Oh, baby. Smurfette has made Prophecy Girl very, very happy. I wasn't sure I would get a chance to take on the Mother Of All Jake Watch Features and then, like a gift from above, we get this little slice of heaven. Yes, this is an old picture, and no, Jake is not dining solo (I'll bet if you thought about it, you could guess who his lunch date is), but we're all about the socks here, people. We can't have any distractions. A closer look:

COLOR: Midnight black
TYPE: Do my eyes deceive me? Or do those appear to be dressy?
HEIGHT: Indeterminate due to pant length; we can only assume they're knee high.
OVERALL STATUS: Sadly, geriatric. It's as if he's aged 100 years from the shin down.
I had some trouble to focus on Jake because I got distracted by Kikkis "mailbox" she has going on in these photos!
I'm afraid Jake could walk around in a cardboard box and I'd still find him attractive.
Jake honey, you can do no wrong imo. That's the sad truth.
Sandals and socks is not a good combination, NOT even for you Jake.
I think sandals with heels and satin stockings are a cool rage for chicks, but there is no excuse for boys, specially for hunky boys like Jake!
As far as I'm concerned he could dress like Urkel and he'd still look good. I'm more concerned with his clothes coming off than I am with how they look when they're on. And that is the sad truth of my life.
Ouch! Bad,bad combination! but I'm willing to forgive and forget if I see a fresh pic of him looking spotless ;)
Ah you're with me gin! :-)
Agnes you are so right. Why do people do that!
Sandals and socks is a crime! People in the public should know better!
^^ LOL! Well I do agree, it IS a bad combination. It's just that in my book, Jake gets away with ANYTHING. That's how pathetic I am. I mean, I'm even starting to accept the lycra outfit for Christ's sake!!! LOL
Sandal with socks are not a perfect match, but damn he is so cutie with them :O)
He can signing a perfect lifestyle everyway !
No, Jake. No you didn't!!
Socks and sandals.. *sobs*
yay, feel very privileged to get a shout-out :).
sure, he looks like my dad from the shin down (really), but one quick glance at the rest of him and i'm all better. yup, he's still hotter than *&*#@@. now i'm losing my vocab along with my senses when it comes to jakey!
I remember late middle school/early high school days rocking knee high socks scrunched down to mid calf, with adidas sandals.
It was all the rage!
I <3 JAKE forever ever.
these ones but in blue..
Kikkis mailbox?Urkel?Snaffle or whatever it is?I wish i knew what it was all about...sigh.Never mind.
Jake i loves ya baby and your socks and sandals.
That is NOT a good look for Jake, sorry, bleh. BTW, shouldn't he be back from Paris by now? I heard that Lance will be in Iowa this week for a charity bike ride.
PG, After looking over the latest additions to IHJ a short time ago I'm wondering why you wouldn't focus on the scantily clad JG at the Hotel Pool with Kirsten, he was looking so delicious that I would have given up a "sock watch" alert in favour of comments on his stretching and wiggling around on the cabana loungers. GOD, what a handsome devil!
Congrats on your excellent handling of things during Britpop's sabatical. XO
What puts me off about this photo is not the socks. I love them..but the fact that most likely that skank who needs her head examined(thank God he's not with anymore) is sitting across from him.
Anonymous thats a bit mean she's not that bad!
PG, After looking over the latest additions to IHJ a short time ago I'm wondering why you wouldn't focus on the scantily clad JG at the Hotel Pool with Kirsten, he was looking so delicious that I would have given up a "sock watch" alert in favour of comments on his stretching and wiggling around on the cabana loungers. GOD, what a handsome devil!
The key words in that paragraph being "with Kirsten." Someday maybe I will become a mature and responsible fan...I just don't see it happening any time soon. :)
And heddaparsons, Lance is due in Iowa tomorrow so maybe they are flying back today??
Mea culpa on mentioning the "K" person. I was just so taken with the image of Jake showing some skin and looking so sexy. I'd much rather see him with other persons, so will just leave it at that.
^^^ Hee. No problem. She was easy to crop out of this one. In that set, they're all over each other...it would have been sadly difficult. :( But agree, Jake scantily clad by a pool does beat old-person-sock-feet anyday. :D
@anon10:17 The "mailbox" I was talking about on Kikki was her pants that are very low in these pictures. It must have been a jackpot for the paps.
"Well Missy, how mistaken can you be dear?...
Perhaps you and "Patrick" share a chemistry that one finds in
a nursing home?...over a glass of warm milk?"
