Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Gyllenhaal's along for the ride
Cycling legend Lance Armstrong has privately confirmed speculation that Jake Gyllenhaal will portray him in a biopic.
He told sources at ESPN that Matthew McConaughey had been up to play the part, but lost out to Gyllenhaal.
"He said that's why he has been spending so much time with them both this summer," said the source.
Armstrong, who won the Tour de France a record seven times, hosted ESPN's ESPY Awards last month.

[Source] Thanks Elle!

So that's why they all hung out together this summer. Some sort of trial by fire? And McNoganinny lost out and that's why they don't hang anymore? And he must hate Jake now? Yep? Am I right or am I wrong, so very wrong?


mrs_dalloway said...

McBeebee must be furious. Enough anger to determinate,let's say.. kidnapping a dog? *hint,hint* If every actor losing in front of Jake is a little insane,poor guy would have to get some serios bodyguards!

Anonymous said...

hmm... how reliable is this story by nydailynews? a "source" close to armstrong confirmed it? i dunno, i'm still a lil skeptical... prolly cuz i'm secretly hoping the rumor's not true =P. sigh... but i trust jake's judgment with roles, yes i do (repeating to myself).

The Real Me said...

Hahahaha, haha, haaaaaa. No wonder poor McCogagoninmahuhey looked so sad in those pics a few weeks ago on PITNB. Aww.
Nevermind. He's kinda too buff to play lanky Lance anyways.
And any chance I get to look at the Sex in spandex, is a chance I'll damn well take anyday, any second.

Jess said...

HA! McConagag's got NOTHIN' on Jake, that's for sure!

Don't really know where I stand on the whole Jake-as-Armstrong-thing. A film about biking? Eeh.. But Jake in tight clothes? Fine by me!

Anonymous said...

Eh. Lance. Whatever. But, yeah, to see Jake in Spandex I'd basically watch anything. :)

Anonymous said...

While I'm all for Jake beating McConabooger, I kind of wished Jake lost out on this one. Maybe I'll be surprised and the movie will turn out great. But a Lance Armstrong biopic Jake, really?

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking of Jarhead, I thought that was so not like a Jake Movie. And look what we got, an almost naked Jake. Keep an open mind Ladies. Shoot there could be some locker room scenes??

mrs_dalloway said...

Honestly, I'm kind of excited about this Lance biopic..he's a very interesting man and his story is indeed one that has to be told.It will be very interesting to see Jake as a character struggling with cancer and also having the competitive feature at its highest limits,as a sportsman. I think it could turn out to be one of his best roles. Lance's book about himself is very very inspiring and interesting..you can see the entire psychology that's behind the physical effort.It's a complexity of emotions and a permanent attempt of pushing the edges.
Sorry for all the rambling, I got a little carried away..Jake..movies..you know what that can do to you.

Anonymous said...

So Sorry Frank and all the other Fellows here. I sometimes forget that Jake is loved by all of us who know him best.

cina said...

Ha! Eat that, McConahthingy!

Anonymous said...

In a way, if Jake IS going to do this, it's an interesting and challenging career move. His two recent successes were also movies that did not at first glance appear to be mainstream commercial-hit type movies, yet look what he did with those! Neither were 'pretty boy' roles like TDAT, yet both earned him a lot of accolades! I also read in an interview somewhere that he said, regarding his decision to do both of these movies, that it was the first time he'd made the decision to take a role by himself, without asking people 'do you think I should do this or not?'

So now, apparently against the advice of 'his people',(can't remember where I read that) he is going to take on another role that is not a pretty-boy, mainstream, commmercial hit type movie. Instead it's a character driven story with some serious stuff to it as Mrs D said ^^. It sound's as if it's going to take a tough, mature actor to do it well.

If I thought he needed it, I'd say 'good luck!' But Jake doesn't need luck. His talent and dedication to the craft will carry him through it.

And the way he looks in spandex won't hurt him none, either ... :-)

Jess said...

Tbl, I guess so! And who knows, it might turn out great!

Anonymous said...

honestly, to quote kirsten (!) i know that jake will do a great job no matter what role he plays, since he’s one of the best actors in his generation. at the same time, i’m pretty sure my hesitance has a lot to do with my annoyance with what i’ve seen so far of lance’s public persona—i.e., i just can’t get that excited about jake playing an asshole! but i dunno, if/when this is confirmed, i figure i’ll go pick up a copy of lance’s autobiography, which, from what i hear, should endear him/his story to me more. as an aside, i have this feeling that jake might be starting to do more literary adaptation roles. since jarhead and playing swoff, i feel like he might be getting drawn to roles that came from a protagonist/narrator type in good books? like robert graysmith, to start, and before the scandal broke, he was favored to play james frey.

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't Lance Armstrong give the role to his best bud Matt M? Why inflict it on Jake?

Matt M was obviously glad not to be doing it, and I don't think he's that upset with his best bud, he's just been on vacation with him to Florida! Probably took him to thank him for not picking him!

