"Hey, Big Tony, Big Tony. Don't worry about it. I got the new kid, Swedish G on the case. Yeah, I can assure you we won't be seeing our good friend Jerry Four Fingers again. Nah, we did up him
real good. 'Course we used bricks. We ain't rookies, Big T, this is a high quality operation we got goin' here. Yeah, yeah, I like this Swedish G, he's a lil' wet behind the ears but he's, whadda ya say? Inconscipuous. Yeah, the Hudson, the Hudson, we're on it. Sleepin' with the fishes. Forget abart it!"
yup, works for me too!
in fact i think anything he does, even maybe a sweage worker would still work.....
Wonder if Poppa G knows about this.Or wait..it must be a family thing,right?However he does look sort of uncomfortable with that big bag,so I guess he's the one chosen to do the dirty job..and he hates it.(yes,I'm trying to gve him a way out for this god damn bitch of an unsatisfactory situation.)
I did not no but what a coincedence!!
@ mrs_dalloway: I think you're on to something. Pops is in fact "il capo di tutti capi", and Jake is in training to take over from him... ;D
Okey, this agent needs some compassion right now. I was supposed to attend a friend's wedding this weekend, but instead I catch the fucking stomach flue and I'm curled up in my couch in fetal position feeling extremely sorry for myself. :-(
Believe me when I say I don't look as sassy as I do in my avator at the moment...
Assassin Jake makes me feel a little bit better though. He looks so amazingly hot in those pictures I don't know what to do with myself. "Swedish G" - LOLOL!! Brilliant Brits - as always.
Thanks Simon and gummy! I'll do my best to recover from this shit. I hate it. :-(
Oh, and that perfume add is brilliant gummy! It has to be the official JW perfume! (unless it stinks of course, like you said)
Oh no, cina, that's awful, missing out on the wedding and all! I'm really sorry!! And stomach flu? That shit is the WORST. Feel better soon, darling!
Oh and looking hot, hot, hot there Mr G! *sigh* Dangerously hot ;-D
"Forget about it": Pronounced in my neighborhood thusly: "Fugeddaboutit."
Used frequently by my 65-year-old landlady, who's of Italian-American descent. Not used very often -- or even at all -- by my newer neighbors from Haiti, Guatemala, China, Trinidad, and rural Illinois.
I'll bet that Jake has no clothes in that bag at all -- not even a nice suit on a hanger. Probably it's just brimming with extra pairs of sneakers.
I'm just admiring the flat, rather inward curve of that abdomen of his. My God, if more men had stomachs like that ...
I'm just admiring the flat, rather inward curve of that abdomen of his. My God, if more men had stomachs like that ...
Oh God yes. That is something that always drives me crazy!! And especially on Jake. You have no idea how much I would like to put my hands under that shirt and feel that flat stomach... gahh! *fans herself*
And thanks Phoebe! The cold went away, but instead I catch the stomach flue. Isn't that something, huh? And I agree - that shit IS the worst!
I'm so sorry Cina *hug*. Get better soon!
And Oh my that body, I say no more :p
Poor Cina. I'll bet that if you could just rub Jake's belly, your own belly would soon feel much, much better. (Rubbing Jake's belly should confer luck upon the rubbee -- just like rubbing the Buddha's belly.)
Does anyone else find the direction of Jake's downward glance in this picture to be rather intriguing? I'm sure that he's just being careful of his footing, trying to see around that enormous garment bag (which, as I've said, is surely overladen with sneakers). But, in my imagination, he's looking down at Little Jake. Thinking, "Hell, it's sore as an American League pitcher's arm. But at least it feels like it's still attached. Man, those girls from Longuyland are really something else."
That's what happens when you go out with Meadow Soprano.
I second that Simon, a Bubble Boy Review would be all too PERFECT
Bubble boy is on TV next to me at this moment...the vulture chasing after his bubble is precious!
Aww, man! I wanna see it!! I really have to get my act together and buy it online. No more excuses.
Mrs. Livingston: And then Pinocchio came out of his plastic bubble and touched the filthy little whore next door and died. The End! :-)
Damn. I think I have top pop Bubble Boy into my DVD-player tonight. You made me want to watch it again Simon!
"500 dollah! 500 dollah!" LOL!
And anon 10:38 - that part is just hi-larious! :-D
^^top pop = to pop. I blame the state I'm in today...
LOVE Bubble Boy, never fails, if I happen to be channel surfing and hit it, I must immediately stop what I am doing and watch. Can't count the number of times I've seen it on Comedy Central - really do need to buy it, too.
Must have missed the mention, but looks like the tattoo was definitely a fake...
See how thin he's getting.Can hardly lift the body bag.Jake.Eat.
He has lost weight.All that bloody cycling.And for what?Keep fit or movie or both.Who knows.On the upside.The tattoo is practically gone.Nobody rememebered it.I didn't see one comment about it.Hurrah.Yesterdays news.I for one am mighty glad .
