Look, Jake, if you want us to stop stalking you then stop being so damn sexy. We're only human, we can't help it and it's a two way street you know. Of course there are other things we'd rather being doing with our time. Do you think we want to sit at a computer and stare at pictures of you going about your daily business, all the time? No. We just have no choice because you're so damn sexy. Sexy.
Did someone throw that jumper at him? It looks like they did! Hey, maybe Jake is starting a new crazy like Tom Jones, but instead of throwing knickers at him they are throwing jupers at him! He will have to do better than that to hide from us! Or maybe he found out about the parking meter stealing and decided not to stare at anything so no more crimes would commmence. Hmmmm I wonder.
Don't cover up Dill Jake! He needs to breath! That is blatant miss treating of the beard!
I wonder if theres a picture of him walking into a lamppost or a tree somewhere...? I fear for his safety walking around the streets of NY with a jumper over his face.
When I first saw this picture I laughed my ass off... but then it made me really sad. Do you think he's really doing that to hide from the cameras? That it's gotten so bad he has to walk around with a sweater covering his face? Or is it just some really strange there's something else going on that we don't know about moment. Poor guy, no wonder he grew the beard and always wears sunglasses... Not that that will stop me looking at pictures, but I do feel kind of guilty about it now...
But good point anon.
Yeah, I agree with Anon. I hope he's not being so hounded he's taken to hiding. I remember how much it saddened me to see my husband (Prince William) hiding from cameras when he was younger and I really hope that doesn't happen to Jake.
Oh, you've got nothing to whine about, at least you're in the same city. Or country. Or continent.
Damn this cold, lonely city/country/continent. (note to self: move to LA)
First thought: Why the hell aren't I in NYC?
Second thought: Poor Jakey...but you're right Brit....if he stops being so Goddamn sexy, we'll stop stalking him like crazy....stalkers.
Jake, if you're having such a bad hair day then get your stylist to SORT IT OUT. You should be grateful you can afford one. The rest of us don't have the luxury and have to resort to Great Looks No. 427 'Jumper-a-la-tete' whereas you have no excuse. Must try harder.
This is very saddening. He is a very tolerant, good-natured chap so he must be really sick and tired of all this nonsense for him to resort to doing this.
oh god I laughed so much when I saw this pic. Im sorry I do feel bad for him, but it's just so damn funny! Honestly, If he wants people to stop taking piccies he should stop working out......it's not our fault we have lady hormones! Bless 'im, he better get used to this.
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