Wednesday, July 05, 2006


Since we've seen half nekked Jake? Too long, that's how long!

I've just realised we've got it all wrong. We're sending him clothes. What's the matter with us? We should be stealing his clothes!

UPDATE: Okay, how spooky is that?! Jake out riding yesterday:

Hmmm. Let's try something else. When was the last time Jake sent me a million dollars? Never, that's when!

[Sources: Just Jared and]


Anonymous said...

Britpopbaby, our prayers have been answered!! Check it out, sexy hairy chest pics from yesterday!!

Anonymous said...

Baby! Where the sam hill are the naked cycling pics then? I was sure you would have them up by now....okay so he isn't exactly naked but you sure get an eyeful of his hairy chest!

Miffed67 said...

Ooooo! Raises hand for stealing-jake's-clothes mission! I get the mail shirt!

Anonymous said...

BPB, go to IHJ and see the latest photos under Eye Candy. He's still technically wearing a top, but I think you'll be happy. I know I am :)

Miffed67 said...

Check it out, sexy hairy chest pics from yesterday!!


mrs_dalloway said...

Really, I can't take these pics seriously.The second one is just hilarious!I'm making all these scenaries in my mind about that he's rushing to the toilet,or smth..
He is still analyze a little Britpop's pic with these,I think it has grown. The hair,I mean.

Anonymous said...

Oh, yes, this baseball-playing picture belongs in the Gyllenhaal of Fame. Words cannot express my happiness whenever I see it. He looks like the male equivalent of Venus emerging from the half-shell. Only it's Jake, emerging from his branded sportswear, which is slowly, suggestively sliding southward. I'm sure that, about one or two steps later, he's clutching at his waistband & hauling it firmly upwards. In the meantime, well, a person can dream ...

Anonymous said...

WOW!Those shirt blowing freely manly chest exposed pictures are delicious.Thanks for pointing me in the right direction even if i do now need to breathe deeply and slowly...Pant,pant!

Jake you are killing me in the best possible fashion.Keep it up(Ahem)

Jess said...

Yikes!! Is it getting like WAY hotter in here or is it just me?!?

*drools profusely*

cina said...

Now about those pics from yesterday...
Jake - No. We can't have it like this. It's just not working.

No. More. Spandex. Please.

Anonymous said...

That famous French cycling tournament, the 'Tour de France' is currently being held in - well... erm, technically - France, and I must say I noticed that those dudes open up their shirts all the freakin time (especially with this heatwave going on), but it NEVER EVER had THIS effect on me.

Leave that to Jake. And his chest hair.


mrs_dalloway said...

LOL,BRitpop!! it IS weird! You were thought to thought! About that million dollar try..GOOD LUCK!!With that money we could do our little movie! Come on, do some spells,something!

Anonymous said...

Hello Jake's hairy chest! Let's all take a moment to imagine running your hands over that...mmmm!
I knew heatwaves were good for something!

Weirdland said...

One man who moves his legs, moves his heart, too -that was an old Spain Public Health slogan- but now I believe in it.

Anonymous said...

I would ... um ... [whispers] kind of like to bite the little pendant thingy on the necklace he's wearing in the biking photograph. Just in play, of course.

[Who am I kidding? If he went past on that bike, I'd be dumbstruck. But, as a reflex, I'd check out his butt & leg muscles, since I always do that when cyclists go by.]

Anonymous said...

Damn, I love Jake Watch! THANK YOU!

Anonymous said...

I love men who wear chains and it's nice,not like those thick medallion man type things.I like it.Jake if you read this,could you tell us what charm it is?I thought it might be an evil eye one ?Not sure though?

Anonymous said...

I've examined these bike photos very closely - I am pretty sure he's wearing of those things - I don't know what they're called - but body builders wear them. It's shorts with straps that go up over the shoulders like suspenders, but with nothing covering the chest and back.
And yes the necklace has to go.

Anonymous said...

It looks blue whatever it is?(The neck chain adornment i mean.)
Matches his eyes.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1.06 I like the chain too.Maybe it's something to do with buddism or a good luck charm or whatever?

mrs_dalloway said...

I hope this doesn't get that far..

cina said...

I've examined these bike photos very closely - I am pretty sure he's wearing of those things - I don't know what they're called - but body builders wear them. It's shorts with straps that go up over the shoulders like suspenders, but with nothing covering the chest and back.

