I got nothing. I can't even think of a particulary witty reason why he might be smiling. Maybe he's happy that he has finally bamboozled britpopbaby with his mundane daily routine. I can't even be arsed to play 'guess what's in my bag?'. Why can't you be more like Lindsay Lohan? Sorry, I'll take that back. How about some surfing? And where is Boo-ga-loo?
Pics from
Mmmmm...yummy! Just what I needed to brighten my morning! Thanks, brit! :)
Glad to see Jake smiling after those pics yesterday!!
I meant Boo. I usually call him Boo-ga-loo but I spelt it wrong for some reason - I'm hot and tired.
I want to lick his chest.
That is all.
I'd like to make it clear that I'm referring to Jake, not Boo.
When we talked about to set Boo free we didn't mean it like this Jake
...and to anonymous 9:16am...pot-belly?! Not even CLOSE, hon... he's still sheer perfection!!
Hey, I thought stayed with Chris while he was in NY, so why is he staying in the same hotel as Dunst??? Noooo!!
Hmmm. It does look like the same hotel. I thought there had been confirmation of Kiki in Vancover or somewhere with that man from SNL. If Jake gets back with Kiki I will personally hunt him down and bang his head against a wall until he promises to date someone like Natalie Portman.
The Kiki and Andy SNL guy thing was months old news even though the person who posted it at ONTD recently. Kiki has been in NYC filming for a while now.
As for the pics of Jake and Kiki, interesting that they used that title of their hotel. They may have hung out together or been at the hotel but I do think Jake does have a place in NYC. Wonder what is going on??
hmm... i wouldn't be surprised if jake stays at a hotel in soho—you know, as a sous chef, chris’ place in w. village might not be that big, and considering how long his visits last sometimes, jake might not want to impose/crash at chris’ for too long, esp if chris has a gf. he could of course stay with maggie and peter in tribeca, but that too could get kind of third-wheelish after a while?
yeah, the kirsten-andy sanberg rumors are pretty old, but i thot the vancouver sighting was recent. i she is currently in ny filming spiderman, but i assumed she was visiting vancouver on her days off (i heard she has a smaller role this time, so surely she’s not due on set everyday). interesting photos. wtbgirl, thanks for the inside info. i agree, it’s not like they have pics of them together. there aren’t that many celeb hotels downtown, so even if they stayed in the same hotel, it doesn’t mean they’re together. i wonder if it’s soho grand—they are pet-friendly, so jake should bring boo! actually, my preference is atticus…
wtbgirl, how's the stalking?
If he was visiting Kristen at the hotel where she is staying that would make sense since they are still friends, but the caption on the pics say returning to their hotel in Soho. It could be wrong on their part because i was under the impression that Jake has a place in Tribeca and stays there when he is in NY and Chris sublets it when he isn't here.
I agree it is weird, wtbgirl. They may have hung out but they are not in the same shots together. Hmmm...
Jake stop putting such large items in your pockets. Its makin' me itch in places i don't wanna think about!
That's not a pot belly dear,it's abs.Six pack of muscles lurking under that grey attire.And very nice too.It's a wonder the paps get any pictures.Amount of water Jake consumes i'm surprised he isn't constantly looking to spend a penny.
Maybe he doesn't bring Boo so as not to subject him to six hours in a cage stuck in the freight hold.Not pleasant for little doggies.
If Jake is in NYC at the end of July, I will go on my first stalking mission ever..
He better watch it if he's even contemplating getting back with Dumbst.
"We ain't having that"
@thesweetstone: yeah that would be the Green Hornet and I'm not sure what the title of the Music comedy was. But so far there have been no further update
I didn't think Jake stayed in a hotel?He could stay with Maggie or friends couldn't he?I heard one time he rented an apt in NY.Don't know if it's true though?
To: Wtggirl: Those double date pap pictures of Jake taken on 6/19 says that "Jake and his friends at the Kittichai at 60 Thompson Hotel, i'm wondering if thats on Broome st??
Yeah, i googled and it's on Broome and Spring.Ugh.
I'm really dizzy. I've been banging my head against a brick wall for the past ten minutes after reading these posts. Wait. I have to wipe the blood off my eyes. It was dripping just a bit.
Now. About Kristen Dunst. You were saying...don't mind the little brown paper bag. I always use it when I hyper ventilate....
Ladies i am so impressed with your efforts!
