Dirty Dancing cos it's like me fav film EVER even tho Patrick Swayze is like totally old now. So, can I bring my Doritios? You're soooo fetch, PG!
I liked the balancing act jeans but they were dark blue with just the righ amount of white in the front and more fitted than any of those jeans you have. Maybe the plumber's crack ones are my face out of the ones you have especially when coupled with the nice shoes/boots. Not advisable for dog pooh infested parks but Jakey is a rebel.
Not "face" "fave". Also I think jla is gonna bring the slam book so we can totally give those cheerleaders what's been coming to them!
Pass Jake a note during our social sciences class, will you? And ask him who he likes? I mean, like, RILLY RILLY likes? Like, for a girlfriend (or boyfriend) likes?
But seriously. As to the denim question.
The man's legs are so long & shapely that I'm inclined to prefer looking at him in tighter-fitting jeans. I'm telling you, when he's seated at the campfire, playing Jack Twist, and he's got those endless legs folded up, or stretched out before him, with the slightly scuffed boots peeking out from a rather muscular column of well-fitted denim -- that's a sight that gives me immense pleasure.
But I don't mind the loose, baggy look either, because the suggestion that the jeans might come unanchored from his Calvin-adorned hips at any minute & slide slowly off is also extremely appealing.
I could be persuaded either way.
My mom won't even let me see Dirty Dancing 'cause I think it's like PG-13 or something so you SO have to bring it, brits, but only if everyone promises to be like, really, really quiet. And nice anonymous I was so trying to talk to Jake the other day in gym but he was like, "Shut up, PG," and then a volleyball hit me on the back of the head and I think he was mad that I wasn't trying harder but come on! Who he likes is WAY more important than sports stuff!
Yeah, I'm going 2003 too. And thanks to PG for giving me a day off - it's National 'Stay In Bed' Day here in the UK. No, seriously, it is.
We don't have days like that in America. We like to work 24/7 and then brag about it. Who needs vacation days? Not us!
he was like, "Shut up, PG," and then a volleyball hit me on the back of the head and I think he was mad that I wasn't trying harder but come on! Who he likes is WAY more important than sports stuff!
Yeah, sorry. That volleyball was me. Like, what the hell were you doing talking to my guy. Like everyone knows we went to Junior prom together and he felt me up in the back seat of his Civic. He just likes to keep it 'our secret' when we're at school.
it's National 'Stay In Bed' Day here in the UK.
At my home, every Sunday is a "Stay In Bed" day. A proper cure for Saturday possible excesses.
Mmmmm jeans and jake go together like cheese and crackers, yum!
LOL I just got shown an article from an australian gossip rag and apparently our Jakey has been chatting up (oh no he didn't)- ashley olsen.. *cough* sounds like mandy got dumped then..
*laughs manicly*
Mmm,love the white top and jeans pic.(gold star one) good choice.Is there a link to it.Is it on iheart?Not seen it before.Goregous.
Yah, Brit is SO busted. I saw Brit throw that volleyball, and I, like, couldn't believe it! Then I was, like, "Whatever." That is, like, SO immature? And I was, like, so embarrassed in front of Jake?
I totally think you should, y'know, like, pass him a note with all our names on it? And he should, like, circle the one he, like, **likes**?
Don't think "Nice Anonymous Gyllenhaal" sounds kind of cool? I wrote it in my math notebook & I think it looks, like, so cool.
Like everyone knows we went to Junior prom together and he felt me up in the back seat of his Civic.
You slut! I bet he was totally drunk or something! I know he likes me because the other day in science he let me copy off his paper when we had that pop quiz. I'm so un-inviting you to my party and nice anonymous and I are going to write Jake a note without you! And you shouldn't throw balls at people in gym because my cousin got a concussion one time from a basketball and now sometimes she's really sensitive to like bright lights and stuff. I am so telling everyone that you're mean and you like do stuff on the first date. And you can't even stop me. Come on, nice anonymous. We've got work to do.
Well, Maggie and Peter just moved next door to me and like, the other night, they invited me round for pizza and Dr Peppers and we all sat and watched 'Flightplan' and Peter told me Jodie Foster was gay but then anyway, they said how how wicked awesome they thought I was and how, when Jake gets to know the real me, y'know, not the crazy me that puts drawings of the two of us in his locker, he'll like totally fall in love with me. So write all the crap you want, losers! Jake knows how much I love him anyway because I started a blog all about him, so yeah, suck on that.
This Pussy is back from her hols and ready to party at PG's.
Glad you're back! It's always a party when Pussy's involved!
...and Peter told me Jodie Foster was gay ...