@Simon: I was so surprised when I learned that it was in fact Jake singing in that scene. His voice is SO different from when he's speaking! :-)
When I look at pics of Jakey in his white flowery swimming trunks, or his sweaty, nude torso playing baseball in those very loose, droopy green shorts, and then I look at him now, I worry. I don't want him to lose too much weight. He'll look like Christian Bale in the Machinist. Or like E.T. I'll still love him. Only it will be different.
Just saw the rest of the pics. Maggie & Jake are so cute. Anyone catch Letterman last night?
I don't think Jake's got exercise bulimia or manorexia or whatever they call it ... yet. But it does look like he's training pretty hard. Maybe if he was using more than one hand to lug that garment bag full of footwear. Then I'd worry.
If Jake gets too thin, we'll have to send Dennis Quaid to talk with him.
Phoebe it's only for maybe 30 seconds on film ...but it's funny as hell.
For sure, it'd be worth it just to see those 30 sec. But the reason why I so need to buy it is because I haven't seen Bubble Boy... at all (since you can't get hold of it at the video stores around here). I know. It's really bad.
He looked like a gorgeous hunk of a man at the MTV awards.He looks better when he's a bit bigger.That is just my opinion and i'm going by the recent stories from the people at Cullens and iheartjake who said he is very thin in person.This is too much weight loss in so short a time.He didn't even need to lose it.His body is gorgeous any how,but not too skinny eh Jake.Go get some cupcakes.lol.
Thanks Simon,that Oprah show will be interesting.
pickle,i was wondering that.I didn't see it.Did anybody watch Maggie on Letterman?
What is with the body bag anyway, and where is DaddyG when Jake needs him? I bet pops could carry that bag with ease.
Simon,the link to enquirer doesn't work?I'm curious as to what you are talking about.Deep heat and womens cycling shorts?lol
Yeah,what the hell is in that bag?Can't be clothes.Can it?He only seems to travel light in that respect.
Yes, I saw it. Maggie was really cute, touching/rubbing her belly a few times. She spoke of Jake, only calling him 'my brother'. She said that Peter and 'her brother' were running around the city trying to find something for her to eat that wouldn't make her sick. Jake fed her a spoonful of tiramisu and that was it, problem solved.
I thought the interview was a bit too short but she looked lovely!
^^^ Thanks Simon! I forgot about that!
Did you get the feeling that she was about to/willing to mention all the baby names they were considering?
"It would be awkward to ask for a autograph under such circumstances.... "
No problem here. He can autograph me anywhere he wants.
Aww I want to see that interview! I know it's gonna show up at IHJ any second. Jake fed her Tiramisu? Good move! He can feed me Tiramisu any time too. Even though I'm not pregnant. ;-)
And LOLOL at Peter walking in on another woman's gynecological exam! LMFAO!! Poor woman though...
Aww pickle,thanks for that.Makes me all warm and glowing knowing that such thoughtful men do actualy exist.Why i can't find one.Sigh.
Oh that just made me go all wobbly inside...
Simon,me again.
Tried link and this time it said page unavailable,under construction?Oh well.Thanks for trying.Maybe the server is busy at the moment?I will try it again later.Unless some gorgeoussly genorous person here has access to it and can copy and paste the article here?No pressure,but it doesn't hurt to ask.lol
"Are you Peter Sarsgaard?!"
"Can I have your autograph?".....
"Doc could I borrow your pen".
"You can autograph here, yes, down here."
"What did you say, Peter? Oh, don't worry, it'll only be a slight tickle. It'll only hurt when I have this autograph tattooed on me."
Thanks Simon,You are an angel.x
Aww,poor Jakey.That stuff would really burn touching certain err bodyily parts.lol.Have to laugh though.
Bubble Boy arrived in the mail here at my house on Thursday last, my day off. Made a big bowl of pop corn, and got into this precious movie. I like Jake in all his movies because it's him but when he is sweet, funny, charming and cute he is irresistable. No one does this better. I can't help but think, "What a range." From Bubble Boy to Brokeback, to Jarhead, and all in between. At the end he is in a Tux. Awsome!!!
Cina, Stomach flu is the pits. Sorry for you. Poor baby. Feel better.
Maggie was very sweet and quiet funny on Letterman last night.
Last night, huh? Then I'll guess it'll air over here in about a week! *squee* Can't wait! Love Maggie.
I dont think Letterman likes Jake--dont think he's ever been on. I think Mags may have been baiting Letterman to say Jake's name.
Is he wearing the same shorts in this photo as he was the other day when we were examining his business causal look?
As long as Jake doesn't persist in wearing his cargo shorts after they've gotten smelly.
Jake, if you sniff them to check them before you put them on ... then you know ... they may be a little, er, questionable.
So, my darling blue-eyed, talented boy -- once you get home, tie off that bag of laundry & drop it off at the cleaners. Really. Please. I know you probably **adore** those gray t-shirts & that particular pair of shorts. Still, a brief separation from your much-loved garments won't hurt you. They'll be all nice & clean-smelling afterward. And you know we all really, really like a nice, clean-smelling boy.
I go to Italy for 5 days and come back and the Sex has shaven his legs... has anyone seen my drool bucket?
I'm speechless..
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