Wednesday, July 12, 2006


I got so distracted making that awesome image I've almost forgotten what I was going to say.
Oh, yeah...
First off, I off to Italy for two weeks this Saturday but never fear as Jake Watching will be provided by ProphecyGirl while I'm chewing on parma ham and trying to attract the attention of the locals dishes.
Secondly, official Jake Watch merchandise is almost sorted out but will now have to be finalised when I get back off me jollies. I'm still waiting for permission to use one of the fonts. By going local and then setting up my own shop I've managed to cut the cost so it should work out cheaper than CafePress. Should do, don't quote me.
Thirdly, I'm trying to work out how to set Jake Watch up at it's own domain name because then I can do an all-in-one with the message boards and shop and whatever the hell else is needed. Problem is I'm retarded and can't work out my bandwidth usage but I'm keeping on, mainly with the help of Matt. If anyone else knows anything about this sort of stuff, let me know. Also want to say thanks to Miffed for grabbing that domain name!
Fourthly, I just want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has donated. britpopbaby can now pretend to be Scrooge McDuck, if only she had a vault and a Scottish accent. And a little tail. I was going to put up a list but then I thought peeps might want to remain anonymous but we can discuss it at the message boards.
Fifthly (I spelt that 'filthy' the first time - Freud!), I've added a ton of new affiliates. It's nice to have friends. You should go look at them with your eyes.
Sixthly (is that even a word?), if you're bored you could click on 'Listed At' in the sidebar and vote for Jake Watch in various places. I would really appreciate it because I might win a years supply of canned tuna.
Finally, you'll be glad to hear I feel better now and have managed to eat a boiled egg and two digestive biscuits. I know everyone was so alarmed by my illness yesterday that they were distracted from the new Jake and Natalie pictures and various accompanying conspriacy theories so I thought you might like updates.


DKBB said...

Glad to know you're feeling better, brits! Have a great vacation!

(I sent you an email about the web site - just some suggestions.)

cina said...

First of all - glad you're feeling better!

Second - that Jake Watch news picture made me laugh out loud here, window open and neighbours outside, prolly wondering what the hell I was laughing about! lol

Third - Have a wonderful time in Italy! I'm a little jealous - Italy is wonderful - but you surely deserve a nice holiday in the sun after all your hard work with this blog, the message board, dealing with all of us here and.. yeah, whatever else! Enjoy the sun, have lots of colourful drinks with those paper umbrellas and eat tons of delicious pasta. We'll all still be here when you get back. :-)

And last of all, I can't wait to see the Jake Watch merchandice! :-)

britpopbaby said...

Er, thanks jla. I can try your scavenger hunt but I was hoping to spend time away from people that piss at the roadside. And probably the nearest person whose had too much wine would be me, does that count?

britpopbaby said...

Thanks cina! I love those cocktails or as I like to call them 'bitch piss'.

The Chemistry Guru said...

Enjoy your holiday. And remember: No more sunburns!

The Chemistry Guru said...

Oh, and I forgot, not to inject bad karma or anything but I'm really pissed off with Italy and mattarezi(sp?) In particular. I'm sure y'all know why!
Ps: I'm half french.
Still, have a good holiday

Becky Heineke said...

Oh, God. The pressure! I figure if you have more than two readers left when you get back it will have been a success from my end. I can't totally ruin Jake Watch in two weeks. I hope.

But have lots of fun!!! Newsanchor Jake is might be your finest work yet. Seriously. He required me to actually take a bathroom break so I could laugh in privacy. :)

Anonymous said...

Brit Brat... hope you have a great holiday and we'll all be good to prophecy girl in your abscence.

You and Jake should have a nice adventure ducking the paps together, we want details when you get back.

Miffed67 said...

Ooo, glad you're feeling better!

Have a GREAT holiday, drink lots of red wine for me! I'll try to keep PG straight, but you know how she is....can't take her anywhere! < grin >

Agnes said...

Have a great holiday and you will be missed.

PG you will do a GREAT job :)

Becky Heineke said...

....can't take her anywhere!

Touche, my friend! Touche.

Anonymous said...