Wait. What? I so thought Jodie Foster was dating Kevin Spacey.
No, I think she is with that bloke who played Niles in Frasier.
Yeah and c'mon joyce! It's just one night. Would Irn Bru be better for us?
Wait. What? I so thought Jodie Foster was dating Kevin Spacey.
OMG that is so not true! Jodie Foster is so dating Elton John and
Kevin Spacey is dating David fur chair.
2005 definitely. Because of the whole outfit together. I like 2003 too but if we must have a winner I choose 2005!
Yah, ProphecyGirl, we're gonna go over to my house & watch "Donnie Darko" on my Dad's flat-screen, and we're not even going to ask Brit.
Brit thinks she's all that! But the girl is such a slut? She, like, does stuff to guys she hardly even knows?
Yah, Brit, you **say** you like Jakey, but I bet you're lying? I bet you run a blog on Johnny Depp, too, under a different name.
N-uh! David Fur Chair is dating Jake Gyllenhaal! Oh wait, fuck...
Jake Gyllenhaal is with this pussy now.
OMG Brits did you really do all those things?? I hope you didn’t tell them about us?
nice anonymous said: The man's legs are so long & shapely that I'm inclined to prefer looking at him in tighter-fitting jeans. I'm telling you, when he's seated at the campfire, playing Jack Twist, and he's got those endless legs folded up, or stretched out before him, with the slightly scuffed boots peeking out from a rather muscular column of well-fitted denim -- that's a sight that gives me immense pleasure.
I second! :)
And, um, I'm sorry but Jake only goes for, like, blondes and he was with me behind the gym, like, two days ago and we did everything on-top-of-our-clothes you could think of and he said he didn't do that stuff with, like, anyone else.
(OK, nobody asked me to play, but I enjoy the valley girl accent. Also, I butt in. ;) )
Finally! Someone who "gets it!" The style and fit, especially the fit, of Jake's jeans has been an abiding concern of mine for a very long time....months, actually. I go to photo galleries and scan endlessly; comparing, measuring...the length... gaging his moods by the tug of his trousers. Thank you PG. You have made my day!(sad isn't it.LOL!)
Jake sure loves his British pussy.
OMG Brits did you really do all those things?? I hope you didn’t tell them about us?
Well he made me drink two cans of Red Stripe and then I don't remember much after that but I'm pretty sure we made third base. As for the volleyball - yeah, I ain't afraid to admit it. And no, I didn't mention us, should I of?
And gin, what are you like totally on drugs or something? Jake doesn't like blonds! He told me Kristen was a huge mistake and that he likes brunettes with short hair, like boyish hair! So I'm going to the salon to ask for a 'Posh Spice'.
That’s our little secret!
Funny how you only remember the third base part! Rumour has it that was an inflatable!
I’ll ask Jake now, wait a second!
Pussy: Jake hun.
Jake: Yes Pussy sweetie.
Pussy: Someone going by the name Brits thinks you went to third base with her!
Jake: No dear, you’re the only Pussy for me!
I yold you he was with me!
umm, just a quick note, can we all get our hands together and say a prayer for Jake to wear those white tees more often? there is, like, nothing as gorgeous as a white t-shirt plus blue jeans. ooooo.
Whoa, am I like the only one he hasn't scored with? What is wrong with me?! I'm just as awesome as you guys are! He even said I was "special," and I thought he meant it! Wait, don't you guys see? He's just using all of you...probably just because he can't admit his true feelings for me, but whatever. The point is, he's cheating on all of you, with each other! You should totally band together to take him down. Oh my Gaw, it'll be just like in that one movie> that nice anonymous and I saw last weekend! Jake. Gyllenhaal. Must. Die!
TBL i have no idea what you are talking about!
Hey TBL take a look Confessions Of A Pop Queen blog and see if i might upset some people!Personally I think it’s my best work yet!
it'll be just like in that one movie> that nice anonymous and I saw last weekend!
Now you’re cheating on me! I thought I was your cinema partner??
What did that girl say at the end of that trailer?? She needs to wash her mouth out with soap!
Ah, yawn…that’s another National Stay In Bed Day over with….I’ll wake Jake in a while, he’s still tired from the long flight yesterday, had to run to make the plane, something about stopping off for last minute “Puggle Toys”?
Anyway, what’s going on in here today? Oh dear, the girls are squabbling – Volleyballs, Secret Notes & third base with an INFLATABLE!!!
They’ve been and the thunderbirds and red bull again. What’s it all about then?
JEANS, Favourite Jeans?
That’s easy…the one’s he threw on my bedroom floor last night!
Omigod, it's so gross! I'm, like, almost afraid to tell you guys. But I think all of our teachers totally have a thing for Jake, too.
