Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Some people think that all this talk of agents and missions is boohockey but to them I say 'Pah!'. Just look at these top secret reports I found when I was searching for my pretzel what I dropped down the back of my executive, leather chair with adjustable arm rests. Now what say you, non-believers?!


Becky Heineke said...

OK, brits, you actually made me have to pull the fake-cough act again because I am hysterical! There are literally tears. I was pretty damned good with that helicopter, though, wasn't I?


DKBB said...

Wonderful work, agents! Britpop, you've trained us well. ;)

Happy birthday, Squallcloud!

Nothing Really Matters said...

What about Jabba The Hut in the third picture???

Sorry who's birthday is it???

Anonymous said...

What a cheer-me-up this post was!! And how heartening to know that the Jake Watch team remains on full global alert at all times!

Anonymous said...

Is that speed boat one real or photoshopped?If it's real where is it from.Anyone know?

Anonymous said...

That is one gorgeous picture of Peter and Jake - have not seen this one before - Squallcloud will be happy!

(You guys are hysterical, by the way..!)

JadziaDragonRider said...

SQUEEEEEEEEEEE! Thank you brit! m'love you have outdone yourself. I wanna do them within an inch of their very pretty little lives. (Sorry Maggie... and umm McBongo?)*passes out*

*lifts head*

Good work agents! Keep that boy safe from fangirl mauling at all times! Also, brit, my garbage is fairly leaping from the can at this point. Time to take it out and wash the clothes in the hamper who are banging on the lid to be let free so I feel you on the cleaning thing.

*passes out again*

Anonymous said...

ROFL! That was fucking hilarious. Great post!

The Chemistry Guru said...

Le Sex indeed!

I hope we dream a fantasy for Birthday girl. Didn't she mention a rosario/JRM sandwich or is that just my inner pervert talking?

Agnes said...

Hilarious BPB!!!!!!!! I don't even have any driving licence so I would probably do worse ;)

Happy birthday Squallcload!

JadziaDragonRider said...

Yes kokodee!

JRM and Rosario! Mmmm *drool* Okay Jake and Peter in a fantasy threesome too (god I'm so sorry, Gyllenhaalengaards!) I can't help what goes on in my wicked mind! Ironically I'm only 48% evil according to some stupid internet test I took. I was very let down. I thought I was Gargamel come to find out I'm Meowth.

britpopbaby said...

^What? Are you referencing through Pokemon? Hope you had a good day! I did try to wrap Jake and Peter together but they just won't hold still! Industrial strength gaffer tape my ass!

I'm glad you all find the top secret files so hiliarious. We're in serious debt thanks to that helicopter mishap. Remember Anneka?

Nothing Really Matters said...

Remember Anneka

What happened to her??? She not been around for a while!

Anonymous said...

As usual anon's questions get ignored!

Weirdland said...

Happy birthday again, Squallcloud, and for your son in his 8th b-day, Dani!

britpopbaby said...

Is that speed boat one real or photoshopped?If it's real where is it from.Anyone know?

Keep ya knickers on!

No, it's real. From IHJ. But I'd like to thank you for thinking that my photoshop skills could possibly be that good.

For future reference, if you want questions answered more immeadiately you should get a naked Jake avatar.

Anonymous said...

How do you upload an avatar?

Anonymous said...

Cina here on her mobile phone, wishing she could see the apparently hilarious pictures. Miss you guys a lot! Gotta go again, otherwise my phone bill will probably ruin me! I am still alive and will be back sunday latest. Tata! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, I really, really like that picture in the middle. The one taken on the red carpet for the Academy Awards. Which shows how regular human beings look, under outdoor California lighting conditions. And then, of course, there's Jake. Who looks the way that all men ought to, but sadly don't. (Just check out the guy in the tux on the left side of the picture, and you'll see what I mean.)

Happy birthday, Squall! (I remember you from the D.C., which is a decent neighborhood, full of nice folks.)

britpopbaby said...

How do you upload an avatar?

You have to get an account with Blogger. It's fairly pain-free. It will ask you to start a blog but you can type anything in and just never publish it.

Once you're signed in you can upload an avatar by clicking on Edit Profile and just typing in the URL where it asks for it.

Let me know if you get stuck. I'll completely understand if you can't be arsed either. You can just give yourself a name by clicking 'Other' instead of anon.

Anonymous said...

I don't wear any.lol..Thanks Brit.A naked avatar eh?Mmm,i'll think about it.Naked Jake?

Anonymous said...

What happens if you click other instead of anon?

Anonymous said...

Ok,thanks Simon

Agnes said...

Hi there Cina!!

britpopbaby said...

Cina, using a phone to access the internet! I'm majorly impressed. I can just about access the phonebook on my mobile.

Weirdland said...

Hi, Cina. I'm also impressed with your mobile phone tecniques, enjoy your holidays!

JadziaDragonRider said...

Hot Damn indeed.

dani's kid is awesome. Wanna know how I know. He's turning 8 on the 8th day of the 8th month. That's how I know! Right before coming back here, saw a pic someone posted on the slash bar thread of Jakey and The Ruffalo. I need a pack of cigarettes now. All the Ruffallo and Sarsy goodness floating about.

Anonymous said...

This was a delightful post, BPB!!!! Thanks. On the driving, if that effing pervert, a sweaty, porcine 500 lb piece of slime, from the Sacred Heart Driving School(seriously!) hadn't kept squeezing my knee at the point where it joins my upper thigh, I would have passed my road test on the first... or at least the second try. So I "feel ya" smurfeyshmoo!

Anonymous said...

A great post, britpop, LOL! And extra bonus points for Le Sex - yummy...

mrs_dalloway said...

Just so true,Britpop. We're everywhere,aren't we! And..The Sex and Le Sex is brilliant!Squall,I bet you had a very good birthday after seeing that!

Happy Birthday (with one day late here..)!!

Anonymous said...


Have almost no time to spend here at the moment.. so just lurking or whatever it's called..

This post was SO FUN :D

Anonymous said...

Your transit van exploits have caused me some laughing BPB. And are you trying to pin the helicopta on me? Cos we'd both had a hella lotta moonshine before we decided to comandeer it and it was your idea to fly through international borders instead of taking the Channel Tunnel a la 'Mission Impossible' like I suggested.

By the way, I'm back. Thanks for missing me all two of you.

britpopbaby said...

I was alluding that some terrible misfortune occured during the helicopter incident and had rendered you unable to use the internet hence your disapperance but now you've commented and ruined it all.

I hope this means I have mail.

Thanks TBL, I don't know why the Bloggy's keep ignoring me. I'm trying out for the Bloscars this year.

Anonymous said...

He looks strikingly handsome in that suit! Well done agents!

Anonymous said...

No mail yet BPB. Gimme a mo.

Anonymous said...

Anneka, welcome back! Have you heard anything more from that horndog woman with a prodding stick? She was a blast!

Hello to Katie too!