Last time I brought my dog a toy she went uber possesive over it and growled if you went with in a metre of said toy. By the end of the day it's squeak had expired and Hero (the dog) had lost interest in it. Sorry, this has nothing to do with Jake but what is there to be said about buying dog toys? If only I'd put 'bone' on the bingo card...
Pics from IHJ. And Happy Birthday Stephanie! Twenty-two isn't a particularly exciting year but I have a feeling it's all downhill from 21 onwards unless you're Jake Gyllenhaal. Isn't it?
You should get your dogs together!maybe something nice would come out it..besides you and Jake making a baby,which is obvious.
What the hell, Jake? You've been so cold to us ever since France. I'm hurt.
These are the kind of pics that I don't like looking at--they give me an "ick" feeling because I don't think he looks like he knows he is being photographed. It would give me the creeps if pictures of me showed up somewhere that I didn't know were being taken.
I don't think he looks pissed--he's shopping, and has normal shopping-alone face. If he were smiling beatifically while walking around shopping by himself, he'd look insane, or high.
My dog has abandoment issues and sucidical tenedencies. I don't think Boo or Atticus would want to deal with her. She is a full time job.
I agree, anon. He looks unaware. Maybe LA should clamp down on the types of cameras paps can use.
Yeah, he is totally into shopping here. These pics make me go ick, how intrusive. There are other pictures on IHJ similar taken over a few years were the paps have taken pictures of him shopping in LA and NY. Ugh. I can do w/o these type of pics. BTW, shouldn't he be making his annual trek to NY? Sorry he couldn't make it to Maggie's premier of WTC.
These pictures make me very uncomfortable. I keep thinking about what Jake's father said about the paps in his interview that was posted here.
This has been discussed over and over again - nobody likes the paps pics, but we are all watching and downloading...
At the moment I am not feeling uncomfortable. He seems to have an "agreement" - we get only some "boring" pics and I am sure that he is able to hide the really important things and his private life. He knows how to deal with the paps...
If we really feel uncomfortable, we should stop that "Paparazzi Bingo game" and we should stop posting pap pictures...
4:37: I doubt he has an "agreement" with the paps since it looks like he is totaly unaware. I also doubt that the paps would agree to photograph him doing boring things like shopping in exchange for pics of let's say him stumbling out of a club drunk. Is there a market for these photos? The Matt/Lance pics, yeah but not these. Who buys them? IHJ?? No, I think Jake is really boring, no hidden agenda. Nothing wrong with that. He is also the "it" boy the moment so I guess they figure any pic of him is better than nothing. I also think he has had it with the whole HW scene and is going through the motions because it's his job.
omg ... sad and creepy pics =(
Karin, what you seem to not get is the people saying that these pictures make them feel uncomfortable, are saying it to empathize with Jake.
We are fully aware that we are hypocrites because we are looking at the pictures, but on a blog dedicated to Jake, it seems to be perfectly acceptable for people to voice their discomfort with those photos.
Those photos look stalkerish...and not in the humorous tone of this blog.
"Is there a market for these photos? The Matt/Lance pics, yeah but not these. Who buys them?"
5:41 You obviously haven't picked up any celebrity mags lately! This is just the sort of stuff they love - especially in the "Celebs are just like us!" section.
6:00: I doubt that these pics will turn up in People magazine. I noticed that with the pap pics of Jake since after the Oscars, they are boring pics like these. They occassionally show up in Star or Us and E daily but not as much considering the tons of pics taken of him. With the exception of the Matt/Lance pictures, I doubt that the paps are making $$$ off of these. I just wish Jake would pull a Heath and just avoid the paps as much as possible. You rarely see any of him. And BTW, these pictures do look like they were taken not by the paps but taken off security shich makes them more disgusting. I remember not too long ago someone over at DC posted a secuity pic of Jake from last year of him buying a juicer! I don't know where the hell it came from but it was deleted.
To 6:20. I don't read those magazines all the time, but when I do, I hardly ever see pictures of
Jake doing any of the things we see on the internet. So, who is paying the paps for these photos?
You may not have, but I certainly have. I use to work someplace where I got nearly every magazine you can find at Barnes and Noble for free. (What the hell would I do with Playboy? Although I really did love the shoes on some of those girls.)
It really depends on the article. For instance, these pics could be used in an article about celebrity pet owners. Different pics have different prices. Depending on the magazine in question, they may want a pic of Jake and instead of getting something remotely interesting they'd pay a lower price for this one and try to make it tie into the article -- if even that. "C'est la vie", say the old folks, it goes to show you never can tell.
