Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Thanks to some efficient troop deployment from the comments section of the last post, MSN's sadly misguided "Hollywood Hotties" poll is securely in the hands of the Gyllenhaal after a neck-in-neck race with a certain Mr. Depp. I know this was a particularly difficult assignment for many of you...for me, personally, while I would never, ever, under any circumstances, say or do anything, in any way, that would compromise my undying devotion to Jake, if, for whatever reason, everyone on Earth was about to die a slow and horrible death and the only chance of comfort came from fleeting companionship from those in the immediate area and Jake wasn't around but Johnny was...there's a 50/50 chance I wouldn't deny him. And we'll leave it at that.

In other news, basically there isn't any. Clearly Jake did not read the last post and I'm disappointed but blaming his oversight on jet lag. In the meantime, I guess we can look backwards, to the village in France where Lance sometimes entertains American movie stars. I think I mentioned before that I was jealous, and I'm afraid I'm going to have to stick by that statement.

So, we're all hot. We're tired. No matter where on Earth you sit as you read this, your weather is miserable. Mother Nature hates us. Jake ignores us. We need a pick-me-up. Hmmm, what is something that we would universally agree always gives us a happy, no matter how many times we see it, no matter how hot it is outside, no matter how much life sucks...

And because what good is a bunch of Jake pictures if don't have one that's a little awkward:

*big dreamy sigh* Now what was I saying?


cina said...

PG darling - you just made my night!! :-D

Wet Jake - mmmmm.........

Agnes said...

Jake at the beach and all wet ;D Yes PG what did you say?

Nothing Really Matters said...

I really wanna go to the beach now PG

Anonymous said...

Those, ah, well-filled light blue shorts. On the last day of my vacation. One final Jakean image burning permanently into my retinas, before I return to the office tomorrow & a big pile of waiting assignments.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

(Jake, I'm not surprised that a man in your, er, burdened condition would have difficulty concentrating on hefting that surfboard.)

Anonymous said...

Ahhhhh, very nice!

Would like to see a rear-view camera angle on that third photo. . . .

Linna said...

I'm sorry PG, did you say something? ;)

Jess said...


He's just so damn beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for those pics. They made my crankiness-inducing workday. :)

Becky Heineke said...

I know, I was just feeling kind of blah today and figured a little blue trunk action could cheer me up. It seems to be a cure-all remedy for all my complaints! :)

cina said...

Those surfing pics - especially the wet ones, and the famous blue shorts pic (you know what I'm talking about! lol) - are God's gift to the Gyllenhaalics of the world. Such a sight to behold!

And, I might add, a wet Jake is a very lickable Jake. God help me, but that's a fact. But on the other hand, isn't he always lickable?


Anna said...

...And he's so cute in those awkward shots...

Weirdland said...

This sea-blue Jake *sigh*: He's my illness and my medicine at the same time. I'm a good swimmer, but for Jake Mr. Lifeguard I'd fake my drowning;D

Anonymous said...

I love those pics of him in the blue board shorts! It was in Heat magazine as torso of the week some months ago and I kept the picture (in handy poster size) on my wall as a daily reminder of what is good, true and beautiful in the world!! It makes the day a little brighter!

Anonymous said...

Kendra said...
I'm a good swimmer, but for Jake Mr. Lifeguard I'd fake my drowning;D

== And he'd pee on you and you'd never shower again. . . .

Weirdland said...

And he'd pee on you and you'd never shower again. . .
Don't give me ideas, dottieb, I need a shower so badly after having sweated profusely all day long!

JadziaDragonRider said...

Oh Kendra you are so poetic. You're illness and your medicine. I fee the same way.

Weirdland said...

Thanks, squallcloud, your usename is also pretty poetic;)

Anonymous said...

What a hunk.I can see his willy in the walking one.Nice!

JadziaDragonRider said...

His willy has been been the topic of much discussion and maginification over at Eyelashes. Got so bad the mods demanded everyone stop posting cropped crotch shots. (Everyone say that 5 times fast!)

I think he's decently hung too... which just makes me all the way happy to my toes.

kendra You'll be tripping over yourself to take back your credit when you find out that my name is a mash-up of Squall Leonheart and Cloud Strife, characters from the whildly addictive Final Fantasy RPG video game series.

Yes I am a dork. I'm a cool one like Jakey, so no other celeb will do for me.

Weirdland said...

...the mods demanded everyone stop posting cropped crotch shots. (Everyone say that 5 times fast!) Funny,lol.

kendra You'll be tripping over yourself to take back your credit when you find out that my name is a mash-up of Squall Leonheart and Cloud Strife, characters from the whildly addictive Final Fantasy RPG video game series.

Ok, it's a prosaic world we live in, but despite my natural resistance to PlayStation, both Squall and Cloud are cuties ;)

JadziaDragonRider said...

hee hee!

Jake should do a video game voice!

Weirdland said...

In that case you can bet I'd be fan number one of video games!

Anonymous said...

No matter how many times I see it, no matter how long I stare at it, I can never, ever get over the infamous Blue Swimming Trunk Penis Shot. It's so beautiful. It makes me unduly happy every time. And Jake with that sly smile b/c he knows he's gotta roll that sucker up just to fit it in his shorts. ;)

cina said...

I've always wondered how Jakey poo feels about that infamous picture... ;-)

My feelings about it hardly need an explanation. :-D

Nothing Really Matters said...

Welcome JakesJules.

cina said...

^^ Yes, welcome! And congratulations on finding the finest and most beautiful actor on God's earth! :-)

mrs_dalloway said...

Certainly a gift to us from God. Otherwise I just can't explain it.

Welcome Jakesjules! To get to know Jake better AND, in consequence, to love him even more, watch his interviews, the appearances on TV shows..that's how I got obsessed..and of course, these surfing pictures. But be aware..after you see all that, there's no turning back! ;)

Anonymous said...

Off topic: I think we have a case for the sock-watchers, that desperately needs some attention: . What kind ARE those socks? They look so strange... (and yet - who is notising really, when they are attatched to the rest of HIM *slurp*)

cina said...

So true mrsdalloway. There's no turning back!

jakesjules - if you're not aware of it already - go to and the fanzone section. There you'll find LOADS of video clips of Jake in interviews and on talkshows. You are destined to fall even deeper in love with him after watching those, just like mrsdalloway said. And, of course, catch up on all the wonderful films he's made!

cina said...

@danishcupcake: He's barefoot in flip-flops... or have you linked to the wrong picture??

Anonymous said...

Jake needs to have a public health warning attached to his person(maybe it should be a T shirt)

*Warning -once addicted to the Gyllengod there is no cure*

Does anyone remember how it got so bad (or should that be good - is it an illness or a remedy?) so fast and so completely?

cina said...

Does anyone remember how it got so bad (or should that be good - is it an illness or a remedy?) so fast and so completely?

I totally remember. I had had a cush on him since Donnie Darko and The Good Girl, but when I saw Proof last year I was knocked off my feet. He had become this incredibly gorgeous MAN all of a sudden and there was nothing I could do. I fell head over heels. And - believe it or not - I really do think he is an amazing actor, and he has a wonderful personality. It's not just the looks. It's the whole package really.

zoo said...

Ah lovely lovely lovely... That first picture is giving me palps...

Anonymous said...

how do u find out these things, joyce?

this is OT... but just saw this pic of prince harry on ohnotheydidnt: whoa... of course it made me think of the blue shorts... =P

Anonymous said...

Is Jake a "grower" or a "show-er," I wonder?

Or both ;-D

Anonymous said...

Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.