Monday, July 03, 2006


Oh, Sarsgaard, really! It's not fair of you to show up in these public places closely resembling The Sex when you're well and truly attached. And Maggie, my girl crush on you is also not helped by seeing you looking so blimin' blooming. I wish you Gyllenhaal's would all bugger off to some island and leave the rest of us in peace. You can leave Boo though, I'll look after him. Dogs eat Mars bars, right?


Anonymous said...

AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH such a cute couple, so cute that it hurts lool

Nothing Really Matters said...

Maggie does look fab, such a glow about her and a very big baby bump!

The Sarsgaals said...

Goodness he is just...stunning. *sigh*. Love that Sarsy! Maggie's looking radiant as well!

Anonymous said...

She's glowing! She looks a lot like her mother in the first one.

Anonymous said...

Oh. my. god. Peter looks smokin' hot in those pictures. Wow.

Magggie looks gorgeous and glowing. They really are lovely together. But, geez, those pictures have upped my Peter lust by a factor of about a hundred.

Anonymous said...

I love seeing these two....together, seperately whatever way I can get them.

And dogs love Mars bars...epsecially deep fried ones! ;)

Anna said...

They are such a beautiful couple. I get a happy feeling every time I see photos of them together. *sigh*


Anonymous said...

You saw him in the flesh, wtbgirl?! Oh, I'm so jealous! It's definitely the chest hair in these pictures that do it for me.

Did you get to hear him talk? I think he has the sexiest.voice.ever.

Jess said...

Oh my. I have to admit, even though I really like and admire Sarsy and think he's good-looking and all, I've never thought of him as super sexy or anything like that. But DAMN, I might have to reconsider cause he look migh.ty fine in these pics! Especially in the second one... Yummy!

And Maggie looks beautiful as always! What a stunning couple!

Anonymous said...

Okay I've decided. It's been a dillema fo' sho' but if Jake is going to be The Sex, the Peter is Le Sexxx. Peter has more of a European effeminate quality that I really really respond to and for some reason I think he'd be very very dirty. I dont' know it's just a vibe I get. Jakey seems more like he'd be sensual and nice... except when he was all 'roided up during Jarhead and we have had our swoon fest about that with the Repeat after me!s and the Shut the fuck up!s Oi... where was I? Oh yes, so now that I have set my mind to rights about all this I can have a more productive evening.

Anonymous said...

OMG! wtbgirl you are so funny and yes, I would have been all inapproprate stairs at Peter making the whole clan twitchy and uncomfortable.

I realized last time I didnt' even comment on how beautiful and glowy Little MamaGyllenhall looks. So now I've done that.

Anonymous said...

Another poll! Don't think many of Jake's zillions of fans know about this one based on the rankings thus far:

Anonymous said...

Maggie looks lovely - not to mention Peter, rawr! Maggie's the spitting image of her mother, I think.

Anonymous said...

Great pics of Maggie and Peter!!! Aww, love them both!!

Also, speaking of Boo, Karind1 just posted on the Dave Cullen boards another report from her "Zodiac/Chronicles" Jake sighting. And this was about seeing Boo!

If you missed the previous info and Theresa's report on the Jake/Heath Farmers Market day, see the previous post Quote of the Week.

Miffed67 said...

And dogs love Mars bars...epsecially deep fried ones! ;)

Great! Now I have a craving for fried Mars bars! Yummmmy!

Maggie and Peter always look fantastic together, I love seeing them, and she is glowing! I wonder how she feels? I can't remember feeling good enough to glow with my firstborn, it was morning sickness ALL the time with that kid!

(and adding to the note about giving dogs chocolate...big no-no! It can cause blindness, siezures and death.)

Anonymous said...

Yah Maggie looks like MamaG spit her out. ... I guess in a way she did.

Anonymous said...

I've always thought Peter a fine actor. But I must confess that I've never thought of him as a sex symbol type person...even after that kiss with Liam Neeson. But now, he has been infected with Gyllenasia or Gyllenhaalism or some other such Jake related something. And yes. Now he's beginning to look very sexy. Of course it helps that he has impregnated a Gyllenhaal. And she, of couse, since she is an authentic Gyllenhaal, is looking incredibly beautiful and sexy. When I was pregnant, I looked various shades of greenish-yellow, depending on the trimester. And I became very hairy.

Miffed67 said...

When I was pregnant, I looked various shades of greenish-yellow, depending on the trimester. And I became very hairy.

LMAO! Right there with ya. You can add the Amazingly Fast-Growing Nails to that, too. And it ain't as good as it sounds, folks!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, ripley. But Jakey whispered in my ear. It wasn't really a whisper per se. It was more like just really quiet talk. You know. Love talk. The kind you hear on your pillow. Since I live alone and have been without sex for longer than I care to mention, I reacted immediately to that voice... if you know what I mean. And then...I woke up.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm a voice off? Yah Peter wins hands down. I would totally do anything he asked me to do. "Go rob a bank." Peter would purr and I'd be off to find me a gun to get the job done. Jake's voice is more soothing though and it cracks when he gets emotional or excited. Their both so smart too when their in interviews, they are both so thoughtful and intelligent. *sigh* The Sex and Le Sexxx, you totally own my soul!

Weirdland said...

I fell totally in love with Peter in the cinema watching "Flightplan" -the way he seduced/lied to Jodie Foster's character and the stewardess, wow!

Anonymous said...

They're so damn beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Hedda parsons
What a beautiful couple, and Maggie looks just like her mom!

Anonymous said...

Sorreee. Had to comment on the voice off! If it were left btwn Peter and Jake, I would have to go with Jakey. Bcz. But. If you introduce Heath into this equation, all bets are off. THAT voice could talk me to an orgasm! Anytime. Anywhere.Seriously. He could read the label on a can of motor oil and I'd self-combust. That is all.

Weirdland said...

"THAT voice could talk me to an orgasm! Anytime. Anywhere.Seriously. He could read the label on a can of motor oil and I'd self-combust. That is all. " -last anon quote-
That's "true" love, my dear.

zoo said...

Aha wtbgirl! So that's what you meant by a green coverlet.

They look so happy! Long may it continue.

Anonymous said...

LMAO, Anon 4:34!!

Yeah, adding Heath to the mix would definitely complicate matters in the sexiest voice competition. *Sigh.*

Anonymous said...

No adding Heath! That's cheating! lol I like Heath's voice but I don't find it sexy. I should. I like deep voices but Jakey's boy tenor and Sarsy's sibilant hum are just intoxicating.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree... I really wish that The Gyllenhaals would just bugger off... is there anything they can't do? are there ever any days when they just look damnright ugly? don't they ever just screw up?

I have yet to see a bad picture of any of them!

They all seem so beautiful... I want them to adopt me...

Anonymous said...

Awwww they so cute! Can't wait til the little bubba is born and we can find out if any of us guessed the name right!!