Ah, my favourite pug/beagle cross pollinated pooch has been spotted once again. Feels good. It's been a long time, Boo, shouldn't have left us without a dope beat to step to! But something is troubling me, dear readers. I was going over the delightful Gyllengroup shots from this weekend and I noticed that BOO HAD DISAPPEARED! MID-ACTION! How did this happen? Where is he in this picture:

(Click to enlarge)
Well, I put on my Sherlock Holmes deerstalker (doesn't everybody have one?) and got down to some serious investigating. I soon located the problem, without Watson's help I might add, and the culprit responsible for Boo's mysterious removal is none other than one Atticus Finch Gyllenhaal!
Look at that! Trying to shove little Boo-ga-loo out of shot! Using his size to overshadow the wee one. Jealously, thy name is Atticus. Case solved. I'm off to smoke my dope and pluck at my violin so farewell until next time, mystery aficionados!
Poor Boo! He must have an identity problem, by now..
"Jealousy, thy name is Atticus"
LOL, that's too funny!!
Yes, there might be some big brother/ little brother thing going on, especially if Atticus has heard about the Boo Watch. Hope Jake's aware of this, there's propably books for him to read on this alarming doggy behaviour.
Gosh, you are just too much, britpopbaby!
And might I add, you have too much time on your hands... ;) Keep up the great work!
You know what? I think Atticus is just trying to protect little Boo from the Paparazzi, after all he's the "big brother" and probably feels his responsibility. I refuse to believe that Atticus is nothing but a goodhearted dog. ;-)
Cina.... LoL
Protecting him from the paps... hahaa :D
LOL! I just love this blog! You always make me laugh, britpop!
Now, if only Atticus could protect Jake from the evil fiends...
Good investigation work there!
Uber lol. Noticed how Jake still had his arm out as if he had an invisible dog on a lead a la Peter Kay. But the dog lead was also invisible.
Ha Peter Kay! I found this picture of Jake where he is pulling the same face the Kayster pulls when he's impersonating Bully from Bullseye! Sorry Americans, that'll make no sense!
ROFL !!!! This blog is great, thanks Britpopbaby :)
I rarely laugh out loud when I'm reading blogs, but
It's been a long time, Boo, shouldn't have left us without a dope beat to step to!
had me giggling my ass for a good few mins! You doth rock profusely.
I wonder if you've you heard of the Aaliyah vs. Mya feat. Sisquo mash? I think it just may be up your alley...
Anyways thanks for updating Boo Watch, my favourite semi-regular JW section, and in such an adorable way...
I'm so happy someone got my Aaliyah reference! And no, I have not heard of this remix of which you speak...
I'm so happy someone got my Aaliyah reference! And no, I have not heard of this remix of which you speak...
I really recommend d/l-ing the track if you have a p2p file sharing program (like Kazaa or Limewire)... mash-ups usually involve juxtaposing the music of one track with the lyrics of another, creating an entirely original (often illegal!) postmodern text. You can find 'high concept' mashes such as 'Eminem vs. Shakira' or 'Nirvana vs. Destiny's Child'... then there are also more subtle yet equally confronting blends, of which 'Try Again' vs 'All About Me' is my favourite! The music and vocals chase each other around with ever-increasing intesity to create a musical experience that is both all over the place and immensely polished.
I think mashes might appeal to you even more if you enjoy postmodern theory, come to think of it! :o)
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