This is on the assumption that he has quit smoking and Jake Watch is all about assumptions! There is no denying this is sexy but alas, The Gyllenhaal has chosen to walk the path less butt littered. Hope your lungs can return to a pink and fleshly state. Goodbye
Fag Ash Lil!
Aaaw Jake you're sexy as hell fag in your mouth or not!
Fag Ash Lil! - oh what can i say so sexy!
Is picture from a film?? Or a dinner date? I must say i do like these pictures that are in black and white!
It's photoshopped.I know who did it.
1.14 pm anon
who, who, who, who...
"It's photoshopped" It looks really good who did it?
The picture is NOT photoshopped. It's from Cachet's 1st Anniversary Party and there's more of them at http://jakegyllenhaalfan.com/
That other guy looks like Ashton Kutcher. Is it? I thought this was part of a photoshoot from some fashion mag several years ago. Didn't know it was photoshopped. Oh well.
What section are they in??
You can just hear one of them sayingL "Cigarette me, big boy." Or some clever quote from "The Sweet Smell of Success." Aren't Jake's eyelashes notably lengthy and flirtatious-looking in this picture? ("Wasted on a boy," as my grandma would say.) Why do the two boys both have Ace Bandages wrapped around their left wrists? And does my asking that question reveal that I'm ignorant of some sartorial nicety or club-going etiquette? Is that what got them into the party? Or does it mean they've exchanged commitment vows?
Excuse me, their right wrists. (Unless the photo is reversed.)
Is Jake's throat wrapped in a scarf or an ascot or something? Why do men look so delicious wearing tailored outwear with a longish scarf flung carelessly over the shoulder, a la Aristide Bruant, or tucked up inside the collar? I can never resist a man with a long ... scarf.
I've never understood this picture, although I can't deny it's inherent hotness. That said, I am so glad we are assuming what we are assuming here because Jake does not need to be smoking. How timely, britpop, since the US Surgeon General came out yesterday and basically said second-hand smoke is killing Americans in an epidemic fashion. I'm sure Jake doesn't want to be a part of that. Prophecy Girl: you're constant source of political news.
i don't think it's photoshopped—pretty sure that pic is an oldie that’s been around for a while. i hate smoking, and really hope jake's quit too, but there's something so old hollywood about that pic that's so undeniably sexy... usually maggie's the one i reserve that description for, and jake’s the sunny california boy.
haha, i love it, britpop, "jake watch is all about assumptions". sure, we're wannabe stalkers, and a little obsessive at times, but at least britpop’s witty as helll and we don't have any delusions of grandeur!
SO HOT. So incredibly hot.
And no, that picture is not photoshopped. What would be the reason for doing it in the first place? Ridiculous.
Yeah I just went over to the jakefan site that someone posted on here and saw the other pictures that definitely came from this event. What exactly is the Cachet's 1st Anniversary party?
Yep,he looks very French here, very European, I must say. Cigarettes, wine, scarfs, candles...
Yep,he looks very French here, very European, I must say. Cigarettes, wine, scarfs, candles...
He went through a long French Phase. I call this his "French Lesbian" look:
LOL at the French Lesbian comment.
He's quite beautiful in that picture, but that look is a bit fey for my tastes. And rather too fin-de-siecle; perhaps even a touch too pale & consumptive. (It was all the cigarettes he was smoking, I'll bet.) Marcel Proust, meet your absolute dream of a rent boy. Aubrey Beardsley, here's a wicked little darling for you to draw.
Now he's a burly, heavily bearded athletic type in Ray Charles-style shades. Well, he is an actor, so ....
Does anyone know who is in that picture with him? It looks like Ryan Philippe... or possibly a very young Gale Harold
I hate it that something so bad for him makes him look soooo sexy! I'm another good girl that likes bad boys. I don't smoke and never have, but my husband did. I was definitely attracted to his bad boy image and that's what I like about Jake. Sure, he's sweet and angelic sometimes, but it's this side of him and the risky things he does in movies that totally turns me on....
I don't know exactly what this Cachet's 1st Anniversary Party is but I do know that it was held on November 12, 2001 in Le Deux Cafe in Hollywood. Other celebrities who attended the event were Mick Jagger, Billy Corgan, Audrey Bernstein, Apple Bernstein, Fisher Stevens, Shannyn Sossamon, Ione Skye, Ivonne Shio, Jesse Kamin, Kate Shelter and Tatiana Von Furstenberg.
Le Deux Cafe -that's another French hint- so We are all agree that Jake has here this European freelance hustler image in this pic?
Jakey, whether or not you give up the cigs, you'll always be SMOKIN'! You sexy hunk of burning love.
very "Brideshead Revisited" I think... this photo makes me want to slide out of my chair, curl up on the floor and suck my thumb!
Here's the exact link to the other three photos of this event (with thanks to anonymous 1:46 pm).
I knew I had seen them somewhere before. The black and white pic is the best. Jake definitely looks sloshed in the color pictures!
Oh,man! I do want him to be healthy and all, but let's face it..he looks GORGEOUS smoking! Couldn't he get one of those toy-cigars? or gum-cigars..but no chewing, just keeping it..uhmm..between his lips? GOD..too much detailing will kill me eventually!
Oh,you're right,TBL.Smoking is attractive when it has the classy athmosphere.But that is given by the man,and Jake has his moments of middle 60s and 70s..
You know where they try to keep that bohemian feature of smoking?In plays!In almost every play I have seen, the leading man has to be smoking at some point..most of the times when he's talking about the love of his life,or about himself..it's a manly ego and it gives him the air of an intelectual..Actually it is specific for artists..that smoke you've mentioned that you can smell,either it is near you,or it is up there on the stage. Blurness and mistery. Oh,monsieur Gyllenhaal..
LOL! I can do those too!Actually, Mr Dalloway is an expert with those things..I'm waiting for him to do a square,too,any time soon..
nice anonymous posting means I don't have to. Aristide Bruant, Marcel Proust and Aubrey Beardsley, sigh ...
If these were French cigs I would still go for it. :)
Hey all,
Apparently, the picture that looks like Jake has a nicotine patch has been debunked at IHeartJake. It wasn't a patch but part of a label tag from the picture agency. You can see it all here http://iheartjake.suddenlaunch.com/index.cgi?board=gyllenhaalics&num=1151439365&action=display&start=15. So, while I have no idea if Jake quit smoking, he isn't wearing a patch.
Hey all,
Apparently, the picture that looks like Jake has a nicotine patch has been debunked at IHeartJake. It wasn't a patch but part of a label tag from the picture agency. You can see it all here http://iheartjake.suddenlaunch.com/index.cgi?board=gyllenhaalics&num=1151439365&action=display&start=15. So, while I have no idea if Jake quit smoking, he isn't wearing a patch.
Haha, well there ya go...
tssc.. tssc..
Smoking is horrible (and I miss it terribly) but yes, this pic is amazingly sexy and artistic.
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