If anything has to go, it's those!! I can't imagine a bigger turn-off. Even if it's on Jake.
No offence Jake, really. You're super hot and wonderful and gorgeous and lovely in every possible way. But that outfit has to go.

Nothing Really Matters said...

I really like the necklace too. Were did you get it Jake??

Anonymous said...

I'm giggling along with Mrs Dalloway. Jake in spandex does that to me. I don't like that long gold chain either, eww. He looks hairier then before, doesn't he? I wonder if sometimes he clips his chest hair?

DKBB said...

Oh yum! I do like me a hairy man (just ask Mr. ~dkbb~). ;)

Anonymous said...

Jake is wearing THAT pendant! He and Kirsten got each other these pendants way back in 2004 when they were together and were photographed wearing them all the time. His is a blue teardrop and hers is a yellow square. Here she is wearing hers in Soho this past June 22.

Anonymous said...

wow... i always thought those bike gear are a challenge to wear, but somehow Jake found a way to ... sex it up.

Anonymous said...

^Post before last. The link got cut off. Here tis again. Hope it works. =/

Becky Heineke said...

He looks like the male equivalent of Venus emerging from the half-shell. Only it's Jake, emerging from his branded sportswear, which is slowly, suggestively sliding southward.

Such beautiful imagery!! I will stick with this and blissfully ignore the disturbing necklace information.

Anonymous said...

That chest is DEFINITELY getting hairier.


Anna said...

Gawd! You should give a warning before you publish photos like that! I nearly fainted! ;)

He looks delicious, though...

Anonymous said...

Like BritPopBaby, I'd begun to fear that Jake would never again show his bare chest in public, or at least, not within sight of the papparazzi's ever-present camera. I thought perhaps he'd instituted a policy of remaining fully clothed, ever since being traumatized by the chanting, cheering audience on the "Ellen" show. I thought he was going to reserve the half-naked stuff evermore for paying audiences who are viewing his movies or magazine shoots. But [sighs happily] I guess not. Go, Jake. Celebrate your new membership in AMPAS by displaying some sweaty chest hair. And now enact some voter reform with that group, because it really, really needs it.

Anonymous said...

"I've just realised we've got it all wrong. We're sending him clothes. What's the matter with us? We should be stealing his clothes!"

Agreed but before that, he should wax his chest.

Anonymous said...

Who says they bought them for each other?Are there any articles to actually back this up?Lots of celebs are wearing them that's why i ask?

Anonymous said...

alwkerjpawoign....I can hardly form words. Jake. Bare chested. Bicycle shorts. Bare chested. Naked torso. Bare chested. Working out...he's so beautiful. Holy mother of whatever deity you choose. My day is made. I'm babbling. Sorry. I am so in love with him. Is that crazy? Eh. I don't care. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh...I'm sorry to add another comment...but I love his legs. I just want to lick them all up and down. OK, I'm done. Truly.

Anonymous said...

I love Jake and I think he has a great body but that just looks weird to me to bike like that.

JadziaDragonRider said...

What's wrong witht he necklace??? I need Jake standing erect so I can see the contours of his abs and mantits. Furry chest does nothing for me if I can't see the yummy musculature contained therein.

Anonymous said...

Mmmmm, Jake looks sexy and scruffy! Would have been even better if he were shirtless!! ;p

Btw, big congrats to Jake on getting Acadamy membership! At least it is some consolation after that horrible Oscar Best Picture snub. Now Jake can vote on the right films!

Anonymous said...

Real men wear pink! Real men wear pink!
Oh hurt me, Jake!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I guess it will never happen. There will never be a day any where in the near future that I will be tired of looking at Jake. I make allowances for all the things he wears that I normally hate - clogs, sandles, baggy shorts with the same old t-shirts, the jeans day after day when it was cooler and these biking outfits. He is such a perfect specimen of manliness that I continue to be in awe that a creature such as he walks - and rides - the streets totally oblivious that he could cause a major traffic accident at any moment. I know I would have trouble controlling a car if he rode past me...And that chest. OMG! I am not normally a fan of hairy men but I make exceptions for anything and everything about Jake's body. The only thing that might stop me for a moment is if he had a hairy back. So far I have't seen any evidence of that.

