Just when I thought I might have to abandon Sock Watch due to Jake's steely determination to wear nought but long trousers and ankle socks, these babies appear before me! These pics were taken in West Hollywood on the 13th and I think it's clear to see why they have been kept from us - such sensational shots, we had to prepare ourselves!
- COLOUR : White with red (RED!) trim
- TYPE: Casual - brunch socks, obviously
- HEIGHT: Subject to opinion but majority vote is ankle biters
God, I need to go and have a lie down. New socks teamed with bizarre clogs is just too much for this blogger.
Thanks to IHJ.com for the pictures.
Wooot! FIRST!
Wow, these socks are just.....fantastic! Gone are the straight whites or tans of the past...you go, Jake!
Oooo, oooo! I can see his LEGS!
I don't know which is more thrilling, the lovely socks (red!) or the stylin' clogs. Oh, wait, yes I do...it's neither - it's the LEGS! ;)
Are those clogs a Californian thing? I can't really picture any guy in London can pull off wearing them...
Sock Watch is back!! Yippie!!
Although without the previously requested frog-motive, but with red trim none the less! And, more importantly - with sightings of legs!
This saves my weekend from dispair!
It's probably just me. But from the ankles downward in this picture, Jake is all dork. Totally a dork. I'm glad that there is so much more of the Jakey goodness, rising far, far above the socks & clogs, or I'd start questioning my violent attraction to this man.
anon 7:03, don't you think the dorkiness is kind of part of the attraction? I know it is for me... Seems more human than som uber cool guy who can't leave the house without looking "perfect". Jake, however, does look perfect in all his dorkiness, sort of thanks to it...
Don't know if that makes sense to anyone but me...
Makes perfect sense to me, linna, I totally get that. It's just like the eye thing, his less-than-perfectness is what makes him so gorgeous and interesting! Uber cool, perfectly coifed guy would make me retch. I hate guys like that. I love that Jake embraces his dorkiness so fully!
Try to remind yourself at times like this. That he was voted among the most stylish in Hollywood... Please just hem the pants for the red carpet is all I ask! We always have Venice....
Alright! The return of the Sock Watch! Nothing can compare to the knee-high splendor of days past, but I'll take what I can get. Nice work, brit.
Less than perfect? Are you on smack, miff? He is an Adonis, clogs or no clogs, and you know it!
Me too, miffed67! I prefer guys, or actually people in general, who can embrace their dorkiness and totally get away with it as it makes the seem more genuine and lovable
Sorry, makes THEM seem more genuine and lovable
Nope, not embracing the orthodoxy. Sorry. The hotness level of Jake-itude rises & falls. And for me, it fell a little with the clogs.
Alas the socks make a welcome appearnance, but i ain't too crazy about the red-white getup.
In other news,I wonder if that dude he was eating out with, Bart Freundlich is planning to direct Jake in that rumored music exec comedy.
He directed Maggie in the criminally underated comedy 'Trust the Man' which is such a good film if you ain't seen it yet
Is that 'The Space Between' or something along those lines? I've tried looking for details but it has so far illuded me.
I'm glad sock watch is back, I was actually going to suggest a sock watch on his friend Chris from yesterday's pictures -- did you see the green and yellow tube socks? I think my older brother wore those through the age of 10. It was beautiful to see that Jake's interesting choice in socks can be passed along to his friends.
My post got ate. I was just coming down on the side that loves me some dorky Jake. His goofy grin and his lame sock/clog combo.
He and MmmmPeter clean up like nobody's business though.
Baddish socks and the nurse shoes -how did we miss this?
Look at the second one; he's like a beautiful sculpture.
Are they socks? They look more like bloodied bandages! Did Boo savage his ankles?
I agree with the dorkiness thing - if Jake wasn't as much of a dork as he is, I wouldn't squee half as much as I do.
Uh-huh...I'd like to also agree about the hotness of Jake's complete dorkitude. And damn if something about those socks and his choice of shoes doesn't make him all that much hotter!! Don't know what it is, exactly, but I think he may have just given me a fetish. ;)
Anon 8:33, you're right. Pose similar to Apollo Belvedere, no? Head turned, one leg slightly advanced. Only Jake's fully clothed.
yep! that's the one.
No further info so I guess we just have to keep our fingers crossed
8.33 here, thanks 8.56, the Apollo Belvedere is the very statue.
He is an Adonis, clogs or no clogs, and you know it!
I'm not saying I don't worship at the Altar of Jake! He's perfect in his imperfection! I SO love that about him! I'm sorry, tho...those fugly shoes have to go, LOL!
Only Jake's fully clothed.
Damn, I hate when that happens.
Look at that well defined torso. Mmmm
Yeah, with all the talk of the socks and the shoes, we seem to have forgotten about the body-hugging shirt! Praise to that!!
(the shirt, not the forgetting part...)
Clearly the socks cordinates with the shorts. Any thought that Jake is color blind is totally untrue!
