I remember when Ben Affleck went through a frosted tips phase. It made my stomach turn. It was also around the same time as his Pearl Harbor phase so maybe that was also related to my dismissal of him. With this picture however I'm not sure how to react. My love for Jake will always overwhelm any other feeling that may surge up but this bleached, Paris Hilton shade of fake tan, embroided silk jacket and weird hand posturing combo must be my limit. Thankfully this happened a long time ago and I have seen no repeat peformances. If he still walked around dressed like this I would have more reason to believe he was actually gay. It certainly puts the cycling outfit into perspective.
hmmm... I don't know what to say except not nice.
Ha! Ha ha ha! That doesn't hardly look like him (thank God).
MMMMM....he looks good to me. I don't think there's ANYTHING he could possibly do that would make me not want to lick him.
I hope that stylist got sacked because that is f*cking inexcusable.
Ummm I wouldn't call it gay so much as corny. Jake can do gay in a very masculine and sexxxy way. I recall a cover of "Out" magazine where he was just lifting up his shirt and showing us his well defined stomach and hip muscles. That was gay. And that was hot. This shot however, is just strange. Jake mugs. A lot. I love him for it and nothing will make me turn away from him. If he can wear the same jeans for like a week strait and I'm still after that ass, then I'm hooked me thinks.
Alright, not so much gay as CAMP.
This is Jake doing an 80s turn, at the behest of some sadistic photo stylist. The vibe is very Billy Idol, it seems to me. This is one of my least favorite photographs of Mr. Gyllenhaal. Thank you, stylist, for taking such a handsome, "fresh-faced" young man and making him look silly -- though, to be fair, he seems to really enjoy mugging and probably got a kick out of the whole thing.
He looks like Paul Danon in that picture.
Is that his imitation of shooting spider-man webs? Eat that Tobey! But wait, even Tobey is hotter than Jake in this pic...why Jake? Why?
Is that his imitation of shooting spider-man webs?
I thought that. I hope that. I just can't think of another reason why someone would pull that pose!
Oh my. That is a little frightening. Anyone know a good nearby clinic where I can get my memory erased?
I love when Jake "models," but this spread had a few doozies. This one in particular always makes me feel a bit uncomfortable. Also, the kung fu one from the fabulous B&W shirtless set last year. But it's the risk taking that leads to the gems, too!
With the sheer number of photo shoots he's done over the years there was bound to be drunk-on-vision photogs getting to him, heheh; this is dire, I agree.
I'm so glad he didn't do Spiderman. SO GLAD. Except he would have if Tobey hadn't recouperated. *shudders* Stay away from the superhero roles, Jake, I beg of you. It's instant mediocrity and homogeneity, imo...not that I have any sway, lol.
I heard he's in talks for the next Batman movie... does anyone know anything about that?
I want him to get the batman part. Sounds interesting. He'll be getting back to his dark roots but in a big mainstream movie.
Woah...<__< *cough* that's really not the sort of picture I want to see about you Jake..v__V Really...
I wouldn't actually say that it looks gay ('cause he can look gay, but be nevertheless incredible hot XD)but naah... I don't know..<__< I doesn't look too great, more like some rapper or so... and I simply HATE that jacket! XD God, aweful!
Let alone the pose, the strange light and yeah...xD I guess, I really don't like this picture...
Sorry Jake.^^" Hopefully you're not going to do more things like that...
mossy, you speak-a -my-language!
I am so relieved he didn't get Spiderman...OR Moulin Rouge for that matter. I'd love to see the audition tapes, but that movie made my skin crawl!
As for Batman, JG's associated with the D.A. Harvey Dent part, maybe to follow up in a sequel when Dent turns bad, as Two Face.
Oh, and no Green Hornet either, please!
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