Okay, I feel like I'm too harsh on Kirsten Dunst. I can admit that most of my negative feelings towards her is straight up jealousy and I'm also happy to say that when you compare her to the Lindsay Lohans and Paris Hiltons of this world she is very palatable. She also has a smoking body that is almost as good as mine. Jake was obviously very attached to her so she can't have been that bad and I should respect that yadda, yadda, yadda. So in the spirit of good will I'm posting some pictures where she actually looks attractive. I'm sure the Vatican will be on the phone any minute to offer me the Papacy.

(Okay, now this is cute!)
And one where she looks like crap. God, I'm sorry, I tried!
I'm sorry, I still can't... hold... in... ARGH!! I can say she has nice legs. But that's as far as I can go.
I tried honest!!!
Oh btw, message board looks great!
She looks so much like a friend of mine. Especially in that last pic! (SORRY my friend! You are pretty anyway!!)
*goes to check out the message board*
Fair play to the Dunst for having such fine taste as to date the Gyllenhaal, but I'm sorry . . . I've never been able to warm to her. I just find her to be brittle and reptilian. And I don't think she's a very good actress. Sorry, Dunst fans.
Mmm,not a good actress,not all that to look at either.Oh well,maybe she has personality.Who knows?
How does the boeard work?Do you have to register to post on there?
BPB...Do you have to pay for the space to have a forum message board or is it free?It's good!!!
I have to say i do like Kirsten Dunst she is kinda sweet. Just so you know kirsten pussy will fight you if you try and get back with jake. I have big claws!
It's free because the bastards put irrelevant adverts on there. And yep, you have to register to post on all the Jake boards but the general ones are for everyone...I think.
I have to admit, I kind of liked Kirsten BEFORE I got all obsessed with "the Sex"... Nowadays, I'm just not so sure... She seems a bit flimsy (is that a word?)
I liked her in Drop Dead Gorgeous and a bit in The Virign Suicides but in the Spidermans she looks rough and I found it very distracting. Esp. in that bit from the trailer in S2 where she says 'kiss me' and then kinda goons at Tobey M before that car (thankfully) crashes through the window.
Sigh. Any negative feelings I have about her are pure, unadulterated jealousy. She's quite cute, most of the time, I hate to say. I think sometimes if she's not posed, candid photos of her tend to be kinda...creepy. But I'm the least photogenic person in the world so I can understand. Well, she had Jake so whatever I think of her, she obviously did something right. (back then, at least)
I think the thing about Dunster is that her looks are very unique. If you think about women like Jessica Simpson >< Britney Spears or Jessica Alba >< Jennifer Garner, they all look alike to me... But, for the good and the bad, no other female celebrity looks anything like the Dunster.
The dislike for Kirsten on the Jake-related boards & Web sites seems to be widespread. I don't mind her. In fact, I kind of like her face, since it's distinctive -- very sharply planed and angular, broad in the cheekbones. Also, she appears to have an old-fashioned complexion, which used to be called milkmaid's skin. I'm encouraged, actually, by Jake's evident passion for her. What this means, ladies, is you've got a shot with him if you ain't a perfect beauty, and if you don't act too weird in front of him. He's apparently looking at other qualities. (Not knowing Kirsten, I don't know what they are.) And maybe, from these pictures, he's a leg man.
I'm an unabashed fan of hers -- I thought she was great in Virgin Suicides. She has this adorable, unselfconscious, curvy, feminine thing going on and if I were a straight man, I'd probably want to do her too. I don't think Jake has ever looked happier than in pics taken with her.
OK, start throwing things. :)
How can you argue with this kind of happiness? I don't think I've ever seen a picture of two people more in love:
I just find her to be brittle and reptilian.
*snicker* Uh, I mean, that's not funny...hee hee. OK, OK, she looks enviably hot in that first picture especially and as I've admitted before, all my hostility towards her is based in jealousy. Jumanji was a pivotal part of my middle school experience and while Elizabethtown was possibly the worst movie ever made, I can't deny she's got a screen presence. Sigh.
I didn't know anything about the Jake/Kirsten connection when I saw the first Spiderman movie and I was totally put off by her. I did not like her for that role at all. She did nothing at all for me. I was not a Jake fan at the time so it was not related to my feelings for him. After I became a Jake fan and found out about their involvement I was stumped by his interest in her. The funny thing is that my mother loved Jake and Heath ater seeing BBM and when she heard Jake's name mentioned in conjunction with Kirsten's her reaction was: "Is she the one from Spiderman? I don't know what he sees in her." Anyway, I do like her more now that I know that she's been a loyal friend to Jake. She obviously has some very good qualities that aren't evident to the eye. And I do admit that she even looks very lovely in some photos.
"How can you argue with this kind of happiness? I don't think I've ever seen a picture of two people more in love"
so true, despite my feelings on the Dunster, that pic made me really happy. Jake was clearly head over heels for the girl. I don't mind her in some things, but the majority of the time she drives me out of my mind...
Kirsten Dunst is a wonderful and talented actress : Interview With The Vampire, Wag The Dog, The Virgin Suicides .... and as Jake's friend surely a good person too.
About beauty and other things - quoting Saint Exupery " It´s only with the HEART that one can see clearly. What´s essential is invisible to the eye ".
We are kindrid. Even when I'm trying to be a good person, my true nature tends to emerge and I'm doing some fucked up shit again. Can't help ourselves really. *sigh* Damn her and her hold over our boy!
well maybe you will hate me for telling this, but i really liked her and of course s.sarandon in elizabethtown, i also really liked the movie. this substitue people thing and her really good acted pain in the scenes where she felt rejected as well as her insecurities as claire were well acted.
plus she has gorgeous legs, hasn´t she!
Re: KD looks, eh not the ugliest chick I've ever seen.
