Thursday, June 29, 2006


I'm waiting on more encounter/offical reports but as far as I know it was a great success and Pop's sold out! Maggie, Peter and Naomi were there and, is there someone I'm missing out? Oh yeah, Jake 'I have the worst timing in the world' Gyllenhaal had skipped town a few days before to head back to LA for Zodiac reshoots. Well, we don't need him - we have plenty of other sexy Gyllenhaal's to occupy us.

I know Ally from IHJ was there and has posted a bit on it but who else went? Shout up! We want details. Both Ally and Cantara have mentioned that Stephen was carrying our questions round in his pocket so a) he ain't finished them but b) he means too and is taking them very seriously. Ally again mentioned how he refers to us as 'the girls'. Don't y'all feel like The Waltons up in here? No mention of sons but I guess it's easier to group us all together in the squealing, feminine capacity - don't be offended you macho types.

More news as it comes...

UPDATE: An estimated 175 people in attendance and they drank Shriaz and ate brie afterwards - details are important.


zoo said...


I am overwhelmed. He really calls us 'the girls'? This man is too sweet for words.

DKBB said...

Ahhhh, "the girls." Almost makes me feel like a young 'un again. ;)

~dkbb~, a/k/a Miss Moneypenny - one of the elder statespersons of Jake Watch

britpopbaby said...

Just found right after I posted this wtbgirl. Thanks so much for sharing with us! I've been at work all day and I was really agitated thinking - I missing hearing about the reading!!

Becky Heineke said...

He had our questions in his pocket?! Dude. Just DUDE. This family is too great for words.

cina said...
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Agnes said...

*blink, blink* Papa G... sweet so sweet to call us 'the girls' :)

cina said...

Yep, "his daughters" "the girls" - bring it on, Gyllenpappa!! :-D

mrs_dalloway said...

God, I wonder what he thinks about our questions! I guess it's all good,since he carries them in his pocket and he's calling us 'the girls'! We are The Girls!
Wtbgirl,didn't you see Ally? it's so funny, 'live' gatherings..

Nothing Really Matters said...

How cool is that i can't wait to hear all about it!

I guess i can see why someone thought i was a girl! I do have a Pussy as a picture!

The Sarsgaals said...

*shouts* The Sarsgaals were there, britpopbaby! Cantara, Alaina, and I were discussing you briefly and how great you and Jake Watch are! =) You're a popular gal. There are some details on our blog, but if you have any questions, email or comment us! =)

"Dad" was amazing. Got to meet him and he signed our books. Gahh it was SO surreal being surrounded by Gyllenhaal family members! Aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents... all of them. AMAZING! =)

You're totally right about there being other Gyllenhaals to occupy us. When Jakey's away, Gyllen-family fans will play! =P

Jess said...

Oh my God, I would've killed to be able to go to that reading! And how sweet of Gyllenpapps to call us The Girls!! Aaah!! It's like the coolest thing ever!

mrs_dalloway said...

Holy shmoly!on his website there is the Author's Q&A, and guess what is says there! 'Stephen will be responding to his fans on his dedicated site. To go to the first discussion threads that inspired this page, visit here, here, here, here, here and here.'
The heres are links to Jake Watch threads about his poetry!!There's also a link to IHJ's thread about the questions! Britpop,look what has become of that picture you posted wrongly! :))

britpopbaby said...

I know! I plan to expand into illegally posting movies and music.

Have to go read what The Sargaals have to say!

mrs_dalloway said...

Simon,get over it. :D There are no impostors, only Jake Watch Agents.

The Sarsgaals said...
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The Sarsgaals said...
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The Sarsgaals said...

My computer is on the fritz. Wow. Anyway, Stephen is a lovely man :)...

Miffed67 said...

OMG, we ROCK! The Girls! I love him. That is all!

Nothing Really Matters said...

Oh Simon i have to be many people, how else am i to fool none JW people!

Becky Heineke said...

OUR QUESTIONS WILL BE ON HIS SITE?!?! I'm sorry. This may be too much for my poor soul to take. :)

britpopbaby said...

