Saturday, May 06, 2006


What the Jiminy Cricket is going on here? Whatever it is they both seem to be enjoying it. Did Jake get some spanking tips off Maggie? Is he drawn to the sparkly dress like a moth to a light bulb? Is he dancing? Actually, looking at it more closer, the model looks like she is doing that fake laugh where you're really quite freaked out but you're not sure what to do so you just pretend it's hilarious and hope that humour will diffuse the situation.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Come on girl, shake that ass for me, shake that ass for me

britpopbaby said...

Hi Katie,

The link you posted just takes me to the superficial mainpage and I can't find Jake! I'll keep looking but do you another link?

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, nice pic but to my humble opinion it looks photoshopped (lighting somewhat incoherent). Is the source reliable?

Still in love with yout blog and and your fan right from the start ;)

DKBB said...

I think he's looking at her chest wondering where the h*ll her breasts are...skinny, lanky wench, isn't she? ;)

And, like the others posting today, LOVE your blog!

Anonymous said...

That woman needs to eat something and pretty damn quick before she completely disappears.

Ninni said...

It looks like he's about to hit her...

britpopbaby said...

It's from Vogue so I presume it's legit!

Anonymous said...

love that pic... think mario testino took it.
and yeah... obviously it's photoshopped, it's fashion-pic from vogue.
this blog rockz, keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Now I don't know what the hell they're doing but Jake is drop dead gorgeous. And that's enough for me!

Anonymous said...

the model looks like she is doing that fake laugh where you're really quite freaked out but you're not sure what to do so you just pretend it's hilarious and hope that humour will diffuse the situation.

lol! I think Vogue actually *invented* that. In 1986. I had the back issues up until about a year ago, hehe. If this is photoshopped it'd make sense because Jake really does appear to be in a time warp (though looking f-i-n-e fine while caught). Stay away from the pink mystery drinks and parrots, Jake! Oh, and that's "Obsession" by Animotion playing in the background, just go with it.

Anonymous said...

Looks fake. Jake is alone and they photoshopped a model into the picture.

Anonymous said...

Katie of sweden.Sock watch has been done.Look at old threads.Also i went to the link you gave us,but what are we supposed to see there?I didn't find Jake so if you can point me in the right direction it would help.Thankyou!!!

Anonymous said...

My first thought was "Oh my god... under arm odour..." I bet it was Jake's first thought too.. ;-)

Anonymous said...

come on, girls... they didn't photoshop a model into the pic... mario testino is the god of photography, he is too professional for that... more pix from this shooting here

Anonymous said...

Ok, go to who/jake-gyllenhaal

And there is this headline "Jake likes to bicycle"

Go to that article. The socks are neat. I know some sock watch had been made, and thought you ahdn't finnished them for good ;)

Here is the direct link again /archives/2006/05/02/ jake_gyllenhaal_loves_to_ bicyc.html

(Note that I have out in some blanks in the adress to make it visible in the Comments.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, I think this is "dancing."
But in MY imagination, when I pull her skinny ass out & insert's SPANKING!
Yee HAW!!!
Jake, I been a bad, bad girl.

Anonymous said...

This is kinda cute. They look like their Living La Vida Loca. Look at him boogie!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks Katie!!!The first link worked for me perfect.Yes,we had quite a lot of comments here about the cycling you see it?It was all good fun.Thanks again.x

Anonymous said...

That is not a photo shopped piccie.It's real.Damn that stick insect excuse for a woman!

Anonymous said...

*continues to revel in Time Warp Jake*

"You are an obsession, you're my obsession, who do you want me to be to make you sleep with me..tra-la"

Anonymous said...

I think that Jake is longing to take Daria home & cook a large meal of Italian food for her & make sure she finishes every fork full. The girl needs some carbs. Desperately.

Anonymous said...

Who is Daria?Never heard of her.

Anonymous said...

She has legs up to her armpits.A knee trembler is definately out of the equation!

Anonymous said...

She looks like a mermaid in that dress.

fyn scarlet reed said...

It looks photoshopped because Jake is very awkward in the pic. Awkward but cute as always, though.

Anonymous said...

HAMLET POW POW POW, the pic is not photoshopped. It is part of a Vogue layout Jake did with this model. There are also pics of him in blackk with a black horse. You can find the pics at IHeartJake if you want to see them all.

Anonymous said...

Ah the pics of Jake in black wiht his arm on a horse. I know them well. Thanks for the memories Anon.

Miffed67 said...

I think that dress is gawgeous, darling. Jake's adorable as always, I really think there are NO bad pics of him.

fyn scarlet reed said...

anon 9:42, didn't say it was photoshopped, just that it might give such an impression :]