ALSO: Miffed found actual Jake news! Amazing...
His heart transplant didn't make "A Prairie Home Companion" director Robert Altman cut back on his marijuana intake - if anything, he's enjoying the ganja even more now.
"I've increased it because of my heart condition. I even have a prescription for marijuana pills," he told us when we asked him about his fondness for the illicit drug.
Thankfully, that new heart Altman got about 10 years ago came from a woman much younger than his 81 years.
Altman loved working with young Lindsay Lohan on his new flick, but he didn't mention whether he and the wild young lass partook of any illegal substances on the movie set.
Although the "M*A*S*H" director said he wants to work with La Lohan again, the young Hollywood star he most wants to rope into his new feature, "Hands on a Hard Body," filming in September, is Jake Gyllenhaal.
The name of the movie may sound tantalizing, but cool your jets, "Brokeback" fans. The flick is about folks keeping their hands on a car to try to win it in a shopping mall contest.
Altman told us he has been in talks with Jake but hasn't gotten a final answer from him yet.
It sounds shit. Don't call Jake, Altman, we'll call you.
From www.nydailynews.com
Pics from http://iheartjake.com
Regarding the photo with the water bottles and the pillow.... well jeez! He has to keep that sweet body of his well hydrated and rested, doesn't he?!!
What?!? An actual JOB? Man, oh man...what's the world coming to?
She does look like Selma Blair, doesn't she?
Don't worry - it was just one day. I'm an official temp.
Welcome to the work-a-day world, brit! As a temp, you'll come to learn a whole lotta crap about not much, but it's all money, right?!
The "airline pillow" looks to me to be an ice pack taped to our little Gyllenwolf's elbow - perhaps he hurt it playing basketball. ;)
I'd take the Altman movie news with a large grain of salt...there's always some Altman movie in the works, or so it seems.
Actually, Kate of Sweden, the Altman thing does sound very serious. It has been mentioned in other interviews with Altman. Also, Altman is a genius director (loved "Gosford Park") and while the concept might sound weak, it could be a brilliantly witty and quirky movie. From other reports in "Entertainment Weekly" he is also trying to get Billy Bob Thornton, Hilary swank and Woody Harrelson, among others for this.
oh my god...that last picture - i think i've died and gone to heaven :-))
Britpop, here is a more direct link to the Altman article, btw
As for Jake in the pics, yeah I think he should be able to go around the city like most celebs and do what he wants and not be hounded. I feel for him and his friends. I hope he doesn't regret coming here. I would love if he moved here because I don't think he would be bothered as much as his "visits"
I normaly miss things when i'm at work at JW.
Brits you need a job that has a computer with Internet! Then you can still update us!
!Also, Altman is a genius director (loved "Gosford Park") and while the concept might sound weak, it could be a brilliantly witty and quirky movie."
I agree with you. His cinema achievements have been awesome -although he also made some annoying stinkers. "The player" is one of my favourite films, I wish Jake got a similar role to the lead of that film -great performance by Tim Robbins- 'cause that kind of ambiguous character fits Jake so much!
I agree on the Selma Blair reseblance. And how jealous am I of her? I think you can imagine.
Lucky biatch.
And that Altman movie sounds like a total drag. Boring.
Yes - I'm having my period. Why?
Owh cina i feel the same!
I agree, miffed, she could definitely pass for Selma Blair’s sister or something. That’s cool cuz Selma and Jake seemed to be good friends, at least back in 2002 right after they did Highway (Jake even interviewed her: http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1285/is_10_32/ai_93211538). There were some rumors linking them, but I think Jake was dating Jenny Lewis then, and besides, they sound more like friends than anything.
Anyway, I also think the brunette looks a little bit like Jake—like she could pass for a cousin or something, though her body language in the pics go against this theory, since paps or not, a relative would probably look a lot more comfortable. But the looking like Jake idea makes me wonder—you know how certain attractive people tend to date male/female versions of themselves? I wonder if Jake is like that at all. Obviously, Kirsten wasn’t, but a lot of people have mentioned her similarities to Maggie, and I dunno, maybe Jake has some Gyllenhaal-love thing going? Okay, my over-analysis is starting to get creepy so I’ll stop… but still, even if it’s just a little true, who can blame him for gravitating towards what so many of us (obviously) adore?