Yeah, Cantara said he wanted somewhere to put them up after we'd got them.

cina said...


mrs_dalloway said...

We should tell him to give us some questions too! Either to each one who asked a question, or a colective set! wouldn't that be hilarious!

Becky Heineke said...

^^^ Oh my God!! That would be AWESOME!

Nothing Really Matters said...

Brits thats really great news. All your hard work is paying off!

Ninni said...

Ok, I'm a bit distressed that there's a link from Stephen's site to anything I've ever written. Also, I wasn't being very nice towards his poetry so hopefully he won't read it, lol.

Oh, questions for us would be the coolest thing!

Anonymous said...

Awww.... carried the questions in his pocket??? now I think my question doesn't live up to this lovely man.

zoo said...

Ok, I'm a bit distressed that there's a link from Stephen's site to anything I've ever written.

Yes, wesntia, I was thinking about that, too. It makes me a little shy... :-(

Anonymous said...

Do you think Dad G doesn't want to think about the idea that his son has boys/men drooling over him too or is it something else?

britpopbaby said...

Apparently he has toted them to LA, New York, Martha's Vineyard and Sundance!

britpopbaby said...

Do you think Dad G doesn't want to think about the idea that his son has boys/men drooling over him too or is it something else?

I think it's just an innocent generalisation. All the questions sent in were mainly from women and I think he has only encountered female fans relating to Jake. I guess because I'm a girl and Ally from IHJ is too and we're the ones he has heard of he just thinks of it like that.

Anonymous said...

also discusion of reading at 'Jakes Eyelashes' thread.

Miffed67 said...

Apparently he has toted them to LA, New York, Martha's Vineyard and Sundance!

Well, Gyllendad.....stop carrying the darn things around and answer them already!

Oh, the pressure! I know he's hella busy, but it's just nuts to keep carrying the questions around whereever he goes. They're not going to mind-meld with him, you know?

Anonymous said...

also discusion of reading at 'Jakes Eyelashes' thread."

Holy sh*it! Those jakes eyelash threads are LONG. The first one has 17,058 posts and 320,797 views... Whoah, seriously, that's um... disturbing.

Mr. M said...

Oh yes, the Jake's Eyelashes threads are pretty long. It's really hard to keep up with if you don't check in everyday. They're an interesting bunch of people but I really love the way this group has set itself up.

Anonymous said...

*blushes* Awww he's such a nice man! Glad I wasn't there making an utter bafoon of myself because although I am totally on board with the title The Sex going to Jake I really think I need to rack my brain because Peter deserves a title as well. The Foreplay? The Cigarette? The Cuddle? Something goddamnit! That man could get it is what I'm saying. (sorry Maggie)

Anonymous said...

Wait, Jake has strait male internet fans? I mean I can see strait guys being regular fans because he has some kick ass movies but I always assume that any man on a Jake Gyllenhaal squeee site is gay, and that doesn't mean that their women or anything but gay men call each other "girls" and "girlfriends" all the time in a tounge and cheek way so it never occured to me that boys would take offense to being lumped in with "the girls". Yes, yes I know what happens when one "ass-umes".

Anonymous said...

Ally's encounter is up!! Damn she is one lucky girl! I wish I was her...

Anonymous said...

Ally writes the best recaps. The pic of her and Peter? *THUD*

She deserves all that and more for keeping such a great site. She's a great little lady.

Anonymous said...

I feel fab as gyllenpapa's girl...

Weirdland said...

I'm a Gyllenhaal girl now, that's great news, Stephen is one wise poetry bear and surely knows that his little bear attracts sensitive or open-minded straight men, too, like my boyfriend.

Anonymous said...

How very sweet, to be called a girl, and to have the intent behind it be quite affectionate, rather than condescending.

Anonymous said...

but gay men call each other "girls" and "girlfriends" all the time in a tounge and cheek way so it never occured to me that boys would take offense to being lumped in with "the girls". Yes, yes I know what happens when one "ass-umes".

