Saturday, July 08, 2006


My computer has been throwing tantrums at me lately but could these pics really go unposted? I think not.

Taken from Stephen's reading at Housing Works in New York on the 28th of June.

[Source - view more]


cina said...

Wooohoo! Nice arms there, poppa! :-)

Weirdland said...

Stephen is a sexy daddy, the father of "The Sex", no wonder...

Anonymous said...

BritPopBaby, you promised to post "At 25" ... will you? Please? (Or couldn't you get permission?) I need to imagine an audio for these pictures.

Speaking of which: Is there an audio file online somewhere of GyllenPappa giving a reading? His publisher ought to add one to her site.

Anonymous said...

nice anonymous, you can find it over at Kendra's blog 'Jake Weird'.
I just finished the book - it has some beautiful, sensitive pieces in it - I especially like those about his mom and dad - terrific; the one where he talks about the miscarriage Naomi had before she had Maggie and those about Jake - not only 'At 25', but also the one where he talks about Jake auditioning for a role as a child. Very touching.
He seems to be a great, sensitive man.
I have to tell you I am actively resisting falling in love with a whole family..! ('Bangs head against the wall..!')

Anonymous said...

You can hear Poppa G's voice in the director's comments in the DVD of Waterland.

britpopbaby said...

I will post it soon. I'd like us to have a discussion about it but I'm leaving gaps between poems cos I don't want to rip them off.

Anonymous said...

Sexy indeed! Jakey is truly his father's son.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't find them when i clicked view more?Help!

Anonymous said...

He looks so "huggable!" (sigh) You know, as I look at these pics, I'm thinkin' Maggie. I mean never having seen/met the man in person, just looking at him, I see a very strong Maggie resemblance. Doesn't mean Jake doesn't favor him. It's just that I'm seeing the Maggie thing for the first time. I'm definitely in love with the whole family. I want them to adopt me.

cina said...

Katie, I'm impressed! You're quite the poet there! :-)

Jess said...

Awww I, too, am in love with the whole Gyllenclan!

You go Pops!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, all, for pointing out "At 25" to me on different sites. (I knew I'd seen it **somewhere,** but could no longer remember where, in the proliferation of the various Web sites & Jake-related entries on blogs.) Still, I'll be happiest when all of the finest, Jake-fixated minds converge together on BritPopBaby's blog & give that poem a good, long interpretive study. Some sections of it perplex me. I can't help but feel that GyllenPappa meant it primarily as a private communication with his only son, rather than something that a casual reader would be able to understand. (I've taught poetry workshops to undergraduates and have found that they sometimes don't realize what enigmas they've constructed. They think they are being perfectly clear.)

Anonymous said...

Ok,i'll try again since i was blatantly ignored last time.On the front page it says go here for more pictures.I went there but where are they on Cantaras site?

Could someone please be bothered to help.Thankyou.

Anonymous said...

so, that's where it all comes from...

nice, mr. gyllenhaal!

Miffed67 said...

katie, awesome poem!

Awww I, too, am in love with the whole Gyllenclan!

I know what you mean! I'm developing quite the crush on them, too!

Anonymous said...

Found them...

*THANKYOU*gummybug xxx