Friday, June 09, 2006


(pics from IHJ, words from my brain)


Nothing Really Matters said...
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Nothing Really Matters said...

Jake Gyllenhaal eager to please! How odd would that picture look if you cut Eva and Justin out!

zoo said...

Oh, I can't bear it. Look at her, all glossy and skinny and self-assured. And look at him, LEKKING as if the continuance of his breed depended on it. My stomach's churning. I'm logging off.

Becky Heineke said...


I sense an uneasiness between Jake and Timberlake. I was disturbed that JT gave him a little pat on the behind after giving him the best kiss award and I think Jake was, too.

Anonymous said...

I love the reference to Nelson off the Simpsons, BPB. Inspired.

Anonymous said...

Did Justin REALLY pat Jake on the ass? I mean, REALLY??!! That's made me feel more than just a little nauseous. I would peg Timberlake as a sexual predator if he didn't look so geriatric.

britpopbaby said...

YAY! We got spammed by porn people! My life is complete.

DKBB said...

Jake was most definitely surprised by that Timberlake butt pat, no doubt about it. ;)

And you know, I'd leer at Eva's breasts too... they are wonderous... and perky ...mine haven't been "perky" in years... they're rather the "hang to the knees" variety now... gravity sucks....

mrs_dalloway said...

porn people :))
Why did they consider we'd be interested? (stupid question just trying to point out the obvious..)..(are WE viewed as porn people?)..(are we porn people?) I have to take a walk.

Anonymous said...

Oh, deep sigh of complete satisfaction. Pictures of Jake, at last. At last. This blog gives me what I need, what I crave: Witty repartee and the comfort of likeminded souls, all of bonded together in contemplation of the rare beauty that is Gyllenhaal.

Anonymous said...

what?? when did that "Timberland" pat Jake's butt????

Anonymous said...

Gah, I take back all the Eva love from before. Shes a bimbo and Justin is a poseur and they made braying asses of themselves. Jake's speeches rocked the casbah and Adam Sandler and Kate Beckensale washed away the Timberfake/Mendez taint left in the air.

He looked so handsome in his tailored shirt. I haven't seen Redheaded Minion since the SAG Awards. Maybe she got in trouble for allowing the boys to devolve into giggles on stage. Wonder where Blondeheaded Minion was. Probably has a family or some such. God how am I going to stand it when he really gets a girlfriend? I know I'll be insufferable.

Miffed67 said...

Gah, I take back all the Eva love from before. Shes a bimbo and Justin is a poseur and they made braying asses of themselves. Jake's speeches rocked the casbah and Adam Sandler and Kate Beckensale washed away the Timberfake/Mendez taint left in the air.'re a genius! Altho, I don't mind the Mendez. As long as she doesn't get any closer, that is.

Anonymous said...

Loving JT's face in the first one - totally nailed what he was thinking britpop. And congratulations on the porn. Less hassle than using the search engine.

Anonymous said...

[b]stupidmansuit[/b], I hate to sound like the obsessed loser that I already am, but actually the chair squirm was his patented "uncomfortable seat adjustment" as seen on Oprah when she was talking about the kiss and talkign about the sex scene. Also, his "Wow, wow" unlike on BAFTA when he was good naturedly laughing because the joke wasn't on him it was just a joke about how sexy he was, this "Wow, wow" had a rueful quality to it. Ever heard the expression, "a smile that never touches the eyes"? Lastly when Eva Bimbo screeched "RACH HAND JOB!" for the 50th and final time, Jake said "Okay I think the joke is over now." or something like that. At work, dont' have my trusty DVR rewind function. I can quote it when I get home after seeing The Lion King tonight.

Yes, I deconstruct everythign that boy does. Got a problem?

mrs_dalloway said...

There are Jake Girls left! I'm so glad! Not that I had smth against the beautiful Satine, but she didn't manage to fit in the group, I sensed. She was a bit hostile there.
Now let's see how this one can handle the situation..

mrs_dalloway said...

If anyone has her already i apologise deeply and I'll adjust Satine and put her back on!Just let me know!

cina said...

