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here. Love it or loathe it, the beard looks like it's here to stay and he's wearing that navy woollen sweater with wooden toogle again, we shall deem it his "Favourite Jumper". His friend is wearing a horrible top but she ain't famous or sexy so lets not discuss it any further.
(NB: Jumper = British for sweater.)
Jake's got a a bit of bed hair there. ;-) The beard makes him look grumpy all the time. Is he off-duty and bumming around town these days? For someone who likes to cook, he sure eats out a lot. And there hasn't been any sighting of Atticus and Boo for a while... He's happier when they are around.
I guess Atticus and Boo is with... what's her name again... ah whateva. ;-)
Your blog makes me laugh every day! Thanks for that, keep it up please!
Maybe someone freed Boo and Atticus?
Umm...(looks around all shifty)...it wasn't me.
I know what you mean! That woman is ugly. I mean look at her choice of clothes, green isn't her colour and look at the shape of her jumper, yuck. And she has no ass! This is how I know that her and Jake are no more than friends. I have deduced he is more of an ass man than anything else! And I don't mean that in a "He like ass, he is gay. hahaha!" kind of way. I mean it in a "he likes people with big asses" as in "I like big butts and I canot lie..." There you have it. Jake is a gangsta who likes asses. My fact of the day!
I'm far too old to access IHJ, who is this woman please? Lovely blog, thanks.
The woman is his publicist, and she's married.
But I'm Jake's publicist!!
^^^ LOLOL!!
Poor Jake...so grumpy-looking...
Maybe he should come over to England - we'd make him feel loved...
He can't handle the English press! That lady at the BAFTAs damn near killed him!
As for Jake liking big butts, someone over on IMDB did acuse him of being half black...hmmm maybe some truth to that rumor after all
Yeah Jake is a big bad gangsta, who likes big butts and has a "I'm too cool for school" atitude. I actually don't know who the hell came up with the idea that he was black, but I do know, "I pitty the fool who thinks he is black, I do"! But seriously can't you picture Jake singing "I like big butts and I cannot lie..." hmmmm I see some photo-shop coming up. Blup!
Naaa Lauren is right, us Brits would take care of him and snap him out of his gangsta ways. Snap him like a biatch, who is with me sisters?
Sorry the Blup! Was supposed to go after "Who is with me sisters?" When I was being all chavy. So here is another:
Seeing as we have got sock watch I think we should have pocket watch aswel. I mean just look at that photo; hands all in the pockets. So this is exhibit #1. I also know that there was alot of pocket action at the Oscars. Pocket Watch over and out!
While I don't think these pics look in anyway date-y, I also don't think this is the same publicist (or employee or whatever) we saw next to him at the Academy Awards or walking next to him on the Zodiac set. This person looks younger to me, late 20's to early 30's, whereas the other person looks about 10 years older than that to me.
And this is important because...I like to type or something. I dunno.
Maybe Austin has the doggies to keep him company wherever Jake has him stashed away. We haven't seen him of late either, have we? Anyone know his 20?
She's one of his personal assistants, and she's married. His other other PA is a friend, the young man that he was at the Baftas with, and also, the last I heard, was an assistant to Kirsten as well.
I thought that was a whole at first in his sweater. Now that I dind out its a toggle, It takes down the sexiness of the look quite a bit. Lord, my grandmother wears sweeaters with wood toggles on them!
These pics are interesting. Two things about them :
-He's in a bad, bad mood lately
-When he's in a bad bad mood he doesn't look at you and usually hurries up to his car or something...
Oh oh, he's one of these men that doesn't like to discuss and leave you speechless?
hahahha..I agree that lady is wearing a pretty rubbish jumper
Poor girl! It's not that bad! But you know, if she's his assistant, she can't dress better than him! He's the boss.
*dances and sings like in a conga line* The Beard is here to stay, Wooh! The Beard is here to stay, Wooh! The beard is here to...
Ah, another beard fan...welcome!
You know Ted Casablanca likes the beard too. Personally it makes me wonder. All this talk of beards what is Jake trying to tell us? Where the hell is Austin? Is he sporting a beard too?
Didn't someone say on IMDb P Sarsgaards board that he thinks Peter has a big butt?
Just sayin'..
I am not another beard fan, I am the ULTIMATE beard fan! #1 to be exact!
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