Thursday, August 24, 2006



Anonymous said...

Loving me all three tiers - I'd be happy to work my way through them, slowly, one at a time...

Becky Heineke said...

I like tier 3 because I'm a sock fiend, but I also have grown dangerously attached to the cargo shorts. I like a man who can rock three styles in one. Oh, baby!

salailama said...

haha, anon, i like the direction you're headed (i think i got that line wrong).

i love jake's schizophrenic clothing style (mixing up east coast preppy with california surfer style, with a dash of movie star shades and athletic gear). it's just like him, cuz he's not just one thing. besides, it makes for fun posts here at JW where we like to analyze these things =)

Anonymous said...

So true!


Anonymous said...

Oh man, three-tier Jake! I have been spending hours teaching three-tier software architectures! Now you got me the perfect example to put in my slides! ...mmm or maybe not... Let's 'implement' the middle tier (I used to cringe when people used the word sexy in conjunction with software, now the nerdy words have taken a whole new meaning in my mind)

salailama said...

me too, muffin, me too.

my jake-watching is weird. i went from adoring the blindes, to getting so sick of seeing them covering his baby blues in every pap pic that i wanted to tear them off his face, to loving the switch to the aviators, now back to missing the blindes now that they’re gone… haha, at least life stalking jake isn’t boring when you’re crazy like me!

Anonymous said...

Oh Jake looks great...yummy!!

Apparently he has been partying it up in NYC. Here is the caption at for the picture.


Jake Gyllenhaal, who partied the night away at celeb hangout Butter with Jamie Lynn Sigler and her pals two nights earlier, shops for some new duds at New York clothing store James Perse on Wednesday

Anonymous said...

I love Jake's new shades! The Blinde's were great but I like that he varies his style. Can't stay the same forever. :) And the new ones are the hot style right now.

Anonymous said...

Jake in cargo shorts does something to me that no man in cargo shorts has ever done. He's so hot. That's three tiers of pure sex, right there.

Anonymous said...

8:24 AM: Hey! I saw Jamie Lynn Sigler and Natalie Portman on Tuesday around Lafayette in the Village. I was meeting someone for lunch. I was so tempted to e-mail gawker! I didn't know they were friends. I can't believe i was this close to Jake!! Let's see now, they said that he was partying at Butters a few nights ago, that would be Monday. I wonder if those pics of him with his tattoos was taken when he was entering Butters because it looked like he was entering a place and not just walking down the street.

salailama said...

hedda, that's so awesome you saw them! wait, butter is right around your sighting! today's thurs, so 2 nights ago could mean tuesday-- maybe nat and jamie lynn were hanging out during the day, and then they all got together later that night? though i'm sure the gossip mags wouldn't miss natalie and just dismiss her as one of jamie lynn's "two pals"... maybe natalie went home early? hehe, sorry if i'm over-reacting/analyzing, i love natalie =P

Anonymous said...

Mmm,shirt is nice but would look better with jeans.

Anonymous said...

Who is Jamie lynn?

cina said...

Jake has to be the ultimate 3-in-1 bargain. Can I have one please?

Anonymous said...

8:51AM: Smurfette: I think they would have recognized Natalie and named her! BTW, Natalie's hair is dark again and she is so tiny!! Butters is now one of the young celebrity hot spots that everyone like to hang oout at. I'm afraid a bit too old for that crowd!

8:54 Jamie Lynn Sigler is that chick who plays Meadow on the Sopranos.

Anonymous said...

anon 8.54 Jamie Lynn is an actress.(Sopranos)Here is a piccie.She looks older then 25.

Anonymous said...

Sorry,here is whole link.

Anonymous said...

Ok,i don't know wtf is happening?
I am putting whole
link in my comment and only half is coming out?
Try again...
If it doesn't work.
I give up

Anonymous said...

I give up!

Anonymous said...

Try this.

Anneka's Alias said...

I thought Jamie Lynn was Brit-nay's sister who had her teeth fixed. She's in The Sopranos now? So Brit-nay was Italian all along? Who knew?

I like Jake's top tier as it is the one that contains his face.

cina said...

More really nice HQ's of Jake from yesterday are up on IHJ. And in one THE TONGUE is out!!!

Anonymous said...

Did he shave his legs? Or is it just the light in the pics? Those aviator are really cool.

Anonymous said...

ok, from a closeup pic on DC forum looks like he DID NOT shave his legs, it's just the light in the photo

Anonymous said...

I can't pick a favourite part. I love all three - separately or together. Cina is right - he's the perfect 3-in-1.

Anna said...

^^^ That was me. Blogger threw me out while I was posting. Strange...

JadziaDragonRider said...

I don't know, tier three seems like a continuation of tier 2 to me... Damn he's sexy.

I wonder what he's buying. He shops a lot.

Anonymous said...

9:11AM: Anneka's alias: Actually Jaime is Jewish, Father is Jewish and her mother is Cuban. People just think shes Italian becuase she is on the Sopranos. Don't ask me how I know this.