Keep up the stalking!!
not to divert attn from the ever-important jake-stalking, but i just found a tidbit on the pops for those who love him here:
from the envelop at la times, an online chat with emmy awards contender rob morrow (http://goldderby.latimes.com/awards_goldderby/2006/06/emmys_morrow.html) has this to say about papa:
Rob Morrow: steven gyllenhaal (father of maggie and jake) directed that episode - and he really got me to do some things that left to my own devices - I might not have done ie. playing against certain emotions or playing with them - I credit him - you rarely get that in TV or movies for that matter
sigh, so much talent in that family!
and wtb, you're better than timeout ny, cuz you're jake-centric :)
wtbgirl well done i hope you called in sick this week!
Maybe you can catch him out and about at the weekend!
OK. I went to FilmMagic.com and looked at those pictures. Jake is walking ALONE. Unless he has Kristen stashed in one of those little bags he carries, the people at FilmMagic are delusional!!You know perfectly well that if they were together the paps would be ALL over it!!! Only one thing bothers me. But it REALLY bothers me. Those earlier pics of Jake at an outdoor table drinking some kind of juice with Chris and an unidentified woman. And then they were walking and she was with a bike behind them. She had a dull sundress on, dirty blond hair in a pony tail and a cap on her head. She was trying very hard not to be seen. Head down. Jake deliberately standing in front. That couldn't have been Kristen, could it?
LOL TBL you always come up with such funny things.
anon 12.10.That wasn't Kirsten.It was a friend/g/f? of Chris'.
Okay, there was another Gawker sighting from the 21st:
Jake Gyllenhaal
Jun 21st, 2006 @ 10pm
TOO cute in a white T-shirt - having dinner with a small group at Bombay Talkie
Also, reports are coming in at IMDb and at Oscarwatch of test screenings for Zodiac. There is talk that they may not need reshoots. Also, Mark Ruffalo and Robert Downey Jr. were Gawkered yesterday (seperately)
The Zodiac reports seem pretty good. The IMDb poster said he/she thought Jake played his "usual character, whatever the fuck that means and the OscarWatch thought he was really good. Overall a really good film! I just hope Jake gets good reviews!
Wtbgirl get out on your bicycle! Have you been by any chance?
By the time Zodiac gets released it will be too late to be a contender for the oscars.Damn!
girls, until he confirms the abs by removing his shirt this is a pot-belly! Somehow I find that thought of KD and J. staying at the same hotel quite amusing.
Good stalking reports btw., hilariously amusing.
The way I read the story there were 2 friends...maybe Chris went to visit him for a few days ...I thought they said in the story the friend he's always seen with... I took that to be Chris.
Wtbgirl: Your mission, should you choose to accept it, would require you to watch re-runs of the old TV show "Wild Kingdom." Study the actions of Jim carefully. (He's the one who has to wrestle the animals while Marlon sits in the jeep watching.) Then, use what you've learned when you are stalking Jake in the West Village & SOHO. Take him down to the ground & put a radio collar on the boy. (You will enjoy that part very much, I think. Especially if you have to straddle him & pin him beneath you.) And then stay by the transmitter that tracks his movements & report them to us, so long as the Heavily Bearded Gyllenhaal remains in Manhattan.
I'm mostly confused.
Yes Brits so am i. many a little something to take the edge off?
For those not familiar with the Wild Kingdom Show...This maybe of help.( http://wildkingdom.com )
Anon 12:19 - thanks for the news about Zodiac! It sounds promising indeed! :-)
anon 12.19, you couldn't post a link for the oscarwatch could you?
The Imdb dosen't sound very positive about jake perfomance and another poster said that s/he thought it wasn't as good as fincher's other films.
Here is the link to OscarWatch, kokodee http://www.oscarwatch.com/forums/showthread.php?t=20108&page=1. But you will need to register to read the full thread on Zodiac.
Here is what the person who saw the movie said SPOILERS AHEAD:
I really enjoyed Jake alot, especially when he becomes obsessive about the case. The guy basically had one years long breakdown where his life was the case. Sort of a cross between Crowe in ABM and Bana in Munich.
Downey Jr. was hilarious in is slightly exaggerated self. Definitely a fun character to play I'm sure. His emotions go through the whole range in the film...definitely a scene stealer.
Ruffalo was the emotional core of the film for me. His detective was probably my favorite character. His unrelenting drive to catch the killer slowly turning into hopelessness.