Britpop, good luck with your new job!
I'm fine with Jake being in an Altman film. But that idiot Lohan better not be in it with him. I don't want her anywhere near Jake.
I like that Jake doesn't have an "entourage" of hangers-on. That he just appears to have nice, normal friends, with whom he does a lot of socializing. As for the young lady with the slightly ducked head & the long squared-off bangs (not a wig, is it?), you are one lucky girl. I wonder what it feels like to stand before one's closet, trying to choose a dress to wear for having dinner with Jake Gyllenaal later in the evening. (I don't know, frankly, if I'd be up to it.)
@12:09 surely your not suggesting K D Lang?
LMAO. Well, maybe she could like Ellen did and get Jake to take his shirt off....at least partially! "Again, it's not for me, cuz I don't care!"
I don't know if I lend any credence to the theory, anon. On the one hand, he does seem to gravitate towards people who are not the "accepted" version of beautiful (whatever the media is defining as beautiful that day), which is clearly a category both Maggie and Kirsten fall into. Otoh, Jake's features fall in to what's considered universally and classically beautiful (and I'm talking in sculpture and paintings, as well as other art forms, i.e. photographs, literature, and film) and it stands to reason that he'd be attracted to the same things that attract all of us. The shape of a face, a jawline, a hairline, whatever. But, the outward appearance is only the first attractor...there has to be something inside to back it up, too. I'm scaring myself now.....dissertation done! Sorry, folks!
I would never underestimate Robert Altman. Others have mentioned "Gosford park" and "The Player," both of which are brilliant, but for my money 'Short Cuts", "Nashville," "Mccabe and Mrs Miller" and "Mash" are also works of genius. You never know what you're going to get with him. He's prolific and experimental and sometimes his films are terrible failures in every way. But you can understand why any young actor would want to work with the guy. He's one of the world's greatest directors and he's going to die soon.
(I do have to say, that regardless of the subject matter or whether it's any good, with that title and Jake in it, it will open big.)
As for the pics, I am just heartbroken that he's left LA again. I was taking ridiculous trips to his stomping grounds on the off chance I might see him --- even went to the Whole Foods he shops at. And as luck would have it, I was at the farmer's market on Father's Day (had a BLT at Kokomo's) and didn't see him. Now he's back in NYC and I have nothing to live for.
Finally: I think he may like small blonds. Kirsten, of course. But he goes on about Jennifer Anniston and Ellen Pompeo too. They are all on the tiny side, even Jen who's of normal height, but exceedingly small boned. But it's just a guess.
What does the guy who can have just about any woman really want?
Zodiac is out at the end of the year i think in the US and UK but could be early 2007! Way to long a wait!
what's wrong with Robert Altman? He's a damn fine director. In fact, if Jake agrees to this film, he will continue his tour with working with great directors. Plus "hands on the hard body" is a rather well-received documentary, Altman probably wants to turn it into a "story", I think it's a great idea. I hope Jake says yes. He needs to work (more!)
LOL at KD Lang... let's not go there!
Maxie, you may be right about the small blonds-thing, of his costars, he seems to gush (in a boy-crush way) about Jennifer Aniston, Ellen Pompeo more... although personally I think he looks really good next to cute brunettes like Anne Hathaway, Emmy Rossum, and back in the younger days, Jena Malone. Natalie Portman's another actress that looks great next to him-- although, they too, could probably pass for siblings... haha. Maybe I'm the one who wants to see him with a female counterpart? Speaking of which, I always thought he'd be cute with his other Good Girl costar Zooey Deschanel-- they have the same hair and eyes, she's got indie cred, a pretty voice and is a doll. I'm also eager to see how the Chloe Sevigny pairing would turn out in Zodiac.
I don't really see much evidence that this is necessarily a double date between them. Like someone else mentioned, she might be a friend of Jake's or even just a friend of Chris and/or Chris' girlfriend (if that's who she is anyway). Jake doesn't even look like he's giving her any attention.
