Occasionally, the evil-doers of the world let their jealously overcome them and they decide to make Jake look less than great. I know! You didn't think it was possible but you can't ignore photographic evidence.
Side stepping the fact that they've managed to cover over his whole face with netting what's this even supposed to be? Beekeeper?
He looks like he might be auditioning for the role of Indiana Jones's lily-livered sidekick whose really kickass at archaeology but is allergic to dust and suffers from heat rash.
Note to photographers/stylists: No more net hats. We need Jake face.
Is this from the Details 12/05 photo shoot? There was some great photos, this was not one of them!
All I'm wondering is - Who the hell came up with the idea?! He/she must have been high on crack or something....
Jake's still hot though.
thank god someone in JG fandom land finally said it: this picture looks fucktarded. On the squeeee sites you are required to squeee equally over all new pics, even those that, like this one, are craptastic.
Dear God in Heaven, why would anyone want to cover up that beautiful face, UGH!!!
I agree, bad picture of Jake and I thought that I would never see a bad pic of him!! BTW, I love this blog!!
You can tell from the look on his face that he thinks it's lame.
That just destroys the whole point of pictures of Jake - no face, no body = nothing.
The only time it is acceptable to cover up his face is when he's acting, because then at least we've got something...
Add this to your nightly prayers: Deliver our Jake from the "good" ideas of overly creative stylists.
oh dear, I can't look, I just feel...well, embarassed for him
He looks sliiiiiightly pissed off here.
hahahaha!!!!! he looks like a 12 year old boy dressed in an apple outfit for halloween..knocking with his mother at the neighbours' doors..Poor Jake..BPB,you're damn funny!
awwwwwww, poor jake! this is the only pic of jake that looks bad. well, that and the pap pics that look all fucked up....thanks a lot paps!
is it just me, or does the net...hat....thing make a shadow on jake's mouth that looks like he has a moustache...a fucked up one, that is.
jake looks sooooooo pissed off in that pic! he's tooo sweet 2 say this, but I woud tell the photo ppl 2 get a fuckin life if I were him!!!!!!!!! hang in there jake!
awwwwwww, poor jake! this is the only pic of jake that looks bad. well, that and the pap pics that look all fucked up....thanks a lot paps!
is it just me, or does the net...hat....thing make a shadow on jake's mouth that looks like he has a moustache...a fucked up one, that is.
jake looks sooooooo pissed off in that pic! he's tooo sweet 2 say this, but I woud tell the photo ppl 2 get a fuckin life if I were him!!!!!!!!! hang in there jake!
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