Re KD's acting: Don't trip you know you rented "Bring It On"! Okay so I got it for Eliza Dushku and stayed for Gabrielle Union but KD did a very good job.
Re KD and The Sex. I do find it endearing that he obviously goes for a less artificial look like a Jessica Simpson or whoever. He loved him some Kirsten. Still doesnt' bode well for me though know how KD is tall, thin, blond, pale, and long legged. Okay imagene the opposite of that and there's me. :o)
Apparently Jake loved her very much so there must have been a reason for that - I don't mind her really. And just think girls, she knows all his little secrets...!!
For those who haven't seen this already and are willing to read an interview with her, here's one from when she was dating him
I don't think she is the total airhead some want her to be.
Of course she is not a total airhead, if she was, then Jake would have been exposed to fatal side effects which evidently didn't happen. She is one of my favourite screen beauties, I have a thing for German-heritage women, even I admit a girl cursh on her.
"Still doesnt' bode well for me though know how KD is tall, thin, blond, pale, and long legged. Okay imagene the opposite of that and there's me."
Don't despair. Natalie's the direct opposite of Kirsten also (except for the "thin" part). Though I personally don't think the Natalie story has any basis in reality.
I don't mind the Kirsten. She has done some roles I didn't care for, mainly Spiderman, but she was awesome in Elizabethtown (which I liked altho it was too long) and Crazy/Beautiful. I haven't seen The Virgin Suicides, I've been meaning to rent it. I don't think she's beautiful in the classic sense, but she is attractive. And how absolutely CUTE is that pic of her, Jake and Paul Bettany? They're adorable!
*There. That oughta take care of my karma for the next 10 years or so! I can do anything I want now! LOL! Kidding!*
I love that picture with Jake but it's moreso because of Jake having fun with Paul Bettany than with Kirsten.
(Also I've always gotten a kick out of the fact that Jake and Heath seem to have so many mutual friends and/or people they've mutually acted with.
I think my issue is with her eyes. They always look so half lidded which makes her look stoned (esp when she's *trying* to look sexy like in that Spiderman scene someone mentioned in the restaurant).
Oh man, I just checked out the People Bachelor's page and I seriously have a dirty mind because when I saw the following part, my eyes replaced "cock" with "cook" and I was like I can't believe he said that. LOL:
Hidden talent: "I like to cook," he says. "Wherever there's good food, there's good people. As my mom says, ‘Good cooks never lack friends.'"
Does liking her wardrobe count?
I've tried my best, Jake...
Aww, I lke the dunster. I think she's actually a good actress who probably regrets doing some crap movies but she is quite good in the few that i've seen:
Drop dead gorgeous, virgin suicides and cat's meow.
And in my opinion she was awesome in elizabethtown, orlando bloom's uneven accent and mopish acting was what ruin it for me!(cameron crowe's direction was a bit off too)
she seems to be nice as a person and that's all that really matters
How can you argue with this kind of happiness? I don't think I've ever seen a picture of two people more in love:
Oh heaven help me - that picture brings out the fucking devil in me. "Jealous" is not only my middle name. It's my whole being.
I think she has something special..she's def different from all the other Hollywoodian women..And I hate to say this, but I think it's nice that she has both pretty and ugly faces.She appears to be more human than all the others.And she listens to good music.And she has a cheerful smile.
That doesn't mean that I'm ready to give her a five now.There are plenty of nice women out there I can hang out with.
Oh, and sometimes I think she has an evil expression on her face.So back off from The Sex, bitch!
Oh heaven help me - that picture brings out the fucking devil in me. "Jealous" is not only my middle name. It's my whole being.
Oh, Cina, I am so with you. I try to help it, but I can't.
Though, seeing a Happy-In-Love Jake truly gives me a deep-down warm fuzzy. Deep down under the jealousy, that is.
pls post this on your blog:
i'm glad they're splitsville. he can do so much better!!!!
She resembles his sister Maggie, which I find somehow disturbing. I also find it interesting that Jake and Maggie like dating fellow Scandanavians; it must indicate a fondness for their dad, since he's from that branch. Other than that, I don't care for Kirsten. She was a cute and precocious child actor. As an adult, she's not as cute, as well as acting and talking like a little girl.
I have to admit that I am filled with insane jealousy whenever I see or hear Kirsten's name. And I know it's unreasonable because prior to me becoming totally obsessed with Jake she didn't bother me at all. I liked her in the Spiderman films and even liked her in Elizabethtown. Part of me dislikes her because Jake seemed to love her so much. I recently spent a couple of hours and looked at all the pictures of them together on IHJ from 2003,2004 and part of 2005. It was excruciating! Yet, I kept looking with a sneer on my face the whole time. But he was so HAPPY! I'm jealous because I don't find her the most beautiful girl in the world but she still managed to captivate Jake's heart for so long. Then part of me feels bad because he hasn't looked as happy since. I should want him to be happy. None of these other Hollywood girls seem good enough either. I don't know what broke them up but maybe she was the best choice for him. It says a lot about his character that he could love someone so intensely for so long and still hasn't gotten completely over her. There must have been something special about her that I can't see because my vision is blocked by the green eyed monster.
LOL I can walk on my pride and my jealousy and admit that I think Kiki looks gorgeous on that picture :
..it's like a torture to admit it...lol
I LOVE PAUL BETTANY! Kiki is SO undeserving!
Look-wise I don't think she's very attractive, she's just OK. She's too cutesy and elf-like in appearance, I'd say. That being said, I quite like her. I think she's a very good actress and she seems intelligent and sweet.
Did you guys know that in my language (wich is norwegian), dunst means "bad smell"?
I LOVE your jake watch, britpopbaby!
She's one of the prettiest crap looking people I've seen for a while.
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