Okay, new Jake Watch mission. Confiscation of man clogs. We ain't in Amsterdam now, Jake.
It's almost too good to be true! First I spend 2.5 hrs at the hairdresser, the result more than satisfying, then I come home and find there's A NEW SOCK WATCH!!! My life is fullfilled!
And what's wrong with the shoes? They look comfy and Jake can get away with anything. (Except for the orange cycling outfit of course...)
The only thing I ever do with a clog is bang a nail in...very handy for such tasks. Really the Dutch had to wear them or go barefoot. Thankfully we are not in such a dire situation!
If he starts to wear orange clogs..... I will be ill.
The only complaint I have over the clogs is the fact that he's wearing them with those shorts. They definitely look better with jeans, as we've seen in other pictures. Shorts and clogs - and socks = no hit. I admit.
Yes , your so right...suspenders , and little fedora type hat would complete the clog look. Maybe throw in a handful of tulips.
Beautiful.Sock watch and clogs and all colour co-ordinated.What more could i ask for?Love the beard and hair.Yes,i know piccies are two weeks old.(sob)
Aww, clogs are cute. Cloggeti-clog, you know?
And as someone already pointed out, who cares about his clogs when he's wearing a shirt like that?
I'm loving them clogs.You can wear anything Jake baby.You would look good in a flour sack.
They have those clogs in a shop near me.Asda.Same colour as well.
Hate the clogs and wish he's toss them. They're ancient. The hott legs more than make up for it though! JAKE!!!!!!!!!!
Sock watch rules!
"Hate the clogs and wish he's toss them"
Yes they are really Nasty! Its not right clogs and socks together!
Good colour coordination thou
I love the clogs and the whole ensemble.Nice beard there too.Scrummy.
I don't like the clogs but I love the socks.
Oh that gives away my nationality doesn't it. color vs. colour... I have been in LA for so long now I even dream in american.
Morning, in California.
Our sweet guy Jake, having freshly showered -- his just-toweled hair sticking straight up, towel slung around his damp shoulders -- sits on bed in his shorts, paralyzed by inaction. He's pondering his dresser, which has its sock drawer pulled all the way open.
The sock drawer displays a stunning array of neatly folded white cotton tube socks. (Or are they arranged in sock balls? It's your fantasy -- you decide.)
Jake is so very, very fearful of choosing the wrong pair of socks. What will all the readers of BritPopBaby's blog think?
Decisions, decisions.
It's far worse than facing the crowd in the Kodak Theatre and remembering his scripted lines knocking the DVD viewing experience.
I am not loving your work here Jake. Two words - thick ankles. And short legs. Four words. Sorry, the shorty sock and black clog ensemble is not a good look. Its cutting him short at the ankles making his legs look even er, shorter.
The shoes are great; they look like Merrell Slides.
I have come to the conclusion that the crux of the problem does not lay with the socks or (sad as they are ) clogs. It's the shorts! if they were cut above the knee the whole look would be much improved!
No get rid of the clogs, Simon you’re in no position to offer fashion advise.
The clogs would be fine under other circumstances. Just not this one.
I am an expert in bad fashion. Whatever ever could you mean?
The clogs remind me of the slippers they issue the elderly at nursing homes. So they won't need to tie their shoes.
The sock drawer displays a stunning array of neatly folded white cotton tube socks. (Or are they arranged in sock balls? It's your fantasy -- you decide.)
This made me giggle for a full minute at least; sometimes the writing alone is all it takes. :D
mmm, Jake's sock balls.....
I LOVE him in clogs. Cant wait to see him in bunny slippers!
I thot clogs were a Swedish thing, Olaf Daugthers made them popular in Gr Village years ago. Good for your feet, fun to wear
I bet they're his Moms.
I agree they can't be his moms.
also wondering if the are "clogs" somneone gave me a pair of pressed wool slippers made in Germany sold thru LLBean rather expensive that look like this.
Wauuu ... stunning comments!
And all about socks.
Really, I don't wanna grow up...
I think the slippers are his dad's. They look a little too big for his feet IMO. Btw, did anyone see CNN Presents: Chasing Angelina that was sent today Sat at 0700-0800 GMT? It was mainly about Hollywood publicists. Not directly about JG but he was on the screen for some seconds. Celebraty blogs (I was like 'BPB!!!!!')...were also mentioned a lot. One journalist even said that some bloggers are geniouses and should be writing Hollywood scripts (BPB!!!). Among others, they interviewed the guy behind Defamer. The program will be on:
Well, I've got lots of high-powered job offers coming in but if some Hollywood big shot wants to give me a job then...I'll think about it...
And I'm awed to see the clogs causing so much emotion!
thank you Jake, now I can function normally again.
@ anon 1:38 - that was hilarious!
I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.
This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.
Ooooooh... legs! I HATE THE CLOGS! Throw them in the trash! Burn them! I don't EVER want to see them again!
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