Saturday, July 08, 2006


Immature? Moi?


mrs_dalloway said...

I have problems breathing because of the laughter!!! this is too much!! Bad,bad boy!

Anonymous said...

"Ahh, Your shoe is untied."

cina said...


Agnes said...

This is toooo much LOLLOLLOLLOL

Anonymous said...

You know, I just hate it when these photographers shoot things all out of proportion and DISTORT images like that. (Jake what were you THINKING? Are you that naive that you think you can simply stand behind some guy when he's tying his shoes and people won't get the wrong impression?) Actually, I'd have been more concerned if it were Jake tying his shoe and Heath standing behind him!

britpopbaby said...

I think they're actually stood quite far apart but it's because of the all black it looks closer.

Anonymous said...

Burning question: Does Jake have "hat head" when the cycling helmet comes off, at the end of a long ride? And if he does, does it look sexy on him, as his hair usually does when it's half-ruffled & half-flattened?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the helpful visual, bpb!

The Chemistry Guru said...


Anonymous said...

LMAO!!! What a shot.

Nothing Really Matters said...

LOL, it's the angle as well. LMAO!

Anonymous said...

WFT is gonna have a field day with that one!

Anonymous said...

nice annoymous....I'm with you all the way.Love the messy hair.If he only took his helmet off.LOL

Anonymous said...

that's just wicked, britpopbaby. LOL!

Jess said...

omigod, this is frickin hysterical!! LMAO!!

Anonymous said...

Okay, that was funny.

Anonymous said...

Sheryl Crow: You don't go up there to go bike riding!

Miffed67 said...

^^ LMFAO!!!!

That pic is WORTH a 1000 words!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 3:59, that's PERFECT! I'm grinning so hard, it hurts.

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:59 for the win!

Anonymous said...

loooool, its BBM all over again but instead of heath its another guy, hahahaha...

Anonymous said...

whoa he has some sexy toned legs

JadziaDragonRider said...

anon 3:59 should get some sort of prize.

I saw that pic on another board and almost fell on the floor.

Anonymous said... Too funny!! Everyone around me thinks I'm insane because I'm laughing so hard. And, I agree, Anon 3:59 deserves a medal or something.

Anonymous said...

they're just bikin' buddies! >:D

Anonymous said...

Jake: "So. You gonna do this again next year?"

Anonymous said...

WFT didn't have a field day with this one. I guess Dany's too classy.

Anonymous said...

...doubt that.

Anonymous said...