1.50 pm i think i have to agree with ya =\
I thought the brunetter looked like Anne Hathaway (his co-star from Brokeback) who's promoting her new movie "the Devil Wears Prada." Maybe she had a chance to hook-up with him? Who knows?
He's not giving her any attention? He appears to be looking at her in the topmost picture, isn't he? So he's not exactly ignoring her, that's for sure.
that movie sounds like a real step down from the focused, humanity-drive films we've seen jake it. i really hope he passes on it.
I dunno. I kinda like the thought of him doing a chilled out movie that dosen't take itself too seriously.
I mean the kid's gotta take a break from playing schizos, insane marines and doomed romantic heroes dontchya think?
''it sounds shit''
OK. OK. The body language on the "night outwith Chris, etc." pics suggests that they are just a group of pals out for the evening...at least in Jakey's case. The girl with Chris might actually be WITH Chris. Beyond his natural sociability, Jake looks like he's not WITH the afore mentioned brunette. Personally, I want him to be with Natalie if he has to BE with someone. She is exquisite and so is he! On Altman: I think Jake would love to work with him. I mean. It's ALTMAN! And I love that title. They just need a different subject. When you tell me Hands on Hard Body and Jake in the same sentence, I just have a different image in mind...other than a car, ya know? I think Jake has maxed out on quirky films. He's done fantasies and has his disater movie over with. He's done his requisite coming of age love story, one where he is a grown man having hot sex in a movie, with Heath. (Yes, he did!) I'm ready for something more conventional. Like UNFAITHFUL. Like BODY HEAT. I'd even settle for a romantic comedy. With sex. One where he is in the tropics. Wearing a bathing suit...as it were. And I think we have to pick his love interest. I mean, if we can't qualify as experts in casting approval, who can?
ooohhh ignoring would be rude and his not.
that would hard, picking his love interest, i cant do that could im too weak.
so... therefore i would pick me, best candidate ;DD lol
speaking of romantic comedies, just saw prime with uma thurman, meryl streep, and this cute guy bryan greenberg-- the movie turned out to be a meh, but the guy kind of reminded me of jake! oh man, but i really want the real thing. oh fincher, hurry up on zodiac, will ya? and jakey take on something soon, please?
I'm not really feeling the Altman movie. I hope Jake passes on this also even though he is on a quest to work with the top directors. Altman certainly has done some great films. I do agree that Jake needs to work more. I just want him to continue to choose carefully. Another fantastic director is Spike Lee. Jake was talking to him at the MTV awards. I hope Spike is thinking of a project for Jake....The person that wanted to know if anyone else was thinking that Jake might start pulling a Sean Penn on the paps - I've been thinking that myself. Jake does seem to be more annoyed lately in pics. Who can blame him. He can hardly go anywhere without being followed. Of course I enjoy looking at anything and everything he does, but I feel for him. I just hope none of the paps try to provoke him into losing his cool because then they will make his life more miserable than they do now.
RE: Assuming the Altman project is going to suck:
Hasn't anyone here read "They Shoot Horses, Don't They"? About the dance contest during the Depression--last couple on their feet wins all the money? Grueling, horrible, slit-your-wrists depressing? I haven't seen the documentary that inspired this Altman project, but the description immediately brought the above book to mind.
It could still be lousy, of course, but not in a fluff way.
Yes, I've read that book, from Horace McCoy. It's an obscure realist story about a man who ends killing a desperate young woman. A harsh ominous reading translated to film by Sidney Pollack in 1969.
I agree with everyone on Jake getting angry with paps. In the last picture, it looks like he is giving them the finger.
He wasn't giving the paps the finger. It was two fingers. It's summer. He's got a beard. It's hot. He sweats. He was scratching an itch. Hey, Jakey,
It's summer. You're hot! I've got an itch...
From other reports in "Entertainment Weekly" he is also trying to get Billy Bob Thornton, Hilary swank and Woody Harrelson, among others for this.
Am I the only person who thinks this movie might be cool??? I mean if the others agree, I think Jake would too... It might be a dark comedy or something...
The Jake-Movie drought suckzzz fat azzz....
