But he's still got a drink in his hand. Thank God there's some stability in the world. The dangerous black pants/brown shoes combination? The dual shirt action? By God, are those
different sunglasses? If it wasn't for the drink, I don't even know if I would have recognized him!
Pic from
IHJ, taken Valentine's Day of this year. I really don't know how I didn't make it into the picture. I swear we spent the whole day together.
What next? New socks?
Where is this world headed...can't we count on anything anymore?
"I really don't know how I didn't make it into the picture. I swear we spent the whole day together"
Hahaha, this is really good, and so true! :))
This clean-shaven Gyllenhaal moment was brought to you by Gillette.
Ahhh are those pants, dear I say it, VELVET?
They have that dense almost shiney look.....
err :P
I miss the shaven look too.
I meant dare by the way..
I think they are velvet. When was the last time you saw someone wearing velvet pants? I mean honestly.
I really don't like what he has one! As these are the only phots of him like this then he must have been on some sort of medication!
This clean-shaven Gyllenhaal moment was brought to you by Gillette.
You crack me up, nice anon!!
THe shirt looks similar to the one he wore to the MTV thingy. I love the way he sort of strides down the street! Gahhhh! When will this sweet affliction dissipate?????
Wasn't this his famous "stepping off the curb" outfit?
Yes you are right!
Yup, but a few more pics from that day were just put up at IHJ and I couldn't resist.
Ah 'Nice Anonymous' glad to meet you at last. Dr. Jocelyn Davenfreud here. My good friend Joyce Davenport has been to visit recently (how are the cold showers working Joyce darling?)
She mentioned some time ago your little problem with commitment and asked if I could give some completely unsolicited and of the wall..er I mean off the cuff advice. So of course I said I would be happy. By the way did I mention I am originally German -so you have to imagine the German accent.
So first I thought that it must stem form your family background- as all good psychoses do!
Perhaps you were one of a very large family. You got lost in the crowd and so you always felt 'anonymous' but you liked your family and so you wanted to be nice!
Or maybe you were an only child the spotlight shone on you 24/7 (as all the young and trendy people say) you wanted to hide and so you became' anonymous- but part of you liked the attention and so you were also 'nice'
Most worryingly of all- you might be a multi-people person. There are different personalities fighting to get out- you try to keep them back- you are lost and confused about your real identity and so you cannot commit to anything but the safe 'nice anonymous'.
What do you think dahling- am I close? You know if you want to talk you can get a message to me through Joyce. I will always be here for you.
That photo is old. I saw that months ago. Before he started growing the beard.
Yes, anon 8:40. That's why I said it was from Valentine's Day.
That photo is old. I saw that months ago. Before he started growing the beard.
...have you read the post...?
@ Jocelyn Davenfreud
Nice Anonymous was a much-loved only child, who is blessedly free of penis envy (except when she is camping or hiking in the wilderness & realizes that the men have a much easier time performing certain natural body functions).
Also, she is afraid of committing to Blogger, not to JakeWatch.
Since assuming the nom de guerre of "Nice Anonymous," she has only posted under that name. No multiple personality disorders here. No posting as "anonymous" to agree with oneself, which seems like a violation of blogdom etiquette.
Nice Anonymous LOVES JakeWatch, and would be contented with merely glimpsing the handsome Mr. Gyllenhaal (the younger) on a Manhattan street, in passing. Hopefully, with the sunglasses off, so that she could see those famously blue, blue eyes.
(And that's enough about me ... this is all about Le Jake!)
Does anyone remember that Alana Miles song.. "Black Velvet"?
he looks kind of "thin" in that picture... or maybe just the angle? I remember someone here mentioned that Jake actually has a small frame in person.
The boy likes his comfort deosn't he.The one thing i do like about Jake's legwear is his trousers/jeans whatever nearly always cover his shoes.I love that.
Can't stand the ankle swinger look.
Just for the record.His frame is VERY muscular in person.He is quite deceiving.I think it's some photos,but he has great shoulders.Along with the rest of him.His hair and eyes is to die for.
Does he have some sort of deal with Blinde that we're not aware of?
A Jake sighting in the French Alps.
Later in the evening, a relaxed-looking Armstrong and Donnie Darko and Brokeback Mountain star Jake Gyllenhaal joined the clubbers, including procycling’s editorial team, at the Igloo, an establishment the American would certainly not have visited on his previous Tour-related visits to the resort.
I love those long legs. The brown shoes look good against the black pants to me. Doesnt' always work but maybe its because he's The Sex. I love the sweater.
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