Don't know where in Italy you're going to be, BPB, but if you're in the north, stop by the Lake Como area. It's beautiful there...and you can stop at George Clooney's villa and have a Bellini! If you're in the south, go to Capri and eat some gellato. Or eat some gellato in Florence. Or maybe Rome.
If you go to Venice, don't let those ratty pidgeons crap on your head...wear a hat...If you go into Piazza San Marco at night, the pidgeons will be gone, but they will be playing cheesey music (show tunes) under the stars and there's this baldheaded violin player who's kinda sexy. If you miss Jakey so much you can hardly stand it, DO go to Florence, seriously. Stop by the Academia and look at Michaelangelo's sculpture. David is there in all his glory...and damned if he doesn't remind you of Jakey! Absolute perfection! (Except, he's a bit anatomically challenged...if you know what I mean... Michelangelo should have used Jakey as a model for that sculpture...) Have a good time. The Italians are beautiful!

Nothing Really Matters said...

Happy hols my friend, have a great time! PG you rock!

britpopbaby said...

I go to Italy every year. I absolutely adore it. If they made decent tea I might move permantly ;). I'm going to Lake Garda. My parents went to Como last year but didn't see George Clooney. Apparently the locals are furious because he brings the paps with him when he comes.

Nothing Really Matters said...

Do you have room in your suitcase??

Miffed67 said...

Touche, my friend! Touche.

LOL. I'm citing your blog as evidence of my claim. Take me with you next time, tho....then I won't have room to talk!

brit, I'm with won't mind a couple of stowaways, will ya?

Weirdland said...

If you have more free time during your vacation, you already know you can make a stop in Mediterranean Tarragona Coast, Bpb. Relax yourself, there are many cute Italian guys waiting for a cool Brits like you.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy yourself, Brit. We'll all try to be good while you're away. (Barring the occasional visit from an ill-tempered troll, which can't be helped, in blogdom.) I'll envision you seated at a cafe table, with darkly handsome Italian males gazing at you in admiration while you lick a little lasciviously at your gelato spoon. Hope you bring home a great pair of shoes or something else nice as a souvenir of your travels.

Jess said...

Have a fabulous trip, britpop!! We'll miss ya!

And don't worry PG, you will do great!!

Anonymous said...

Honey, the only souvenir worth bringing home is an Italian guy. They are delicious! I think I'll watch one of my favorite movies honor of your trip.A Month By The Lake(?) Vanessa Rerdgrave and Uma Thurman. Delightful movie!

Anonymous said...

Oh britpopbaby of course we were concerned, we might not have show it, so accept our apologies =).
and have a fabulous time in italy, never been there =´( (damn it), ooohh in very near future perhaps hehe... ciao ragazza

Anonymous said...

Since this is the "news" thread, I just thought I'd let you know that the wire services are posting the arrival pics for the ESPY Awards which are being held tonight at the Kodak Theatre. (They'll be broadcast Sunday night) and while there is no picture of Jake arriving yet, Matthew Mc C is there and he looks very awful! Like he just finished doing yard work and threw on a pair of jeans and a shirt, rolled up his sleeves (I know!) and ran over. And he's a presenter. I found it interesting that MM is trying (trying being the operative word here) to grow a beard and be all stubbly...and he is failing miserably! That is all.

Anonymous said...

Update by Anon 6:17 PM : Pics of Jake at Espy Awards. He looks delicious as always. Starched white shirt, opened, no tie. Black blazer. Very cool. Shots of Lance MC-ing. Audience shots of Jake gesturing, laughing, looking embarrassed at something being said on stage. WireImage and Getty have pics. That is all.

Anonymous said...

WFT has a funny as hell caption up. They also have large images of Jake at the Espys.


Anonymous said...

Gotta say: On rare occasions I sometimes find something on WFT funny. But generally, I can't stand the appellation or the blog that it spawned. I don't like Ted Casablanca. And I don't want nobody messin' with Jakey. Evah.
I wonder, did Jude Law go through this shit when he played Bosey to Stephen Fry's Oscar Wilde? Did Russell Crowe? Did Antonio Banderas or a half dozen more people I could name? Jake's only 25 years old. He's single. So bcz of a movie role, people are now entitled to speculate, and worse, harass him about his personal life? This sucks.