6:30PM: I always thought, and I may be wrong that some of the pics are PR set ups (Not these) but a lot of them. The ones that can't be used for PR purposes end up on IHJ. Not saying that Ally and the crew get freebies, they do get most of their pics from Getty and other such places, but the ones that don't get posted there probably end up with his PR firm and they passed them on the IHJ which would make sense since that site is very popular. Just my 2 cents.
Whats an HW scene?
I'm relieved to see that overhead, hard white store lighting isn't even flattering to one of the handsomest young men alive. Jake looks rather pale & abstracted over the momentous decision of picking out exactly the right chew toy.
He knows he'd better choose a good one, or Boo may be disappointed.
Right now, Boo's pacing the floors of Jake's apartment, with his toenails clicking on the varnished wood. Waiting for Daddy to come home. Jakey better get his butt home soon, or Boo's going to get up on his hind legs & grab one of Jakey's black, fingerless cycling gloves, drag it underneath a sofa, and shred it -- and that's the last that Jake will ever see of it.
Take that, Jake. That's what Boo thinks of your new cycling obsession.
6:36 many of the pics of Jake have been in People, US Weekly, In Touch, etc., along with ones of Maggie, Peter. I saw recent Halle Barry in a CVS pharmacy pics that had the same icky feel as these Jake ones. They seem to put pics of celebs in a group format, such as shopping or on the beach or in the city, or pregnant, etc. So yes they do use some of these type of pics. I know this because I check out the mags at the newstand to see if they actually use these pap pics. However, I don't buy them so they won't get my money for stalking Jake or any other celebs the way they do.
People are calling Jake boring but I don't see any other celebs doing anything more exciting in their pap pics. So I don't know what is more boring about Jake, except that we see more of him.
As for Heath, there are a lot more pap pics than you realize. Theresa at HeathLedgerCentral uploaded a bunch a while ago and I was really surprised that there are a lot more paps of him recently than are seen on the internet. Theresa just doesn't post them up the minute they come out like IHJ does.
6:45PM HW scene= Hollywood scene. The vapid, phony fantasy land where dreams come true and die.
I don't care who buys them and for how much. I just wish Jake and his people would find a better way to keep his name "out there" instead of these creepy pics and yes I do think thay have there hand in some of what we see. It's thing called over kill. He needs to sign up for a new project ASAP. People must be wondering what is one of Hollywood's brightest actors is doing behaving like a trust fund frat boy wandering around LA and NY doing nothing.
People must be wondering what is one of Hollywood's brightest actors is doing behaving like a trust fund frat boy wandering around LA and NY doing nothing.
LOL! Apt description. He does sort of throw off that vibe lately doesn't he. Bless.
"People are calling Jake boring but I don't see any other celebs doing anything more exciting in their pap pics. So I don't know what is more boring about Jake, except that we see more of him. "
You're spot on. Check Spashnews (which is more paparazzi orientated than, say, Getty Images). 90% of the pics are of celebs doing "boring" things like shopping or walking down the street. We're losing perspective here, folks.
"People must be wondering what is one of Hollywood's brightest actors is doing behaving like a trust fund frat boy wandering around LA and NY doing nothing."
Probably just enjoying himself for the first time in a couple of years. From what he's said, it sounds like the whole movie making process isn't exactly fun. I wonder if working with Fincher has made him extremely cautious about which director he works with next. Robert Downey Jnr said only "technical" actors find Fincher easy. And I think it was Ang Lee who said Jake was the least technical actor he had worked with.
(BTW - correct me if I'm wrong, but does "technical" mean follows the directors instructions, whereas non-technical actors are more personally creative in their interpretation of particular scenes? This is something that has always puzzled me.)
I'll just insert my irrelevant and completely shallow comment here...I love his loping, slightly pigeon-toed walk. It's quite adorable.
Hmmmm. I've read comparisons of the classical, Shakespearean acting style and the Method acting style. (The former supposedly historically favored by the British, the latter by Americans.) But I know next to nothing about acting ... unlike about at least 1/4 of NY residents, who all seem to take acting classes at one point or another in their lives. (If it's not that, it's dance classes. Or creative writing classes.) Jake didn't enroll in the Yale School of Drama or NYU or Julliard; he dropped out of Columbia & simply continued acting, right? I'd imagine that he's not classically trained. And I would think perhaps recent Yale grads who came up through stage work might be envious of someone like Jake, too.