I think he was trying to be a good sport on camera. He must be fully sick of the stupid gay jokes by now.

Simon, I'm totally with you on that one. He did look a bit fed up through the smiling during the so called joke... At least to me.

britpopbaby said...

squallcloud, when we inevitably start the Jake Watch Stalking Academy I'm putting you in charge of Jake body language/subtle movement studies 101. k?

Anonymous said...

//Jake said "Okay I think the joke is over now." or something like that.//

really? can we get an expert or someone who can read lips to confirm that? i'm dying to know what he said for sure, and i'm sure one of you talented jake watch folks can deliver, right?

mrs_dalloway said...

Thesweetstone, go to the following link and you can download the moments with the best kiss award and best performance. That's all that matters..:)

Anonymous said...

I found pictorial evidence of the ass-patting incident on IHJ, and I was astonished at just how much Justin Timberlake resembles a foetus. You can tell how gracious and good-natured Jake is, in spite of the same old 'jokes' being spouted for the umpteenth time. What a lovely young man. I want to spread him on toast and gobble him up.

cina said...

jla said: We have to dispatch some highly trained "Jakes Girls" to these events!

Jakes-Girl Honey Ryder signing up for duty - armed and dangerous.

Jess said...

I feel all left out since I haven't seen the award show! :( Got no clue what you're all talking about. Guess I've got some downloading at IHJ to do!

Miffed67 said...

Jake is definitely CLASS and grace personified. I also get the feeling that he's just a little bit ummm, sure of himself? Maybe? Which, excuse SUCH a turn-on. I like men that are sure of themselves, comfortable with themselves and their choices, but not insufferably so, you know what I mean? Ooooo, baby!

That said, CLEARLY the man needs protection from the grabhand masses. We must get this Academy up and running, immediately!

Miffed67 said...

Ooops. Forgot to say, Octopussy reporting for duty! Licensed to kill, baby!

Nothing Really Matters said...

Galore’s Goldfinger ready for action! Putting the (fill in the blank) back into Jakes life!

Anonymous said...

I have never seen a 007 movie. I know, for shame right? So I have no reference other than thesweetestone's avatar of delicious Halle Berry. Yummm A little obvious for my taste but still. Just know I'd be willing to serve in any capacity at the Academy. The work is so necessary when folks get too handsy with our boy!

Anonymous said...

^^ That was me!

Jess said...

Miss Caruso steppin' in to help protect and serve our man - all of him. Reporting for duty, oh yes!

Anonymous said...

Jake's positioning and handling of the gilded popcorn bucket in these photos suggests to me, again, that perhaps he's just not getting enough.

Maybe I'm just dreaming, though, because of the admirable barrel-size of that, er, bucket.

DKBB said...

Miss Moneypenny reporting for duty! I'll put those young skallywags in their place! How dare they touch the Gyllenhaal and make extremely poor-taste jokes at his expense!

Nothing Really Matters said...

Owh Simon have you had a facelift??

Nothing Really Matters said...

11:15 dahling so i really must be off, i need my beauty sleep.

Nothing Really Matters said...

Foxxy Cleopatra your fab!

Nothing Really Matters said...

Nite my dahlings, happy Jake dreaming.

The Chemistry Guru said...

Men, I love this blog! I love you girls, and simon but I'm so proud to be the unique 007 villan amongst you!
Check my pussy out y'all (he's on the right)

And stupidmansuit, I did notice her too, but only in the kissing vid. There are other random seat fillers in the same spot or maybe she was a seat filler herself. A quick glance on IMDB, reveals that she hasn't worked much since DD.

Anonymous said...

jake4luck - I have been wondering the same thing about Heath. I didn't really expect to see him at the awards because he seems to have disappeared with only a rare siting of him. And as many times as Jake visits New York, they are never seen together. I agree that Heath is trying to distance himself from BBM while Jake continues to be gracious and appreciative of the love that is given him - even when he has to suffer through such stupidity as the MTV Awards show. That's why I love Jake and will follow him and cheer him on in any project he decides to do. Heath should take a lesson from Jake and instead of hiding and hoping people will forget BBM he should embrace it and celebrate it for as long as he can. Even though he is a talented actor, odds are that he will never have a part like Ennis Del Mar again so he should be a little more thankful. It probably does have a lot to do with not being as secure with himself. Look at all the crap that circulates about Jake. Yet he holds his head up and still stands tall.