^^LOL! I like that.
I thought it looked like he was giving them the finger, too...kinda surreptitiously...but nonetheless!
Yayy, another rBilly Bob fan!
He's not giving her any attention? He appears to be looking at her in the topmost picture, isn't he? So he's not exactly ignoring her, that's for sure.
Technically we can't be sure of that. Other photos in this exact sequence show him turned around talking to Chris. The photo you're referring to appears as though it could be in motion. So if they caught it at the moment where he is turning from talking to Chris towards facing front then it could appear that he's looking at her when he's not. Just an observation. The other pics don't show him really acknowledging her and they appear to have a lot of space between them, plus he appears to be walking away from the whole group for unknown reasons.
Billy Bob made a bad santa... very bad... Bohahahaha... Would be cool if the Bob and the Gyllenhaal were to act in a movie...
On the Altman film:
I just don't see how much entertaining millege (pardon the pun) you can get out of people standing around with their hands on a car. Unless they do flashbacks into their lives or something.
I just remember that episode of My Name Is Earl when Randy was trying to win the car.
It would have to be the most amazing dialogue for them to just stand there are talk to each other for two hours of film!
Exactly. GREAT dialogues, plus Jake IN YOUR FACE for 2 hours. It can be a bit boring during the first 10 minutes. Then Billy Bob starts a truth and dare thingy, and the next thing you know, Jake and Hilary are doing the honky-donk.
Medicated? Me? No. Why do you ask?
there was an episode of that 70s show where kelso was trying to win a truck too... it was goofy, but not movie material obv.
but, ideas such as flashbacks a la lost, or that documentary thing where it becomes this psychological drama thing... that could be interesting?
I remember that!! Kelso was totally whack... Anyways, it should be more darker than that... I really want it to be a dark comedy of some sort. Where they have a go at each other because everyone is being bitchy, but they never let go of the 'hard body'.
What they went through that day leading upto the said competition (or whatever you can call it) would in turn make the rest of the movie...
Jake wins. Drives 'hard body' away from other loses, while giving them the finger.
Oh my my... I'm having a ball with this one. And Jake's not even in it yet..
Whoever she is, she's wearing a hideous dress. It couldn't be uglier.
I totally agree about those long, slender fingers - looking at them sets one's imagination on fire, doesn't it?!!
Well, Jake turned out to be good at playing someone who's down & out in rural America (which was a good acting challenge for him, considering his background & upbringing). And I'd think that's what "Hands on a Hard Body" would be about. If you're poor, having a truck or not having a truck can change your life. And I'd like to see an up-to-date view of rural America. ("Brokeback Mountain" only took it so far.) With Wal-Mart signs looming over everything. Hopefully, the story would be set down in the South, so that Jake would get to show a little sweaty skin & would have a few tight, beat-up Levi's in his wardrobe. Sort of going for a newer James Dean look. He could express some anger & frustration. (As he did in all of Jack Twist's bitching: "I'm mad as hell & I'm not gonna take it anymore.") He's quite good at simmering, testosterone-fueled frustration, with a big side order of sensitivity. There would be a lot of backstory and you'd come to care for each of the characters competing for the truck. That fits in with Altman's ensemble aesthetic. (Whoever made the analogy with "They Shoot Horses, Don't They?" -- that was pretty astute.) Really, yeah, I could see this working. It's a big pecan pie slice of Americana we're talking about here, though.
I like your style, nice anonymous.
Yeah, sounds good to me too.
I mean the plot sounds a bit trivial at first glance but that's what i thought about "The 40 yr old virgin" and it turned out to be one of the best comedies of recent times.
So go for it Jakey! I'm simply dying to see you in a comedy.
Nice Anonymous called me astute (i'm the OP of "They Shoot Horses...")! I never get called astute, or much else smartitude-related. You have no idea how much one little word means to a daily screw-up like me, NA.
Sadly, I'm being completely sincere here. Thank you.
That could actually be Selma Blair, she just filed for divorce from husband of 2 years Ahmet Zappa. That would explain the body language, and a reluctance to start rumours that she left her bloke for Jake. I like Selma! They're supposedly still friendly so...
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