In a recent interview with Emily Rossum she said that she and Jake had similar ways of working: "I think we both put a lot of emphasis on preparation but when we get there, we kind of let it rip and are intuitive in a lot of ways."
I worry about "Zodiac"/"Chronicles," and fear for its success. I'm even wondering about its release & why it doesn't seem solidly slotted yet. I'm not optimistic about its eventual fate.
That's why I'm watching for official word of Jake's next project. I don't think he's completely off the market & bumming around. I think a lot of deal-making happens very discreetly & that a lot of calls are being made & scripts are being examined for suitability.
Maggie, on the other hand, is about to swept up in the great whirlwind of notoriety, as Jake was last year.
I hope that she, too, gets a Best Supporting nomination out of the whole thing. She's just so likable. There are some actresses whom I regard as I did the cheerleaders in high school & I don't give a damn about them. But Maggie is just so intensely likable, pretty & smart. How could anyone not wish her the best?
But why do the show up so timely on the internet?
Wouldn't that diminish their value as they have already been public?
Think of websites like Wire Image and Getty as catalogues. The images are uploaded there so that when a print magazine writes an article they can browse the catalogue for an image they want, pay a fee for their use and then place them in the magazine. Despite the fact we are on the web, most images that Ma and Pa Kettle see in Pittsburgh, Kansas will be from magazines. Heck, most folks only see these things if they *actively* seek them in their normal web-lives. Plus images are time sensitive. Most of the time we want recent pics of the subject since "news" is for the most part immediate.
Are they beening sold to websites?...why free?
There has to be expense
chasing around the country and waiting to get these shots...so how can they afford to provide free photos?
The photos are not free. It's just hard to sue someone for placing photos on their websites when a profit is not being made for the use of the photos. Hard, but not impossible. It's just not worth pursuing.
And I think it was Ang Lee who said Jake was the least technical actor he had worked with.
Actors have different methods for getting the desired result. As long as the director is comfortable with it and gets the result in question, there really isn't much issue in how they get to he proper destination.
One of my mentors was asked if he had "fun" directing a film he did a few years back. His immediate response was, "No." He then went on to explain that seeing the results of his efforts over the course of months/years was really the fun part for him. For him, at least, it was sometimes hard to see the forest for the trees. Getting his vision to screen, getting his actors to nail their performances, seeing people enjoy the product -- that was the fun part. The general frustrations technical and otherwise was something he could do without but is a necessary evil.
Btw, just saw this and thought of this discussion and these type of pap pictures. Jake isn't the pnly one. Doesn't make it right but it does happen to lots of celebs, not just Jake.
Jake isn't the pnly one. Doesn't make it right but it does happen to lots of celebs, not just Jake.
No of course not. I have more of a problem with the dozen or more paps that get all up in celebs' faces at the same time than with the covert photos. Remember the vid of Jake getting sandwiches in Malibu while McBongo waited in the SUV? Yeah, that crap was insane.
Sam Mendes, not Ang Lee was the one who said Jake was the least technical actor he worked with in Jake's Details interview.
Not even Academy Award–winning directors can find the switch on Gyllenhaal. "I say this very lovingly, because Jake is wonderful and brilliant, but he can be a little bit of a pain in the ass," says Mendes. "If he gets a bee in his bonnet, he won't let it go. He'll just get blocked sometimes and basically gets stuck putting too much importance on one scene, or trying too hard with being absolutely brilliant. He's also the least technical actor I know. If I say to him, 'Lift the gun at the point when you turn,' he can't do it. He's not an actor who's designed to hit marks. So I just let him do his thing. And I'm not worried that he'll be hurt by what I just said. In a weird way, what turns him on is criticism."
I do know that Ang Lee has mentioned in some interviews that Jake is a method type actor.
I think we all want Jake to be left alone by the paps but honestly it's not up to us to decide. I find it ironic when people love pap. pics when Jake is smiling and happy, but hate them when he's not smiling and annoyed (as he should be since the paps are there). This issue has been discussed a lot over at IHJ and I just found this thread where Ally (the webmiss of IHJ) even comments on it. http://iheartjake.suddenlaunch.com/index.cgi?board=FAQ&action=display&num=1147733995
I think you guys should all read it and just THINK ABOUT IT.
Sorry that Details link doesn't work. This is the one.