Anonymous said...

I think it's ridiculous to say that Heath is trying to hide or distance himself from BBM. Or that he's not as secure with his image as Jake. Please. He did plenty of interviews to support the movie when the movie came out, it's over now, he's moved on to other projects. To suggest that Heath is not as gracious or doesn't stand as tall as Jake because of this is ridiculous.

Also, his not appearing at the MTV Movie Awards doesn't mean a darn thing about his feelings towards BBM. Many other nominated actors didn't appear as well. He wasn't exactly a sore thumb. I think he is simply a more private person then Jake, nothing wrong with that. Jake makes many, many, more public appearances then Heath does in general. He appears to enjoy and be more comfortable with that aspect then Heath is. I personally respect that Heath prefers to keep a lower profile. He's a class act in my book.

Anonymous said...

Gosh what is with you fans???
Heath is damned if he does and damned if he dosen't.
Did it ever occur to you 'fans' that this father of a new baby may what to spend precious time with his family, given that they pratically had a non-stop promotion of bbm for months even with thier baby just being a few weeks old.
Unlike Jake who's LA based anyway why should you expect heath, to up and be at some award show for a couple of hours from NY. Just to prove that he's not ashamed of BBM?

Anonymous said...

Ditto anonymous 10:51 and twisted fate.
I really think some of these brokefans are overly sensitive.

Look, stop overanalyzing every move of the actors and borrow a leaf from Jake's book.
He couldn't have done withouth Heath and Vice Versa!
You are convienietly forgetting the numerous interviews and shows that heath despite his new family commitments, was able to do in support of the movie.
All of a sudden it suits you to say that he's distancing himself from the film, just because he didn't attend some award show on the other side of the coast?
F3%k you!

Anonymous said...

They are both class acts in my book!
Well done boys on your wins.
By the way britpopbaby i love your blog, and all these bond babes rock too!

Anonymous said...

Heath attended the Golden Globes and Independant Spirit Awards without Jake so it was Jake's turn, plus they probably didn't want to both show up since they'd be expected to re-enact the kiss, and Jake was nominated on his own for his performance so it made sense that he was the one to pick up the award.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the last couple of posters. Heath has been nothing but supportive of the movie, as has Jake. As others pointed out, they have they had an extremely tough year (more than just a year if you count the actual filming of the movie along with the other projects they've done between the filming and the release). But not only that, Heath has more family obligations than Jake does. Jake can afford to fly back and forth between NY and LA as much as he wants to because he doesn't have a wife and a baby at home. Couldn't it also be saying something that Heath trusts Jake to do a great job accepting an award on behalf of both of them?

Also are people forgetting the Golden Globe awards? Jake wasn't at those and I remember all these people complaining about his lack of committment to the movie because of that yet we saw him continue to support and cheer the movie on a lot. So why is Heath's lack of an appearance any different?

And as many times as Jake visits New York, they are never seen together.

As for this, Heath is rarely reported to be seen period. Not every single minute of Jake's time there is recorded. Perhaps when he does visit Heath, Jake is going to his house so they can sit down and chat without paparazzi recording everything. Maybe they would also meet at Heath's house because that way Jake can play with his goddaughter in peace. We just don't know but I have no reason to think that they aren't seeing each other or that there are any hard feelings between them. If anything Jake sounded like he has the utmost respect towards Heath and even got emotional sounding when referring to him.

cina said...

Daniel - well said!

Jess said...

What's that, Heath not being supportive of BBM?? That's just ridiculous. Assuming that from him not being at this award show is illogical. Like people already have pointed out, he's done so much already to show his support for BBM. And now with the baby and family and all, of course he's going to be less out in public.

Heath is great, I love him.

Anonymous said...

No need to get hostile. I stand corrected. I have nothing against Heath at all. I should have thought it out a little further before I spoke. Heath and Jake are both great guys!

Anonymous said...

