Saturday, July 08, 2006


Oh, thank god! It's okay people, we found him.
And this is what annoys me about cyclists. Why do you have to get in your big ass O-Zone destroying car to drive to where you want to cycle? Also, when did they change the design of bike helmets to look like part of the Coral Reef is emerging from your skull? Sorry, I don't know why I've arose so bitchy today. I think it has a lot to do with my mother trying to talk to me about tax refunds and why you shouldn't put kiwi on flans when I was trying to read about the 62 year old woman whose just had a baby in the paper. Oh, and I'm hungover.
[Pics from]

EDIT: Watch Video HERE. (Where did this x17 Online pop up from?)


cina said...

This outfit is so much better than the previous! MY GOD he's looking mighty sexy!! Those arms...! Those legs...!

I think I need a moment.

Anonymous said...

I just figured out my fascination with his legs. The first pic illustrates perfectly how long and slim and gorgeous his legs are as compared to the average man-legs.
This almost energizes me for work today. Almost. :)

Jess said...

Totally agree, cina! This I can enjoy looking at! A lot. Like all the time. *drool*

Anonymous said...

Well, this lays to rest the debate about whether Jake is pot-bellied, with incipient man-boobs, doesn't it? He looks quite slender here. In a good way. He's got more of the build of a swimmer than a linebacker. As I've commented elsewhere, Jake has got better legs than some women I know. Likely he's waxing them, as cyclists do. I can't help remembering that older movie, "Breaking Away," as I look at these pictures. What with the cycling & the interest in Italian food, Jake really does seem to be aspiring to be Italian.

mrs_dalloway said...

My eyes deserve this awarding view.I can only say thanks to all of those who contributed at makink these pictures. Jake,if I were driving and I'd see you passing by, I would instantly turn into a kidnapper. You're lucky I don't have a driver's licence.Maybe that's

Anonymous said...

Simon Agent, Richard O'Brien wrote and was also in the movie version of the Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Weirdland said...

Sometimes mothers are bitchy...Back to the topic, I don't find much appeal in the bike outfits.

Anonymous said...

My gods his legs. His arms. His entire body! I could literally look at him 24/7. Ohh, Jakey! Plz, take me for a ride!! My only concern is this.I am really having problems with Matthew allowing Jakey to ride on the OUTSIDE. I saw video of their earlier bike ride and it frightened me. They were in serious traffic. I don't care about the rest, but Jakey should only ride on the sidewalk. If they have to ride in the street, I want Matthew and Lance to ride beside and behind Jakey. If not, I'm afraid I'm really going to have to tell Naomi.

JadziaDragonRider said...

All that exercise is making me crave a donut. Jake is so sexy but I find that tribes' manner of gleeful exercise obnoxious. Look at them chat as they cycle cycle cycle. I'm outta breath upon climbing a few flights of steps. Bastards.

Anonymous said...

Unless you planned on getting into serious racing, why would you wax your legs?

cina said...

Oh tankergirl, I'm with you there. I too totally prefer him with his "normal" casual clothes... As for you, that post-biking pic with shorts made me go *squeee*!! So incredibly sexy, hanging low on his hips... ah.

And I just have to add that his legs are definitely not waxed. It's pretty clear in the HQ's.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I agree and I don't. I would dearly love to see a little decadence from time to time, but honestly? I feel inspired. I am leaving right now on my bike! It's a bit of a retro bike, but it will suffice. While I adore Jakey's legs and all the wonderful things I could do with them, I don't like it when a man has prettier legs than me. I have therefore resolved that I am going to rid myself of this squishy way or another...this may be my last post.... I really love you guys!

Nothing Really Matters said...

Cina you are right jake looks better with this outfit!

Anonymous said...

I think he has the ideal male body. Slender, graceful yet muscular. Well-proportioned. A body that looks like it's strong because it's used and enjoyed, neither roided up nor overdeveloped in places and underdeveloped in others. Perfection.

Anonymous said...

Believe it or not waxing of the legs makes you go faster when cycling.

Anonymous said...

They are really shifting aren't they in that video.Looks scary in all that fast trafic.I was quite relieved to see them get away from it.

Anonymous said...

i was so afraid he was gonna get run over with all those cars (in the video)
but i think jake will still look sexy even in an accident

Anonymous said...

Anon 5.21pm Don't say that.Take it back.I'm superstitious!

Anonymous said...

Jake's leg don't do much for me, I like legs with muscles myself. His are on the thin side, look better on a woman.

Is one sitting down in the third picture Lance or Matthew? My he's got a big umm... bump there.

Anonymous said...

anon 6:57 PM

i take it back :)