Funny. To be perfectly honest, I have withdrawal symptoms if I have to wait too long for a recent pic of Jakey or at least some word on where he is and what he's up to. Like, I want to know if he's in NYC or LA or Paris... And oddly, the pics of him doing every day things like walking down the street, shopping or hanging out with friends, having lunch don't really creep me out so much. What would really creep me out is seeing pictures of him drunk in a nightclub or necking in his car. Or pictures of him maybe obviously arguing with one of his parents or a friend. To me, there's a difference between a celebrity doing ordinary, every day things out in public, and a celebrity being caught in an obviously private moment. I consider the latter very intrusive and a violation of their privacy. And I am totally against the kids of celebrities being exploited. I think the way the paps treat Maddox Jolie Pitt is just reprehensible. There should be strictly enforced laws about photographing kids under 18. I know I sound nuts, but the pics you just posted of Jakey shopping don't bother me too much. They're like my fix. I'll be fine now for a few days. By Wednesday, my craving will start to come back. By next Friday, I'll be obsessively surfing the internet...LOL! And he looks so adorable. Someone should have taken a picture of the cashier's face. In fact, maybe they should do a series of "reactions to Beautiful Jake" shots!
Sorry for the double post, but what the hell kind of pants is he wearing? And are they black or brown? Are they sweats? I mean, can we tak up a collection and buy him a pair of REALLY tight jeans?
"I just wish Jake and his people would find a better way to keep his name "out there" instead of these creepy pics and yes I do think thay have there hand in some of what we see."
Yes, I agree. It's not uncommon for paps to have agreements with celebs, it's more common then one might think.
I don't think Jake's people have a hand in every pap picture. I highly doubt this was a set up by them. The Jake/Lance/Matt pics, yes but all the intrusive shots of him walking down the street, etc, no. Maggie even said recently in interviews that the paps are out of control. But yes I do agree the set up shots like J/M/L were unecessary and instead it would be a better move to have Jake lay low and sign on to a few projects.
"I don't think Jake's people have a hand in every pap picture."
I don't think every one either, but I think it's definitely happening. I agree that the J/M/L were unnecessary, the whole thing just seems sorta cheesy.
"Maggie, on the other hand, is about to swept up in the great whirlwind of notoriety, as Jake was last year."
Dunno about this. She's lovely, yes, and a fine actress, but not quite as intriguing as her little brother. It'll be interesting to see how WTC goes. From what I've read of the reviews, it sounds a bit "soapy" (very un-Oliver Stonish, which is not necessarily a bad thing!). A lot of American critics are going to have trouble giving an objective review of the film because the topic is so sensitive to the American psyche.
anon 8:32 PM - Thank you for the link. I understand now ;-)
Having ran a fansite in the past I can say that the folks at IHJ don't have a deal with Jakes PR people. Pap pictures come from sources like Big Pictures, Most Wanted, PCN and Matrix. You can only view these sites if you pay. On these sites there are pap pictures of every celeb you can think of.
I don't believe for one minute that the Lance/Matt pictures were set up by their people. Come on 3 celebs biking together in Malibu of course they would be snapped by the paps and I am sure Jake knew this, but if he wanted to hang out with these guys then why not.
And yes there are plenty of pap pictures of Heath out there he just doesn't have a fansite like ihj that they all appear on.
Jake hasn't actually been photographed in a week, so he doesn't get if as bad as some others and does avoid it. Michelle for instance has been photographed 4 times in the last week.
I love his messy hair.
For me his sunglasses are a big turn-on.
Anonymous 8:32...Ally writes in that thread: "IHJ does not endorse the paparazzi in any way and we do not like that he is harassed by them" which might be so...but the bottom line is she posts those pictures as soon as she gets them because THOSE pictures are the reason people go to IHJ.
If the Paps stopped taking those pictures, IHJ would lose a LOT of traffic.
If the Paps stopped taking those pictures, IHJ would lose a LOT of traffic.
And jake will lose fans perhaps? Like it or not paps are a neccesary evil in the world of showbiz. That's how the world of entertainment has evolved. In an ideal world we would be loyal fans and wouldn't need to see celebrities doing the most random things. But there are always new actors coming up who will attract attention and compete for roles.
Until one can come up with an alternative to maintaining viable interest and publicity for a leading actor, I'm afraid the stalkerazzi are pretty much here to stay.
And beazer Ally not putting them on IHJ does not make a difference to the paparazzi. They will still take pictures simply because of his celebrity status.
In retrospect a lot of these pics don't end up in paper tabloids with the frequency of say Britney Spears or Bradgelina.