Squallcloud, most of us do NOT call each other "girls" or "girlfriends" and most of those who do say that are usually doing it in a mean, insulting way not a fun, joking way. Those gay men who do that in the joking way are usually the extremely effeminate guys and they are definitely not representative of the majority of us. It's fine if Mr. G doesn't really think about Jake's male fans but I definitely don't consider myself part of the "girl" distinction and to be honest, I would get offended by being lumped in as a "girl". I can't stand gay men who further push that whole girl stereotype onto the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry I missed his reading! I had another engagement and it ran too long! Love reading all of the stories, jake has a wonderful family.

Anonymous said...

daniel-- thanks for the clarification. i don't think squallcloud was meaning to be offensive at all. i think the misconception has a lot to do with the popular gossip blogs out there, and the likes of ted casablanca and perez hilton who notoriously overuse such terms as "queens", etc. which i personally dislike.

Anonymous said...

A word, WFTs love Jake too.

Anonymous said...

8:22: What is your point mentioning that? I hear they are having a major meltdown over there regarding some posts by Theresa from Heathledgercentral posted on Jake watch. Please lets keep that insanity off this blog and let them self destruct. They don't like Jake IMO and they don't rescpect his family either. His mother took a major smear yesterday based on a lie and the person that runs it did nothing. Fans my ass. They contiue to smear JW, IHJ on continious basis. What is up with that site anyway??? Frustration?

Anonymous said...

8.55, I was speaking to blackhatnbeard.

Your post reveals you as WFT's most virulent troll, so I am not going to take you up on any of your comments.

Anonymous said...

Please, don't bring any of that nonsense here. This blog is fun.

Anonymous said...

I agree, and can assure you WFT doesn't want this troll either.

Shiraz, brie, poetry and Mr G. are all good.

britpopbaby said...

If you want to complain about other blogs/people/trolls/the weather then please send carrier pigeons to each other or discuss it at the message boards. I can't afford to have 100 posts on nothing but bad karma.

I also had to comment to make it 70 because 69 on Pop's post was making me giggle - yeah, I know I'm immature.

Anonymous said...

BritPopBaby: Can you post "At 25" for those of us unable to get to the book yet? I'm sure it would spawn an interesting discussion.


britpopbaby said...

Yeah I can do. Now that Stephen has sold out I suppose it's okay. I'll do it tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

BPB: No worries; found it elsewhere. I don't want to reduce Dad's sales, but I was curious. The IHJ forum has it up under "Encounters"... but THANKS!

I think his* work is great, from what I've seen and I hope he has tremendous success. :D

*His = The Gyllenpapa

Linna said...

So much going on, and my internet connection has broken down... :( But this is all very exciting! And I LOVE that he called us "the girls"! How cute!! :)

Anonymous said...

Not to freak out Gyllenpappy and his main squeeze but he's a hottie!! I just loved looking at him - alas he's married and I am waaaaaaaay too young.

Anonymous said...

It was a lovely evening. :)
This was my first trip to NYC (from Texas), and the poetry reading was a wonderful part of that. Some BBM friends met several hours before the event and enjoyed each other's company. We were lucky enough to be in the second row during the reading - directly behind Cantara and beside some other nice folks who turned out to be some of Stephen's relatives.

After the reading, Stephen signed my book and was very friendly and gracious. When I mentioned his blog on Huffington, he said he had plans to do more writing of that type.

Maggie was absolutely beautiful in person and Peter very handsome. Naomi had arrived earlier to check on arrangements. Would have liked to have met her - having just seen Bee Season - but I'm just not the type to put myself forward in that way. What could I possibly have said that they hadn't already heard a zillion times before, after all???

Sorry, britpopbaby, no details from me regarding the cheese and crackers. To be honest, I was much more interested in gazing at our favorite family and spared little thought for the rest.

t_wistful heart

mrs_dalloway said...

@anon: thank you very much for sharing! I think I would probably get overwhelmed If I see them all. Without Jake,of course, cause that would be a killer,wouldn't it? :)

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