My favourite! Pictures at
WENN of Jake, Maggie and Peter eating lunch outside in New York, dated 31st May (they won't let me right click and save, evil bastards). They're only small so I can't decipher whose eating what but I'm taking a stab at Maggie eating salad. Developing...
HIGH RES FROM JAKE'S OTHER LUNCH THAT DAY: 10 down, 8 across, clue: animal found at sea. SHIP'S CAT! (sorry, dad joke)

You can always screendump them using Prt Sc and copy them into MS Photoeditor for example...
Very nice pictures! Southampton mde them goood :)
ISn't that typical for 20-something guys.. "Oh one of my HOBBIES are to cook, I am SO great in the kitchen" etc etc.. ANd reality..they always go to the restaurants for food :o)
Okey, so this means Jake went back to NY after the wedding in the Hamptons. The boy sure has a thing for eating out, I have to say.... Is your talk of cooking skills just bullsh*it Jake? I'm starting to wonder... ;-)
According to IHJ, the unidentified man must be Julianne Moore's husband, Bart Freundlich. The guy in the red shirt has to be Chris, it looks like him at least.
At the jake+maggie+peter pics, jake doesn't eat does he?
In some other pictures posted on IHJ you can see that they're doing a crossword puzzle while sitting at the table.The cutest thing:)
cina> check IHJ media for high res sock watch pics ;)
I can't access the first set of pictures, Wenn won't let me... Anyone else have this problem?
I pressed the preview button on the right....voilĂ ! (then screendumped them so I have them..)
Dear Britpopbaby, I love your site . As for the pictures you may want to try looking in your "cookies" files as your computer often saves a copy of the page you visted to help it load faster the next time you visit. I've been able to get a copies of a pics that way ...but it is a pain in the bottom searching through all those files esp. if youv'e visited many pages. you might organize the list by date to help the hunt. : )
Jake has the sexiest legs ever. And I love a man with a big appetite.
Wee, piccies changing all the time... these I like better (og course).
Crossword! Ah!
Katie n' Cina, its no fun when you have to cook superdupa meals for one!
The fun is in sharing, there's only so many times you keep askin' friends over to cook for them!
Over on IHJ they keep talking about a scab on his forearm in this pics which for the life of me I can't see. I must be blinded the gyllenshades.
I've noticed the mark too... I wonder what happened..
See here...
id=anon, psw=bugmenot
He probably fell playing b-ball or something. It just goes to show that too much exercise is bad for you. (At least that's what I'm saying to myself...)
Or here:
Thanks guys!
Aah, suddenly I see! That looks nasty! oh well i hope he gets nat/chris/kirsten/austin or whoever to aminister some much needed tlc.
Thanks, anon. WENN are a little strict about their photos though so I'll leave 'em alone.
He looks like he's grazed his arm. Looks sore.
Poor darling. Those superficial grazes can be quite painful. Dr. Zoo prescribes plenty of swimming in sea water Jakey!
I wonder what's in that drink. Probably alot of pigment because nothing can have this color naturally or can it??
Okay, maybe it carrot juice. Bye for now :)
OMG, those pics of Jake and Maggie are precious. For some reason, I LOVE seeing them together. When the baby comes, it's going to be the Holy Triumvirate of Gyllenhaal-ism.
Dude....Julianne Moore's hubby is WAY HOT. You GO indeed, girl!
How cute is Jake with his crossword puzzle? Wish he'd sit up straight, tho. I hate when he slouches. Maggie does it, too, I want to yell at her sometimes!
OMG, these pics are HOT!
Does anyone worry about Atticus & Boo developing the feelings of abandonment & detachment typical of children of celebs? Is it possible Jake is a less than perfect parent here? He's away so much. Of course they're being well-fed, etc., but what of their little doggie emotions?
Hmm. "What's six letters and a British sports car that ends in Martin...?"
jesus christ!!! (sorry if i've offended anyone) but he looks fookin' gorgeous in those pictures. I luuurve the J man.
How cute is Jake with his crossword puzzle? Wish he'd sit up straight, tho. I hate when he slouches. Maggie does it, too, I want to yell at her sometimes!
Me too. I think it looks terrible.
"The poochies are..."
Thanks, my mind is at rest. Although as you recall Ma & Pa did not run a pet-centric home for little Jakey. He had to introduce the whole family to the joys of dirty, smelly doggies, etc. But I do think the G's have had their eyes opened.
BTW, how does an Abingdon Sq. girl like you have such knowledge of the goings on in Hancock Park?
I do like his appetite.He eats healthy,he looks a picture of health and i want to shag him.
I couldn't get myself to post here for the longest time because i was stuck looking up his shorts.
Didja see anything?
Hmm. "What's six letters and a British sports car that ends in Martin...?"
Aston not Austin. Close, but no cigar...
Oh, the sight of Jake's legs. When he is sitting cross-legged, gripping his ankle, like a kid, his legs do it for me. He's just a big ole kid, sometimes, especially when wearing those casual clothes he favors.
Also, Jake, I hope that you keep pulling on very baggy, wide-legged shorts. Because the odds are, evetnaully, you are going to get careless & sit at just the right angle when the papparazzi shoots his picture, and we are going to be able to see up inside your shorts. And believe me, that is going to be a Red Letter Day here on JakeWatch. (What is the sound of a thousand fingers right-clicking to save picture to hard drive?)
No wonder why I couldn't finish this puzzle! oh dear. Thanks ever so much : )
Ah! That may prove constructive..."A Shorts Watch" . These long baggie ones make his legs look short and stumpy.
Anom above, Oh all those fingers clicking would pull down the internet for certain! lol
Gotta say, I love Jakey's hair in these pics. Voted for the Jack Nasty hair in a previous hair poll but this is a little shorter than the Jack Nasty. This man is too beautiful.
Short Watch? I may have encompass the whole damn thing and go for 'Attire Watch'.
Well I can not contain my self any longer on the this "Shorts" subject. I know it's been the fashion for some to wear these baggie style surfer type shorts, it's been hanging around like skin tight stretch pants (both eyesores)The clear reason (I say this with love) his legs appear short and stocky is not the (socks)or the ahm ...(clogs) It is the below the knee shorts. His leg would elongate if those shorts were 6 to 8 inches shorter. That's a far cry from any speed-o attire. Still modest but more flattering. I guess I will add it to my nightly prayer list! But my prayers always fall on deaf ears.
Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.
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