Anonymous said...

8:34 calm the hell down. You don't own Jake and more importantly you don't own people's mind and opinions. WFT has the right to exist just as much as JW does, and the writer has just as much a right to talk about Jake as BPB. I find the intolerance here sickening. I like both blogs almost equally, I just like Dany's equanimity a little too much so I like WFT a little more. But that doesn't mean I'm any less a Jake fan than you are.

Stop being intolerant fangirls all your lives. Grow up already and understand not everyone on earth is going to think like you. And thinking someone is bisexual is not "messing" with them, unless of course you think being called bisexual is a bad thing.

Sorry BPB, but just like the people here can't stand the "superiority attitude" of WFT, I can't stand the intolerance here. So I spoke up and out.

Anonymous said...

First, let me say I'm very calm, but thank you for your concern. Secondly, I am amused that you so quickly label me or whom ever as intolerant.That isn't the case. My brother is gay, out and proud and he and I are both politically active.For the record, let me say this. It is no secret that in the United States, while there has been some progress, there is still too much intolerance regarding human rights issues as they affect the gay community. Hate crimes, harassment, job and housing discrimination,health issues, the issue of gay marriage, etc. The climate in the United States is, in many ways, very backward and inhospitable. So when a person's sexual orientation is publically speculated about as Jake's has been, when he has been harassed, ridiculed and embarrassed for being gay friendly and for being respectful of his participation in what I consider to be one of the most revolutionary films of our time, the people who are doing it aren't showing their respect or their love or their support. Not for Jake and not for Gay Rights. Those people are acting against their own interests whether they think they are or not. When you state, absent any concrete evidence but your own vivid imagination, that someone is gay or bi you aren't doing it to support them or because you 'love' them. In an inhospitable climate such as the one we are faced with you are consciously and deliberately doing someone harm that has only ever wanted to do good. Further, you are intruding in an area that is personal and private. How ever Jake choses to live his life, he certainly isn't accountable to Ted Casablanca! Yep. I am a HUGE fan of Jake's. And I love it here. There are a lot of cool people here with a lot of love and a delightful sense of humor. I certainly have the right to voice my opinion about WFT and I have. You, of course are also entitled to your opinion. In the spirit of Brokeback Mountain, I wish you well. Peace.

Anonymous said...

I am not speaking of intolerance for gay people, I am speaking of intolerance for a different point of view. Which many of us suffer from. it's childish and immature to attack a place simply because it talks about something that maybe you disagree with. That is what I am saying.

When you state, absent any concrete evidence but your own vivid imagination, that someone is gay or bi you aren't doing it to support them or because you 'love' them. In an inhospitable climate such as the one we are faced with you are consciously and deliberately doing someone harm that has only ever wanted to do good. Further, you are intruding in an area that is personal and private.

You can't speak for the whole of people just because YOU feel this way. Dany and the people at WFT love and admire Jake just as much as anyone here and it's an unfair assumption to think otherwise, based solely on the fact they Jake and Austin may be together. And aren't we all delving into Jake's private and personal life? Posting paparazzi pictures, speculating about who he is dating, talking abiout his family - all personal and private things.I guess it's only an invasion of privacy when the topic doesn't suit your fancy.

Anonymous said...

Well said, 9:56. Thank you. But I like Jake Watch better.

Anonymous said...

Time out peeps! I didn't get that the poster was questioning WFT's right to exist. Just that they didn't like it. And that doesn't make them intolerant. We don't all share the same sense of humor, do we? And yeah. We all speculate about Jakey. But I don't think anyone here wants to do anything that is hurtful or harmful to him. And I don't think most of the ppl on WFT want to hurt him either. Some folk just have different perspectives. Deep breaths, everyone.

The Chemistry Guru said...
Photos of Jake presenting...

cina said...

I'm sorry, but I just have one humble question. Does anyone from JW or some other place ever post at WFT, voicing their opinion or mocking the people over at WFT, like people from WFT do here? Does anyone ever critizise the posters there like they do here?

I am simply asking, since I never visit WFT because I just don't like the place.

So - what I'm saying is - if no one from JW critizise or mock the people at WFT at their blog, why do the WFT people find it necessary to come here and critizise?

