If you haven't watched the delicious video of The Sex talking shop, here are a few screencaps just in from IHJ. I have graciously transcribed a bit of the interview for you here:
"I had to leave Boo and Atticus behind. You know, they were very upset but it's a long ride and, you know, it was just a decision that had to be made. I hear Boo's MySpace page is taking off, though, which is really exciting for me personally. You know, as his owner."
"Aw, man. Lance was all like, 'Slow down, dude!' when we were going up that mountain. I didn't even care, though. I'm not going to let him win just to make him feel good."More links for anything and everything you would ever want to know about our man in France, including the news that all that cycling isn't for nothing; Jake is training for a movie. Extra, extra, read all about it:
And more pics here! You'll have to scroll down a bit. And ignore the hearts.
MINUTES LATER...another update!
For those of you having difficulty viewing the video, try here (thank you, Kendra!).
LOL PG you are so funny! I can so tell Jake is in love with you, just look at his face!
I love seeing him having the time of his life! He says in one interview he is so happy he's having to pinch himself to see if its real. I love that...just let me do the pinching..ok?
I just want to say that you are doing an EXCELLENT job in britpop's absence, PG. :)
And our little Gyllenwolf is keeping you (and us) plenty busy, isn't he?! ;)
The news is coming in fast. I can't lie; he's working me hard. ;)
He looks very..very..*is it getting hot in here?*..very..*appetizing*..nice.
Good, Jake, I'm glad you didn't surrender to those beautiful French girls.To be safer, why don't you decide to travel to the North Pole?or any place where no human contact is likely to happen?
Excellent PG!!!! You continue to delight. And see! I KNEW Jake didn't leave no club with no strange! He even told you so himself!He looks like he's having the best time! It occurred to me:If Jake is prepping for a role, and Lance is coaching him, might it not be possible that Lance is a PAID consultant to said film and therefore while they are buddying up, it maybe, in that venerable Hollywood tradition, as much business as it is pleasure? Have not yet found way to rationalize villa in Nice.
OMG, I don't know what else to say except I'M IN LOVE!!! (all over again.... lol!)
Shit he looks gorgeous!!
Oh god he's HOT and I don't mean Lance heee. He looks really happy it must be because of you PG as he said ;)
Cina, I'm with you! I think I'm hypnotized!! Everything is so right! shit!
I was thinking too what an awesome job Prophecy Girl is doing, I've been laughing a lot, really enjoying it. It's hard to take over something like this without missing a beat, but she has.
Anyhow, Jake really does seem to be having the time of his life, but at the same time it's funny how he acts so casual and routine about it in the interview. Bike riding in the French Alps, hanging out in a seaside villa in Nice. The ocean, the beer. Ah, what a life.
LOL! I love your transcription of the interview. Exactly like I heard it. ;-)
Oh if Brits only knew all the good stuff she's missing out on! That's what you get for going to Italy to sipp colorful cocktails and chase italian men.... ;-)
Have I said Jake looks super duper hot? He makes me wanna go SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
I know - I behave like a typical fan girl... BUT I DON'T GIVE A F*CK! lol!
god... the tongue strikes again!
i wonder what film he's training for! are we expecting another "jarhead" like body perfect role?
Maybe it's not Lance he'll be playing, but George Hincapie. :)
This news is coming fast evry time i look on the net something new!
AGONY PUSSY is here PG! You will have a life very soon!
What kind of a film requires someone to cycle for five hours a day?
^^^ I would suspect he's only got a couple of months to make it look like he's been cycling for years. Plus, he's very dedicated to everything he does.
And HA! NRM, I totally need to head over to AGONY PUSSY. Hey, we need a way to work that into the movie, don't we...
A film about Lance Armstrong?..;) Plus,there's not only about what the film requires, but also about a hobby of Jakes..just listen to what he says about the pinching and you'll see that there is more than just training for a part.He enjoys every minute of it.
OH GOD. I cant see this video either. what happens?
First of all, GREAT job, PG! You rock!
And whew, you're busy with less important stuff (non-JW-related, that is) for a few days, and look at all the action! Jake's keeping us busy (especially you, PG!), for sure! :-D
I can't see that video either. Bugger!
Yes,Katie, in that black shirt he is the definition of handsome. And Jake with that baseball cap and sunglasses perspirates sexyness. Omg j'ai un crevaison dans le creux de l'estomac!
I can't play this video--Media Player opens but it won't play anything. Can you post the URL itself, so I can get a better idea of what program might play it for me? Anyone? Pleeeease?
Usually people here are very nice, but at least three people have posted here begging, begging, begging someone to tell us what sort of file this video is so we at least have a chance of figuring out how to play it, but to no avail. Imagine yourself in our position: knowing there is this video out there, just out of reach, AND having to read everyone else talking about it!!!
If you haven't watched the delicious video of The Sex talking shop, here are a few screencaps just in from IHJ...This on the front page.
I couldn't get the vid to start?Does anybody have another link please?Thanks.
Sorry,i just added to the list without reading the comments first Didn't realise others were requesting it and having the same probs as me.Yes,if you could give us a link to the vid it would stop all the uneccessary requests.Thanks.
I don't know if this was posted before, I only have been able to open this video:
Not to worry folks, you can see the video this!
Oops, I should have said, you can see the video here, not this. Anyway, you can see it at the link. :)
Anon 7:00 PM
So, so sorry guys. I didn't realize so many people were having trouble. Thanks to everyone here in the comments who has helped out with this. I put a link up at the very bottom of this post which will hopefully help everyone. Sorry!
Got it now.Thanks to all for the vid.He looks very sexy,as always.
GAWD! Thanks so much for the video link anon 7:00! He is SO damned delicious I just.... there are no words! I keep waiting for this "affliction" to run its course, but I'm beginning to think it's a chronic condition!
You know, I think Lance gets more attention bcz Jakey is there.
Did anyone notice the right side of his face? Is that a bruise? It almost looks like a birthmark-but I've never noticed it before. Maybe it's just the lighting.....
anon 12:23 said: He says in one interview he is so happy he's having to pinch himself to see if its real.
can anyone direct me to this pinching video? i want to hear him say that. :)
oh...or if it's not a video, than the article, whatever... sorry
gin, it's here (an audio interview). Click Tour de France PodCast. Hope it helps!
Yay, finally I was able to see the vid! OMG.. my heart is racing from seeing The Sex all laid-back, cool, and of course incredibly super HOT.
Deep breaths, deep breaths...
Is it possible for the man to get an sexier? I swear, he gets better looking everytime I see a new pic of him.
His face IS bruised, isn't it. Is the cycling damaging him already?
I hope Jake has some Tide or All with him if he's wearing them cargo shorts so much! The must be RIPE otherwise.
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