It's TV movie material. Jake can do better.

Anonymous said...

another aside: just read a little blurb from us weekly on jake. not to say this stuff is to be taken face value, but according to the blurb, he ate at il sole restaurant earlier this month with his mom, the a “witness” reported that naomi’s worried about jake and kind of nagged at him the whole meal. apparently, she saw a recent photoshoot of his (what, there’s been a recent photoshoot?) and said he “looked depress”, to which he replied, “thanks mom, i wasn’t depressed!” then, when jake boasted to her about lance teaching him to bike up hills, naomi said, “that’s why i worry! what about your knees?”

haha, not sure i buy it (can u really eavesdrop that well at a restaurant?), but it’s a cute story. poor naomi gets characterized as the nagging mom, and jake sounds like a little boy.

mrs_dalloway said...

If he went through all this trouble to get this part,it means he really wants it. It's his career and all that's important is for him to enjoy every move and every movie he's making.

Plus,we can't judge a book by its cover.Who knows how this movie will turn out to be?all we know now is the subject,which I personally find interesting..I don't think morals have anything to do with whether a character is complex or not,or has inner drama or not. Think about how Brokeback was seen before beeing made..
I think Jake's role in this project will have a huge significance in how it will turn out to be. A biopic means he's the one on which everything in the movie will be based on..It's a great assignment for him.

Anonymous said...

Like i said on the previous threads.This would explain the short cropped haircut and weight loss.Jake is in preparation for the film.Maybe they are starting to shoot pretty soon?Not my sort of film i have to say,but good luck with it Jake.

Anonymous said...

smurfette, love your story about Jake and his mum in the restaurant.It's adorable.

All mothers worry.Sweet.

Anonymous said...

naomi said, “that’s why i worry! what about your knees?”

Didn't one of the stories from MV say that Naomi was rubbing Jake's knees from time to time?...lol

cina said...

Smurfette that is so sweet! That's just how it is, no matter how old you get, your mom NEVER stops worrying about you! And being the "little one" that Jake is, I guess it's even worse. I speak from experience, being the kid sister in the family... LOL!
Too cute, if that's a true story. :-)

Anonymous said...

New piccies up on iheart.Jake getting a yellow taxi in NY.His hair looks friggin awful.It's butchered.

Mr. M said...

I think he looks just fine from the MV photos. Except for the nose hair creeping out in that one pic ... but even then I don't really mind. I digress.

I'm completely and totally uninterested in the Armstrong movie and as a matter of fact I haven't heard/read any reports from people that are excited about the prospects of this film. I just don't give a flying damn about Armstrong. I can't even think of a film about cycling that I've ever seen -- there's probably a reason for that.

Don't get me wrong - I do think Jacob will do a good job, I'm just not sure audiences will care.

Anonymous said...

New pictures and what do you know?We still can't see the tattoo!He's wearing short sleeves,but this time instead of a merc blocking our view,it's a stinking great taxi!

Have to agree about his hair.It's wrecked.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness.He is skinny.His arms and legs.Hope all this in aid of the film Jake and not your new image.It's not you baby.Put some meat back on.Please.

Anonymous said...

I want Jake to "work" so much now I don't even mind that he's doing this "man in spandex" movie. Frank Marshall at least has made "Alive" which is a good enough movie.

Plus I like the idea of Jake beating McBongo for the part. Surely it's easier for Jake to play "older" than McBongo trying to do a young biker?

Although imdb still has Matt Damon attached to that biopic.

Mr. M said...

Bone is for the dog. Meat is for the man!

I'm sorry. What did I say? I don't know. I'm going to go back to composing a very important legal brief while doing my nails. Impossible you say? Not for me damn it.

Anonymous said...

I think that the script, director and production values will dictate whether or not this is TV movie fodder or not.

Jake's track record shows that he doesn't just jump into any old movie deal. The number of releases for 2005 were ever so slightly deceptive having been filmed between 2003-2005. I have no concerns about him not having his name attached to half a dozen different projects - that has never apeared to be his style.

He doesn't go for the purely commercial projects either - there must be a complelling reason for him wanting to do this film and as I have thoroughly enjoyed all his performances up until now I have no reason to think that I wont enjoy him in a LA biopic.

The fact that LA might not be a whiter than white guy makes him probably a more interesting character for Jake to play rather than a drawback....just MO....

cina said...

What's wrong with his hair?? Looks perfectly normal to me. You're just being picky, lol! ;-)

Anonymous said...

He could go in the army with that haircut.Whoever did it should be hung drawn and quatered.

JadziaDragonRider said...

Why would McBongo be mad at Jake? He's still cattin' around with his BFF Lance. Jake was just with them as a professional courtesy. Now that he's snapped the role out of McBongo's jaws he has no need to hang out with those boy whores anymore. Good going Jake! You stay hanging out with your parents and female friends like the nice boy that you are.

JadziaDragonRider said...