"It seems to me like he is trying to distance himself from the whole Brokeback Mountain thing. Maybe he's not as secure with his self image as Jake is... "

He doesn´t need to "try" that, because he just did what is normal and healthy: He simply moved on effortlessly. He doesn´t owe undying loyalty to this movie, it´s just a movie for gods sake, like any other movie he made, it was a job, period. He has new projects, he has a family, BBM is just history for him and there is nothing wrong with that. He is a great guy!

Anonymous said...

Now I really feel bad about what I said about Heath. I have never had a negative thought about him until I decided to agree with the original statement that was made. In fact at the time I first saw BBM in January I went because of Heath. I was not a Jake fan at the time even though I had seen several of his movies. I didn't follow his life in the tabloids or the internet. And I did not see any promotionial interviews by either Jake or Heath prior to going to see he film. It was the third time that I saw it that I began to pay close attention to how good Jake was also. Then I made a point of watching his interviews. That's how I became addiced to Jake in an insane kind of way. But that should not take anything away from Heath. So I apologize for an insensitive comment.

Anonymous said...

Dani Don't feel bad. I know that I didn't mean to come across as hostile towards you or anything, I just get a tad defensive for both these boys. ;) I'm just glad that you're open to what we said in regard to Heath's side of things because I know that some people can be really mean about it on the boards. Really, no harm done.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I didn't notice it on the version here but I think MTV edited out some of his speech besides the "as we continue to". If you check out this youtube posting:

At about 2:50 he actually says "really original" in a sarcastic voice which seemingly is about the bad ranch hand job jokes. Jake's probably fed up with the lame comments people have thrown towards BBM and him.

Anonymous said...

What was Heath nominated for...Best kiss? Yeah he's running to MTV studios to be there for that!

Agnes said...

One for me please.

Jess said...

Ooo, martinis, at this time of day?! hell, make one for me too!

Jess said...


Just what I needed. Thank you simon.

*sipping away*

Anonymous said...

Thanks to all who wrote in to defend Heath. I think Heath is one intelligent, articulate, sensitive guy - just listen to and read all the interviews he did when they were promoting Brokeback Mountain.
He's terrific, no matter how squirmish he becomes when he is being interviewed.
I get very tired of people saying why don't we see any pics of them together anymore and do you think they are still friends?
In all the interviews the guys have done re BM they have shown great respect for each other and I'm sure that after the experience of doing that movie - remember how they both said that doing the movie was a very lonely experience - they are indeed friends for life.
I am sure they talk to each other and see each other but certainly they do not need to tell us or call the press when they do?!
They are perfectly entitled to their private lives. We do not need to know everything they do.
Personally I will always be grateful to Ang Lee for introducing so many of us to both Jake and Heath.

Nothing Really Matters said...

yes pussy would like one!

Yet another facelift Simon? Be careful or you will end up like Jackie Stallone.

Nothing Really Matters said...

Just give me the bottle dahline.

The Chemistry Guru said...

Check this out Sisters and Brothers:
"i'll gladly hand him back, in exchange for Jakey." Kokodee holds Mr Mistoffelees hostige!!! The shock. The Horror. And it's all Sarsys fault! No way am I gonna be able to sleep after these news!!!

Sleep tight me dear, 'cause this pussy is staying well put!

Anonymous said...

jake4luck - sorry if I sounded a bit harsh - no hard feelings!

Anonymous said...

//Jake said "Okay I think the joke is over now." or something like that.//

Someone early was curious if this is what Jake really said...
Being an expert speech reader (college can come in handy!) I can say to you all that what Jake said was:
"Guess that joke never gets old."

Anonymous said...

Jake's exact words were, "I think that's enough of that joke." Just watched it again. I've never heard the Ranch Hand Job joke. He didnt' seemt to have either with the "Wow, Wow." It was a new sleazy low brought to you by Justin Timberfake and Skeezah Mendez.

I love how his voice cracked during "This is a big deal!" Also, I wish he wasn't so huggy with that dippy girl afterward. At least he got his gropes in. I loved that he blew that popcycle stand soon after getting the Best Performance popcorn.