Wednesday, May 31, 2006


(click to enlarge)
What's that canopy thing in the first photo? God, is it standard procedure of some religion and I'm just being really offensive with my throwaway remarks? Well, you'll have to excuse me - I was raised an Anglican. These are from Pink Is The New Blog. God knows where he got 'em from - not that I'm one to talk. The wedding pics don't look like paparazzi snaps to me - does anyone recognise the bride and groom?
UPDATE: Is that the lesser spotted Sarsy?


Anonymous said...

I believe Jewish weddings make use of canopies which are held over the couple.

britpopbaby said...

I knew it would be some major religion as soon as I typed it.

Anonymous said...

it is called a chuppah and it is a jewish thing

DKBB said...

It was a wedding of a friend of Maggie's, I believe, in the Hamptons (in New York) this past weekend. I think Maggie was in the wedding party.

Miffed67 said...

Iirc, Greek Orthodox weddings also use a canopy? I'm not sure on that, tho.

LMAO, I just emailed you about this, wondering if you'd seen them! Should have checked here first.....

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is a Jewish tradition. Well, after all, he is more Jewish than anything else. His mother is Jewish and you are considered a real Jew only if your mom is Jewish.

Miffed67 said...

^^ What difference does that make? Jake wasn't getting married, it's a friend of theirs that was.

Hey, where's the Sarsgaard?

Miffed67 said...

^^ What difference does that make? Jake wasn't getting married, it's a friend of theirs that was.

Hey, where's the Sarsgaard?

britpopbaby said...

I spotted him! Just updated. Your always one step ahead miff!

Miffed67 said...

Ahhhhh! I see him, I see him!

Heh, he was trying to hide from us, doesn't he know that NEVER works?

Anonymous said...

miffed67,of course, it doesn't make any difference. I was just saying that him being at a Jewish wedding is a normal thing

Anonymous said...

I think that is the 'Gaard.

Sly dog, trying to hide from us!

Becky Heineke said...

He passed up a weekend in LA with me to go to some lame wedding in the Hamptons?! Oh, what am I saying. I would have, too, if I were him.

Anonymous said...

LOL! he seems so bored..i know,jake..weddings are rather fake..but you did nicely with the game!

Anonymous said...

I was just saying that him being at a Jewish wedding is a normal thing

Er, okay? Because being at a wedding of your friend who might be a different religion isn't a normal thing too?

Anonymous said...

Aaaaargh! Forget it! I was just... OF COURSE,it's normal. You guys just keep misinterpreting my words. What a day I'm having... It's quite late here in Europe and English is not my native language,and maybe, just maybe, I am not able to express myself correctly. I didn't mean anything wrong.I'd better go to bed and have a nice dream about Jake...

Anonymous said...

I love how every blog quarrel always ends with the line (or whine): "English is not my native language". Why doesn't everyone on the planet learn one language: Jakish.

Anonymous said...

I wonder who Jake was bodyguarding at this thing.

Anonymous said...

Don't you like how in the group shot of the men. They clear an opening to feature Jake... That's what happens when you have a star to your wedding...they upstage

Anonymous said...

Religious props and what not aside, that guy in the green tie sure isn't letting Jake take in all the limelight. LOL..the cheesy smile... =p

Anonymous said...

"Don't you like how in the group shot of the men. They clear an opening to feature Jake..."

I think you're just noticing it because it's Jake. To me it doesn't look like they were clearing an opening for him. The two guys in front are posing bent on one knee which is leaving the opening. I'd say it's just a coincidence.

Anonymous said...

Man...this was in the Hamptons? I was just on LI. Got back today. In fact, I was out east in Riverhead and all the way to...I want to say Cutchogue...if I'da known Jakey might be around someplace, I would've wandered further! ;)

Anonymous said...

Nice to see Jakey in a suit again. Don't think he's put one of those on since the award season ended. The jeans and tee shirts are nice but he looks his best when he's wearing a suit.

Miffed67 said...

Oh, I meant to mention this earlier....whoever took these pics deserves a stalker award. Way to go, getting surreptious pics of the Gyllenhottie, all under the guise of, "But Jaaaake! You have to!!! It's for the newly married couple's wedding album!!"

Anonymous said...

The Hamptons: Where Rich White Folk Frolick

Anonymous said...

I wonder what they'll think when they find out that private photographs have turned up on that rather peculiar blog? Who's the "friend" who passed them on...

Miffed67 said...

I wonder what they'll think when they find out that private photographs have turned up on that rather peculiar blog? Who's the "friend" who passed them on...

Yeah, I wonder that myself.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, some "friend" huh?

Anonymous said...

Anoymous 7.39 p.m. " Nice to see Jakey in a suit again..." -

I so agree - Jake in a suit = class!
Just look at these pictures from earlier this year:

Anonymous said...

OH GOD Maria! Those pics from the Oscar Luncheon are some of my favorites of Jake! I don't know what it is, but the way he looked there was just stunning! He lookd so damn nice in that suit, smashing!! Oh I just melt whenever I see those pics. *sighs*

Anonymous said...

Very nice group pic. The most happiest (most smiling) persons are *of course* the ones besides Jakey boy :)

britpopbaby said...

Yeah, I'm a little concerned about where these pics came from. Only a little though...

Anonymous said...

It was interview for CNN before the Oscars and this lady was very pretty

Anonymous said...

What? I don't get it....

Anonymous said...

I don't get it either! The pictures I am referring to were the ones taken at the 'Kiss For A B Cause' benefit the same day the Oscar luncheon was held.
Sorry Britpopbaby - please remove the link if it is not supporsed to be here. (I don't want to get you into trouble!).
Pictures can be found over at Ally's Media site; they are listed under Public Appearances - Various Events 2006,
for those who are interested.

Anonymous said...

sorry for the spelling mistakes above!

Anonymous said...

I read somewhere Kirsten was at this wedding?

Anonymous said...

- really ????

The Chemistry Guru said...

So any details on who won a kiss with jake? I wonder how much that would have raised

Anonymous said...

Maria> GREAT pics on that link.. thaaannnks!

Anonymous said...

Phew at Kiki-free.

Anonymous said...

Awww MmmmPeter didn't get any love. I love MmmmPeter. Not as much as Jakey but he has something so delicious going on too.

britpopbaby said...

No linking is fine. I was concerned about the wedding pics.

Anonymous said...

Hey Squallcloud, I'm with you there on MmmmPeter (love that you call him that, btw!) Not as hot as Jakey but he definitely has it going on. And he has the sexiest.voice.ever.

Been lurking here for a couple weeks and I just have to say that I love this place! So clever and funny and always with the great pics.

Anonymous said...

is that Austin beside Sarsgaard?

Anonymous said...

Don't think so - and believe me I look for Austin everywhere - but that guy looks fatter and shorter to me.

Anonymous said...


wow! i can't believe nobody recognized them. i am highly confused though because they got married ages ago. erm. maybe they decided to have the ceremony again? maybe they didn't really have a big wedding the first time? or something...?

makes sense though because catherine was in lovely & amazing with jake and dermot is in zodiac. it's just weird because these pics are definitely recent, mags is preggers.

Anonymous said...

people, it was not in the hamptons, it was in martha's vineyard. (where jakes parents have a house) it is maggies best-friend from childhood. this is for sure the facts, i know someone who was there.

Anonymous said...

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