Isn't that SOOOO gross?
Have you seen how the math teacher, like, leans over his desk to see what he's pointing at in his book? (Yech! I need bleach for my eyeballs! Totally!)
And how the English teacher keeps him after class? (Yah, like they are really going over the homework assignment together.)
And I'm not so sure about the football coach, either.
Gawd, I hope Jake doesn't have a thing for older women. That is, like, SOOO disgusting to imagine, cause those teachers are like, ancient.
And gin, what are you like totally on drugs or something? Jake doesn't like blonds! He told me Kristen was a huge mistake and that he likes brunettes with short hair, like boyish hair! So I'm going to the salon to ask for a 'Posh Spice'.
Girl, he is soooo playing you. He told me that, like, me in a cheerleader outfit ala Get It On is, like, the hottest thing EVA. Oh, but he did tell me that Kirsten was, like, a total mistake, too. He said he wasn't thinking straight last time they hooked up cuz it was after that kegger.
LOL!!111 OMG dat iz so kool. Jake is da hot babe ROTFL!!!11 I luv him.
Somebody/s must have an inposters!...and if he's good I say get his number! ;)
Pssst - Simon, do shut up. You are so giving the game away ... damn. Where's the man's loyalty? I dunno ...
And how the English teacher keeps him after class? (Yah, like they are really going over the homework assignment together.)
I KNOW! It's so like that one time in Dawson's Creek where Pacey was all over his English teacher and it so wasn't hot it was just all icky and weird. But wait, isn't our English teacher Ian McKellen?
Booze hound! Just because anything over 3% proof goes to my head is totally NOT my fault. If Jake hadn't of put a ketamine in it I might have been fine. Is that why you all call me 'Special K' behind my back? Don't think I don't know bitches!
Oooh! Great Sunday Project! I'll have to go with everything he weared since 2005,the year we fell in love..I've told him about you guys,like claiming you knew him and all that childish behaviour,and guess what he had to say! "Bullshit!" yeah,that's my man.
Holy crap, this was just what I needed after a hard days work (yeah, on a frickin Sunday!). Jake in JEANS! Yee-haaw! 2005, 2005, 2005! *thud*
This is sooo totally like the coolest post ever, PG!!
i prefer those juggling tasks jeans too-- but am i the only one who can't concentrate on the jeans when jake looks so inconceivably hot in all of the featured pictures? sigh... it doesn't matter what he's doing, huh?
ooh, everyone, check out jake narrating "the man who walked between the towers" on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nq52n9TyfO4
double sigh... i'm not surprised that he's such a great childrens book narrator-- he's got such an animated voice. he's gonna make a great uncle to the little gyllengaard soon :)
"Special K!" Ugh, that's so mean! Boys can be sooooo stupid sometimes, I suh-wear! Oh, brits, I am like soooo sorry. I have felt like the worst person ever these past few hours. I never should have called you a slut. It was way harsh. Oh my Gaw, let's like never, ever fight again, OK? Hug?
I've just realised that in my quest to feel like a teenager, i've forgotten to do the really grown up thing of choosing my favourite jake jeans era. Its a tough call between 2003 and 2005 at the mo but i think 2003 just pips it purely because of the converse all stars he's wearing with them and not the chavvy nikes
I'd have to say the blue-jeans-white-tee combo circa 2005 cos you can see he's all sexy and buff under it all!
Girls whats with all the high school bitching...there is plenty of Jake to go around. Surely your parents taught you thats its nice to share your toys...?
Thanks so much for the link smurfette! What a sweet story,Jake's narration was great! I got choked up knowing the Towers are no longer there.
I think it's safe to say that Jake has the most badass kicks around. And as for the jeans...I have to go with the Jack Twists.
I like the gold star jeans the best, I like their casual fit and look. On an unrelated note, how tall is Jake? And good to have a PG post. Hilarious as always.
6' tall
I'm normally mostly a lurker on here, but felt compelled to give my opinion on such an interesting topic! I think I choose the 2005 jeans and also maybe the Jack Twist jeans. If you don't mind though, I thought I would give another Jake Jean history that isen't on the list, but feel that it should be considered. Check out these 2 links from IHJ at the Jarhead photocall (click on the link to get a larger pic and the full viewing effect!). I love Jake's jeans in these pics!
Ooo, good choices, jan! Black and tight and sexy. That 2nd pic is candid snaps at their best.
joyce, I wub Irn Bru. I've been drinking it for 15 years now and I can almost lift 20 pounds. Do you remember the chewy bars?
OMG...Irn Bru sweets are the best!!!!
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