Also, I'll watch anything with Jake in it. That's just what BBM has done to me. I've seen every one of his movies and even when the movie was boring (L&A) or not as fully realized as it should have been (DD) or borderline crap (HW) I always enjoyed it because Jake was always the high point. If Zodiac didnt' have Jake in it I would not be watching it but it does so I will. Just like the Lance biopic and anything else my baby wants to be in.

JadziaDragonRider said...

Jake's hair looks great! The facial hair is nice too. Still miss his beauty mark but whatevs. He's a bit thin but still, he's The Sex and it's still in evidence.

Anonymous said...

Yay! He's back in NY!! He looks fine, a bit thin though.

Anonymous said...


Oh Jake, how quickly you head downhill.

Anonymous said...

I can only imagine this biopic thing as being a typical "inspirational" hero-worship style story. I'm sick to death of that genre, and I wouldn't see if even if it featured Johnny Depp and Jake and a sex scene of both.

JadziaDragonRider said...

anon 10:15 I would watch ANYTHING for a JD/JG sex scene. Anything. Eventhough Johnny is dead to me for starring in that racist drek PotC 2 but still. ANYTHING.

Anon 10:15, sometimes I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion.

Anonymous said...

I think this article from ivillage sums up my thoughts pretty well:

Does anyone really want to see a Lance Armstrong biopic at this point? Maybe back when he fresh off winning seven Tour de France titles. Or when he was married to his ex, Kristin, and they appeared to be the perfect little family with their towhead little kiddies. But in the last eight months since he dumped Sheryl Crow he's gone from heroic to horndog, hitting the Playboy mansion and trolling for chicks with Matthew. As a longtime fan, I really think he's lost his appeal.


hey, kinda related question—anyone know if it’s been confirmed that ryan phillippe is playing 2-face in batman? and by confirmed, i mean by studios and reps, not anon sources. cuz man, that was something i really hoped for jake… of course, re-teaming w/heath doesn’t hurt =)

mrs_dalloway said...

Anon 10:15, sometimes I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion.

Anon, I think you couldn't resist and you would sneak a peak!There's no way somebody would miss that!

Anonymous said...

Tattoo pictures? I think?


Weirdland said...

But in the last eight months since he dumped Sheryl Crow he's gone from heroic to horndog, hitting the Playboy mansion and trolling for chicks with Matthew.
I'm dying for watching the Jake impersonator of this late version of Jake, lol. And, smurfette, I think it's not official yet, but it seems probable enough we'll see Ryan Phillippe as Two-face: Harvey Dent and Batman-o-film

mrs_dalloway said...

kala, where is that pic from? it doesn't look like a permanent tattoo to me..it's erasing already.Or am I wrong?

Anonymous said...

mrs_dalloway --

www.fadedyouth.blogspot.com has them up. The bottom symbols/letters (towards the wrist) look faded... bad angle, or purposely done effect?

cina said...

Doesn't look like a real one to me, as you said, the bottom ones looke kinda faded. But who knows, might be on purpose like you said.

Weirdland said...

I'm almost sure that is not a permanent tattoo, it's just letters, and not beautiful armonized, who would want that as a tattoo?

mrs_dalloway said...

it's just letters, and not beautiful armonized, who would want that as a tattoo?

Maybe he's just being a phreak again :))

Anonymous said...

yeah-- it's pretty subtle. i agree, it looks a bit faded, which is strange. dying to know what it says, we need better pics! where are our agents?!

Anonymous said...


I'm "anonymous 10:15" and I am committed to SparkleMotion! In fact, I just dug my silver glitter costume out of the tras-- I mean, closet-- just for you.

And ok, I would sneak a peak at the movie if there was Jake and Johnny sex. But I'd only stay for that scene. Spandex on the big screen gives my retinas hives.

Maybe he got a temporary version of the tattoo so he could decide if he liked it before permanently inking himself? That's what I would do, although he ought to have tried henna instead of temp ink because henna lasts a lot longer than two days.

britpopbaby said...

Thanks for the link to those pics, kala. Def temp!

Jess said...

I wouldn't see if even if it featured Johnny Depp and Jake and a sex scene of both.

Seriously?! I would be frickin first in line to see that! *fans herself*

Anonymous said...

So Jake and McBongo were competing? And Jake won so his prize was to go to France with Lance (so didn't mean to rhyme there). Then McBongo and Jake went out after Jake came back to show there were no hard feelings? Wow, it's easy to create a story from those pictures.

Anonymous said...

So who is in charge of casting this movie anyway, Lance himself?? That's kind of hard to believe...

Also, I'd watch it because of Jake, but I worry a bit because he apparently idolizes Armstrong. Won't that impact how he plays him? I'm sure his natural acting genius will work miracles, but honestly I'd feel better about this whole thing if Jake was neutral about Lance.

Anonymous said...

Ok we are forgetting an important question here: If Jake is playing Lance, then who is playing Sheryl Crow!?!? If Jake can play older, damn! So can I! Ok off to take some acting lessons now....