Anonymous said...

Where is wbtgirl? She should be on the case of Jake in NYC!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry that should be where is wtbgirl.

salailama said...

squallcloud, jake is buying james perse clothing. he's a hip HW designer (i.e. overpriced casualwear hehe).

re: jaime lynn sigler (how do you spell it?), i dunno how many ppl watch the sopranos outside the u.s., but i'd say here, she's famous on the level of like jesse metcalfe before the john tucker movie? or like one of the entourage guys besides ari and vince.

Anonymous said...

I really like this look (mostly probably because my friends and I all dress similar to that). I like the casual look and for some reason I like when it's mixed with things (i.e. the "dress" shirt with the sneakers).

Anonymous said...

Oops that last comment was me. I'm still getting used to remembering to sign in.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your run in wtbgirl.

cina said...

Unfortunately this is real life and insterad of Jake, it was a sweaty, middle-aged guy that looked, and more disturbingly, sounded like Gary Busey on a major drug trip. NOT pretty.

OMG! I would have pissede myself.
Gary Busey = scary.

cina said...

GRRRR!! Take away the extra "e" on pissed. I type like a 5-year old. :(

Anonymous said...

Isn't Butter a restaurant?

salailama said...

oh my, gary busey guy owes you big for breaking his fall, wtbgirl!

haha, the story sounded so promising in that romantic comedy, expect a happy ending way right up until you described the guy in question. poor thing- be careful when u go on jw duty!

cillian murphy def a little freaky looking to me... is he scottish or irish or...?

Nothing Really Matters said...

Wtbgirl you poor thing! Was your face that bad you had to take your picture down?

britpopbaby said...

Oh, god! wtbgirl - this might be our first case of agent sabotage! If you don't count the trolls.

Anonymous said...

11:37AM; There is a club on Lafayette named Butters as well.

I found out some, um disturbing rumors. It seems Ms. Sigler and her circle of girlfriends are known as the "Five Easy pieces" in the Hamptons where she sometimes hangs out (She's from Long Island). It seems that's was the main reason her marriage broke up. She was at Butters with Jake and her "pals"? Meadow, say it ain't so!

Anonymous said...

Jamie Lynn was also with Lance Bass and Reichen three weeks before they came out,so maybe it's a sign.

Anonymous said...

12:08PM: Sweetie, they were already out for months prancing around in P-Town and gay pride parades and such.The "official announcement" was made on the cover of People and it was met with a duh?!!And BTW, Reichen was already out so he din't "come out". The only sign is for you to exit this blog and go you know where. Five easy pieces is crude but funny as hell. I shouldn't sterotype girls from Long Island but i'm afraid to say i'm not surprised to hear about Ms. Sigler and her merry band of skanky girlfriends.

Nothing Really Matters said...

Hey brits can we have an update on Paparazzi Bingo?

salailama said...

i guess jamie lynn sigler has a bit of a bad rep, but who knows how much of this gossup is true? i figure if hedda saw her with natalie (who seems like an angel), she can't be all trashy.

wtb, that definitely sounds like agent sabotage. come to think of it, agent heddaparsons had a near-sighting as well. hedda, who were these people you were meeting for lunch, and do you trust them?

Anonymous said...

hey, anon 12:20...i'm from LI and in no way qualify as an "easy piece"...though, if jake was involved, i could easily be persuaded. :)

Weirdland said...

Jamie Lynn was also with Lance Bass and Reichen three weeks before they came out,so maybe it's a sign.

this begins to sound as the past triangle Sophia Bush/Austin Nichols/Jakey, only that the trio mentioned above are more plastic type, far from levels of laidback and healthy lives that Sophia and Austin apparently carry on.

Weirdland said...

New avatar photo test failed, damn!

Anonymous said...

Er, his shirt looks rather crumpled. Surely no respectable lawyer will go out to lunch wearing this.

Is there no one to iron Jake's shirt? Oh, how Naomi will despair of Jake.

Mr. M said...

Jamie Lynn was also with Lance Bass and Reichen three weeks before they came out,so maybe it's a sign.

You do realize that just because he was there with them doesn't mean he was there *with* them?

I was once at a bar with Tara Reid. I sure as hell wasn't with her. You could say that though. That night I was too busy throwing darts at my boyfriend's best friend's ass.

Sometimes these blurbs throw names in there to ... throw celeb names in there.

Weirdland said...

JL Sigler isn't Natalie Portman, but Tara Reid either... testing another time, new look.

Weirdland said...

I don't understand why I don't have a photo...

Anonymous said...

I like the shirt, particularly the way Jake is wearing it, flapping half open, with the sleeves rolled up past those tanned forearms. There's something about an unbuttoned buttondown that really does it for me.

Weirdland said...

anon 8:24 Here is the caption at for the picture.

Meanwhile, in another part of town Wednesday morning, Jake's sis Maggie and her fiancé Peter Sarsgaard take a sun-dappled stroll around their West Village neighborhood.
Aww, the lovebirds... maybe Jake could learn some lesson, I miss old times when he was paired, too.