Like someone else mentioned we are only aware of them because we come looking for them on jakerelated sites.
We can debate the pap pic question until we're blue in the face. There is no right or wrong, there are only opinions. Until Jake himself asks Ally not to post pap pics (like some celebs have done to sites) then IHJ isn't doing anything wrong.
I'm not sure if this has been mentioned but by getting them free, in a way, IHJ is undermining the pap industry which is a good thing, in my view.
You read my damn mind, joyce! I couldn't remember any of them so I was thinking a link was nessecary.
these pap pics are particularly stalkerish huh... i feel bad for looking at em.
I don't think they got in the actual store. I don't think people let them do that. I think they have long lenses but yeah, creepy none the less.
The quality of lenses that the paps use would make it easier to get pictures without glass reflections.
Yes, the debate will go on, yes I feel a bit uneasy about the pictures because it must really get on your tits going to the shops and someone is following you with a camera but yes, I still look at them and say 'aww, look at him'.
I'll just have to marry him so I can look at him whenever I want then won't have to look at the pap pics.
Here is a blog of a actual paparazzi
And I can assure you Mr Gyllenhaal is a very nice and polite young man and does not have any deal with the paparazzi in regards to pictures.
How can any man make shopping for a dog so GODDAMN sexy?!?!
btw, i'm completely oblivous to any pissed-off look.
"Having ran a fansite in the past I can say that the folks at IHJ don't have a deal with Jakes PR people."
A friend of mine runs a popular website and has deals with the celeb's PR people for pics, he told me it was a common practice and is given photos to use on a regular basis. I don't know if that is the case with IHJ, (if they are comfortable and at liberty maybe they can confirm or deny?) but I think it's certainly possible.
If ihj had a deal with Jakes PR people then wouldn't some of the pictures only ever appear on ihj. All the pictures on ihj are from pap sites. Often the pictures can be found on these sites before ihj posts them. I saw these pictures of Jake the day before ihj posted them.
Plus ihj has only been running for 2 years and there has been a good supply of Jake pictures before then.
Is that a pap pic or an industrious customer saying "OH MY GOD THAT'S JAKE FUCKING GYLLENHAAL!!!" and furtively snapping a pic on her camera phone.
I help out on a few fansites at fan-sites.org and none of the sites have a deal with the person in questions PR people for paparazzi pictures. I do know some celebs PR people tip the paparazzi off as to where the celeb is going to be, but no paparazzi is going to risk loosing a 'money' shoot in exchange for a deal with their PR people for safe pictures.
Some sites do have contact with the PR people but that is for candid exclusives for the site. Like pictures of the celeb reading fan mail etc.
I really don't see Jake as someone who would not only want but need extra attention from the paparazzi.
He lives in an area filled with paparazzi and as hot as Jake is he is very boring and mundane and goes to the same cafes, same supermarket, rides his bike in the same stretch of road. He isn't hide to find.
I would imagine these pictures where taken standing in the door way of the shop and using a long lens.
all stars have deals with the paps. Look Julia Roberts called her pr people and then they called the paps to take these.
i hear Julia is very pleased with how the shots turned out and is looking forward to seeing them in Us weekly.
5:10pm Not all stars have deals with the paps and I'm sorry, Jake is not in the same league as Julia Roberts. He doesn't have a "arrangement" with the paps. Where is this coming from? What you see with Jake is the real deal: he is a bit of a bore and a homebody and spends a lot of time at his parents, even spending the nights there. The paps in LA know this.
How do you know Jake spends the night at his parents? I don't think we know what Jake does with his private time other then hang out with his friends, biking, eat out, and going shopping because of the pics we see. Everything else is an assumption as it should be.
6:21 I was being sarcastic about Jake and Julia having a deal with the paps.
IHJ doesn't have a deal with anyone. As someone pointed at they get the pics from pap pic sites like SplashNews, Rex, etc.
As far as I know, going on what I've heard from his Dad, Jake doesn't have a deal with paps. Maybe Lance Armstrong did for all those bike pics but who knows for sure.
6:25PM: I have a friend that is a part of the Paparazzi in LA. He says that Jake stays with his parents for the most part, don't let the mundane, boring pap shots taken in WH fool you. That's why when he is in LA, there are "gaps" in the pap pics, days where you don't see him. You only really see him when he is in WH or B. Hills where CAA is, business. Beleive it or not, the paps don't bother him in his parents neighborhood. In NY it's different since he like to walk around in SOHO, Tribeca and the W. Village.
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