Are those green jeans? Moving on, it's good to see Jake sticking to the snug fitting clothing that we all love so much. I'm just fearful for his safety as he seems to be dismissing his Pop's warning to look both left and right as he crosses the road.
Wooh!! First...
Personally, and this is a little strange, I find Jake's dad damn attractive (though not really in this pic). Of course he's nothing on the sex god that is Mr Beardy-Beard.
Hmm, what is with the ignoring. Maybe they're all members of Kill Dill and he's a member of SOD...
He doesn't look all hostile like in the ones with his mom though. Also I am happy to see that I was totally wrong that he was getting puffy or chunky--see what a difference a decent-fitting shirt makes? Someone needs to steal that postal-rag and burn it.
I guess it's a question of delayed teenage defiance on Jake's part. He's finally breaking free from his parents! The man has had enough - at age 25!!
Y'all are joking that it would be weird to find daddy g. attractive, right?
That is a goodlooking guy. Guarantee you, if you were in line at the grocery store next to him, you'd be saying, damn, he's wearing a ring.
Don't forget he's even taller than Jake, if you go by most of the pics I've seen of them together.
Stop. Just stop right there. There shall be no fornicating over other men whilst at Jake Watch, no matter how closely they are related. I will accept slight crushes on Sarsgaard but that is it!
Not saying this in a mean or snotty way (although correcting people is a dicey business that usually comes off that way) but, in the infamous words of Inigo Montoya: "I do not think that word means what you think it means."
Fornication=having sex, specifically with someone you aren't married to. You could see how misusing it in the wrong situation could be unfun.
Jake's dad is half of Jake, so therefore, I'm pretty much still perving over Jake.
Yeah, I misused it. Soz. I don't know what I meant to say and I still can't think of the word but FYI it can also mean infidelity as in disloyalty, which is kinda what I meant. Your not my friend Anneka are you? She's always doing this to me!
nope, not anneka. seriously, fornicating means nothing except f***ing. i only put the correction out there because it reminded me of this one friend I had a waaaay long time ago that thought "in heat" was the same as "hot for it" or "horny". Yeah, technically they all mean "want sex" but no woman should ever, ever say they themselves are "in heat" and anyone who has seen a female cat in that stage knows why. So I corrected here in spite of thinking it is generally a very rude thing to do, because I didn't want her to say it in a different situation where it would be really uncomfortable.
I should not have posted this anonymously the first time, that was low. If I'm going to be a jerk, I should take responsiblity for my rudeness.
And I do get a huge kick out of this site; you are very clever and I love a lot of your subject headings. "Jake now ignoring father in his big ignorathon" is hilariously beautiful, or beautifully hilarious.
Big Ignorathon. Hee.
The more I look at this pic the more I love him in this outfit, particularly this shirt. Why can't guys my age learn that you can be comfy and casual without looking like hell in gross old shorts and tees?
You weren't being a jerk. I always need correcting.
But it does also mean infidelity:
I think the word I meant to use was gushing or drooling.
Uh-oh, stand back everyone, one of cim's great passions has been triggered: the importance of the source of a word's definition!
Thesaurus.com and Dictionary.com are not in actuality "a" thesaurus or "a" dictionary. They are search engines for words on the internet. The quality or authority of them is...well, could be ok, could be awful; it's a meta-search engine, so the definition that is shown first is whichever was 'returned' first by the search. It gets to be called dictionary.com because the site owners had the foresight to buy the domain name first.
The author/publisher of a dictionary is critical--I mean I am putting this out there in the general sense, because it is so important but so little known. For example, anyone, yes anyone, can publish a list of words and call it Webster's dictionary. It can be total garbage, written by, oh, me for example. The one you can trust is Merriam Webster. I'm an AHD girl meself (American Heritage Dictionary) which is available online, I think via Yahoo.
Everyone, everyone get excited about good dictionaries! Get passionate about either Merriam Webster or AHD! I have two AHD's, the beautiful full-color full-sized one (main entries are in dark forest green instead of black--soooo readable!) by my computer and the more compact (but not abridged) college edition by my bed.
Particularly because the dictionary definition (denotation) of a word and the social/colloquial/in-use meaning of a word (connotation) can make all the difference in the world, but an inferior dictionary isn't the smallest help in understanding the difference between the two when one wants to use an unfamiliar word. (btw that's another reason I am an AHD girl: the usage panel. word experts that talk about 'problematic' words. sometimes they agree, other times agree to disagree. sounds fascinating, eh?)
I am a dictionary girl myself. Got very excited when I bought a new Oxford College Edition.
ooooh is that the super-compact one that comes with the magnifying glass?
I am humbled--arrogant of me to post here about dictionaries, what do I know from dictionaries!!
I'm so jealous.
In case that comes off wrong, as I often do, that's pure genuine gushy.
Ok, ok I concede!!
At last. A blog where the finer points of grammar and spelling can be openly and honestly discussed without fear of embarrassment or ridicule. A blog where Standards Matter. Ah. Feels good.
Diction, grammar, blah, blah, blah...
Jake does a very good Terminator impression, no?
(BTW, I LOVE him)
This is not exactly related to this post on the Ignorathon, except that the picture is whhat made me think of it: I don't think I have seen a pic of J with the FULL beard--but without his sunglasses. I can't even picture it.
Am I crazy?
That's true, cim! God, maybe it's not Jake at all and we've been stalking some decoy!!
Cim, those pictures of him at the Lakers game show him with his beard and without his sunglasses... though he does have a hat on in those, LOL. I really do want to rip those sunglasses off his face though, it cracks me up, he seems to always be wearing them even when no one else is, when it doesn't seem to be sunny at all. Do you think it's part of his attempt to hide from the psychos with cameras?
Jakey, Jakey...has no one ever told you to respect your elders?? Tut tut...
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