Monday, May 15, 2006


(more images at iheartjake)
It's all too much to take! Last time I went to the beach a seagull flew into my head and my friend wouldn't let me go on a donkey ride but Jake seems to having no such trouble. And look at that, Boo walked all by himself the whole time. I do love the beach and I love even more how the Gyllenhaals have coloured co-ordinated themselves with their surroundings. Happy 'Mom's' Day, was it yesterday?


Miffed67 said...

Awwwwwwww, it's no wonder Jake is so adorable, look at his family!

What?!? Boo walked? All by himself? I can scarcely believe my eyes!

Anonymous said...

And you know his Mom is saying: "Jake, when we get home ... PLEASE let me launder those jeans."

Anonymous said...

Some of these shots are so, well, composed-looking, that I'd imagine they might have been taken with the Gyllenahaal's consent or even with their collusion. Perhaps they are trying to give us a legal, controlled, sanctioned way to satisfy our overwhelming cravings for candid pictures of Jake impersonating an ordinary 25-year-old Californian.

Anonymous said...

So, detective Katie speculates... THIS was yesterday. They HAVE a computer at home... Jake has a rather high tech mobile phone... just imagine..them sitting surfing by the computer... Stephen says: "look at this jakewatch site Jake"..."Now WHAT is THAT?". "A piccie from my upcomming book....!!!" The rest is history... :)

Becky Heineke said...

Sensory overload in the best possible way. I love pictures like this...I just hope they were consensual.

Anonymous said...

PS If Jakey has a high tech mobile phone...he SURE knows about every fan site..he can't be a computer analphabet..

Agnes said...

So Boo actually can walk, good to know. I learn a lot at jakewatch :)

Anonymous said...

Oh bloody hell, I seem to be developing a 'thing' for Poppa Gyllenhaal. If you take a look at the other photos from this set on the IHJ site, you'll see an unbearably sweet one in which Atticus is sitting directly in front of Jake, staring lovingly up at him. Never in my life did I imagine I'd ever be jealous of a German Shepherd.

Anonymous said...

'he can't be a computer analphabet.. '
LOL!!! i am sure he knows these sites and he even checks them up once in a while..
The pictures are too good! even artistic..they have something to say - the one with the seagull..either they put a good and talented friend to imortalize their walk, or the papparazi got sick of dirty work and now are going for artistic recognicion,too..

Anonymous said...

Strange...Jake kept his shoes on to walk on the beach, yet took them off to walk on the STREET. Hmmm...

Anonymous said...

That's Jake's dad walking barefoot, not Jake. Easy mistake to make though.

Anonymous said...

That's Jake's dad walking barefoot, not Jake. Easy mistake to make though.

Anonymous said...

That comment was so fabulous, I decided to post it twice.

Ahem . . .

Anonymous said...

Sweet pics...
Love JakeWatch..... so classy..

Anonymous said...

This is when my enjoyment of the paps pics gets tainted. These are beautiful pictures, but they were taken YESTERDAY and they're already up on IHJ?

To my mind, that's really creepy or really manipulative. (Creepy being way too close for comfort on the accesibility of these pics and manipulative being the Gyllenhaals being the folks behind the scenes at IHJ.)

Miffed67 said...

Poppa is a quite a handsome man as well. Like father, like son.

I thought the same thing when I saw these. Easy to see where he gets his looks from, both parents are nice looking.

Anonymous said...

dear gawd even Poppa G knows how to fill out a pair of jeans!

Anonymous said...

Some seriously lovely pictures those!! And yes, the poppa's a looker too. Although calling him poppa G makes me think of poppa Smurf, argh...

Anonymous said...

Those are like the cutest pics ever!! (I realize I sound like a 14-year old here... lol!) But really, I LOVE THOSE PICS!!

Anonymous said...

Such a lovely family! These pics are sqee worthy.

Nothing Really Matters said...

Such a sweet family, i wish i lived near the beach. It looks so nice.

Miffed67 said...

dear gawd even Poppa G knows how to fill out a pair of jeans!

Ha! That's because Poppa's jeans actually FIT (and nicely, I might add.) Jake can buy a Mercedes, and a dog, but not a new pair of jeans. What's the world coming to?

On another note, how cute is Atticus? He looks like he had lots of fun. I had a German Shepherd once, they're wonderful!

Anonymous said...

These are cute pictures. My only objection though is that if you look at all of them on IHJ, you can see Jake closer up when they're walking on the streets. Despite wearing sunglasses you can see that he's looking pretty annoyed. You can see his eyebrows are drawn together in the middle and that he has kind of a "hey, what the fuck" face on when looking directly at the paparazzi.

Anonymous said...

This is overly gushy...but I don't care...Jake hanging out with his parents and dog is just the cutest thing ever. Cute. Cute. Aaw.
OK. I'm done.

Anonymous said...

I hate to admit this, but I looked at these pics and my immediate reaction was: fakey. fakey fakey fakey.

But I will look on ihj at larger ones before I decide for sure.

Anonymous said...

Well, Jakey is number one, but sign me up for the "Papa G. is Hot" club!

DKBB said...

...what squallcloud said..."squee worthy" pics, yep! :)

Anonymous said...

Well, we have sporty, in-touch-with-his-boyish-side Jake, based on all the skateboard & etc pictures.

And now we have beachcomber Jake, who loves his dawgs, here illustrating family values of a liberal clan in a nonthreatening way for the Red State fans.

Such a very wholesome image. And you know, I even believe it. I'm convinced.

Anonymous said...

Is it healthy to be jealous of a dog??? I mean... hypothetically of course...

oh is that a leash around his neck?? Is it healthy to be jealous of a leash??? Again.. I'm just asking...

Anonymous said...

Don't worry Silver - nobody's healthy here! LOL

Anonymous said...

Well I'd have an annoyed look on my face too if the paps were taking my pictures. Still, the photos are totally sweet.


Anonymous said...

Thats exactly why I come here everyday Cina. To enjoy the beauty of a crazey world where 2 dogs are luckier than all of us put together. LOL. and 2 leashes. damn those leashes. They are making me think naughty...

Anonymous said...

Ahh, I love his bare feet, they're so pretty.

Yay, Bex and I get a pound!!

Anonymous said...

Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.

Anonymous said...

Jakey's parents are a couple of Hollywood hypocrites. I once had the pleasure of telling papa G to f**k off. The whole family is scum.

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