They (the babies)...can be seen in new movie, Zodiac, which comes out in September and features Jake Gyllenhaal. In a scene, Gyllenhaal rocks a baby and hushes her to sleep. According to Marsha, Kiley peed on Jake in real life. The twins had to wear cloth diapers, a common practice during the time period of the movie. But Gyllenhaal didn’t complain.“He was so nice,” Marsha said. “He was really good with them.”
Again, this is doing bad things to me.
AWWWWW!!!!! All I've got time for...
A baby in those arms and hands? Lord have mercy. I'd probably pee too from sheer relaxation and blissed-outness. A scene integral to the plot or just a sly move to cause a million wombs to spontaneously combust? lol.
I almost died when I read that. Seeing Jake rocking and hushing a baby to sleep will make my hormones go wild and my uterus scream his name. As a matter of fact, it already does...
I just can't wait for this film.
My ovaries are weeping.
My something else is weeping!
James Blunt has vocal chords?
I can't wait until this movie comes out!
Haha, someone really should kick James Blunt in the face, he does have it coming due to the whole annoying girly-man-voice thing... Jake doing it would definitely be a plus though...
Colin Hanks is toothy tile
I'm beginning to think those babies are looking a little too pleased with themselves.
A little? They're all "look at us, we got held in the muscular yet tender arms of the J-man, jealous much?" Especially the on the left.
They're just rubbing it in aren' t they...I hate babies.
"James Blunt has vocal cords?"
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