Chloe played the pained wife role well, but her first few scenes with Jake are great. The "most interesting first date ever" line had the audience roaring with laughter.
Many of the other bit players were good with their limited material.
I couldn't believe HOW MANY people were in the film.
Stylistically? Pretty straight forward. It wasn't constantly enveloped in shadows or night like some of Fincher's stuff(though obviously some of it is...and Fincher creates a helluva lot of suspense when he wants to).
*blows kisses*
Thank you!
each picture of Jake makes him look more and more lovely...fyi in the new People Mag there is a small pix of Jake in an article about a plastic surgeon...the doctor lists our Jake as having one of the best noses....
not one of the top ten body parts I frequently fantisize about, but it sure is nice!
and, excuse me, pot belly?!?! That shirt hides absolute beauty...
Whats with all the pot belly talk?It's pure, hard unadultered MUSCLE!
Jesus,the man works out for England.His abs must be like a rock.
'Swooning with desire to run my hands over it'(and the abs!)
Oh no! It does indeed look pot-bellyish!
Stay calm it's a head pillow ;)
nice anonymous, I wory about wtbgirl wrestling Jakey to the ground. I especially worry about her straddling him. I have an alternative suggestion. How about if wtbgirl carries the radio transmitter thingy in the palm of her hand. Upon seeing Jakey, she should sort of sidle up behind him and palm his cute little butt. you know, quickie sort of massage, at the same time surreptitiously affixing the locator transmitter to his ass.This will have a calming affect on him. Then she can give him a winning smile and say, "sorreee! I thought you were someone I knew! You looked familiar." I'm just concerned that if she wrestles him to the ground, both of them might become agitated and we will lose the transmission.
Anonymous 6:41, I share your concerns about the adverse effects of wtbgirl's possible extreme agitation on the clarity & continuity of the transmission signals. I think the procedure you have described -- palming the cute little butt of the Heavily Bearded Gyllenhaal -- is far less invasive, and likely to be less upsetting for all concerned. (We don't want to become too envious of wtbgirl, either -- we've all seen here on this blog how the women who are photographed with Jake are treated.)
Wtbgirl, do it the way Anonymous 6:41 describes it.
And then come back here & describe, in detail, how that cute little butt felt. Sort of the way one of us here described the experience of eating the Sprinkles cupcake. Let that be your standard.
I just hope that big grin on his face in picture #1 isn't due to a secret rendevous with Kirsten. Someone else mentioned that he seems to always go back to her in the summer. If they are seeing each other in secret, then I hope they keep it that way. I sure don't want a repeat of last summer's photos especially the ones taken poolside at a hotel last July I believe. My heart can't take that. I wish I could get over caring about who Jake is with and just admire his acting and beauty. So far it's not working no matter how hard I try...Ok, I guess I'm not really trying.
More pics added at IHJ of Jake playing basketball with Chris and also very happily running into and hugging one of the co-producers of BBM.
Playing basket and drinking mineral water are his trademark these days. I suppose we'll admire this healthy monotony until we see a more adventurous Jake.
I have a suspicion there are more things up in the air than BBall. I couldn't be an actor. Too much uncertainty. It is possible that Jake has several things sort of hanging fire, unresolved. And until all the loose ends are tied there are no announcements. I just keep hoping that sometime very soon, we will read announcements over several weeks of two or three projects finally coming together.
I pray for this. The poor sweet boy needs to occupy his mind, to work,.....
Anon 5:42- What's the matter with you? Jake just finished filming a movie. I think he had a busy year promoting Brokeback, Jarhead, giving countless interviews, going to awards shows, acting as a presenter. He deserves some vacations. If he's happy travelling back and forth between LA and New York, and spend his days working out, playing BBall, or going to a stroll with a bottle of water, so be it. What's wrong with that anyway?
As for having things "in the air". He's probably negotiating roles, going to auditions or perhaps he already has a movie going but won't start filming until later. Or maybe he's just taking a break.
The funniest part of this is that he's all smiley for the cameras and then he sees a homeless person and clearly thinks to himself: I shouldn't be smiling. Look serious, damn it! Ah, what an actor. I love him anyways.
Best regards from NY!
These pics must have been taken before Jarhead, because Jakey has a little bit of a bulge... More Jake to love!
rbwi g / zh 44
Goodness, there is a lot of effective info in this post!
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