Again - I'm just asking and not trying to be mean or anything. OK?

Anonymous said...

10:10 here. Cina I am both from JW and WFT. And to be honest, WFT is really a fun place. Dany, who has never insulted JW or anyone from JW, is really creative and sweet. I think she does a great job with the blog and covers Jake in a fun way. The reason I like JW better is because of the comments. I like WFT for Dany's posts, but the comments can get outright chaotic. Isn't it possible to be a fan of WFT and JW? I know some of us post at WFT too.

And may I ask why you don't like WFT?

cina said...

The reason I don't like WFT is simply because I am sick of the gay/bi/hetero discussion over all. And I personally don't find it "funny" to discuss wether he's a closeted gay man or not. I think it's disrespectful.

And the Toothy Tile thing is just a horrible, and pointless, thing - regardless if he is gay or not. Let's say he is gay, and is struggeling with the decision wether to come out or not, or when to come out, those often very mean and hurtful comments posted (on the internet in general - not particularly on WFT) can't exactly make it any easier for him in that case. That's why I dislike it so much.

britpopbaby said...

Sorry BPB, but just like the people here can't stand the "superiority attitude" of WFT, I can't stand the intolerance here.

There is no intolerance here. If people don't like WFT then they don't like it - what's the big deal? It's got jack shit to do with me.

And JW has been badmouthed over there in the most childish and pathetic manner but hey, what am I going to do? Free country.

Anonymous said...

Hope you have a great holiday in Italy britpopbaby - I love Italy too (and yes, even the Italians!)and spent some time in Rome and surroundings last year.
In the meantime all of us will be keeping an eye on Jake here..!

Anonymous said...

Sadly, the whole of blogdom reminds me sometimes of the kid's sandbox at a park that I frequent. There are some kids who just lack the ability to be quietly absorbed in play in their own corners, with their own little groups. Some kids just have to run through others' games, hit people to get their attention, or kick at their sand forts. I don't know why it's so, but I suspect it's just human nature.

britpopbaby said...

I agree, nice anon. I don't understand why people get so personally involved in things they have absolutely no control over.

Nothing Really Matters said...

Well said my Britpop. It’s just of life’s mysteries!

Like why do sandwiches taste better if you cut them into triangles!

- said...

And JW has been badmouthed over there in the most childish and pathetic manner but hey, what am I going to do? Free country.

And WFT has also been badmouthed here in the most childish, pathetic manner as well. But despite that, I know there are good people here who understand that it's okay for people to have a difference of opinion. Of course not everyone is going to like what we do on this earth, but that's humanity.

Disrespectful? Mirrors, mirrors.

britpopbaby said...

Nobody knows the origins of their metal coat hangers.

cina said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
The Chemistry Guru said...

So er, prophecy girl do you have a sneak preview of your plans for JW in the upcomming weeks?
I hope Anneka would be able to contribute some kind of hilarious commentary for the ESPY awards, like she did with Mtv.

britpopbaby said...

I don't think we get the ESPY's in the UK but if we do (on some random channel) I'm sure she would do it.

Nothing Really Matters said...

"Nobody knows the origins of their metal coat hangers"

I'm lost, I'm very tired i will get it in the morning!

britpopbaby said...

"Nobody knows the origins of their metal coat hangers"

I'm lost, I'm very tired i will get it in the morning!

It's one of life mysteries!

Nothing Really Matters said...

Okay! Retarded i know!

Anonymous said...

Love you Dany. Always classy.

The Chemistry Guru said...

If in doubt's gotta be Sky Sports no?
Anyways holding out for our friends over the pond to be true sports. Youtube is the greatest invention ever!

Becky Heineke said...

^^^ I totally agree! When are the ESPY's again? Oh, shit, I'm a failure already!! I'm so not into sports. :(

But kokodee, no, no specific plans as of yet. I agree that any contribution from Anneka would be wonderful (hint hint). I'm hoping for two weeks' worth of pictures of Jake on the side of the road disrobing. :D

Anonymous said...

Love you Dany. Always classy.

Can you take the fanclub elsewhere please? Like back up your own ass.

Anonymous said...

Classy my ass.