How do you get a photo? You have to submit to a photo image server/host, there are many. I usually go to photobucket.

Weirdland said...

Wow, Tbl, you're ready for the avatar game, which photo mine do you like more?

Weirdland said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Weirdland said...

I can't get rid of this photo

Weirdland said...

OMG, what a mess of avatars!

Weirdland said...

This one is the last I change by now...

Weirdland said...

I don't even know, It's frustrating, I think the images aren't very clear, aren't they?

Weirdland said... strawberry shortcake dolls...uck.
ok, ok, I hated it, too. I think I will stick up with the cowgirl, it's the same avatar I use in the messageboard.

JadziaDragonRider said...

Where the hell is jla? Brit did you authorize any covert ops?

Weirdland said...

I liked that Jla Foxxy avatar, I'm between the girl with the gun and the cowbgirl, but the first is more in consonance with the new banner,so...

Anonymous said...

I'm skeptical of the sighting with Sigler mostly because of what someone else's just as likely that Jake was partying and just happened to be at the same place as Sigler. Lots of gossips put together celebs that are at the same place even when they weren't actually interacting because it makes Hollywood seem like one big cozy little family that hangs out together.

Here's a link to a blog from May that talks about Jamie-Lynn hanging with Lance and Reichen and also mentions Butter at the end:

Anonymous said...

Does Jake's shirt need ironing? I volunteer. That pink shirt sure looks good on him, rumpled or not. He looks gorgeous. Was in cool enough in NY for long sleeves? I thought it was friggin' hot every where.

salailama said...

pgcatz, it's been quite mild in ny lately, and actually, re: the wrinkles complaints, i think the shirt might be of a linen-type material, which makes sense for summer, and also tends to look wrinkly?

Anonymous said...

I thought it looked like a woven fabic too Smurfette, But yes linen wrinkles very easy. But goodness he looks so good. I don't know about this partying with Meadow Soprano ha ha. I really don't know anything about Jamie, except Sopranos. But I am jealous she gets to hang out with our Jake. Some Girls have all the luck.... Big Sigh

cina said...

BLOODY HELL! Is Jake up for Dave Finch's next movie TORSO? There is a rumour floating around that he is a strong contender for a main part. Ladies and gents - I say his tattoo says TORSO! Take a look at this close-up at JustJared, I say it sure does!!

cina said...

^^ Here's a link to a thread at IHJ about this:

mrs_dalloway said...

Now this is what I call top agents!IHJ and JW have managed not only to figure what that tattoo was saying,although it was pretty tough and there were like three bad pics of it, but also to make the connections and find out what it means and why it was made! You ppl freak me out here :))
PS.I officialy hate my internet provider and my scadual and my sister and my exams.There.

cina said...

I'm sorry, of course it's David FINCHER. This whole thing made me so excited my mind totally blew.

cina said...

Here's one link to a little info on the film. Sounds a lot like Zodiac to me. Is Jake really going to be doing such a similar movie right after that? Of course it might not be anything like Zodiac in terms of style etc, but the plot sounds very similar. *shrugs*

Weirdland said...

For me, David Fincher is a master in thriller genre, it sounds as that if Jake was supposed casted in his new project "Torso" the protagonist would be FBI Treasury agent Elliot Ness. Interesting.

Anonymous said...

You know I'm more interested in seeing him star in mysteries, thrillers, that kind of stuff. I HATE sappy romantic comedies and those kinds of movies and I'm not really into biopics either. So this sounds much more like something I'd like to see Jake in (you don't even know how excited I am to see Zodiac). Basically I'd hate to see him turn into someone like McBongo who stars in all those nameless romance movies. But all that said, I'd be kind of surprised if he does another David Fincher movie right away. Maybe in the future or something but he did a LOT of work on Zodiac since Fincher is such a perfectionist and there were a few interviews where Jake implied how it could get very tiring after awhile with all the takes and now the re-shooting that recently took place. Add on top of that all the date changes that have occured making it hard to tell when the movie will open, it's got to be a little annoying. So I would think he might want to go in with a little bit of a more easy going director at least for the next movie.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad this is solved.

Half in jest, I was going to guess that Jake might be a classic rock fan, and the tattoo might be a tribute to the rune-like emblems on Led Zeppelin's "Zoso" album.

JadziaDragonRider said...

anon 2:13, don't you think that a rom-com with Jake might be a little mroe than your average generic McBongo/ Sarah Jessica Bullock Hudson Ryan fair? I dont' think a rom-com that Jake would sign onto would be bland. He seems to have excellent instincts when it comes to choosing roles. Even in Proof, BBM, and MM where he did play a romantic lead, those movies were far from bland.

I want him to play a villain, preferably a sci-fi/fantasy one.

Anonymous said...

Congrats. I think you've got it.
TORSO looks just about right. Jake might be wishful thinkig or he may be saying this is next. It will be interesting to see.

I love detective work. This blog seems to be great at it and in record time, I might add. Amazing.