Ouch...that hurts. Ellen Poempeo needs urgently fix her "chemistry" radar before it's too late, although Dempsey is not oddball...
where are these pictures from pleeease?...I am ashamed to say I do like the sock/sandals look on jake....my ex boyfriend actually used to wear brightly coloured socks with his birkenstock sandals and I found this strangely appealing for some reason.
Yeah, also I want to check out this mailbox thing. There's an air of 'so disgusting you cant stop looking at it' about kiki, dont you think?
sorry, that was uncalled for...
I shouldn't have looked at the pictures! Now I'm almost blinded by the 'mailbox'!!
OT: does anyone have any news from Britpop? I am beginning to suspect she ran into a certain someone and is now off to a secret island..I am expecting a postcard anytime soon..*hopes*
mrs_dalloway Brits was on holiday for two weeks and should get back this weekend i think! AS far as i know she has no internet unless she finds a internet cafe!
This "mailbox" discussion has me hysterical! I love you guys!! :) Re: britpop; I've heard nothing. I thought maybe she'd drop a line or something at some point, but she appears to be completely without internet access. Either that, or she's holed up with Jake...which would be exciting, but then I'd kinda hate her. ;)
Gawd, Jake. That's twice with socks in the sandals now. Please don't do this to us...
First time posting and I just have to ask, What's up with the SOCK thing? Do you have an obsession with socks, or just with socks that Jake wear? It's ok though, just wondering. Socks should never be worn with sandals, but there are times that are the exception. He looks like he had dress clothes and socks on and just wanted to relax his feet. These sandals are like slippers. He would look very weird if he had dress pants and sandals and bare feet, even though he has nice feet.
Oh Jake!!
Sandals or no sandals...
Socks or no socks...
Shirt or no shirt...
Pants or no pants... Oops, sorry. Wishful thinking on that one!
He's still my #1 *boycrush* !!!
For anyone still interested in the landslide victory over at In Touch Poll of the Week (ha!) the score is now: MM 38% and JG 60%. Poor ole LA trails behind with an embarrassing 2%.
msdonniedarko I know what you mean the fashion on pants makes it easy to show little too much ;)
...but none of them were with jake eating lunch!
LMAO!! Well, we gotta give her that at least! ;-D
i just gotta say, amidst the sock and sandals hate, that in general, sock watch is one of my favorite features. i love how adorably dorky and quirky jake's "sock habits" make him, and how he can turn the universally reviled sock-and-sandal combo sexy. it makes me love him more-- it shows me he's not a vain, self-obsessed hollywood star that takes himself too seriously. man, i love that even when he's smoking-hot (wiggling around in a towel at a pool), his body language is dorky/self-deprecating. sorry this is turning to a rant, but I’m one of the few who had seen and appreciated jake in movies without taking notice of him until i started seeing him in interviews. i guess fell in love with jake's personality and uniqueness at first-sight and i’m always happy to see proof that he’s not just another cookie-cutter hollywood idol.
That's been a beautiful rant, smurfette, and I agree fully with some of your points :)
"it makes me love him more-- it shows me he's not a vain, self-obsessed hollywood star that takes himself too seriously."
You know what? That's what I'm feeling too. I like the fact that he doesn't seem to give a shit about how he looks doing his every day normal stuff, even though he knows there will be pictures taken of him. I guess I find it... endearing.
Hi Agnes,thanks for telling me about the mail box.lol...I didn't see the pictures so i didn't get it.I do now.lol
"it makes me love him more-- it shows me he's not a vain, self-obsessed hollywood star that takes himself too seriously."
You know what? That's what I'm feeling too. I like the fact that he doesn't seem to give a shit about how he looks doing his every day normal stuff, even though he knows there will be pictures taken of him. I guess I find it... endearing.
I would just like to agree wholeheartedly with all of this. There's so much hotness out in the world (none the equivalent of Jake, to be certain), but there is no hotness that is also as smart and dorky and charming as Jakey. He is all things sex and quirkiness. :)
I love that Jake dresses in the dark. ... while drunk. Makes him all the more interesting. I'm glad I dont' have to see Kiki's flat ass or her asscrack so nyah! I know I'm childish but there ya go.
"I'm under your spell
Jakey can't you see
You're the only one for me
You know I've been through hell
Wishing that was me and not Kiki-i-i!
You make me compleeeeete!"
Oh my God, Squall! I love you!! Anyone who reworks "Once More, With Feeling" lyrics is A-OK in my book! :)
*smiles knowing I'd get on PG's good side with that one*
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
What happened to the Jake-watch sock-watch...I loved this feature!
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I love Jakey from the ankle up. Poor, poor shoe/sock combos.
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