Anonymous said...

Oh, hell! Yes I can. A LOT more!!!

Anonymous said...

I know!

Anonymous said...

I'm lovin' these pics of bikerJake, BPB, but, gotta say: The naked basball pic trumps all! Well, except for a series of pics I have of him in these white and black trunks rinsing off/showering by the pool. O.M.G. And they were lowriders, too.

Anonymous said...

I like the chain about his abode.The jacket thingy is not pink,it's red.(Just looks like that in the light) and the AMPAS is an invite.Jakey is not a member yet.It depends on whether he accepts or not?After the oscars fiasco who could blame him if he didn't?On the other hand it might be a good thing as he can vote on all the truly great films and i think Maggie is also a member so it would make sense.Phew!Said my piece.Off to the land of nod now.

Anonymous said...

It so happens that I've noticed awhile back that Peter Sarsgaard appears to have the same chain and charm as Jake does too! I remember reading somewhere that the charm is supposedly a sapphire. I can't say that I've heard that Kirsten had a matching one too though. When Peter hosted on SNL, the skit when it appeared he was sitting down naked, you could see that he was wearing that same chain as Jake's!

Anonymous said...

Jay-sus Kee-rist!! That bare chest. Mmm-mmm. I'm loving the hair on his chest. Just the right amount. And his legs look mighty fine, too.

It's almost not fair that he's so perfect. But I get to enjoy his perfection so I guess I really can't complain.

Anonymous said...

any consensus on who the blonde was at the farmer's market in la?

Anonymous said...

I can see from the pics that he seems to be riding with at least one other person in black and yellow biker togs. I guess when he's just casually riding he looks like Jakey and when he's with his team mates he's JAKETHEBIKERGUY, all dressed up in lycra. I wuz thinking...there was this huge seventy car pile-up on that street a little while after these pics were taken. Seems that some guy dressed in black and pink lycra, stopped his bike to get a drink of water. Then he decided to do a few stretches before resuming his ride.. he was standing with his feet shoulders length apart. Then he took off his jacket/top, stretched out his arms, arched his back and sort of thrust his pelvis get rid of the kinks...then he got back on the bike and disappeared. No one was able to identify him except for an excess of chest hair...and something else encased in black lycra.....

Anonymous said...

Saarsy was half naked on SNL? Damn,i missed that one.Wonder if there are pics anywhere?

Anonymous said...

Jake IS TEH SEX! hothothothot,
And I don't like Chest hair...just on Jake...damn I got it badbadbad.

Anonymous said...

Jake IS TEH SEX! hothothothot,
And I don't like Chest hair...just on Jake...damn I got it bad

Anonymous said...

Can't. Breathe.

zoo said...

Thank you Lord (and thank you Jake) for putting a bit of sunshine into our lives.

Mr. M said...

Apparently there are more pictures at
of Jake with Lance Armstrong & Matt McConaughey. I guess he really was at that party with Natalie.

Anonymous said...

SEXY... ;D

Anonymous said...

Thanks, GIRLFRIDAY for that bit of detection. Saw the pics. Matthew gets perilously close to a truck in one picture, but our JAKEY sticks close to his hero, Lance and comes out OK. Do you think the people on that stretch of freeway would ever believe Lance Armstrong, Matthew McConnaughey, and JAKE GYLLENHAAL were like, RIGHT THERE????? I don't get the Natalie Portman connection. She wasn't part of the team. There was no mention of Ntalie at the link...or did I miss something??? HELP.

Mr. M said...
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Mr. M said...

There was a report from the Sun, a blurb really, saying that Jake and Natalie were in attendance at a 4th of July holiday party thrown by Matt McConaughey.

That blurb was printed before the pics ever hit the net. As such, I'm more likely to believe that they were all at a party together since I didn't even think Jake knew Matt.

Anonymous said...

Me thinks these pictures are sexy.
The pictures of him doing athletics always looks kind of awkward to me, but on a bike he looks good.
I think hairy chest is yummy - especially on Jake. Hair on back is tacky, yes, but on other body parts - mmmmm. I never understood this mania for hairless male bodies. Men are men.
By the way, I think he simply was going for a ride with his friends like he was a couple of weeks ago. That bald man in one of the pictures is the same one like in the pictures taken in May.